
Why Your Vaginal pH Level Matters, According to OBGYNs


Feeling that something is off with your vagina can be scary, whether you’re experiencing minor irritation or symptoms that can’t be ignored. Between yeast infections and STDs, there are a lot of things that can happen to this very important organ, and therefore a lot of reasons to get treatment if necessary. One measure of vaginal health that might be helpful in monitoring for infection is vaginal pH. To understand what vaginal pH is, how it plays a critical role in your vaginal health, and how to maintain a healthy balance, POPSUGAR spoke with two board-certified ob-gyns.

What Is Vaginal pH, and Why Does It Matter?

Your vaginal pH is a measure of how acidic or basic the vaginal environment is. It’s measured on the same pH scale of 1-14 you learned about in your science classes, with numbers below 7 representing an acidic environment, and numbers above 7 representing a basic, or non-acidic, environment. According to Anushka Magal, MD, an ob-gyn who practices in Atlanta, GA, a normal vaginal pH is acidic, between 3.8 and 4.5, and increases slightly after menopause.

You can also experience fluctuations in vaginal pH under a number of circumstances. “Your vaginal pH can change throughout your menstrual cycle, and is affected by your age, your vaginal hydration status, and sometimes even your diet,” adds Kate White, MD, vice chair of academics in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Boston Medical Center.

Your vaginal pH matters because it can affect the overall health of your vagina. “The acidity of the vagina helps protect against infection, because the acid kills harmful bacteria and fungi,” Dr. White tells POPSUGAR. “When the normal bacteria that produce the acid are reduced, the pH environment in the vagina gets out of balance, and you’re at increased risk of vaginal infections.” These include conditions like bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. If you’re pregnant, Dr. White cautioned that increased vaginal pH can lead to an infection that can cause preterm delivery.

Can You Test Your Vaginal pH Levels?

There are FDA-approved home tests that you can use to check your vaginal pH, but Dr. White doesn’t recommend them. While the tests can tell you if your vaginal pH is outside the normal range, an elevated pH doesn’t necessarily mean that you have an infection, and even if you do, the test can’t tell you what kind it is or what steps to take.

If you have symptoms, the best thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor, who can not only test your vaginal pH levels, but diagnose an infection and prescribe treatment if necessary. If unbalanced pH levels are something you’re worried about, it’s best to go straight to your doctor, rather than testing them at home. “If you’re feeling well, we wouldn’t recommend any action even if your pH levels were out of whack,” Dr. White explains.

Symptoms of Unbalanced pH Levels

According to Dr. Magal, people with an unbalanced vaginal pH may or may not have symptoms. However, signs of unbalanced vaginal pH can include itching, swelling, discomfort, irritation, odor, changes in vaginal discharge, and discomfort or pain during intercourse or urination.

“High vaginal pH can be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection, or bacterial vaginosis, and can lead to discharge that smells fishy, is green or yellow, or frothy,” Dr. Magal says. “Low pH can be found with yeast infections, which can cause discharge that is thick, white, and clumpy.” If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best to see a doctor who can help you figure out what’s going on down there.

How to Get Your Vaginal pH Balance Back to Normal

Healthy vaginal practices can help maintain or restore your vaginal pH. Dr. White recommends avoiding douching (even with baking soda or plain water), always using condoms, wearing loose, cotton clothing around your vagina when you can, and sleeping commando if possible. However, if you have a vaginal infection such as bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection, you may need medication to restore your pH. “Probiotics that target vaginal health can aid in restoring your vagina to its normal pH, especially once any infections have been treated,” Dr. Magal says.

While measures can be taken to restore and maintain your vaginal pH balance, it’s important to note that your body, for the most part, has you covered. “If you’re not having any symptoms, there’s nothing to worry about and your body will likely restore the pH balance on its own,” Dr. White says.


How Planned Parenthood Is Providing Abortion Care in a Post-Roe America

Abortion access in the United States has been under vicious attack for decades, forcing clinics and patients to constantly adapt to a complicated legal environment. But now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, removing the constitutional right to abortion and eliminating a nearly 50-year precedent, the future of abortion access is murkier than ever before. Which states will continue to provide care? How will this continue to play out in courts and upcoming elections? And how will abortion clinics transform post-Roe?

To better understand how this decision will affect Planned Parenthood, the country’s leading provider of reproductive health care, with more than 600 health centers across the U.S., checked in with Danika Severino Wynn, CNM, vice president of abortion access of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

To put it simply, Wynn said that in states where access to abortion is maintained, Planned Parenthood is working to build out their capacity to provide care to in-state patients, as well as those who may be traveling to that state to access abortion. In states where access to abortion is severely restricted or banned, Planned Parenthood will help patients access care by providing them with resources, including patient navigators (more on that below), and ensuring patients still have access to other sexual and reproductive health services. “We are continuing to be committed to meeting the health care needs of as many people as possible,” she said. “That includes working with our independent provider partners and abortion funds wherever possible to ensure that patients get what they need, regardless of who their provider is.” Below, Severino Wynn explains how Planned Parenthood is preparing—and providing—for our new reality.

In states where abortion will continue to be accessible:

Does Planned Parenthood expect to see a surge in patients?

We anticipate that there will be a significant surge in some of the states that will maintain access, especially the ones that are closest to areas that lose access. We found with [Texas abortion law] SB 8, and in the past, that typically patients drive to get care, so their nearest state that has access is often the place that they’ll go. As a result, we are working with our affiliates in a regional model to be prepared to move patients around to the best of our ability to ensure they can get abortion care as quickly as possible. If that’s at a Planned Parenthood, [then we’re] making sure we are doing our absolute best to make that process as easy as possible, limiting the amount of information they would need to repeat, and making sure that they can be seen as quickly as possible.

Should patients expect to wait longer for care due to this influx?

We’ll probably see an ebb and flow. We know from SB 8 that there can be a ripple effect, where health centers are seeing more patients from out of state and therefore have longer hold times. Sometimes that means patients will choose to go further away to get an earlier appointment. We are doing our absolute best to try to limit that, but just like all other health care organizations in the post-COVID world, the health care shortages are a major challenge for us as well. So we are doing our best to get more health centers staffed, make it easier for them to get trained, provide them with additional training support, leverage our ability to move providers around, and really do our best to limit the hardship on patients.

How else is Planned Parenthood preparing to manage the increased demand? Does it involve opening more centers?

Operational support to our affiliates is really important—the technical assistance, [and] providing financial resources wherever possible to allow them to surge up their access to patients. We’ve increased investments in patient navigation and support for patients to be able to travel. When we talk about patient navigation, we’re talking about a few things. We’re making sure our digital tools are as updated as possible and reflect the needs that patients might have to be able to really understand all of their options for care, to be able to connect to abortion funds that might be able to help them with resources and support, and to be able to get the logistical and practical support they need to help them travel. We’re also talking about abortion patient navigators, who are staff members in our affiliates, and are hired to support our most vulnerable patients and get the support they need to travel for care. We’re trying to ensure that as many of our affiliates as possible have those robust services available for patients as they need them.

In certain states, such as Illinois and California, we will see an increase in the number of actual physical health centers. In some spaces, [health centers] are really trying to make sure they’re utilizing their physical footprint to the highest level to ensure that they can see more patients. People are being strategic, both Planned Parenthood and independent providers, about where their health centers are located to try to ensure they’re in places that reduce the travel time for patients as much as possible. That might mean a health center on the border of or near a ban state to accommodate those patients that are traveling for care.

In states where abortion has been, or will soon be, banned or severely restricted:

How are Planned Parenthood centers preparing to move forward?

The centers and states that will lose access are really working with their partner affiliates in other states to streamline care for their patients that need to leave the state. They’re certainly still going to be there to continue to provide the full range of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care services, like birth control, STI testing and treatment, cancer screening, gender-affirming care, and far more, even at health centers that no longer can provide abortion care due to the legal landscape. We know that the affiliates across the country are making operational decisions in an effort to best meet the needs of their unique communities that they serve in a really challenging environment.

What is Planned Parenthood’s legal strategy for fighting against laws in these states?

While our efforts may look different in each state, fighting these abortions bans state by state will continue to be a critical part of our work ahead as we pursue every option to protect patients’ ability to get the care they need. We know that every opportunity to defend abortion access—whether by having these harmful bans declared unlawful or even just delaying them so more patients can access care—will be important in a post-Roe environment.

In the coming days, Planned Parenthood, along with its partners, will be filing more lawsuits in states that have already banned abortion and states expected to do so in the near future. But litigation remains just part of our strategy: from ballot initiatives and constitutional amendments to pushing for proactive legislation that pushes to expand abortion access wherever possible, all options are on the table, and our fight continues.

What will access to telehealth through Planned Parenthood look like?

Unfortunately, telehealth for medication abortion is not something that is available to patients who have an address or live in a banned state. A telehealth provider for medication abortion needs to be able to mail pills or have pills picked up by a patient who lives in the state in which they provide the care. So, for example, if you are a patient in Colorado or New Mexico, and you want to access abortion by pills via telehealth, you could do that and have your abortion pills mailed to you at your home address in those states. If the patient is located in Texas, for example, the provider in Colorado could not mail the pills to them.

What about telehealth for other Planned Parenthood services?

If that state can provide telehealth, that is definitely a potential opportunity to continue providing telehealth for other services—with the caveat that every state has different laws and regulations around telehealth and what can be provided virtually versus what requires in-person care. That’s state by state, but just underscoring that there are still going to be services provided by Planned Parenthood, even in our banned states, around birth control, preventative care, and other reproductive health care services.

What does it mean to have a self-managed abortion? Will patients in these states be able to seek guidance about self-managed abortions from Planned Parenthood?

Self-managed abortion is finding and taking abortion pills to end pregnancy outside of our traditional health care system. While it hasn’t been studied as much as in-clinic abortion, we know that there’s plenty of research to maintain it’s a safe, effective way to end a pregnancy.

The bottom line here is that we do anticipate that more people will opt to self-manage their abortions when we see a more restrictive environment. And to be incredibly clear, we support bodily autonomy of all people, and we are firmly against the criminalization of any pregnancy outcome. So Planned Parenthood is always here for questions, for concerns, and to make sure people have what they need, regardless of where they started their medication abortion.

On our website, we offer information about self-managed abortion. We also refer out to Plan C, which provides a lot of intel about the differences between getting an abortion in a health center versus a self-managed abortion, and that includes legal considerations, which are really important for folks to keep in mind.

For anyone seeking abortion care via Planned Parenthood:

How can people be connected to a patient navigator, and what can they expect from that process?

