Watch Blue Ivy’s Very Informative PSA on Handwashing


Alberto E. RodriguezGetty Images

Blue Ivy Carter is a full eight years old, and she’s clearly very wise about the world already. Like many other kids her age, she’s growing up in a global pandemic, and because of that she probably knows a whole lot more about how germs work than we did at her age. In this video, at-home scientist Blue demonstrates how germs are repelled by soap. I have watched this video several times this morning, and truly, the visuals are quite effective.

In the video, we can only see Blue’s hands, but this is a PSA on handwashing, so her hands are kind of the stars here, right?

“Hey, ya’ll, since we’re stuck at home, I have this little DIY experiment that you can do at home, too,” she begins. “This is why it’s important to wash your hands. So, I have this mixture of a lot of different types of soap inside of this,” she said, holding up a small bowl. “And this is the coronavirus or any virus; it’s actually just pepper. So you’re going to want to stick your fingers inside the mixture of soaps. Make sure you get a lot on there, then put your finger in it, and the virus goes out. This is why it’s very important to wash your hands. If you wash your hands, your hands will stay clean, but if you keep your hands dirty, you might get sick,” she finishes, before signing off with a “peace out.”

If you listen closely, you can hear one of Blue’s twin siblings making noise about something in the background. Speaking as an older sibling of twins, this will only serve her future concentration skills well.

Blue is not the only member of her family who made a public appearance via video this weekend. Her mom, Beyoncé, delivered a very important message on Saturday night at the One World: Together at Home concert.

“Black Americans disproportionately belong to these essential parts of the workforce that do not have the luxury of working from home,” she said. “And African American communities at large have been severely affected in this crisis. Those with pre-existing conditions are at an even higher risk. This virus is killing black people at an alarmingly high rate here in America. A recent report from my home city, Houston, Texas, showed that of COVID-19 deaths within Houston city limits, 57 percent of fatal cases are African-American. Please protect yourselves. We are one family and we need you; we need your voices, your abilities, and your strength all over this world.”

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