Women's Fashion

January’s Astrological Transits Could Set the Tone for Your Year

Graphic by Kayleen Dicuangco

Here’s how to work with (not against) the stars.

The new year is here and — based on my astrology predictions for January 2022 — things are about to get interesting. After a year of focusing on inner alignment and manifestation, I decided to ditch the New Year’s Resolutions I would’ve drafted in the past and turn inward. It’s taken 27 years, but I’ve finally realized that motivating myself by writing a list of fixed goals (like “read 30 books,” or “exercise twice per day”) is more “gaslight, gatekeep” than “girlboss.”

Instead of the brute-force method, I’m opting for an intuitive approach to goal-setting this year — and using the planetary retrogrades to my advantage.

In January 2022, the astrology forecast is calling for a Venus retrograde, a Mercury retrograde and a Mars transit. While the internet views astrological transits as the source of all breakups and bad haircuts, FASHION knows that retrogrades aren’t to blame. Rather than causing conflict, these cosmic occurrences simply bring issues we may have ignored (or avoided) to the surface.

Whether you’re super into all things witchy or a bit of a skeptic, you can’t deny the logic in “work smarter NOT harder.” Retrogrades are only disruptive when we suppress our inner voices and work out of alignment with our true self. So, to level up — and level up QUICKLY — prioritize the connection you have with your inner self over external relationships.

Below, my astrology predictions for January 2022, and how you can cope with the changes.

Venus retrograde (Dec. 19, 2021 to Jan. 29, 2022)

Venus will station retrograde from Dec. 19 to Jan. 29 in the sign of Capricorn. As the planetary ruler of flirty Libra and sturdy Taurus, Venus plays a big role in our romantic and financial endeavours. Since the Morning Star goes retrograde in the practical sign of Capricorn, we may be called to view our love lives and finances through a more traditional lens. This can mean saying a firm no to situationships and precarious work. It can also mean saying yes to long-term partnerships and investments. #zodiacs #venusretrograde #geminifullmoon #december2021 #astro #astrologytok #capricorn #venusincapricorn #positiveaffirmations♬ Dreamy – Elijah Lee

In pop culture, we mostly hear about the romantic possibilities of a Venus retrograde. We all have an ex we low-key want to see again, even if just for a little drama and validation (‘tis the season?). But instead of practicing Blair Waldorf’s iconic “three words, eight letters” speech, let’s remember that retrogrades are way more about introspection than ultimatums. This TikTok User breaks it down perfectly:

@peytonmichiVenus Retrograde Breakdown #venusretrograde #retrograde #astrology #zodiacsigns #SimsSelves #spirituality #capricorn #astrologypredictions #astrotalk♬ Take Me to Pluto – idonthateyou

Last year I realized that someone can be kind to you and still be wrong for you. After shedding the false selves I’d created to protect myself from disappointment, I brought my expectations up to meet my desires instead of the other way around.

This Venus retrograde, ask yourself what it would really take for you to be happy and secure with your finances and relationships. Don’t soften your answers; instead, ask yourself why voicing your desires makes you uncomfortable.

Mercury retrograde (Jan. 14, 2022 to Feb. 3, 2022)

Mercury goes retrograde in two signs this month: first in innovative Aquarius from Jan. 14 to 25 and then in ambitious Capricorn from Jan. 25 to Feb. 3rd. Mercury rules over the solution-focused signs of Gemini and Virgo, so the areas of our lives where communication really matters will be most affected — yes, that means all forms of communication. The way we relate to others at home, work and online will likely be called into question. This TikTok highlights what to expect:

@healingwithjazVenus/Mercury retrograde 2022 #venus #mercury #MakeABunchHappen #retrograde #astrology #astrologytiktok #venusretrograde #mercuryretrograde #zodiac♬ nhạc nền – AK乂Duty

We all have negative associations with Mercury and its infamous transits. Email mix-ups, shattered iPhones and buyer’s remorse are just a few of the frustrations we can look forward to this month (note: sarcasm). Even if your plan is to just lay low and try to survive this retrograde, let me remind you that both Venus and Mercury are retrograding in unison.

What does that mean? This TikTok explains it pretty well:

@peytonmichiVenus & Mercury Retrograde #DoTheJuJu #astrology #venusretrograde #mercuryretrograde #astrologypredictions #astrotalk #astrology2022 #spirituality♬ Winter / Chill / R & B_No517 – table_1

Last year I noticed a lot of the tension in my friendships was stemming from my inability to express my needs. So, instead of swallowing my discomforts like the “Strong Black Woman” stereotype says I should, I learned to trust the people I love with the softest parts of me, and say what I needed.