There are multiple ways to get access to that care. We’ll have some guidance available on our website through our chat/text program, which connects patients who have questions to an educator online. As folks bring up their needs for resources or support, chat/text can help direct them to the right place.

Additionally, when patients make appointments for care, our affiliates can connect them with the patient navigators within their health centers to get care and support that’s local to them and based on their specific needs. That patient navigator would be working in coordination with other navigators around the country to try to help you get to the right place for care based on how far in your pregnancy you are [and] what options you’d like to choose for your abortion care—really making sure the patient’s needs are being met in a timely manner and making sure they understand their options. That’s important to understand, that these navigators are working in concert across the country. They are provider-agnostic, so if a patient wants to go to a Planned Parenthood or if they prefer to go to an independent provider, that doesn’t matter; the patient navigator is still there to help them.

Is there a post-Roe world in which state laws could prohibit providers from referring patients to other states for abortion or counseling patients about abortion, and if so, what are Planned Parenthood’s plans to manage that kind of situation?

    The landscape of abortion access across the country is changing rapidly following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe. And let’s be clear: the chaos and confusion now being experienced by patients, providers, and health center staff will continue. That is the cruel intention of anti-abortion politicians. Right now, we know that at least nine states have banned abortion and more are expected to do so in the coming days and weeks.

    While we don’t know exactly what the post-Roe world will look like, we know that it will be impossible for some people to access critical health care. Criminalizing doctors and targeting abortion providers has long been part of our opposition’s strategy to eliminate abortion access. Planned Parenthood will follow all federal and state laws and regulations. But to be clear, no one should fear arrest or prosecution for a pregnancy outcome. It’s unconscionable that we’re living in a country where people are worried about their health care decisions being policed. For more information regarding legal information and support for navigating complex laws, contact If/When/How’s Repro Legal Helpline at 844-868-2812.

    What’s the best way for patients to learn about which services are provided at their local Planned Parenthood?

    We are doing our best to get messaging out there that helps guide patients, so they know where they can get care and how they can access it. Our website will stay up-to-date to ensure that people know where they can receive abortion services versus other services, where they can receive telehealth for medication abortion, and how they can access additional resources. That will be a very important part of our ability to help patients navigate this really challenging new landscape.

    This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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    Please Let Ryan Gosling Usher in the Era of the Male Spray Tan

    Unless you’ve been vacationing at Barbie’s Dream Digital Detox resort, you’ve likely seen experienced the pictures of Ryan Gosling on the set of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie movie. The already Ken-like Gosling dolled himself up for this role with a platinum blonde dye job, but the look wouldn’t have been complete without a (somehow) less reported-on adjustment: a spray tan.


    Self-Tanning Water

    Isle of Paradise


    Responsible for Gosling’s newly glowing visage is the film’s tanning specialist Kimberly Nkosi—any movie maintaining a tanning specialist is Oscar-worthy in my book—who shared just how the tan was created alongside the inspiration. “For me applying sunless tanner isn’t about spraying something on and hoping for the best,” she wrote on Instagram. “It’s about a feeling more than a look. Plus when you work on a set there are so many things to take into consideration the camera picks up every little detail and can completely change the appearance of the tan, especially under lights. Being mindful of this and being consistent is key to achieving a flawless tan each and every time.” Nkosi used Isle of Paradise Self-Tanning water in shades of Medium and Dark to create a balance for Gosling, but Nkosi also shared that it’s more about a “Barbie glow.”

    The Gos Glow is part of an auspicious trend for a particular segment of the population I’m inventively calling: People Who Like Handsome Men. Finally, guys seem to be coming around to the idea that there’s nothing wrong with a little help in the tanning department. Like, self-tanning has even the most famous women going gaga. During an appearance on The Talk, Gosling’s wife Eva Mendes said she begged Gosling for his Ken-branded underwear and was wearing those same briefs on the set of the show. Her infatuation was so deep, Jezebel posited, “Eva Mendes Might Be a Little Too Supportive of Ryan Gosling’s Ken Doll Transformation.”

    The spray tan is working wonders for other men, too. Pete Davidson, who glowed all the way up this year to Kim-Kardashian-boy-toy status, opted to get one before appearances at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner and Met Gala. What gave away his new spray tan? The fact that so many people suddenly found him quite hot. These scientific results lead to one indisputable conclusion: we need more guys getting spray tans.

    new york, new york   may 02  pete davidson attends the 2022 met gala celebrating in america an anthology of fashion at the metropolitan museum of art on may 02, 2022 in new york city  photo by dimitrios kambourisgetty images for the met museumvogue

    Pete Davidson at the 2022 Met Gala.

    Dimitrios Kambouris

    Spray tans that were once reserved for men of the Jersey Shore and Love Island are becoming more mainstream. And why not? Spray tanning is a healthier alternative to sun tanning; it’s quick, and most importantly, improves confidence and emotion. Don’t we all deserve our own Barbie glow-up?

    los angeles ca   june 27  margot robbie and ryan gosling film new scenes for barbie in venice california 27 jun 2022 photo by megagc images

    One more shot of a spray-tanned Ryan Gosling on the set of Barbie (with co-star Margot Robbie), just for fun.


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    Women's Fashion

    These Iconic ’90s Sunglasses Are Back for Summer

    You don’t have to follow the trends or be versed in sartorial history to see that 1990s style is influencing today’s looks in a big way. From slouchy denim and spaghetti straps to bucket hats and minimalist sunglasses, everything we loved about the decade’s effortlessly chic attitude is back—and all over our social media feeds. Now three decades later, the brand that defined the era and brought us some of the most memorable and revolutionary fashion moments of all time is at it once again. This summer, Calvin Klein is dipping into their archives for an anniversary eyewear collection that channels the spirit of ’90s minimalism with absolute perfection.

    Inspired by the round frames and colored lenses style icons sported on the red carpet and off duty, the capsule is made up of three gender-inclusive styles for both optical and sun. But make no mistake, these classic silhouettes aren’t your standard reissue. Available in an array of nostalgic frame and lens colorways, the collection is all new. Frames take the craftsmanship to a whole new level and are carved in premium Japanese titanium and include elevated details like mother of pearl-effect nose pads and refined details on the bridge and temples.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    With a new generation of style tastemakers adopting the throwback aesthetic, the Calvin Klein’s ’90s frames are already poised to be the standout sunglass of the summer. Recording artist and photographer Nisa Jones recently styled her frames with wide-leg jeans and an oversized summer sweater for a look that optimizes effortless-cool. But she’s hardly the only one channeling the vibe. Shay Sweeney, founder of the Houston-based Sweenshots studio, paired her frames with the brand’s iconic white Calvin Klein tee—a look that proves that the best way to channel ’90s style is to go all in.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Discover the more from the Calvin Klein collection

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    Women's Fashion

    How to Channel the Groovy Roller Skater Aesthetic

    Roller skater, model and influencer Oumi Janta with her co-skaters at the adidas x Gucci Pop-up Store Opening Event in Germany. Photography courtesy of Getty Images

    The fashion is almost as fun as the sport itself.

    Does the term “retro” mean anything anymore? With each new style revival comes a contemporary twist, bringing about an era of fashion rich in never-before-seen individuality with a heavy dose of comforting nostalgia. Enter roller skating and its ever-flowing archive of groovy inspiration.

    The sport has been booming since the onset of the pandemic when videos of roller skaters first took off on TikTok. Evoking a feeling of carefree joy during a period of uncertainty, the trend sparked a cultural resurgence and, needless to say, quad wheels have since been flying off the shelves. Despite the short-lived revival of other long-lost hobbies in 2020 — like bread-baking and crocheting — this activity has had an ongoing retro resurgence.

    Today, roller skating is a fashion phenomenon. The activity is wrapped up in sartorial sentimentality, with skaters recreating quintessential vintage looks and putting customized spins on avant-garde wheels. While the modern-day resurgence has brought forth fresh styles, the sport as a form of radical self-expression is nothing new.

    Throughout history, the activity has provided a sense of solidarity among marginalized communities. That has carried through to today, where cities across Canada (and beyond) have online roller skater platforms and a burgeoning array of venues that preach a safe space ethos.

    First invented in 18th century Belgium, roller skating took off in the Victorian era. For young women specifically, the hobby provided a means of escapism and agency during a time when they had little personal freedom and wore restrictive clothing.

    Through the decades, roller derby became an important sport for queer women, and still holds special significance for LGBTQIA2S+ communities today. Roller skating has a distinct culture within Black communities as well, from the Civil Rights movement through to the emergence of Hip Hop.

    In the ‘70s and ‘80s, roller skating ascended from sport to fashion statement, with footwear variations coming in an array of candy-coloured styles. Thanks to the era’s groovy aesthetics, roller disco rinks became popular hangout spots. And today, they’ve once again become a haven for fashion risk-takers.

    Retro roller skating fashion is defined by bell bottoms, halter tops, colourful patterns, fringe detailing and, of course, sequins. But the key to a killer roller skater wardrobe in 2022? Unapologetic individuality. The new wave of roller skating is defined by those who have historically been excluded from it in mainstream culture, which has centered white, thin bodies. Social media representation of modern roller skating is diverse, adding to its sense of freedom.

    While it looks graceful, the balancing act requires major skill. As such, roller skating visuals are undeniably empowering. Brands like Moschino and Saint Laurent have included them in memorable collections. And they have been at the centre of many statement-making music videos, from Cher’s “Hell on Wheels” to Beyonce’s “Blow.” More recently, Margot Robbie has been spotted in retro wheels for the upcoming Barbie movie.

    Roller skating evokes a joie-de-vivre and theatricality that encourages the wearer to romanticize life. Who wouldn’t want that? With its colourful aesthetics and joyful associations, we’re riding into new-age roller skating with full force.


    The Under Armour Leggings Perfect For Workouts and Day-to-Day Living

    As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you’ll like too. If you buy a product we have recommended, we may receive affiliate commission, which in turn supports our work.

    Everyone has that one perfect pair of leggings — and then the others that stay in the back of the closet until it’s laundry day and there’s nothing else to wear to the gym. Let’s face it: as great as they make your butt look while you’re running errands or lounging around the house, sometimes leggings don’t perform as well when you actually start exercising. One pair might be perfect for running but not stretchy enough for yoga, while another might be so high-waisted that it provides great coverage during squats, only to bunch up at the ankles. These are all real problems, and truth be told, there are different leggings that cater to different needs — whether that be a HITT workout or your daily walk.

    In a sea of black leggings that all look pretty much identical, it can be hard to tell which ones will work best for you. Fortunately, Under Armour takes out all the guesswork, and their collection of leggings caters to all different types of fitness needs so you can slay every workout that’s low, medium, or high endurance. Here are seven of Under Armour’s best leggings that are bound to be your new favorite pair.

