
Chrissy Teigen Reveals She Suffered Pregnancy Loss: We Are ‘In the Kind of Deep Pain You Only Hear About’

Chrissy Teigen shared truly heartbreaking news on her Instagram last night: after suffering complications, she has lost her third baby. Teigen has been updating fans throughout the week on her and her baby’s health after she was hospitalized for excessive bleeding last weekend; her husband John Legend has been in the hospital with her.

She wrote last night:

We are shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we’ve never felt before. We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn’t enough.

We never decide on our babies’ names until the last possible moment after they’re born, just before we leave the hospital. But we, for some reason, had started to call this little guy in my belly Jack. So he will always be Jack to us. Jack worked so hard to be a part of our little family, and he will be, forever.

To our Jack – I’m so sorry that the first few moments of your life were met with so many complications, that we couldn’t give you the home you needed to survive. We will always love you.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending us positive energy, thoughts and prayers. We feel all of your love and truly appreciate you.

We are so grateful for the life we have, for our wonderful babies Luna and Miles, for all the amazing things we’ve been able to experience. But everyday can’t be full of sunshine. On this darkest of days, we will grieve, we will cry our eyes out. But we will hug and love each other harder and get through it.

Teigen revealed previously that she was halfway through her third pregnancy, and her placenta was very weak despite her baby being very strong. She said then:

In the simplest of terms, we can say my placenta is really, really weak. So I feel really good. The baby is so healthy, growing stronger than [my other children] Luna or Miles. He moves a lot, he moves so much earlier than they ever did. He’s like a roly-poly and we have a million great pictures of him. He’s just so different than they were. So he’s so strong, and I’m so excited for him because he’s so wonderful and just like the strongest little dude. So I can’t wait for him. But basically, he’s the strongest, coolest dude in the shittiest house. So, his house is just falling apart. It didn’t have a good foundation to begin with though…but yeah, he didn’t have the strongest chance at the very, very beginning.

All we’re doing now is trying to make sure that he’s got a lot of fluid around him and that I’m resting, obviously, as much as possible. It’s just hard because there’s not much you can do. I’m in that weird in-between time of it being really dangerous to try anything. Basically if I can make it through the next few weeks, if little boy can make it through the next few weeks, then you know, we can go from there and be able to get through the danger zone or whatever. But we have to get through this first. So yeah, it is scary, but it’s scary in a way where there’s just nothing to do…trust me, we’re on it. We’re trying everything we can.

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