
Kanye West Objects to Divorce And Says No One Can Prove He Wrote Posts About Kim Kardashian

Kanye West spent much of the last couple months writing social media posts about his ex, Kim Kardashian, and her new boyfriend, comedian Pete Davidson. Allegedly. Right now, West’s attorneys are pushing the idea that there’s no proof that West wrote the posts on Instagram or Twitter in legal docs obtained by TMZ, claiming that saying they were written by West is hearsay and inadmissible in court.

“Kim claims she read something online allegedly by Kanye and characterizes the posts in her declaration as misinformation,” the documents state. “Kim needed to offer the social media posts into evidence, and show that the posts were written by Kanye.”

The argument might not hold water. West posted actual texts between himself and Kardashian, which she surely has a record of sending on her own phone. He has also himself confessed at certain points that his posts crossed the line—which certainly insinuates he wrote them.

“I know sharing screen shots was jarring and came off as harassing Kim,” he wrote in a since deleted post. “I take accountability. I’m still learning in real time. I don’t have all the answers. To be good leader is to be a good listener.”

West also said he’d step back from writing posts in all-caps as it makes people “feel like I’m screaming at them.”

Kardashian filed last year to be “officially single” while the rest of her assets are properly divided between herself and her ex. On Thursday, Page Six shared a statement from the beauty mogul they found in legal documents about the online harassment, in which she asks a judge to sign off on her divorce papers.

“I very much desire to be divorced,” Kardashian wrote, saying West’s behavior has become a privacy issue for her entire family. “Kanye has been putting a lot of misinformation regarding our private matters and co-parenting on social media, which has created emotional distress.”

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