    — Additional reporting by Kalea Martin


    Cara Delevingne on What It Was Like Making Out With Selena Gomez on ‘Only Murders in the Building’

    Mild spoilers ahead for Only Murders in the Building season 2, episode 2.

    Cara Delevingne kissed longtime close friend Selena Gomez on screen…and told E! all about it on the network’s While You Were Streaming web series. Delevingne, who plays mysterious art world insider Alice on Only Murders in the Building’s second season, reflected on the buzzy moment from the show’s second episode, where she and Gomez’s character Mabel share a steamy, spontaneous make-out session after Mabel visits Alice’s gallery and destroys a sculpture Alice made of Mabel. (Don’t worry; Alice asked her to smash it.)

    “It was just fun,” Delevingne told E! of the kiss. “Would anyone in the world not like to kiss Selena? It was just hysterical. It’s just one of those things, especially when you know someone so well, it’s the comfortability and you kind of have fun with it.”

    Delevingne, who identifies as pansexual, added, “For me to be able to get to play a queer role meant so much to me, and [Selena] knew that. To represent that was really exciting.”

    cara delevingne and selena gomez in only murders in the building

    Cara Delevingne as Alice and Selena Gomez as Mabel in Only Murders in the Building.


    In an interview for Only Murders in the Building in June, Delevingne told that joining the cast was a easy choice. “There was no hesitation,” she said. “There was no question. As soon as I heard the words ‘Only Murders,’ I was like, ‘Is it in the building?’ Because I will cry. I didn’t even know what the part was. I didn’t care. I was just like, ‘Yes. Yes, yes, yes.’”

    Delevingne generally raved to E! about working with Gomez: “We never get to see each other as much because we’re so busy,” she said. “So to be able to spend that much time with her, and also to be able to work with her, she’s just such an incredible person to work with whether I know her or not. She is brilliant, like one of my favorite actors I’ve ever worked with.”

    Delevingne first spoke to in February about her joy working with Gomez again. “Selena is a very special friend, and it’s been so fun to get to work with her for the first time. Well, actually, second time,” Delevingne said. “She actually hired me when I had just become a model, and she had designed a clothing line. We have known each other a long time. And, of course, working with Steve Martin and Martin Short is like a master class in comedy. I feel so lucky to get the opportunity.”

    You can stream Only Murders in the Building‘s second season here on Hulu.

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    Priscilla Presley Breaks Down 15 Looks From 1960 to Now | Life in Looks | Vogue

    The iconic Priscilla Presley shares the secret to her 1960s bouffants and how she managed to buy her dress incognito when she planned to marry “The King,” Elvis Presley.

    Director: Blair Waters
    Director Of Photography: Stephen Tringali
    Editor: Katie Wolford
    Producers: Naomi Nishi, Nicola Pardy
    Associate Director, Creative Development: Alexandra Gurvitch
    Camera Operator: Gio Barot
    Gaffer: David Sheetz
    Set Designer: Gina Canavan
    Set Designer Assistant: Charlotte Woolsoncroft
    Audio: Gloria Marie
    CCO: Moe Sherwood
    Associate Producer: Courtney Walden
    Production Assistant: Phillip Arliss    
    Production Assistant: Cole Ewing
    Filmed on Location: Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills
    Senior Director, Production Management: Jessica Schier
    Global Entertainment Director, Vogue: Sergio Kletnoy
    Production Manager: Kit Fogarty
    Production Coordinator: Ava Kashar
    Post-Production Coordinator: Andrea Farr
    Post-Production Supervisor: Marco Glinbizzi
    VP, Digital Video Programming and Development,Vogue (English Language): Joe PIckard
    Director of Content, Vogue: Rahel Gebreyes

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    Lauren Conrad Explains How an Abortion Saved Her Life During an Ectopic Pregnancy

    WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - MAY 06: Lauren Conrad as The Little Market Celebrates Mother's Day 2022 at Issima at La Peer Hotel on May 06, 2022 in West Hollywood, California. (Photo by Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images for The Little Market)

    In response to the recent SCOTUS decision to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade case protecting the right to an abortion, “Laguna Beach” alum Lauren Conrad revealed that an abortion once saved her life while she was experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. “The last few days have been hard. I’ve been searching for the right words, and reposting someone else’s didn’t feel quite right,” Conrad wrote on her Instagram Stories on June 28, according to People. “I wanted to share my own experience with lifesaving reproductive care. Six years ago, while trying to start our family, I had an ectopic pregnancy.”

    According to the Mayo Clinic, an ectopic pregnancy occurs “when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus.” Most often, these ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes and are referred to as tubal pregnancies, but they can also occur on ovaries, in the abdominal cavity, and on the cervix. About one in 50 pregnancies are ectopic, and they can occur before you even know you’re pregnant, resulting in bleeding, cramping, lightheadedness, shoulder pain, feelings of weakness, and more. If not treated correctly, ectopic pregnancies can be life threatening.

    “I am so grateful that in each case they were able to safely receive the healthcare they needed and were free to make their own decisions.”

    Conrad, who currently shares two children — 4-year-old Liam James and 2-year-old Charlie Wolf — with her husband, William Tell, continued, “Due to prompt medical care doctors saved my fallopian tubes, allowing me to have two healthy pregnancies. Yesterday I read about a woman with this same condition having her ectopic pregnancy rupture — and facing death — while waiting for treatment, because her doctor was on the phone with his lawyer out of fear of losing his medical license (for using a D&C [dilation and curettage] as a tool to help establish the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy). This is heart breaking.”

    After expressing her heartache over the immediate shift in medical treatment following the Roe v. Wade decision, Conrad went on to explain the importance of giving people with uteruses the freedom to dictate what happens to their own bodies. “Many women in my life have had their own experiences with abortion,” she said. “I am so grateful that in each case they were able to safely receive the healthcare they needed and were free to make their own decisions.”

    Conrad joins celebrities like Laura Prepon, Gloria Steinem, Phoebe Bridgers, and more in being vocal about their personal experiences with abortion. Despite the topic remaining taboo in many states across the nation, Conrad closed out her message by encouraging her followers to keep the conversation going and push for reproductive justice. “Talking about abortion is hard. It can be scary and sad and confusing, and it divides us,” she wrote. “But we must continue talking — and listening — to each other in a respectful way, especially when we disagree. I hope someday we will be in a place where every woman has access to the healthcare she needs and the freedom to decide what happens in her own body.”


    Here’s Hailey Bieber Casually Posing in a Pink Corset Mini Dress and Tiffany & Co. Diamonds

    Presumably giving Barbie a run for her money, Hailey Bieber shared a truly enviable outfit of the day pic on Instagram, featuring three shots of herself posing in a striking pink corset mini dress by Versace with layered Tiffany & Co. diamond necklaces and white platform boots as her sole accessories. “Having a little extra fun today 💕💗💖💞🎀🎀,” she wrote in the caption. Designer Donatella Versace was particularly impressed, commenting, “Princess in pink 💕 you are SO beautiful Hailey!!!”

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Though the exact dress costs north of $7,000, you can shop it and similar looks below:

    Bieber has kept a lower profile in the days following the launch of her Rhode skincare line earlier this month. Her husband Justin Bieber has been recovering from Ramsay Hunt syndrome, which caused temporary partial facial paralysis.

    Bieber spoke on Good Morning America about his recovery process. “He’s doing really well,” she said. “He is getting better every single day. He’s feeling a lot better and, obviously, it was just a very scary and random situation to happen, but he’s going to be totally okay, and I’m just grateful that he’s fine.”

    “The support has been really amazing just from fans, friends, family,” she added. “Every single person has sent well wishes, advice, recommendations. It’s actually been really amazing.”

    This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    A source told People last week that the Biebers’ marriage has become much stronger in the wake of this and Bieber’s own mini stroke in March, from which she has fully recovered.

    “Hailey has been so supportive of Justin, just like he supported her with her health issues,” the friend of the couple told the outlet. “They’re unbreakable.”

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    Megan Fox Matched Her Electric Fuchsia Outfit to Machine Gun Kelly’s Hair

    Couples who color-coordinate together stay together.

    And if you don’t believe it, just look at Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly. The fiancés have not only coordinated in pink monochrome outfits for the past two days, but have also dyed their hair complementary shades of pink.

    Last night, the two were spotted in New York continuing this streak. Fox wore a metallic fuchsia set from The Andamane, consisting of a crop top and a ruched midi skirt, which matched the rapper’s brightly colored locks. She finished the look with more metallic pink accessories, including strappy lace-up sandals from Femme and a micro cross-body bag with a crystal top handle from L’Alingi.

    Meanwhile, MGK seemed to match his monochrome look to Fox’s hair, which was dyed a platinum pink shade. He wore a sheer top, baby pink trousers, and a multicolored tiger-print patchwork coat.

    new york, new york   june 29 machine gun kelly and megan fox are seen at the after party for his madison square garden show on june 29, 2022 in new york city photo by gothamgc images

    GothamGetty Images

    new york, new york   june 29 megan fox is seen at the after party for machine gun kellys madison square garden show on june 29, 2022 in new york city photo by gothamgc images

    GothamGetty Images

    machine gun kelly and megan fox

    Getty Images

    The couple debuted their new dos yesterday while attending the Hulu premiere of the musician’s documentary, Life in Pink.

    For the occasion, Fox wore a two-toned minidress with a keyhole cutout from designer Nensi Dojaka. The clingy dress featured a blush shade, while the bust was a subtle magenta.

    The rapper, too, repped the intense color via a long-sleeved shirt that bore a swirling baby pink-and-blue pattern. He paired the top with white trousers.

    new york, new york   june 27 machine gun kelly and megan fox go back to their hotel on june 27, 2022 in new york city photo by jackson leegc images

    Jackson LeeGetty Images

    In a previous interview, Fox reflected on how she began to embrace her personal style after meeting MGK.

    “Prior to being famous everyone who knew me always knew that I would always wear one really insane piece, and everybody would be like, ‘You dress weird.’ And it wasn’t until I was molded and had to dress one way that I gave up on that,” she said. “And being with him, obviously, he’s slightly eccentric in the way that he dresses—and that has freed me up to express myself more. And he helped hook me up with Maeve Reilly, my stylist.”

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    Women's Fashion

    Cut-outs Bring Sexiness and Self-Expression to Fashion

    Alessandro Vigilante. PHOTOGRAPHY VIA IMAXTREE.COM

    “There are no more rules today about whose body or body type can go scantily clad.”

