A CrossFit Athlete Shared This Fast-Paced Workout She Does to Get Strong Abs


CrossFit athletes are one of the strongest people on the planet, so you know this home core workout from Nike athlete and Swedish CrossFit Games competitor Mikaela Norman is going to be awesome. In her caption, she explained that this core circle (circuit) has a touch of intensity which will definitely get your heart rate up.

This workout is mostly bodyweight moves with the exception of the Russian twists where she holds a weight plate. You can use a dumbbell instead if you have it or as Mikaela suggested, hold a water bottle.

Mikaela’s Core Circuit

“The work should be done with high quality,” Mikaela said, so if the reps are too high or five rounds is too many, then scale it down. If you think it’s too easy, she said to make the movements harder by increasing your range of motion. For example, for the v-ups, you can stay in the hollow hold position without letting your feet touch the ground, keeping your legs straight throughout every rep. For the tuck jumps, just jump higher. She tagged this post with #effortisachoice, which means it’s up to you how hard you want to push yourself.

Directions: Complete five rounds of the below workout, taking one minute of rest in between each round.

  • V-up: 10 reps
  • Plank-drive jump-in (jump your feet in as close to your hands as possible): eight reps
  • Russian twist: 16 reps
  • Plank-drive jump-in: eight reps
  • Tuck jump: 10 reps
  • Rest: one minute

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