
How This Skateboarder Finds Her Inner Confidence

Try to name a cooler person than Louise Maurisset. The boardsport enthusiast and lifestyle content creator’s chill and confident attitude as she tackles skate and surf tricks is never less than inspiring. The secret to her can-do attitude: “It’s feeling good about yourself, despite knowing your flaws, and feeling confident you can do anything you set your mind to because you’re a badass.”

While we can’t all ride a board like a pro, there are things anyone can do to tap Louise-level fearlessness. Here are her tips on how to feel most comfortable in your own skin.

Indulge In Your Favorite Hobbies

louise maurisset

It goes without saying that you feel amaaazing while doing what you’re passionate about. This is especially true for Maurisset, who says she is her most confident on the days she skateboards or surfs. “I’ll feel exhausted, but so good at the same time,” she says, adding that the activities give her an endorphin rush that boosts her mood.

We’re not suggesting that you take up the same hobbies as Maurisset, but carving out time for an activity that you love can give you that same mighty attitude. (Bonus points if it gets you outside and soaking up the sun the way Maurisset’s hobbies do.)

Make Time For Your Skin Care

louise maurisset

louise maurisset

According to Maurisset, there is “something powerful” about going through a whole face and body care routine. She explains that when she takes time to make her skin look its best, she also feels her best: “It makes me feel like I’m ready to take on the world.”

Schick HydroSilk 5 Trimstyle Razor

Her routine involves exfoliating in a warm shower to remove any lingering saltwater and dirt from her outdoor adventures. Then she’ll follow with a quick pass of her Schick HydroSilk 5 Trimstyle (a dual-ended wand that combines a waterproof trimmer and razor), which leaves her skin feeling smooth and hydrated. “Your legs feel soft and moisturized to the point that you don’t necessarily have to use a lotion after,” she says. “And I have dry skin, so that’s saying a lot.”

She looks to the HydroSilk 5 Trimstyle to get bikini-ready. She notes how she loves the trimmer’s adjustable comb, which has four length settings. “You can use it to customize your [bikini area’s] look and feel, and I’m all about being able to customize,” she says. She adds that it allows her to spend less time maintaining the area. “[This] means more time to focus on other things.”

Try Some Positive Affirmations

Maurisset finds self-affirmation (a.k.a. taking time to recognize her value) an effective way to up her mood—especially on days she isn’t her happiest. “I just tell myself, ‘I’ve got this, and everything is going to be okay,’ and repeat it in my head until I can feel it,” she says. It leaves her more motivated to take on what’s ahead of her.

louise maurisset's positive affirmation

Maurisset says finding the confidence to be your own cheerleader can take time and cautions that it’s all too easy to dwell on negative thoughts. “We have so much power over ourselves and tend to be pretty harsh critics,” she says. “But that same power can be used to turn negative energy into positive energy with a little practice.”

Celebrate Your Achievements

louise maurisset

louise maurisset

Whether you’ve fine-tuned a surf trick or finally finished that task you’ve put off for months, a win is a win—and it should be recognized. “I’m strongest when I finally succeed at something I’ve been attempting to do for a while,” Maurisset says. She recently perfected her cross-step (a.k.a the technique of walking up and down a surfboard) and now rides the nose of her board like a pro. “It’s a reminder that hard work pays off.”

Maurisset likes to reflect on her achievements for an instant boost in confidence. “I remind myself of the things I’ve accomplished over the years, no matter how small,” she says. “I remind myself that, if I was able to overcome certain things in the past, then I can definitely face new challenges thrown at me.”

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