    Is cut-out clothing the key to genderless expression? My mother used to complain about the cost of “incomplete clothing.” Made restless by our suburban neighbourhood, we would sometimes drive to the shopping mall one town over, and, to my preadolescent horror, she would suddenly become a kind of fashion critic. If I tried my luck in a fitting room and slipped on a pair of lightly distressed jeans, she’d draw her face into a cartography of distaste, sigh the wearied sigh of a Black mother and say, “But why must I pay more money for less fabric?” For me, it was a question of style; for her, it was a question of morality. I did not, at the time, have the language to explain to her that the gashes had to be applied after the jeans were completed, so the cost of labour would inevitably be higher; nor could I simply override her taste because I was 12 or 13 and jobless. And anyway, you should never quarrel with your ride home.

    If she had seen the state of the menswear Spring 2022 runway collections, my mother might well have suffered a mild aneurysm. The clothes were all ruptured and disturbed and pierced with impractical holes. It was like Gaudí was haunting the runway. I first noticed it at Eckhaus Latta, the intimidatingly cool favourite of New York’s downtown art school dropouts, where the garments were wispy and hole-punched and mostly undone. Each model seemed to advertise their own lusty scene of flesh — the sternum, both armpits, a path of side torso — so that when one viewed the parts as a composite, one could easily imagine a perfect naked body. It was about feeling sexy, said Mike Eckhaus to Vogue, which was also to say “it’s about feeling more free.”

    Freedom,” of course, has been the most used and abused theme of this season’s vocabulary: a slashed bodysuit at Rick Owens, acres of thigh at Luar, portholes of chest at Burberry. The message is unencrypted: As we emerge from the bondage of our isolation, so, too, might our formerly scandalized desires. If it’s true what the studies say — that we’re working longer hours and having less sex than ever before — then maybe the cut-out clothing trend is a winking reminder of what everyone’s missing out on.

    a collage of male models walking the runway in cut-out clothing
    L-R: Rick Owens Menswear, Eckhaus Latta, Eckhaus Latta. Photography via Imaxtree

    But could there be another, ancillary freedom at play here? In the aftermath of 2016’s fashion “reckoning,” during which many brands finally chose to combine menswear and womenswear collections, designers have been urged to locate a fresher grammar of genderless expression. Even belatedly, it’s thrilling to see an influx of new standards; we should be above putting people in shapeless, inelegant garments and calling it “the future.” The new generation is instead confronting the dull and colourless life of a man conforming to gender stereotypes, abandoning the unnerving belief that menswear need only be about gesture and attitude — that a man who is fashionable (or, worse, flamboyant) has somehow transgressed by calling attention to his clothing. Sensuality is no longer the remote province of womenswear alone. As fashion edges toward gender fluidity and we get closer to eliminating the binary entirely, it seems that menswear is becoming sexier and more playful, too.

    In his first menswear collection for Courrèges, creative director Nicolas Di Felice, who has been clubbing since he was 13, perfectly articulated his idea of who best carries the cut-out. “He is a boy who is very active, who likes to dance, to share…who moves, who dares and, especially, a boy who tends toward a certain type of freedom,” he told Vogue Paris. It’s a style that demands the sort of electric, uninhibited spirit generally common among The Youth—a generation far more blasé about, and less burdened by, the demands of anything as base and limiting as “gender,” or the weather, or the rules of practicality. My friends go to mid-week genderqueer techno raves in Bushwick, in Brooklyn, wearing Phlemuns or Barragán or Dion Lee — often rebellious fashion designers adept at drawing attention to areas that usually go covered. These are clothes that spark the fantasies of any blushing witness. It’s a static burlesque, where the goal of the striptease is not to get naked but to keep the clothing on, to revel in a space of tense anticipation. Barthes, in 1973: “Is not the most erotic portion of a body where the garment gapes?”

    Like everything else, cut-out clothing has a genealogy. We live in an age of echoing references. Music loves a sample, visual art adores an homage and film will never stop making “new” versions of Spider-Man. Not a single art form exists that doesn’t speak to a history threatening to repeat itself. In this case, dress historian Dr. Ingrid Mida says that we can trace the style’s origins to 16th-century England, where Henry VIII was spending too much money on war and executing his wives. In many royal portraits from that time, placid-looking faces are attached to bodies cinched in doublets (men’s short padded jackets, commonly worn from the 14th to the 17th century) that appear to be torn at random intervals so the fabric beneath peeks through the holes in small mountains. The battle-inspired decorative technique was called slashing, and it was a means of conveying wealth and status by the partial and intentional destruction of one’s own luxurious wares. The point was to expose the ornate fabric hidden beneath the already ornate doublet — a trend only the rich could afford.

    By the 1970s, the bourgeois perfume that clung to the style had dissipated and slashing was refashioned by the punk masses into an articulation of revolt. It wasn’t long before Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto materialized in Paris, armed with the Japanese avant-garde’s taste for the aesthetics of poverty: rags, torn edges, uneven hems, wrapped layers of cloth. The French fashion press recoiled at a style they dubbed “Hiroshima chic,” a poorly worded term meant to describe clothes that looked as if they had survived an atomic explosion. But for them, it was never about sex — it wasn’t meant to be attractive at all. In fact, the point was quite the opposite. It was ugliness as beauty. It was ugliness as protection.

    “When we talk about a trend, we always need to think about the spirit of the times,” says Diane Maglio, a men’s fashion historian and professor at New York’s Berkeley College. “It’s the spirit that comes first; then the clothes follow.” The purpose of cut-out clothing in the 16th century was to show the world how much wealth you had. It was pretentious. But its current form, says Maglio, is more about honesty and authenticity. It’s about dressing for one’s mood rather than one’s social categories. There are no more rules today about whose body or body type can go scantily clad. The only requisite is a cool abandon. An impenetrable confidence. I asked my mother what she thinks about cut-out clothing today. She said she believes it’s silly. I said I think it’s fun. Fashion is cyclical, she concurred, adding that she hopes we find our way back to how things used to be, when menswear was classic and simple and unfussy. To which I replied, “Oh, I hope not.”

    This article first appeared in FASHION’s Summer issue. Find out more here


    Carson Pickett Makes History as USWNT’s First Player With a Limb Difference

    SANDY, UT - JUNE 28: Carson Pickett #26 of the United States controls the ball during a game between Colombia and the United States at Rio Tinto Stadium on June 28, 2022 in Sandy, Utah. (Photo by Brad Smith/ISI Photos/Getty Images)

    Pro soccer player Carson Pickett made history on Tuesday as US Women’s National Team’s first player with a limb difference. Not only was this her international debut, but it was also the 28-year-old’s first time as a starter. Pickett stayed on the field the entire 90-minute game (super impressive, especially for a player’s first time starting) and helped lead the team to a victory of 2-0 vs. Columbia.

    In an interview with ESPN, US coach Vlatko Andonovski said they decided to start Pickett in the game after, “Carson did very well in training for us in last week.”

    Pickett plays as a defender for North Carolina Courage of the National Women’s Soccer League and, now, the US National team. Previously, she played for Orlando Pride. Born without a left hand and forearm, Carson has become an advocate for limb difference and limb loss awareness in recent years.

    In 2019, FIFA Women’s World Cup released a video of the impact Pickett had on Joseph Tidd, a 2-year-old boy with the same limb difference. The video narrates, “thank you for teaching me that what people call a disability is actually my strength, my superpower” over footage of Carson training in the weight room, running on the field, and playing with Tidd.

    In April, Pickett posted on her Instagram for Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month, saying, “While I know that I am confident and comfortable with showing my arm, I know there are so many people in the world who aren’t. The feeling of being different and the anxiety of not fitting in is something that I have been through.”

    She went on to share that she used to wear sweatshirts in the summer heat to hide her arm. “Let’s all try to love ourselves no matter what we look like and let’s all be kind to each other above all else,” Pickett continued. “Different people are my kind of people. The world needs more of that.”

    The team’s official Instagram was buzzing with comments from fans sending their congratulations to Pickett, with some sharing she’s their new favorite player. Pickett also posted on her own Twitter with a simple but heartwarming, “Dream come true.”

    According to ESPN’s latest match report, the US team, now unbeaten in 69 straight games, heads to the CONCACAF W Championship in Monterrey, Mexico. If they continue to play well, they may earn spots in the 2023 Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, and from there, the 2024 Olympics in Paris.


    Turning Grief and Rage Into Power and Progress

    protests break out across the us as supreme court overturns roe v wade

    Emily ElconinGetty Images

    We knew it was coming, but that didn’t make it sting any less last week when the Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of established precedent by abolishing the constitutional right to abortion. Yet as devastating as the ruling is for many, this most regressive of moments can serve as a pathway to new political power and progress on abortion, as well as a range of issues that have languished in Congress for decades.

    In fact, buried in the SCOTUS decision is a sentence intended to disperse responsibility but that is actually a clear call to action. Justice Samuel Alito wrote, “Women are not without electoral or political power. It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast ballots is consistently higher than the percentage of men who do so. In the last election in November 2020, women, who make up around 51.5 percent of the population of Mississippi, constituted 55.5 percent of the voters who cast ballots.” This is a disingenuous rationale for overturning a 50-year precedent, but abortion foes may very well find out exactly how right Alito is.

    “Abortion opponents were geared up to play the long game.”

    The path to successfully righting this historic wrong requires work at the local election level, as much as on the national scene. It means allowing for years of sustained mobilization to remind those in power of the issues, and it demands bringing broader awareness to candidates’ positions election after election after election. The majority of us have known for years the goals of abortion opponents, and now we know how long it took them to arrive at their victory: 50 years. Abortion opponents were geared up to play the long game. They ran candidates at local and state levels, but they also ran a campaign for hearts and minds. They placed ballot measures in state after state. They focused on a cultural shift in how this country views women and their place in it.

    But those tactics aren’t exclusively the domain of the right. In 2011, Mississippi voters rejected a ballot measure that would have outlawed all abortions and many forms of contraception. The measure was all but ensured passage until the final weeks of the election, when a major campaign to defeat the initiative launched. It focused on how to talk with people and educate them about what the unintended consequences of the measure would be. People who opposed abortion were willing to change their minds. Elected officials publicly distanced themselves from the measure as a broader narrative brought context and nuance to a seemingly black and white issue. And it worked, even in one of the most conservative states in the nation.

    The overarching lesson is that Democrats’ 50-50 majority (Vice President Kamala Harris’s vote as president of the Senate tips the scale in the Democrats’ favor) is not enough to pass legislation codifying abortion protections. In order have any chance of passing legislation at the federal level, Democrats would need to keep all their current Senate seats plus flip two more in November, and thereby get rid of the filibuster that Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema won’t vote to end. They’d also need to keep control of the House after the midterms.

