A Successful Model’s Tips on How to Maintain Body Positivity


Kayla Jane Jones, the 24-year-old curve model and content creator, has fronted major fashion and beauty campaigns, and is confident as hell when it comes to juggling her career with the other aspects of her life (like her college classes, NBD). Her positive attitude has partly to do with how much her job inspires her. “We’ve already seen an increase in plus-size models and diversity as far as ethnicity,” she says. “It feels really empowering to be a part of that, and to know that there are young girls who now have women who look like them that they can look up to. When I was growing up, that wasn’t necessarily the case.”

Her fearlessness also has to do with the routine and the everyday practices she uses to steer her mindset in a positive direction. Read on for her tips on how to feel like your best self.

Start the Day With a Workout

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Jones likes to workout in the A.M. so that her endorphins are in full force for the rest of her day. Her go-to sport is tennis, which she took up as a kid. “I’m not the best tennis player, but every time I play, it brings back happy memories and reminds me to be confident in my abilities,” she says.

Wear What You Feel Best In

Wearing an outfit that you know accentuates your favorite features can up your mood instantaneously. Jones says she typically chooses clothes that flatter her curves. “It helps me remember I am good enough and that I am beautiful,” she says.

Freshen Up With Your Feel-Good Rituals

kayla jane jones

Schick HydroSilk 5 Sensitive Care Razor

For Jones, there’s little more luxurious than decompressing in a shower. She turns it into a bit of a personal spa. “I’ll put on some R&B, get in the shower, and completely wipe off the day,” she says.

On days Jones knows she has a shoot coming up, she adds shaving to her shower lineup. She says it makes her feel more prepared to be on set. She is happy to report that the serum strip on her Schick HydroSilk 5 Sensitive Razor protects her skin, which means she doesn’t have to worry about any post-shave irritation. This is critical for someone like Jones, who has sensitive skin.

Remind Yourself of Your Worth

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One way to silence that negative voice in your head is to drown it out with positive affirmations. Jones takes a moment each day to do exactly that. “I tell myself, ‘You are worthy. You are worthy of love and everything that is coming to you,’ because that’s something I think I struggled with my whole life—just knowing you’re good enough exactly where you are right now,” she says.

kayla jane jones quote

Turn to Your Support System

Whenever she needs a pep talk, Jones turns to her mom. “My mom always told me, rather than placing value on what’s on the outside, to place more value in what you put out and what’s on the inside,” she says. “That was a big lesson growing up.”

Jones also credits her close friends and the rest of her family for helping her boost her body confidence to where it is today. “They’re always encouraging me to love every part of myself and be who I am,” she says. “Having awesome people who remind me to see what’s inside helps me appreciate what’s on the outside.”

Journal Your Thoughts

kayla jane jones notebook

kayla jane jones

Jones has found journaling to be a powerful outlet for any pent up feelings. “I try to write in my journal a few times a week to reset, especially if I’m not feeling as happy,” she says. “Writing is a really good way for me to get it out.”

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