Love Is Blind’s Lauren and Cameron Hamilton Are Happier Than Ever, in Case You Were Wondering


Lauren and Cameron Hamilton immediately stole our hearts during the first season of Love Is Blind. With their instant connection, unflinching honesty, and adorable on-screen chemistry, there’s no wonder why fans continue to follow the couple two years after their appearance on Netflix’s hit reality dating show.

As Love Is Blind returns for season 2 today, with a brand-new set of contestants, caught up with the Hamiltons. Lauren and Cameron shared where their relationship is at now, whether they’re still in touch with anyone from their season, and if they’ve met any of hopefuls looking for love this new season.

You recently celebrated your third wedding anniversary. What was it like hitting that milestone?

Lauren: Unbelievable. I mean, it’s so hard to think that those three years literally flew by for us. And now, we’re about to enter into our fourth year of marriage at the end of this year. But it was amazing. It was really almost like a sense of, yeah, we’re really doing this thing. Three years in, it felt good and we’re happy. We’re happier than when we first got married, and I just think our love has grown so much that, just when I think I can’t love him any more, it just continues to grow.

Cameron: Really baby?

Did you do anything special to celebrate the anniversary?

Lauren: We actually went to a winery. I love wine. [It was] for my birthday slash anniversary, because we actually got married on my birthday, so we combined it. And we ended up going to a beautiful winery, and having a great time, and just really enjoying each other’s company, wink wink.

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Cameron: It was really nice. It was like a resort type of winery.

Lauren: We stayed for a couple days.

Cameron: Yeah, three or four days, and yeah, it was beautiful. Now for Valentine’s Day, we are going to be taking a little retreat to Cabo. To one of our favorite resorts.

Lauren: Much deserved.

It feels like your entire romance has taken place in the public eye. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced?

Lauren: I think one of the things that we encounter when it comes to navigating a public relationship is just dialing down people’s opinions. Because I feel like everyone, since they’ve been so involved in our love story from the start, they literally watched us fall in love. They watched us grow, now they’re watching our marriage flourish and evolve, and [watching] us grow into who we are as people and husband and wife, that sometimes people feel entitled to give unsolicited advice. And even though we love our fans and we love how involved they are, sometimes that can be difficult.

“One of the tough things is, people really want to see us have a baby.”

Cameron: And to add on to that: One of the tough things is people really want to see us have a baby. And we really want to have a baby, but everyone’s like, “Hurry up. Where’s the baby? Why are you taking so long?” And then they start speculating like, “Oh, does Lauren not want to have a baby?” Or, “[Is] something going on?” All these sorts of things. And they don’t think about it from our perspective and what that might mean to us. So there’s a lot that has to be done to just try to block out all that noise and focus on each other.

Lauren: And our relationship isn’t perfect. I mean, we’re always screaming that from the mountain tops. We love that people are so inspired by our love, but we also want people to know and realize that we’re human too. We’re figuring this out as we go. We’re not perfect. And every day is a new lesson for us to learn about each other and ourselves. So we’re just constantly evolving and we just want people to know that.

What advice would you give to couples who are just embarking on their Love is Blind journey?

Cameron: Oh man. Well, I think the most important thing is to really have transparent communication with your partner and have those uncomfortable conversations sometimes. Especially if you’re now thrust into the spotlight and talking to your partner, like, “Hey, I feel really uncomfortable about how we’re getting all these messages from people all the time,” just as an example.

love is blind after the altar episode 14, celebrations and confrontations pictured l r cameron  lauren c courtesy of netflix © 2021


Lauren: I was going to say, at the end of the day, I think it’s important for them to realize that you’re still the same person when you wake up and go to sleep every night, regardless of what [the] public opinion is about you and your relationship. And just to really try not to let that get into your mind and into your head, because that’s something that we really struggled with at first, because it is a lot coming at you. Everyone’s kind of dissecting who you are, and your life, and your love life, and your personality. But just remember, you’re always going to be you, and don’t be afraid to be you. And don’t let people’s opinions scare you off from being yourself.

Have you met any of the new Love Is Blind contestants, or will you be following along with us at home?

Lauren: We’ll be following along with you actually. I just saw that they were revealed a couple days ago, so that was our first time seeing them as well.

Cameron: I did have one reach out and ask for some advice about what to expect when this all comes out. But other than that, that was really as far as the conversation went. It’s going to be a big surprise for us.

It’s nice that they’re reaching out to you for advice.

Cameron: Yeah. We want to do what we can to really help them out because it is a tough experience. And it’s a lot tougher than even it appears on the show.

And are you still in touch with anyone from your season?

Cameron: Yeah. I talked to the Barnetts a good amount. That’s really who I’ve kept in touch with the most.

“We went through something that none of us will ever forget.”

Lauren: I occasionally talk to Ebony through DM, and Diamond through online as well, sometimes text. Diamond and Ebony actually came to my birthday party, which was a couple months ago. I had a karaoke night. And LC. All three of them came out from Love is Blind. So we had a great time. … We’re connected for life. We went through something that none of us will ever forget.

Is there anything you would change about your Love is Blind experience?

Cameron: No. No, not at all. I mean, it really couldn’t have been better, at least from my perspective. I mean, we got married. That’s really all that I could have ever possibly wanted from it.

Lauren: No, nothing I would change. I would say going through the process, I definitely learned a lot about myself and I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful that I met my husband. I’m grateful for how it’s just changed me and how I’ve grown and evolved from that experience.

And since then, you’ve written a book together. You’ve got your YouTube channel. You’ve both got millions of Instagram followers. What’s next for you both? And do you have any big plans for this year?

Cameron: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. It’s frustrating, and I’m sure you know this, when you have a really big project, but it’s not time to break the news yet. But we do have some really big projects that will come. I would say one probably this year and one next. So we’ve already got stuff going into 2023.

Anything else you want readers to know?

Lauren: We’re just grateful for their support over the past couple years. And we look forward to continuing to share our journey with them.

Cameron: Well said.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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