This Mercury retrograde, ask yourself whether your fear of conflict comes from the possibility of losing others or betraying yourself. There will always be miscommunications and disagreements, but by remembering that we’re safe with those who love us, we can learn to be less defensive and more open.

Mars transit in Sagittarius (Dec. 13, 2021 to Jan. 24, 2022)

Mars entered adventurous Sagittarius on Dec. 13, and will stay there until Jan. 24. The Red Planet rules impulsive Aries and intense Scorpio, and since it’s associated with our aggression, sexuality and ability to take action, it should come as no surprise that Mars is actually quite comfortable in Sagittarius. But will we be comfortable operating on Sagittarian impulses…especially during a double retrograde?

I love my Sun sign, but it’s no surprise we’re commonly referred to as “Sagiterrorists.” Our energy is known for being fun-loving, chaotic and non-committal (listen to “The Archer” by Taylor Swift, she explains it pretty well). Balancing these Sag desires for excitement and freedom with Capricorn sensibilities is definitely easier said than done.

I’ve realized that allowing yourself to do whatever you want can be a form of self-love, but it can also be a form of self-abandonment. We owe it to ourselves to take actions that make us happy, and we’re allowed to reconsider any actions we’re uncertain about.

Based on my astrology predictions for January 2022, I’ll give you one last piece of advice: Whether you’re deciding on UberEats, buying a new desk chair, or sending your ex a “Happy Birthday” text, ask yourself: “Is this in alignment with my best self?”

Trust the process, trust the planets and (most of all) trust yourself. You got this!


Get Your Heart Rate Up With This 10-Minute Bodyweight HIIT Workout

It’s time to get your heart rate up and strengthen your abs with this two-for-one HIIT ab workout. This workout is going to work your obliques, your rectus abdominals (the six-pack muscles), and your transverse abdomnis (your deep core muscles); you’re going to be winded once it’s over. Grab a towel and some water, because it’s about to get sweaty!

The 10-Minute HIIT Ab Workout

Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, and take 15 seconds of rest in between each move. It doesn’t matter how many reps you complete within the 30-second time frame; focus on your form. Take 45 seconds to one minute of rest in between each round. Complete three rounds.

  • Mountain climber: 30 seconds
  • Side plank with a dip: 30 seconds (15 seconds on each side)
  • Seated knee tuck: 30 seconds
  • Up-down plank: 30 seconds
  • Russian twist: 30 seconds

Fans React to The New Hot Romance On ‘And Just Like That…’ and One Particular Scene

On Thursday’s episode of HBO Max’s And Just Like That…, many situations escalated quickly. Spoilers ahead.

First, Carrie Bradshaw went from having a sore back to need full on hip surgery within the first few minutes of the show. The girls come to her rescue, taking shifts to make sure Carrie has the support she needs in recovery—sometimes literal support to get to the bathroom.

Throughout Carrie’s healing process, Miranda grows closer with Carrie’s podcast partner, Che Diaz, who she goes on an accidental date with in the hospital cafeteria and then welcomes into Carrie’s home while the invalid is sleeping. There, several plot threads come to a head: Miranda over indulges in tequila shots, Miranda and Che end up having very loud sex in the kitchen, and Carrie ends up peeing the bed.

Though the flirtation was hinted at in earlier episodes of the season, fans were still shocked, delighted or horrified to see that Miranda and Che actually got physical.

Some were thrilled:

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This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Some were really surprised that Miranda Hobbes was suddenly queer, having rejected the idea that she might be interested in women in the original series. They wondered if the new storyline was more related to Cynthia Nixon’s life than a realistic portrayal of the character.

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This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

And a few wondered how Miranda could cheat on her husband Steve after his similar betrayal hurt her so much in the SATC movie. Not to mention Carrie was being a little judgmental of cheating considering her history with Big.

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This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

But the answer to their questions might be in the convo that carrie and Miranda have afterwards, when the latter realizes just how bad she has messed up.

“I’m unhappy. I’m unhappy,” Miranda tells Carrie. “I’m trapped. I hate my marriage. I hate it. I hate my life. I hate it.”

“Since when?” Carrie asks her friend.

“Since forever,” Miranda says.

Che or no Che, Miranda has a lot of stuff to work out.

