Selena Gomez’s Rare Beauty is Hiring


Selena Gomez’s Rare Beauty, a line of beauty products that include lipsticks, concealers, and 48 different shades of foundations, is set to launch this summer 2020. The first order of business for the singer and budding beauty mogul? Hire a director of social impact, a role with the sole focus of making a measurable difference in mental health.

Gomez has always been outspoken about her personal struggles with mental health in the past and recently spoke about her bipolar diagnosis on Miley Cyrus’s Instagram live show.

“When we first began discussing this project, she immediately focused on the ways she could use this brand to help people who are struggling,” Rare Beauty’s CEO Scott Friedman told Insider.

“And she came at it from a very personal perspective – she had posted on her Instagram, at one point, about ‘the beauty myth’ and the impossible standards of beauty that women are forced to live up to, and how that pressure can impact a person’s self-esteem and mental health.”

Gomez also took to Rare Beauty’s Instagram Story to discuss how the hired candidate will work closely with her—Gomez herself will play an active role in the hiring process— with the ultimate mission of connecting people in the world so they can feel less alone, while also giving people access to mental health support and services.

If this sounds like the perfect fit for you, it might be time to freshen up your resume. Gomez has joined Linkedin in search of the brand’s ideal candidate and you can apply here.

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