    Democratic voters can no longer ignore state legislative bodies, as they have in the last 20 years, barely showing up to vote in state elections. At the same time, the Democratic political machine can no longer afford to abdicate state races as they have been doing for decades. In Florida this year, Democrats didn’t field candidates in nearly 50 of the 160 state House and Senate races on the ballot.

    “The journey can look overwhelming, but it’s the incremental actions that yield a sea of change.”

    From the individual to the systemic, all angles matter. Yes, the journey can look overwhelming, but it’s the incremental actions that yield a sea of change. Volunteer for a pro-choice candidate. Show up at a protest. Donate to a pro-choice organization, and turn out to vote in local, state, and national elections. Use your voice and be willing to engage in a conversation with someone, sharing your personal experience and be willing to listen to them in return.

    If you believe the political system is flawed, the good news is the power is in the people to change it. But it takes one day at a time.

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    Amazon Secretly Has a Ton of Dermatologist-Approved Sunscreen on Sale Right Now

    fashion photo session in paris june 2022

    Edward BerthelotGetty Images

    Believe it or not, July 4th weekend is here! Summer is in full swing, which means long days under the sun are in store for you and your family. While that sounds like all fun and games, you must make sure to properly protect yourself and your family from the sun’s powerful UV rays. Neglecting to apply sunscreen (or not reapplying sunscreen throughout the day!) can put you at risk of painful sunburns, skin cancer, and premature signs of aging, such as dark spots and wrinkles.

    In a fortunate twist of fate, Amazon secretly has a ton of sunscreen on sale right now—and just when we need it most! Better yet, so many top editor-tested and dermatologist-recommended sunscreens are included in this secret sunscreen sale. One of the biggest sunscreen discounts that we’re seeing across all of Amazon happens to be on the Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer, and it was named the best moisturizer with SPF by Ramsey Markus, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist based at Westside Dermatology in Seattle. The two-pack is 35% off right now, bringing the price per tube to about $9 (the regular price for one tube is $17).

    More dermatologist-recommended sunscreens on sale are the CeraVe Oil-Free Facial Moisturizing Lotion, our favorite sunscreen for sensitive skin, or the Coppertone Pure and Simple Baby Mineral Sunscreen, a great option for kids. If you’re looking to try something new, our editors are also huge fans of COOLA’s Hydrating Makeup Setting Spray with SPF 30. It is made with cucumber and aloe vera for a relaxing, rejuvenating sensation that works equally well on bare skin or to keep makeup in place, all while offering broad spectrum UV protection with just a simple spritz—no rubbing in pesky lotion here. Ahead, shop these and more dermatologist-recommended sunscreens on Amazon.

    But those aren’t the only sunscreen deals on Amazon—from standard body sunscreen to sweat- and water-resistant sport formulas to convenient spray sunscreen, there are so many options to choose from right now. These have not been tested by our in-house experts or recommended by dermatologists, but they are all a great value. There are options for every member of the family, whether you’re spraying down the kids before they run out the door or prepping for a beach vacation. Now you can look forward to burn-free days under the summer sun, and save some money while you’re at it.

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    Women's Fashion

    Why Fashion Still Loves NFTs

    By the time Warren Lotas’ first store opened its doors in Los Angeles on a recent Saturday morning, hundreds of people had already queued up outside. Some had started camping out the night before, eager to get early access to a streetwear brand known for its namesake designer’s distinctive heavy metal-inspired, hand-painted illustrations and high-quality cotton and denim construction.

    But one particular group of fans was able to skip the line all day, not because they were celebrities or influencers, but because they owned one of 4,000 non-fungible tokens (aka NFTs) Lotas and his team released at the end of 2021 under the name The Wild Bunch. The hand-drawn skeletons, loosely modeled after the types of characters found in Spaghetti Westerns, depict “federally wanted individuals” outfitted with cowboy hats, camo jackets, and neon sunglasses.

    Owners of the NFTs received another perk: exclusive access to the second floor of the store. There, the brand created a hangout space dubbed Greeley’s Saloon, with sofas and a pool table. “It was great to put some faces to names on discord,” tweeted one Wild Bunch member after visiting the opening and picking up five shirts from the brand, referring to the messaging platform where crypto communities congregate online.

    The store space is one of a number of rewards the Warren Lotas team is working to offer its passionate NFT community. Last week, it launched a debut collection of apparel and accessories, including T-shirts and varsity jackets, only available for the Wild Bunch community to buy.

    fashion nfts

    Greeley’s Saloon, a hangout space for the NFT community on the second floor of Warren Lotas’ L.A. store.


    “NFTs, in this case, are like a membership card—it’s super sick to be part of that club,” said Warren Lotas’ chief operating officer, who goes by the name Sto. He estimated about 200 of The Wild Bunch NFT holders attended the store’s opening, with some traveling from as far as Boston, London, and Tokyo.

    “The hype that surrounds [streetwear] drops is the same hype that surrounds NFT drops,” he added.

    Sto revealed that The Wild Bunch community has grown “like wildfire” since last year’s “mint,” a term used to describe the moment when NFTs are created on a blockchain and become available to buy. “We just want to keep delivering and giving them stuff that they will know they love,” he said.

    Warren Lotas’ approach is an example of a new way forward for the intersection of fashion and NFTs, prioritizing community building over splashy headlines about sky-high sale prices. Despite being a latecomer to the first digital revolution, fashion—and, in particular, luxury—embraced the metaverse as it gained more attention in recent years. Luxury houses have partnered with digital artists, gaming platforms, and crypto firms. For many, the goal is to be seen as part of a culture that is not yet mainstream, but is at the center of widespread fascination and speculation.

    The more eager brands like Gucci have set up branded towns on the popular gaming platform Roblox and collaborated with digital artists to release NFT collections. Nike has set up its own virtual studio and acquired RTFKT, the innovative virtual sneaker studio with grand ambitions to remake the idea of a virtual wardrobe. Even smaller labels have gotten involved with web3. Recently, Paco Rabanne announced a NFT collection selling images of its archive through Selfridges.

    fashion nfts

    The Wild Bunch artwork.


    Fashion and the metaverse are natural partners in many ways: crypto has become a pop culture trend in recent years, and fashion loves aligning itself with the next hot thing. NFTs are also inherently exclusive and limited in nature, appealing to the same aspirational qualities as a rare handbag or limited-edition sneakers.

    “Fashion is an expression of identity or belonging or cultures or even status…same thing with NFTs,” said Krzysztof Gagacki, a crypto entrepreneur and co-founder of reBASE, who is working on a forthcoming NFT collection called CY-B3LLA with supermodel Bella Hadid.

    But after an explosive growth run boosted by the pandemic that saw more than $17 billion in NFT sales in 2021, the crypto market started cooling, and then plummeting in recent months. Bitcoin’s value has plunged as several high-profile crypto firms have fallen to the brink of collapse, triggering panic among some investors. While skeptics see this as confirmation the market is little more than a scam, crypto believers see this downturn as a natural part of the evolution of a market still in its early stages of development.

    Gagacki said there are advantages to launching an NFT project during a market dip: it may deter people who only care about them as a financial investment, looking to make a quick buck, and, he hopes, attract a more passionate, devoted community, like the one The Wild Bunch has been carefully cultivating this year.

    Other brands are trying to follow suit and attract a different type of NFT buyer. Prada’s newest collection of NFTs are being offered, for free, to buyers of its corresponding “Time Capsule” men’s shirt. (It should be noted that the shirts are still a barrier to many, selling at the brand’s typical men’s shirt price of around $1,300.)

    “NFTs are like a membership card—it’s super sick to be part of that club.”

    But it is unclear what else Prada has in mind for NFT holders, and it will likely need to offer them something special if it wants to grow a community of token enthusiasts.

    Sto said most of The Wild Bunch coterie has chosen to hold onto their NFTs and experience the perks of ownership rather than flip them for returns. That behavior was clear even before the recent downturn, he said.

    “The big shift that I definitely see with some of the brands is that they are…taking a step back and thinking of NFTs not just as a marketing activation or a PR play, but actually as long-term projects, long-term relationships with the people that love the brand and support the brand,” said Cathy Hackl, co-founder and chief metaverse officer at Journey, a consulting firm that helps brands with emerging technologies. “Brands that might have wanted to drop an NFT to make a lot of money, I think they might be taking a step back.”

    Gagacki hopes his new project with Hadid will attract fashion devotees and fans of the model alike. Those lucky enough to procure one of the project’s 11,111 unique NFTs will then get access to real-life events and experiences with her, as well as access to subsequent NFT releases. Eventually, they will also be able to use their NFTs as playable characters in different existing metaverses.

    “We’re just taking this a step further and creating a real functional community, not only a digital community,” Gagacki said. “People who buy NFTs only for the profits, for trading—I don’t think we want them.”

    Women's Fashion

    Andie MacDowell on Learning to Love her Signature Curls


    The legendary actor has thrived in youth-obsessed Hollywood by being true to herself.

    Andie MacDowell is many things — an actor, a model and a mother of three among them. But “a confident cook” has never been on that list. So, during the pandemic, she decided to tackle her insecurities. “The woman I’m taking lessons from cooks for Brad Pitt,” she says, letting out a full-barrelled laugh. “I just love telling people that.”

    MacDowell’s trademark South Carolina accent is utterly charming, and I’m immediately captivated by the delicate creases etched across her forehead and around her eyes as well as the salt and pepper curls tumbling loosely around her face. Not to mention, she’s wearing a head-to-toe bubble gum-pink ensemble: trousers and a button-down silk blouse topped with a belted trench coat. So chic. She’s absolutely stunning.

    I’m chatting with the 64-year-old in a suite in Toronto’s Shangri-La Hotel. A L’Oréal Paris brand ambassador for an impressive 36 years, Andie MacDowell, who lives in Los Angeles, was flown in by the beauty juggernaut to host the Canadian edition of the annual L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth gala celebrating community change makers.

    andie macdowell with her hair back in a loose bun, a white dress and red lips

    Formerly a dark shade of brunette, MacDowell’s voluminous curls have been her biggest calling card ever since she burst onto the big screen more than three decades ago, becoming forever immortalized in ’90s classics like Green Card, Four Weddings and a Funeral and Groundhog Day.

    But the American icon admits that before achieving success in Hollywood, she didn’t always embrace her natural texture. “When I moved to New York in 1979, I was straightening it,” she recalls. “Then I went to a salon and the stylist washing my hair said: ‘What are you doing? Don’t straighten your hair! You have great curls.’” I was so influenced by this person. I never fought [my natural texture after that].”

