Forget the Arcade: Watch This Ohio State Gymnast Bring Pac-Man to Life in This Fun Floor Routine


Growing up, one of the highlight of going to my local Pizza Hut — aside from cashing in that free personal pan pizza from the Book It! program — was playing Pac-Man. As an adult, that transformed to visiting Barcade in Brooklyn to play, you guessed it, more Pac-Man (this time with a beer instead of a personal pan pizza). Ohio State University gymnast Claire Gagliardi is also a Pac-Man fan, so much so that she created an entire floor routine paying homage to the classic arcade game.

The announcers revealed that the Ohio State University gymnastics head coach Meredith Paulicivic has a Pac-Man console in the basement, and Gagliardi actually lost to her head coach — apparently, Paulicivic has never lost a game! Even if she lost at Pac-Man, Gagliardi still scored a 9.550 on this floor routine against Illinois on Feb. 7. Watch above as she flips, twists, and runs away from the ghosts.

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