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Yes, You Can Do Microdermabrasion At Home

Some skin-care treatments are better left to the pros. Certain types of peels. lasers, and deeper levels of light therapy should be done by a knowledgeable and board-certified expert. However, microdermabrasion at home is a treatment that with proper research, and careful instruction from your dermatologist, can deliver skin-smoothing benefits right from your bathroom.

What is Microdermabrasion?

According to New York City-based, board-certified dermatologist Diane Madfes, microdermabrasion works by removing the top layer of skin using a combination of suction and mild abrasion. Board-certified dermatologist Hadley King, who is also based in New York City, tells that another microdermabrasion technique involves spraying “fine particles of aluminum oxide or sodium bicarbonate with a vacuum [or] suction.” Meanwhile, Michele Green, another New York City-based, board-certified dermatologist, says that applicators–aka handpieces–utilize microscopic diamond chips to gently exfoliate. You can even buy skincare products infused with tiny crystals which mimic the effects of microdermabrasion devices—but more on this later.

What Are the Benefits of Microdermabrasion?

“Microdermabrasion can be used to target and improve the appearance of a wide array of skin concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, dullness, and sun damage,” Dr. Green notes. She also credits microdermabrasion with increasing the rate of skin cell turnover, subsequently boosting collagen production. The result? Radiant skin and a smooth, healthy-looking complexion.

Should I Do Microdermabrasion at Home?

All of the dermatologists we spoke to agreed that the procedure is more effective when done by a professional. According to Dr. Green, this is because in-office machines are designed to be more powerful than at-home devices. Plus, she continues: “Professionals can guide the patient to the best result possible and know who is a good candidate and who is not.” With this in mind, you still can easily perform microdermabrasion at home for the sake of achieving milder results.

Can Any Skin Type Do Microdermabrasion?

There are a few things to keep in mind when determining if the treatment is right for you, “While mild at-home microdermabrasion is technically safe on all skin types, the darker the skin type, the higher the risk of potential side effects like discoloration,” explains New York City-based, board-certified dermatologist and OptiSkin founder Orit Markowitz. Meanwhile, Marina Peredo, another New York City-based, board-certified dermatologist, advises people with compromised skin—such as active acne, rosacea, eczema, or atopic dermatitis—to avoid microdermabrasion. This is because the treatment can exacerbate flare-ups and flaky skin.

How Do I Do Microdermabrasion At Home?

Limit sun exposure before and after treatment. “You should avoid the sun and use sunscreen a week before treatment and a week thereafter,” says Dr. Corey L. Hartman, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, Alabama. He continues, telling “Similar to an exfoliant, sun exposure plus microdermabrasion can do more harm than good.” Per the dermatologist, the skin will be more sensitive post-treatment, making it more susceptible to sunburn and damage.

Cleanse ahead of time. According to Dr. Hartman, your skin needs to be clean and free of makeup, dirt, oil, and debris for optimal microdermabrasion results. Dr. Madfes suggests using micellar water to cleanse, calling it a “wonderful” option for prepping the skin before microdermabrasion treatment.

Start low and slow. “When using an at-home microdermabrasion device, you should always start on the lowest setting to see how your skin reacts,” says Dr. Peredo. “If you start out too aggressively, it can result in acne, bruising, or irritated skin,” she explains. Dr. Madfes warns that this can also lead to enlarged pores.

Do your research before buying a device. While there are dozens of at-home microdermabrasion tools, Dr. Green recommends The MicrodermMD by Trophy Skin. According to the dermatologist, the product offers a “gentle yet thorough exfoliation” thanks to its diamond-tipped applicator. Plus, the helpful LCD screen displays a walkthrough of the different treatment modes. It also comes with three interchangeable tips for sloughing, extracting gunk from pores, and infusing skin-care products into the skin.

If you prefer to skip the tool route, Dr. Madfes suggests the Dr. Brandt Skincare Microdermabrasion Age Defying Exfoliator, which features skin-smoothing aluminum oxide crystals plus exfoliating lactic acid and moisturizing jojoba oil.

Moisturize your skin. Once you’ve finished your microdermabrasion treatment, you’ll want to soothe skin with a rich, nourishing moisturizer. Dr. Green says that applying a face cream can help promote skin healing post-treatment. She recommends Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Lotion, which is formulated with moisturizing hyaluronic acid. Alternatively, Dr. Hartman suggests SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel, which he says “immediately bring[s] back moisture to the skin that may have been lost during treatment.”

