
Not Sure How to Train? Follow Along to This Trainer’s Strengthening Bodyweight Workout Plan

Having a workout plan to follow along to makes life so much easier, because you don’t have to worry about coming up with a last-minute workout, your days are already planned out, and all you have to do is show up and get to work. If you’re new to resistance training or you’ve taken some time off, it’s advised to start with bodyweight movements to get your body acclimated to bearing weight, to learn proper movement patterns, and to prevent overtraining and injury.

To help you get back into your groove, we tapped Kelsey Wells, a NASM-certified trainer and creator of the PWR programs on the SWEAT app, to create this one-week bodyweight workout plan. It was inspired by her 10-week PWR Zero Equipment program, and we have a feeling you’re going to love it.

It’s great for all levels, every workout takes under 30 minutes to do, and the variety of workouts will keep you mentally invested. You’ll be targeting all your major muscle groups with these workouts, and you’ll be improving your overall fitness levels while building strength (don’t be surprised if you notice lean muscle developing if you consistently follow this plan!).

If you want to get stronger, try a new style of training, or simply commit to moving weekly, give this workout plan a shot. PS: it can be repeated for four to six weeks!

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