    Fast-forward to today and Andie MacDowell has taken another leap toward self-acceptance by letting her silver roots roam free, a decision she made during lockdown that was influenced by the burgeoning grey hair movement she saw on Instagram. “When I started thinking about what I wanted to do, I would look to see what everyday people out there were doing — not famous people. That was inspiring for me.”

    Clearly, the move hasn’t hurt her career. MacDowell has four film projects in the works plus the freshly released Netflix drama Along for the Ride, which she stars in with Dermot Mulroney.

    It’s a destination that couldn’t have been a walk in the park over the course of her storied career, especially in an industry that has long seen aging as a burden — as a punchline, in fact — and told women they’d be over the hill at 40. “I always tell young journalists that when I turned 40, normal questions were ‘How does it feel to know that you’re not going to work anymore?’ and ‘How does it feel to lose your beauty?’” she reveals.

    But Andie MacDowell says she sees attitudes shifting, due in large part to those coming up behind her. “I’m loving the younger generation because they recognize this and don’t like it,” she shares. “They’re very forward-thinking, inclusive and encouraging because they want to feel good about themselves as they grow older. I don’t feel like my generation felt empowered or emboldened enough to have a voice about things like this. I feel more supported and loved by the younger generation. They’re defining aging for themselves.”

    Swipe through the gallery below to shop MacDowell’s go-to L’Oréal Paris beauty products.

    This article first appeared in FASHION’s Summer issue. Find out more here


    Planned Parenthood’s Powerful New Video Aims to Inspire Us to Keep Fighting

    In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday, Planned Parenthood released a post-decision-day video titled “Force of Nature” depicting a storm rolling over America

    The message is clear: keep your bans off our bodies.

    Over the fading audio clips of Roe v. Wade news reports, the video opens with the lines, “We’ve all felt the storm coming; it’s been building for a long time. Sweeping across the country, destroying our freedoms. Now, the storm is here.”

    Natasha Rothwell, an actor from “Insecure” and “The White Lotus,” narrates the video. The film shows a teenage girl moving within a dark house as thunder claps outside the door. Planned Parenthood does not mince words, with Rothwell ominously narrating, “They plan to steal far more than abortion.”

    In a statement, Rothwell reminds us that generations of activists have fought for freedoms and won. “For decades, antiabortion supporters and politicians have worked to overturn Roe through voting restrictions, unjust laws, misinformation, and fearmongering,” she said. “Together, we will build on this legacy by lifting our voices and mobilizing in our communities to defend abortion rights.”

    Directed by Sadé Clacken Joseph, the video is part of a $12.5 million media campaign that will run across all digital and streaming platforms. The caption on the YouTube video directs people to, a site that features useful information about abortion and ways to get involved in the fight for reproductive justice. Joseph released a statement on why they decided to run with the “Force of Nature” theme.

    “There’s always a rainbow after every storm,” she said in a statement. “Making this video was cathartic, inspiring, and really emotional not only for me but for everybody involved. I hope this piece encourages us to walk toward the storm we find ourselves in today and not be afraid to stand in it, together.”

    Planned Parenthood has made it clear it has no intention to give up the fight to win back the right of choice: over our bodies, our lives, and our futures. Rothwell says, “We have always been a force to be reckoned with, and we won’t back down now. We will be fearless.”


    ‘That Kiss?!’ and Other Thoughts We Had During Only Murders in the Building Season 2 Episode 2

    I know we have to talk about The Kiss. I know you’re thinking about The Kiss. I’m thinking about The Kiss. But, please, I promise—there are other things that happen in this episode of Only Murders in the Building besides The Kiss! We’ll get there. First, let’s remember there’s a murder mystery at hand, and it seems its conclusion will have as much to do with where the killing took place as who did the stabbing.

    Episode 2, “Framed,” opens not with Charles, Mabel, and Oliver peering at an erotic portrait of Charles’s father, as depicted in the premiere, but rather with a brief history of their apartment building. We meet Archibald Carter, the architect who assembled the Arconia in 1908 when he wasn’t, apparently, preoccupied womanizing. I can imagine this detail will prove important later: He designed numerous secret compartments and contraptions within the construction, including—as we witness—a peeping Tom hole from which he could watch female tenants undress. Off to a great start with our first impression of you, Archie!

    Archibald raised his family within the Arconia, and his granddaughter—none other than Bunny Folger, the season 1 finale murder victim—“lived every day of her life within that same apartment.” A brief flash forward to the 1950s, and we get a glimpse of a young Charles and his wannabe-actor father, who dreams of living in the Arconia once his career takes off.

    Finally, episode 2 wheels us back around to the present, and we watch Charles spiral as he questions why, exactly, his father is the subject of a titillating piece of paint pornography. “Is that a shadow,” Charles asks, leaning in for a closer look, “or a tiny little bit of his balls?” Oliver, speaking on behalf of the audience, replies, “Wonderful things for you to work out in therapy.”

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    After taking down the painting—it would, after all, draw suspicion—Mabel discovers the work is titled “Savage,” one half of Charles’s surname. She also lets slip that, when Bunny died in her arms, the cranky old building manager said something more than “fourteen”; she also whispered “Savage.” Before anyone can deduce what that might mean, Howard stops by Charles’s apartment, prompting Mabel and Oliver to scurry into the bedroom with the painting in hand. He’s sporting an inconspicuous shiner around his left eye, which he blames on his cats before inviting the podcast trio over to a “gathering” in Bunny’s old unit.

    They decide to use this meeting as cover for returning Bunny’s painting to her apartment, and at Bunny’s they meet the usual building tenants, along with a couple new faces: Nina Lin (Christine Ko), a heavily pregnant hedge-fund manager and the new board president, plus Bunny’s mother, the voguish octogenarian Leonora Folger (Shirley MacLaine). The latter is after the Rose Cooper painting—oh, and maybe also information about her daughter’s murder? But, for now, she’s preoccupied with the painting, and also with cutting a slice from a particularly pesky triangle of cheddar. (Watching an exasperated MacLaine give up and take a bite out of a whole hunk of cheese remains a highlight of my week.)

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    Oliver and Mabel attempt (unsuccessfully) to return the painting to Bunny’s via one of Archibald’s secret elevators, and Oliver imparts a little relationship wisdom after Mabel reveals she and Oscar (Aaron Dominguez), her beau from last season, have reached the end of the road. A generous interpretation of this scene would argue the writers are acknowledging Mabel’s ability to grow, to shed her “mildly stand-offish millennial” archetype in favor of expanding her art and her relationships. A less beneficent take might interpret it as nothing more than set-up for a more titillating romance: that between Mabel and Alice. Yes, The Kiss. We’ve arrived!

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    At Alice’s art gallery, a flamboyantly dressed Mabel asks after Rose Cooper, the “subversive” artist whom Alice reveals died “mysteriously.” But they don’t linger on the subject for long, because Alice has a bizarre therapy session planned for Mabel. Mabel doesn’t pause to think it’s awful weird how this woman she’s only just met seems to know so much about her past traumas; instead, she goes right into striking an axe into the heart of a sculpture Alice built, one meant to represent Mabel herself. Shedding those demons via axe-wielding leaves Mabel feeling emboldened enough to make a move on Alice, whom she kisses amongst the wreckage.

    Now, fans had extraordinarily mixed reactions to this kiss, made between well-established BFFs Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne. Some considered it stunted, even cringe-worthy. Others heralded it as a triumph of characterization, a moment for Mabel’s suppressed sexuality to wiggle—albeit uncomfortably—from its shell. Personally, I think The Kiss was fine. There’s no Bridgerton-level heat, to be sure, but Only Murders isn’t trying to argue that Mabel’s a good time in bed, just that she’s figuring out what a new phase of her life might look like. The problem with new phases, though, is that they’re ripe for mistake-making, and there’s no doubt Alice is more dangerous than that nipple-clamp necklace would suggest.

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    This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Back at the Arconia, Oliver’s schmoozing with Amy Schumer, whom I’m worried is ironically miscast as a heightened, money-grubbing version of herself. There’s plenty of anti-Schumer sentiment out there these days, but even a Schumer fan might find her scenes incongruent with the rest. Her line deliveries lack the sharp timing that make Steve Martin and Martin Short, in particular, such a delight to watch, and even the discovery that she’s nabbed the Rose Cooper painting from the garbage feels…less than thrilling? I’ll try to reserve some optimism that the best of Schumer is yet to come.

    In Bunny’s unit, Charles sits down over cocotinis with Leonora and learns Bunny’s mother knew Rose Cooper, whose escape from a seemingly abusive partner Leonora funded by purchasing her painting. Soon afterward, Rose went missing and, later, was declared dead. No one seems to know how she died, only that her work’s value spiked afterward. But that painting in Schumer’s apartment? It’s a fake, Leonora proclaims. Bunny had the original, but there’s a replica floating around now—perhaps one the killer commissioned.

    Charles is contemplative after this turn of events, and a flashback reveals his father might have been the one to visit Rose Cooper before her death. When Charles relays his concerns to Leonora, she drops a bombshell: She had an affair with the older Savage, and Rose did, too! And the hits just keep on coming. When Uma drops Bunny’s parrot off to live with Oliver—apparently his guardianship of her pet was one of Bunny’s dying wishes—the parrot has some wisdom to impart: “I know who did it.” Oh, Mrs. Gambolini, pray tell!

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    Hans Zimmer Breaks Down His Career, from ‘Gladiator’ to ‘Interstellar’ | Vanity Fair

    Film composer Hans Zimmer reflects on his legendary career. Zimmer composed music for over 100 movies, including “My Beautiful Launderette,” “Rain Man,” “Gladiator,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Batman Begins,” “The Dark Knight,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Inception,” “Interstellar,” and “Blue Planet II.” Tune in for BBC America’s Planet Earth: Blue Planet II.”

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    Hans Zimmer Breaks Down His Career, from ‘Gladiator’ to ‘Interstellar’ | Vanity Fair


    Machine Gun Kelly Reveals He Attempted Suicide After His Father’s Death

    NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JUNE 27: Colson

    Content warning: This post discusses suicide.