    Dr. Hartman also suggests using a “calming serum” following your at-home treatment. He recommends Good Molecules Niacinamide Serum since it’s formulated with niacinamide. “The serum will help add moisture back to the skin and help extend some of the microdermabrasion benefits of smaller- [looking] pores and a more even complexion,” Dr. Hartman explains.

    Expect to see changes. Don’t be alarmed if your skin looks or feels different immediately and days after your treatment. According to Dr. King, your skin may feel tight and dry post-treatment. You may also notice some redness, as well. However, this should all resolve “within 24 hours,” per the dermatologist. Of course, if you’re seeing prolonged side effects, consult your dermatologist to discuss.

    What Shouldn’t I Do When Performing Microdermabrasion At Home?

    Don’t over-exfoliate. Too much sloughing can damage your skin. “Don’t over-exfoliate a particular area of the skin or use your microdermabrasion device too frequently, as this can potentially cause skin irritation, dryness, redness, and swelling,” says Dr. Green. If you have oily skin, Dr. Green suggests performing microdermabrasion once every two weeks. Folks with normal skin can do the treatment once a month.

    Avoid going hard. When using an at-home microdermabrasion kit, be mindful when applying pressure. “Doing so risks scratching the skin, causing redness and irritation,” says Dr. Hartman.

    Skip certain products. Prep your skin for microdermabrasion by changing up your skincare routine in the days leading up to treatment. For example, Dr. Hartman advises steering clear of retinoids, peels, or exfoliating treatment three days before microdermabrasion at home. Additionally, Dr. Markowitz recommends refraining from vitamin C products at least one week before the procedure to avoid over-irritation.

    Never go without SPF. Sunscreen is an essential part of every skincare routine, and it’s especially important after at-home microdermabrasion. “La Roche-Posay’s Anthelios Melt-In Sunscreen SPF 60 is a great option for comfortable and full broad-spectrum coverage,” says Dr. Green. She credits its antioxidant-packed formula with nourishing, soothing, and protecting the skin post-treatment.

    Be consistent. If you do give microdermabrasion a shot, keep in mind that the results are temporary. “Patients who have microdermabrasion need to have monthly maintenance sessions to upkeep their cosmetic results,” Dr. Green explains.

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    9 Barre Exercises That Can Greatly Benefit Runners

    Many runners have a love-hate relationship with cross training, especially distance runners. After all, these athletes already spend so many hours training each week that the idea of squeezing in extra workouts can be unappealing. However, cross training plays a crucial role in a runner’s overall training program by ensuring the body stays balanced and healthy, ultimately helping to prevent injuries.

    As a barre instructor for the last decade, I’ve seen many runners turn to barre to increase their strength, endurance, and flexibility; improve their posture and balance; and help counteract the muscle imbalances that can develop from long runs. I can usually spot a runner pretty quickly; they tend to shake the most during thigh work. While that may look like muscle weakness, it isn’t. It’s just that the isometric movements in barre class are very different from exercises like running or biking. Runners tend to have strong, developed legs, with the quad muscles being the most dominant and the hamstrings often being very tight. Thigh work challenges a runner’s strong thigh muscles to stay contracted for long periods, so they’re bound to shake and burn as the muscles become fatigued.

    It may not always be comfortable, but barre can help address common runners’ issues like tight hip flexors and hamstrings, as well as weaknesses in the core and glute muscles. Try incorporating these nine barre moves into your routine, and don’t be surprised when your running game improves, too.


    Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Match In Trenches During Lunch Date In Bel Air

    Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck stepped out in Los Angeles from Hotel Bel-Air on Wednesday wearing matching beige trenches and looking like a cozy couple. The two had just had lunch with Lopez’s dad, David, and her twins Max and Emme. Affleck wore his lighter coat open over his blue button-down shirt, and Lopez’s jacket was buttoned up against the cool L.A. night.

    The couple has been spending a lot of time together especially during these major holidays. They have been seen out and about shopping near, and it seems like they have a tendency to coordinate their colors, even if they’re not matching outerwear.

    affleck lopez

    Hollywood To You/Star MaxGetty Images

    J.Lo and Affleck have been allegedly hunting for a house in Los Angeles together, having spent a bunch of the past six months having to travel with conflicting production schedules. According to a source who spoke with US Weekly, they’ve been discussing what their potential wedding could look like, though they are not yet officially engaged.

