Want to Get Strong at Home? Here Are 7 Bodyweight Strength Workouts Your Muscles Will Love


If your at-home gym — or, you know, that corner of your living room where you squeeze in your workouts — is lacking in the equipment department, you’re definitely not alone. I finally managed to get my hands on a few sets of light dumbbells, but even those are no match for my gym’s weight racks and rows upon rows of machines. (And floor space. Oh, the floor space. What I wouldn’t do for a big, empty studio right now!) No-equipment cardio workouts are a little easier; you can always go for a run or fly through some burpees. But when you’re sitting there with nothing but a mat — and sometimes not even that — what are you supposed to do about strength workouts?

As usual, it’s bodyweight moves to the rescue. While bodyweight workouts aren’t going to build major muscle the way weighted ones do, they’re a great way to get you stronger, leaner, and more functional in everyday life. Especially effective are compound bodyweight moves, which can help you improve muscle definition — and get you through workouts faster and more efficiently — by working multiple muscle groups at once. Convinced? We’ve rounded up seven effective bodyweight strength workouts, all free, all on YouTube, to get started. Find some space, grab some water, and get ready to work!

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