    In his new Hulu documentary, “Life in Pink,” Colson Baker, better known as Machine Gun Kelly, offers an intimate look at some of the most memorable and most traumatic moments of his life, including a suicide attempt following his father’s death. As an adolescent, Kelly was rebellious, creating a strained relationship with his father that lasted for years. When his dad became sick in 2019, the “Bloody Valentine” singer went to visit him, stirring up complex emotions that Kelly shared on Twitter. “flew out to see my dad today. broke down in my daughters arms when i saw him,” he wrote on Dec. 24, 2019. “I should’ve told him that I loved him years ago. breaks my f*ckin heart that we wasted all this time . . . “

    “My father took his last breath this morning, and I’ve never felt a pain this deep in my life.‬”

    On the one-year anniversary of his fourth studio album, “Hotel Diablo,” Kelly announced that his father had died that same morning. “i had plans for the one year anniversary of Hotel Diablo today,” he tweeted on July 5, 2020. “that album was everything i wanted to say and i know it’s close to my fans. but my father took his last breath this morning, and i’ve never felt a pain this deep in my life.‬”

    Halfway through the documentary, which was released on June 28, the “Papercuts” singer candidly explained the dark spiral he went into following his father’s death. “I flew to my dad’s apartment to clear all this stuff out. I had this really weird interaction with this neighbor who told me all these things I didn’t want to hear,” he said in the film, according to People. “That f*cked me up even more because I couldn’t get closure on it. I wouldn’t leave my room and I started getting really, really, really dark.”

    At the time, Kelly was reliant on drugs to cope with his grief. While his then-girlfriend, Megan Fox, was out of the country filming a movie in Bulgaria, Kelly “snapped” and threatened to take his own life. “I kept getting paranoid that someone was gonna come and kill me,” he said. “I would always sleep with a shotgun next to my bed, and like, one of the days, I just f*cking snapped. I called Megan, I was like, ‘You aren’t here for me.’ I’m in my room and I’m like freaking out on her and, dude, I put the shotgun in my mouth and I’m yelling on the phone and like the barrel’s in my mouth. I go to cock the shotgun and the bullet as it comes back up, the shell just gets jammed. Megan’s like dead silent.”

    Following the incident, Fox and Kelly’s 12-year-old daughter, Casie Colson Baker, openly discussed the external impact of his drug dependency and persuaded him to seek help. “They simultaneously came at me with this like, ‘I want to like, be able to see in your eyes. I don’t want to like be talking to you through a veil anymore. I want to see you as my father and I want to see you as my husband-to-be,'” he said. “I was like, ‘I need to kick the drugs, for real this time.'”

    Despite the dark periods he’s endured, Kelly added that his current drug of choice is “happiness and commitment to the art, rather than commitment to a vice that I believed made the art. I’m taking steps. I had my first therapy session last Thursday. That’s the first time I ever went, ‘Hey, I need to separate these two people,’ which is Machine Gun Kelly and Colson Baker. The dichotomy is too intense for me.”

    If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal ideation or are at risk, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has several resources and a 24/7 lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


    Megan Fox Debuts Platinum Pink Hair in a Little Pink Dress

    new york, new york   june 27 megan fox and colson baker machine gun kelly attend machine gun kellys life in pink premiere at on june 27, 2022 in new york city photo by jamie mccarthygetty images

    Jamie McCarthyGetty Images

    Megan Fox made the ultimate commitment to her monochrome look by dying her hair a platinum pink hue.

    Last night in New York City, the actress and fiancé Machine Gun Kelly attended the premiere for his new Hulu documentary, Life in Pink. The couple dressed accordingly.

    Fox opted for pink-on-pink-on-pink. Besides her newly dyed locks, she also wore a two-toned minidress with a keyhole cutout from designer Nensi Dojaka. The body of the clingy dress featured a blush shade, while the bust was a subtle magenta. For shoes, she wore strappy bubblegum pink heels. Even her glam and manicure matched the monochrome direction.

    Meanwhile, the rapper put his own spin on the pink theme. With his own hair dyed an electric fuchsia, MGK wore a long-sleeved turtleneck that featured an abstract baby pink-and-blue swirly pattern. He styled the statement piece with ivory pants and accessorized with a silver-and-pearl chain.

    new york, new york   june 27 megan fox attends machine gun kellys life in pink premiere on june 27, 2022 in new york city photo by jamie mccarthygetty images

    Jamie McCarthyGetty Images

    new york, new york   june 27 machine gun kelly and megan fox go back to their hotel on june 27, 2022 in new york city photo by jackson leegc images

    Jackson LeeGetty Images

    Fox and MGK are known to coordinate their edgy looks, especially when making red-carpet appearances. In May, the duo again appeared in head-to-toe pink outfits, this time for the world premiere of their movie, Good Mourning. Fox dazzled in a sequined dusty pink gown that was custom-made by Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini, while the musician wore an entirely hot pink suit that was printed all over with a red rose pattern.

    In an interview earlier this year, Fox reflected on how her relationship with Kelly helped her embrace her own personal style.

    “Prior to being famous everyone who knew me always knew that I would always wear one really insane piece, and everybody would be like, ‘You dress weird.’ And it wasn’t until I was molded and had to dress one way that I gave up on that,” she said. “And being with him, obviously, he’s slightly eccentric in the way that he dresses—and that has freed me up to express myself more. And he helped hook me up with Maeve Reilly, my stylist.”

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    Men's Fashion

    10 Of The Best Ties Brands That Will Instantly Improve Your Wardrobe in 2022

    The best ties for men are chic, understated, and elevate the tailoring it accessorizes. King Louis XIV of France knew this. During the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), he noticed Croatian mercenaries using a neck fabric to keep their jackets tied up. Allegedly, he liked their neckties so much that he made them compulsory for royal occasions and nicknamed them “le cravate.” Hence, the term cravat today.

    This timeworn accessory will tie up (oh dear) the loose ends in your tailoring and bring a sprinkling of sartorial panache. Consider the equally mundane and profound moments you’ll be wearing your best ties—weddings, funerals, offices, holidays, birthdays, boardrooms, airport waiting lounges, and fancy restaurants. Do yourself a favor and get a good one.

    But which one(s)? While they’re not the most complex accessory in your wardrobe, there are certain things to know before bulldozing into the haberdasher. Join us on a walk through an HTML closet of digital best ties where we hope you come out at the other end with a real one in your hand. Keep reading. 

    Our Top Picks

    It’s important not to deconstruct life too much–it’s a matter of health. However, when it comes to the best ties, it’s very important. At its most basic, a tie is just fabric. Good tie? Good fabric. Drake’s has long since evolved from their inception as a haberdasher and became a global purveyor of vintage tailoring in a relaxed, modern way.

    For all of these reasons, this tie is universally applicable. It’s not too smart nor too informal with the navy and rust color palette, imbuing it with the calmness of water and the naturalness of the Earth. These are two highly versatile colors when it comes to tailoring, and the quality of the wool is second-to-none, being handmade in London.

    Material: Wool | Type: Slim | Colors available: Navy & Rust Broad Stripe | Length: 147 Centimeters | Width: 8 Centimeters

    Drake’s Navy and Rust Broad Stripe Wool Tie

    The sumptuous luster of velvet fabric is a thing to behold. Here, Gucci utilizes a deep burgundy hue for even more velvety depth. This bow tie has bold, large wings tempered by the soft shape and material. It’s stylish but accessible. 

    Some puritans in the fashion scene suggest that you haven’t achieved sartorial greatness until you know how to tie a bow tie yourself. This Gucci bowtie dismantles every single argument in favor of that notion through sheer stylishness. But if the velvet piece doesn’t do it for you and you simply must know how to tie your own bow tie… fine.

    Material: Velvet | Type: Pre-tied Bow | Colors available: Burgundy | Length: 9 Centimeters / 3.5 Inches | Width: 12.5 Centimeters / 4.9 Inches

    Gucci Pre-Tied Velvet Bow Tie

    The slenderness of a skinny tie is an elegant adornment for your tailoring. Brunello Cucinelli presents this soft-hued off-white tie in a glorious striped silk fabric. Manufactured in Solomeo, a 14th-century Italian village in the region of Umbria, this is rustic-Italian fashion at its most authentic. 

    We suggest styling with similarly slim, tailored fit suiting. Just imagine, for a minute, what a skinny tie would look like on a baggy suit fit. It would be comical, so it’s best to avoid it. The off-white lends itself well to the lighter tones of spring/summer, and the elegant dual-stripes give an easy platform to style from.

    Material: Silk | Type: Skinny | Colors available: Off-white, Gray | Length: 59.6 Inches | Width: 2.8 Inches

    Brunello Cucinelli Striped Silk Tie

    We love the multi-colored patterning on this Shoryu tie. Reminiscent of eighties boldness, the style comes to fruition through a super smooth ribbed silk material. This tie will tweak your tailoring in a modern direction announcing you as a fashion-forward, highly sophisticated man of taste. Or, that’s the plan, at least.

    Due to the boldness and its aesthetic verve, these best ties should be the centerpiece of your tailoring. Pair it with a pink or white shirt and a simple black, charcoal, gray, or navy suit. You’re sure to be met by the jealous eyes of other men and the swoon of potential lovers. Again, that’s the plan, at least. Shoryu can handle it?

    Material: Silk | Type: Slim | Colors available: Multi-colored

    Percival Shoryu Tie

    There are two main factors urging my cursor towards purchasing this tie. First, just look at it—the chic geometric patterning, the silk fabric, the desirable brown-blue-navy colors, and the slender sharpness of its shape. It’s almost irresistible.

    Second, it has been, and I quote: “Meticulously recreated using the original patterns and receipts from the Bond and Turnbull archives.” Film history has never looked so good.

    Material: Silk | Max Width: 9.5 Centimeters

    Turnbull & Asser Tomorrow Never Dies Silk James Bond Tie

    Hermès began life as leather makers and became renowned for that. But in 1937 and 1947, respectively, they released silk scarves and silk ties using a vibrant screen printing technique. The vertical production from the silkworm plantations in Brazil to the point of sale means quality is at a maximum. This is one of the main reasons Hermès silk products are still revered to this day.

    This particular silk tie presents a maze of geometric beauty. Due to the miniature size of the hand-sewn pattern, when viewed from afar, it gives the illusion of a single blue-white tone—making it a great choice for formal styling.

    Material: Silk | Colors available: 6 Colorways | Width: 3.15 Inches

    Hermès Minotaure tie

    Want to know something crazy? The Ascot tie is banned from Ascot. Well, okay, that’s slightly true. The casual Ascot tie is banned from the royal enclosure at Ascot because it became too popular and not exclusive enough for the higher echelons of society. These days, the casual Ascot is a wonderful go-between scarf and tie. You get panache and an aesthetic difference that’ll let you stand out from the crowd. 

    You’ll want to slide this “extra soft” silk cravat through your fingertips every minute for pure sensory pleasure. And the copper, brown, and white geometric designs look as sophisticated as TS Eliot’s poetry reads.