    “Both Ben and Jen want their wedding to be an elaborate statement of their love story for their friends and family,” the source said. “They really want [everyone] to have a good time. They want it to be intimate, but immaculate.”

    Another source speaking to US in September, just after the couple made their first red carpet appearance since reuniting, said that it was “only a matter of time” before they’d make everything official.

    “Things just keep getting better for J. Lo and Ben,” they said. “They’re so in love and it’s only a matter of time before they’re officially engaged. They are both all in and looking to spend the rest of their lives together. It doesn’t even cross their minds that it might not work out for the long term.”

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    This 7-Day Meal Plan Will Show You Just How Much You Can Eat on a 2,000-Calorie Diet

    Whether you’re trying to lose weight or simply eat healthier, meal planning can be a helpful tool to keep you on track. Research shows that planning meals ahead leads to better outcomes, including eating a wider variety of healthy foods.

    If you are new to meal planning and don’t know where to begin, one of the first things you should do is determine how many calories you need. The USDA’s calculator uses factors like your height, weight, and activity level to find the value that would best meet your body’s needs. From there, you can plan out your meals and snacks based on this target.

    Many people require 2,000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight and have enough energy to get through the day, without battling hunger pangs. That’s why you’ll find a weeklong, 2,000-calorie meal plan in the slides ahead. While meal planning is relatively simple to do on your own, a sample plan can help eliminate the guesswork, and sometimes that’s just what you need to get started.

    Each day of this plan includes three meals and two snacks, containing a total of about 2,000 calories, along with a nice balance of macro- and micronutrients. The menu is also filled with a variety of foods and flavors, so you’ll always have something fun (and nutritious) to look forward to!


    Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker Return to Engagement Site For Date

    This week, Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker revisited the site of their engagement on the beach at the Rosewood Miramar Hotel in Montecito, California, spending a romantic afternoon and evening taking in the sunset and boardwalk. The couple was engaged in the same location in October of this year. For their walk down memory lane, Kardashian wore a long, black leather trench coat and combat boots, and Barker matched in a black jacket and hoodie studded with silver spikes.

    “Travis took Kourtney for a walk, and you could tell that she wasn’t sure what was going on when she saw all the roses on the beach,” a source told People at the time of their engagement. “Red and white roses were shaped into a heart. There were a lot of candles. They both looked very happy.”

    Barker posted a photo of their feet on that same beach during their visit, which Kardashian re-shared in her Instagram Stories.

    travis barker

    Kourtney Kardashian


    After their time on the beach, the pair went to have dinner at Oliver’s and Kardashian posted several Boomerangs and photos of their meal, plant-based dishes of pasta and fruit crumble, along with hot tea. Barker is a vegan, and it seems like Kardashian is embracing his lifestyle.

    A source told People this week that the couple are as in love as they seem to be on social media and that since meeting Barker, Kardashian has become very enthusiastic about the idea of marriage.

    “Those two spend all their time together and are madly in love,” the source said. “She’s over the moon. They’re almost like high school sweethearts all over again. Neither of them ever thought they’d fall in love like this again.”

    Kardashian is especially happy with the way their families are blending; both have children from previous relationships and Kardashian is apparently really pleased with the way Barker parents and how he’s gotten to know her kids.

    “He’s so sweet and loving towards her and her children,” the insider said. “Their families also blended easily and nicely, and they all get along so well.”

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    Women's Fashion

    Texture Talk: The DreamGirls Sisters’ Top Natural Hair Growth Tips

    Tonya Thompson and Sharie Wilson. Photography courtesy of DreamGirls Hair Care

    Welcome to Texture Talk, a column that celebrates and deep dives into the dynamic world of curly hair, from crowns of curls that are free flowing to strands that are tucked away in a protective style.

    For Los Angeles natives Tonya Thompson and Sharie Wilson, what started as a passion project in their garage quickly turned into the DreamGirls hair salon along with a brand that surpassed $2.5 million in sales in its first year and has amassed a loyal following of over 50,000 on Instagram (@dreamgirlshair). The sister duo specializes in strengthening hair treatments designed to take the guesswork out of natural hair growth.

    “The goal of DreamGirls is to break the stereotype that Black women can’t have long natural hair,” says Thompson. In 2006, she and Wilson opened their salon in Los Angeles, followed by a second location, in Sacramento, in 2008, and began their Healthy Hair Program to offer professional services for women looking to grow their hair.

