
Bored With Bodyweight Moves? Strengthen Your Arms With This 3-Move Workout and a Towel!

Since many of us are having to exercise at home, with minimal equipment and time, certified Pilates instructor Andrea Speir, founder of Speir Pilates, shared this simple home workout to strengthn your arms and shoulders with POPSUGAR — all you need is a hand towel!

Speir said you don’t need gym equipment to begin chiseling your upper-body muscles and building strength, because using your own bodyweight is effective for both. By moving your body at different angles with a towel (or paper plates on carpet), you can target various areas, including your shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, and upper back.

Andrea Speir’s Arm Workout Using a Towel

Equipment needed: A small hand towel (or a slider/paper plate if you’re training on carpet)

Directions: After warming up with at least five minutes of cardio that involves moving the arms (such as jumping jacks and arm circles), complete the following three exercises three times through, resting one minute between each round. Cool down with these chest and shoulder stretches.

  1. Sliding press out: 30 seconds on each side
  2. Side-sweep push-up: 30 seconds on each leg
  3. Lateral pulldown: eight reps

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