    Material: 36oz ‘Extra Soft’ Silk Twill | Type: Ascot Tie (day cravat) | Colors available: Blue, Black | Length: 120 Centimeters | Width of Blade: 15 Centimeters | Width of Neck: 5 Centimeters

    The Cravat Club Daniel

    Like Stella Bugbee in her piece for The Cut on bolo ties, she isn’t 100% sure why she wants to wear one. It’s just that she saw someone wear it so incredibly well, and now she wants one. I get it. The bolo tie really shouldn’t look good, but it really does?

    This brand-heavy Prada bolo tie in Saffiano leather is of the finest going, and it’s guaranteed to look chic as any conventional best ties for men as an alternative paired with a plain white shirt. Sure, it’s not as formal as a traditional tie, but as a smart-casual accessory, it packs a lot of fantastic character. 

    Material: Leather & Enamel | Type: Bolo | Colors available: White, Yellow, Black, Blue | Length: 90 Centimeters | Width: 0.6 Centimeters

    Prada Saffiano Leather Bolo Tie

    The best ties, especially for weddings, are elegant, formal, and unpretentious. But there’s something else they don’t tell you about wedding ties. Weddings are mostly in the summer, so it pays to be set up for sunshine and warmth. 

    That’s why this linen tie by Reiss is one of the best ties for men attending a union. The dusty musted pastel pink tone situates it in the realm of spring/summer tailoring. If you can don it with a white linen shirt, pastel linen suit, and brown oxfords, you’ll look très bon indeed. Expect one, but probably multiple wedding proposals to come your way when wearing that set-up.

    Material: Linen | Type: Slim | Colors available: Pink, Blue, Mint

    Reiss Barrow Linen Tie

    These ties have expensive flair, but they’re very affordable. They’re practically designed for that summer wedding you know will be in the sunshine. Add to the wholesomeness of the affair with your dainty and skinny floral tie, subtly giving off an “approachable good-natured” vibe. Not like the guy wearing the skull and crossbones tie—don’t be like him. 

    This tie pattern comes in a huge range of colors, so the right one for you is there, somewhere. Our choice? The beige blue option. It matches floral exuberance with the versatility and neutrality an off-white shade gives you.

    Material: Cotton | Type: Skinny | Colors available: 36 Options| Length: 58 Inches | Width: 2.5 Inches

    Belluno Floral Skinny Tie for Men

    Christmas ties are meant to be full of festive cheer, so they don’t always define themselves by their sharp style or impeccable taste. Mainly, they’re preoccupied with stunning you into cheery submission through bright colors, lights, or terrible quips. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    This silk tie by Cufflinks Inc. is different. While it still displays awesome little pugs in Christmas hats (very fun), they’re small enough to be almost respectable. The sort of best ties for men that might get a little chuckle and a nod of approval in the boardroom around Christmas time. That’s the sort of aspiration we’re aiming for here—style with a chuckle. 

    Material: Silk | Type: Slim | Length: 59 Inches | Width: 3 Inches

    Cufflinks Inc. Pug Men’s Tie

    When it comes to “tried and tested,” it doesn’t get much more objective than 4.7 stars out of 5 from 891 amazon reviews/ratings (at the time of writing). The crisp color options, unique animal/dinosaur patterning, and voluminous berth give this tie a magnetic sense of confidence. It even comes with a matching pocket square. That’s another good way to define the best ties for men—they come with bonus gifts.

    Material: Polyester | Type: Slightly Wide | Colors available: 9 Animal Patterns | Length: 59 Inches | Width: 3.4 Inches

    Hisdern Animal Ties for Men

    Dark red is a versatile tie choice because it goes with navy, charcoal, gray, and black with ease. Nothing says “classic” like refined pure silk fabric woven that lends a luxurious feel to even the drabbest of tailoring. 

    While versatility is a strong point of the dark red tie, we suggest going with a matching navy suit with black leather or very dark brown leather shoes. Don’t forget a crisp, well-ironed white shirt. Classic tailoring. You can’t go wrong, even if you tried.

    Material: Silk | Type: Skinny | Width: 8 Centimeters

    Suit Supply Dark Red Tie

    The pattern on this silk-cotton blend tie by Paul Smith brings a smile to our faces. Perhaps, because the palm tree graphics conjure up dreams of living an easy life in a Caribbean beach shack, fishing for sustenance, and waking up far too late. 

    At the rear of the tie, you’ll find the classic Paul Smith “stripe” through which you can stow the smaller end through. These best ties for men are also lined with a floral black and white print for yet more visual stimuli. Because of the vibrant nature of this design, keep it classy with a charcoal suit and pink/white shirt to boot. Basically, make everything else the background for this foreground-worthy neckwear.

    Material: 62% Silk, 38% Cotton | Type: Slim | Colors available: Mauve | Length: 144 Centimeters

    Paul Smith Silk-Blend 'Getaway' Tie

    It’s crucial with a floral tie not to be too floral. That’s a visual onslaught best avoided. They’re a nightmare to style, and the 7-year-old art-project aesthetic doesn’t look particularly flattering.

    Now, onto good floral ties. Here, Hugo Boss has arranged floral motifs via careful symmetry presenting a neat, garden-like aesthetic. The pink and blue meld nicely together through the silk jacquard weave to create a sophisticated and desirable tie.

    Material: Silk | Type: Skinny | Colors available: Light Purple, Light Blue | Length: 150 Centimeters / 59.1 Inches | Width: 7.5 Centimeters / 3.0 Inches

    Hugo Boss

    What To Look For When Buying The Best Ties for Men

    Tie Knot

    Personally, I’ve only ever used one type of knot. I learned it at school, never knew its name, and it’s done me well through the years. I exist at one end of the spectrum. On the other is the Fashion Beans’ comprehensive “eight tie knots every man should master.” It’s definitely worth checking out since different knots are more appropriate for certain width/length/materials of the best ties. Get some real sartorial kudos and master the fishbone knot, which mimics a herringbone pattern.


    Benjamin Franklin said, “Nothing can be said to be certain except Death, Taxes, and tie width should always match lapel width.” Mr. Franklin was a wise man. If you want an example, notice how tailoring trends in the eighties/nineties sported baggy fits with big lapels, and the tie width expanded with them. This lapel width-tie width rule is the way of the world.


    The main roster of materials includes silk, cotton, wool, linen, and polyester. Silk is the most luxurious, while polyester is the most affordable. Linen is lightweight and breathable, making it great for summer, while wool is generally more insulating and better for winter. Cotton is a good all-rounder.


      • These days formal neckwear is seldom for practical purposes (unless you count proving a judge of your innocence), so why are we still wearing ties nearly 400 years on? It all boils down to style and presentation.

        Ties offer men a chance to show some flair in otherwise drab attire, and the addition of one can quite literally tie a look together. Of course, they’re not just for formalwear. Wearing a tie can instantly upgrade a more relaxed outfit too, indicating that you’re a man knows how to truss himself up even when the dress code doesn’t require a lounge suit.

        “Men still love raising the game sartorially, and British men take much more pleasure in the smart-casual look,” says Jermyn Street master shirt and tie maker Emma Willis. “This often includes less structured, plain, textured ties that de-formalize silk with blends of linen or cashmere.”

        A tie is also a great way to subtly change up your look day-to-day, particularly if your job requires you to wear a suit. “I always imagine I have a heads up on the day’s current affairs choosing BBC newsreader Huw Edwards’ tie with him depending on the headline story,” adds Willis.

        • When deciding on the tie, consider the shirt, the shoes, the fabric, and the color of the suit. Remember the golden rule of tailoring: balance. A tie can add zest to a less exciting assortment, or it can help mute a more wild outfit. Think of it as the garnish to your meal. You want to choose the right herb, and you want the right amount of it.

          • They’ve done it. They really have invented everything now. The travel case for ties will protect your precious fabrics and even give space for accouterments such as tie bars or cufflinks. If this seems needless (it is), simply fold the tie in half, roll it up into a sartorial cylinder, and place it in one of your shoes like a good resourceful human.

            • Generally, 57-58 inches is normal. However, tie lengths can extend as far as 67 inches or over for especially tall men. A larger man might want a longer than normal to account for extra torso length too. 

              • We’re aware there are more pressing issues in the world than what style of neckties are currently in favor. And while there’s a lot to be said for not giving a damn, what’s the harm in knowing? Tailoring trends suggest baggier fits and wider lapels. So, it makes sense to apply our earlier advice of matching lapel width to necktie width and suggest: that wide ties are so hot right now.

                Other styles to note are pastels, which are lovely for the summer, and knitted fabrics since they’re a nice departure from the traditional. I would avoid classic paisley, floral, bright, or plain colors for anything too staid or conventional.


    Selena Gomez Says Men Need to “Stand Up and Speak Against” the SCOTUS Ruling

    LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JUNE 27: Selena Gomez attends Los Angeles Premiere Of

    Image Source: Getty / Frazer Harrison

    Selena Gomez is urging more men to join the chorus of voices condemning the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn abortion rights. “It’s about getting men — men needing to stand up and also speak against this issue,” the actor said in a short, impassioned red carpet interview with Variety at the season two premiere of her show “Only Murders in the Building.” Responding to a question about what Hollywood can do in the face of the ruling, Gomez also touched on the importance of voting and empathized with “the amount of women that are hurting.”

    Gomez added that she “is just not happy” with the ruling and hopes “we can do everything in our power to do something to change that [the ruling].”

    Gomez initially spoke out against the SCOTUS decision when it was announced on June 24, tweeting, “Watching a Constitutional right be stripped away is horrific. A woman should have the right to CHOOSE what she wants to do with her own body. End of story.” In a follow-up tweet, the 29-year-old actor implored followers to support Planned Parenthood Action, the advocacy arm of Planned Parenthood. “I am fearful of what will happen to those without the necessary means to have access to a safe, legal abortion,” wrote Gomez, who is also a strong advocate for mental health and voting rights.

    Gomez isn’t the only star to urge men, specifically, to support abortion rights after the ruling. While accepting her BET award for best female R&B/pop artist, singer Jazmine Sullivan said she wanted to “speak directly to the men,” saying, “We need y’all. We need y’all to stand up — stand up for us, stand up with us.” She added, “This is not just a woman’s issue. This is everybody’s issue, and we need your support more than ever.”

    Expressing your dissent of the ruling and even sharing personal abortion stories (as other celebs have done) are powerful ways to make a difference, experts confirm — the more people talking about abortion rights with their friends, families, or followers, the stronger the movement becomes. Making donations, calling representatives, and voting are also crucial ways to show your support and ensure that the fight for abortion rights continues.