    In March 2020, during the pandemic, they launched their Healthy Hair Care System product line to allow women across the globe to care for their hair at home. The system not only repairs, restores and revives damaged locks but also encourages women to embrace their curls and coils by giving their textured hair some serious TLC.

    dreamgirls healthy hair care system
    Photography courtesy of DreamGirls Hair Care.

    The sisters remain dedicated to teaching their customers about growing and maintaining hair. “Black women have been bombarded with stereotypes about not having any hair or being bald, forcing them to wear a weave or wig,” says Wilson. “We’ve debunked that myth through the hundreds of women who have grown their hair using our system and products.”

    afro hair style natural growth
    Balmain. Photography courtesy of BACKSTAGE VIA IMAXTREE

    Start with a healthy scalp

    “When your scalp is clean and free of any buildup, including dandruff, natural oils and excessive amounts of product, it creates an environment that promotes hair growth,” says Thompson. “Remember: The scalp is your foundation for hair growth, so it’s very important to take care of it.”

    natural hair growth woman with braided hair
    Osman Yousefzada. Photography courtesy of BACKSTAGE VIA IMAXTREE

    Consider your habits

    Several factors can cause buildup and contribute to poor scalp health. “For example, the temperature of the water that you wash your hair with can affect its health,” says Wilson. “When the temperature is too hot, it can dry out your hair, strip it of essential oils and damage the follicles.” To get rid of buildup without causing damage, wash your hair with lukewarm water.

    natural hair growth woman smiling with curly hair
    Budapest Select. Photography courtesy of BACKSTAGE VIA IMAXTREE

    Establish a routine

    Wash with shampoo and conditioner every two to three weeks, which will cleanse your hair without stripping it dry, and use a deep conditioning treatment every six weeks. The sisters also recommend following the LOC method, which is a moisturizing layering technique that consists of leave-in conditioner, oil and cream.

    protective style
    Altuzarra. Photography courtesy of BACKSTAGE VIA IMAXTREE

    Embrace protective styles

    A protective style gives hair a break from everyday wear and tear. “Weaves, buns, cornrows and twists are great hairstyle options that are easy to maintain and keep hair safely tucked away,” explains Thompson. However, make sure your protective style doesn’t pull too tightly on your scalp, especially if your scalp is on the sensitive side. “If your hair is styled too tightly, it can pull the follicles straight out of the scalp and cause sores, tension or even alopecia.”

    This article first appeared in FASHION’s Winter 2022 issue.


    I Did 7 Minutes of Hip Stretches Every Day; After 2 Weeks, My Body Felt Completely Different

    During the pandemic last year, I stopped teaching yoga and didn’t do any on my own because I didn’t feel inspired to move in that way — doing sun salutations alone in my small basement home gym just didn’t have the same serene vibe as breathing and moving in a heated room with beautiful lighting, wood floors, and full of smiley people.

    Not doing yoga made me realize how much my body needs yoga! My shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings have felt tighter, and I developed this weird tension and pain in my left hip. Before going to see a chiropractor or physical therapist, I realized that it was probably the lack of yoga in my life making my body feel so inflexible and achy.

    A Few Minutes of Daily Stretching

    Since I couldn’t pull off doing a full class on my own every day, I made a small goal to do a few minutes of daily stretching. I wanted to focus on my hips since that’s where I felt the most tightness and discomfort. Keeping it simple was key, because I knew if it was just a few poses and a few minutes, I could commit to stretching daily.

    I run or walk outside every morning or row for an hour, so when I got back home, I’d just get on the floor right away and do my four stretches for a minute each: Head to Knee, Pigeon, Double Pigeon (holding for a minute each on both sides), and Butterfly. If I waited and showered first, emptied the dishwasher, or started helping the kids with something, I knew I’d forget to do it.

    How I Felt After 2 Weeks

    Originally, I only planned to commit to daily stretching for one week, but it felt so good, and I noticed such a change in how my muscles felt after just one week, that I had to keep going. My hips and lower back felt more flexible and open, and that weird pain in my left hip started to diminish. My mind also felt calmer and I felt more grounded. Toward the end of my run, I would look forward to those seven minutes of stretching on my living room floor.

    Some days my family was still asleep, and I’d get a few extra minutes of alone time to think about my day or finish listening to a podcast. And other times, everyone was up, and I’d chat with my kids in between their bites of breakfast. Either way, it made for a lovely new morning habit that I hope to stick with. Now I mix up the poses to target my feet and calves, my hamstrings and quads, my lower back and abs, or my chest and shoulders. I try to do around 10 minutes of stretching, but even if I only get in two, it still feels good!


