
Emily Ratajkowski Is Pregnant With Her First Child

Emily Ratajkowski is expecting her first child with her husband Sebastian Bear-McClard, the model revealed in a special digital issue of Vogue. Ratajkowski penned an essay for the site, where she announced the news and explained why the couple is letting their child decide their gender.

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She wrote, “When my husband and I tell friends that I’m pregnant, their first question after ‘Congratulations’ is almost always, ‘Do you know what you want?’ We like to respond that we won’t know the gender until our child is 18 and that they’ll let us know then.”

She also touched on the experience of being pregnant and the way life for boys and girls differ in our country today. “My husband likes to say that ‘we’re pregnant,'” Ratajkowski writes. “I tell him that while the sentiment is sweet, it’s not entirely true. I resent that his entire family’s DNA is inside of me but that my DNA is not inside him. ‘It just seems unfair,’ I say, and we both laugh. It’s kind of a joke, but just like the remark we make about our child’s gender, there is truth behind it. Pregnancy is innately lonely; it’s something a woman does by herself, inside her body, no matter what her circumstances may be. Despite having a loving partner and many female friends ready to share the gritty details of their pregnancies, I am ultimately alone with my body in this experience. There is no one to feel it with me—the sharp muscular aches in my lower abdomen that come out of nowhere while I’m watching a movie or the painful heaviness of my breasts that now greets me first thing every morning. My husband has no physical symptoms in ‘our’ pregnancy, another reminder of how different a woman and man’s experience of life can be.”

You can read Ratajkowski’s full piece here. She did not indicate when she is due.

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