    All About Erin Darke, Daniel Radcliffe’s Longtime Girlfriend

    The Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts will be streaming starting New Year’s Day. The cast reunited to talk about their time on set creating the eight beloved Harry Potter movies, and some clips have already revealed old drama—like Emma Watson’s unrequited crush on Tom Felton. Rumors of romance have always circulated around the Hogwarts crew, but in real life they’ve all mostly found love outside of the call sheet.

    These days, Emma Watson has been linked to business owner Leo Robinton. Rupert Grint and his longtime girlfriend, actress Georgia Groome, are expecting a baby together. And Daniel Radcliffe is in New York with his girlfriend of nearly nine years, actress Erin Darke. Below, everything to know about the low-key couple, from their movie meet-cute to how they responded to Radcliffe’s coronavirus hoax.

    Darke is an actress.

    You may recognize Darke, who was born in Flint, Michigan, from her work in numerous movies and TV shows. She’s acted in films including the Beach Boys biopic Love & Mercy and Oscar-nominated Still Alice. On the TV side, she’s taken on recurring roles in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Good Girls Revolt.

    "good girls revolt" new york screening

    D DipasupilGetty Images

    She met Radcliffe while working on a movie together in 2012.

    The two fellow actors met on the set of their 2013 film Kill Your Darlings. Radcliffe, 30, opened up to People about the first time he met Darke, 35. “It’ll be a hell of a story to tell our kids one day because of what our characters do with each other,” he said, addressing a sex scene the couple has in the film. “Our characters are meeting and flirting with each other, so there is this kind of sweet record of us just meeting for the first time and flirting.”

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    In a 2015 interview with Playboy, Radcliffe also opened up about his immediate attraction to Darke during their first scene together. “There’s no acting going on—not from my end, anyway,” he told the outlet. “There’s a moment when she makes me laugh, and I’m laughing as me and not as my character. She was incredibly funny and smart. I knew I was in trouble.”

    "swiss army man" premiere party at the acura studio at sundance film festival 2016   2016 park city

    Joe ScarniciGetty Images

    Darke later told People that one of the first things she and Radcliffe bonded over was “how much we really love what we do, and there’s something that’s really beautiful and really lovely about being with someone who just innately understands that about you.” She added, “We’re both incredibly supportive of the other person’s career.”

    She’s a sports fan.

    When Darke isn’t acting, one of her passions is sports. Her Twitter bio states that she’s a “Fantasy football enthusiast” and “Devoted Red Wings fan.” In 2018, Radcliffe mentioned that his girlfriend is also a Detroit Lions fan. “My girlfriend is from Michigan, so there’s always a Lions game on Thanksgiving,” he said on Late Night with Seth Meyers. “With the misery or joy that that entails.”

    Radcliffe openly praises his longtime girlfriend.

    While the couple doesn’t make many appearances in the tabloids, Radcliffe has never been shy about professing his love for Darke. He referred to her as his best friend in a 2014 interview with Us Weekly. “I think that’s the kind of relationship I always aspire to have with someone I’m in a relationship with. You want that person to be your best friend,” he explained. “In the case of Erin, we definitely are.”

    Six years after the fact, the pair is still going strong. “I grew up doing lots of things where I thought, ‘This is super nerdy. I’ll never be able to do this around a girl,'” Radcliffe told Radio Times magazine earlier this year. “But that’s the wonderful thing about the moment you find the relationship you’re meant to be in. It’s like, ‘Oh, I can do all of that stuff and you don’t mind. And you actually think it’s fun, too. This is fantastic!'”

    2014 tony awards   arrivals

    Dimitrios KambourisGetty Images

    Recently, she and Radcliffe were victims of a coronavirus hoax.

    In March, a Twitter account with the handle @BBCNewsTonight reported that Radcliffe was “the first famous person to be publicly confirmed” with a case of coronavirus. Twitter eventually suspended the account and BuzzFeed spoke to the people behind the hoax, but not before the news had gotten to Radcliffe and Darke directly.

    The couple spoke to Vulture about the incident and gave an update on their quarantine set-up in Radcliffe’s New York apartment. “We’re both in the situation where we’ve never been more grateful not to have a kid or more annoyed that we don’t have a dog,” Radcliffe joked about their sheltering-at-home situation. “But generally speaking, compared to a lot of people, we are very, very much okay.” He admitted that he was “quite amused” by the hoax at first. “It’s not the first time I’ve had something crazy written about me,” Radcliffe said. Darke added, “Dating a famous person teaches you very quickly that shit is weird sometimes. People are weird with fame sometimes.”

    celebrity sightings in new york city   march 22, 2018

    Alo CeballosGetty Images

    They’re still going strong but have no wedding plans yet.

    Darke and Radcliffe have been together for the better part of a decade, but there’s no wedding in the works. “We’re at the point now where I’ve seen my own wedding reported several times,” she said to Vulture. “You do start to dismiss things you read about your partner if you’re pretty sure they’re not true. I spent a week once having to text all my family members being like, ‘I promise if I’m getting married, you will find out from me and not Us Weekly.'”

    Radcliffe added that his Harry Potter co-stars often get thrown into their fictional nuptials. “At least three different times, somebody has written that we’re getting married, and Emma Watson is gonna be the maid of honor, and Rupert Grint is my best man, and we’re getting married on a lake in Michigan,” Radcliffe told the outlet. For now, the couple says they’re “okay with (tabloids’) lack of interest” in their romance. “We’re boring to them. Ninety percent of the paparazzi photos of us are getting coffee,” Darke joked. She added, “You can only sell so many photos of two people waiting for an Uber.”

    Radcliffe has had other loves.

    In another moment of confession during the reunion, Radcliffe admitted he had a crush on Helena Bonham Carter, who played Bellatrix Lestrange. The actress brought an autograph to the reunion that she asked Daniel Radcliffe to sign after they wrapped on The Deathly Hallows Part II, released in 2011. Radcliffe read the inscription aloud, visibly embarrassed.

    “Dear HBC, it was a pleasure being your co-star and ‘coaster’ — in the sense that I always ended up holding your coffee,” he read. “I do love you and I wish I was born 10 years earlier as I might’ve have been in with a chance. Thanks for being cool.”

    A very sweet crush, but probably not something Darke has to worry about.

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    Everything You Need To Know About the Curly Girl Method

    genny  backstage milan fashion week  spring  summer 2022

    Rosdiana CiaravoloGetty Images

    Curls: We love them, we care for them, we try ten different products every washday to figure out what they need. As a curly girl myself, I think I’ve tried every tip and trick available on the Internet attempting to figure out how to get the most voluminous, defined, hydrated, and healthy spirals my head is capable of. It’s a journey! And while it’s incredible that we finally have more access to curl-aiding information than ever before, sometimes the classic techniques are forgotten.

    The Curly Girl Method, A.K.A., the only texture care information I had available as a little girl, was brought to the mainstream by Lorraine Massey in her book Curly Girl: The Handbook. If you haven’t heard of this pioneering method to give curls new life, or you need a refresher, consider this is your guide to the Curly Girl Method.

    What Is The Curly Girl Method?

    “The Curly Girl Method helps keep curls intact by keeping your hair hydrated and the knowledge of how to take care of your curls,” says celebrity stylist Sabrina Porsche, whose clients include Naomi Osaka and Chrissy Teigen. Essentially, the CGM instructs curly girls on which products, tools, and styling methods to avoid, and new techniques to ensure waves and curls are given proper nourishment and hydration.

    Who’s A Good Candidate For The Curly Girl Method?

    If you have waves, curls, or coils, you can start using the Curly Girl Method, says Porsche. “Curls will change if you incorporate the Curly Girl Method into your everyday routine and stick with it. You will start to notice growth, curl definition, volume, and hydration.” But even people with straighter textures can benefit from adopting parts of these methods. “Even if your hair is straight, you should always want to make sure your hair stays completely hydrated. If you do have curly hair, make sure that your curls stay hydrated and defined,” says Porsche.

    What Are The Dos and Don’ts of The Curly Girl Method?

    As a curly girl, you probably already know some of the products and techniques to avoid when styling your hair, but here’s a refresher: No heat, sulfates, silicones, and no alcohol or fragrance in products. Some of the other things to steer clear of aren’t as obvious like brushes, combs, and shampoo.

    Instead, focus on bringing hydration into your routine, like swapping in a co-wash for your regular shampoo. For maximum definition, the way you layer your products is equally as important. “My Curly Girl Method-approved technique is the L.O.C. method,” says Porsche. “This stands for liquid–like water–, oil of your choice, and a cream of your choice to lock in the oil and water.”

    If you’re interested in trying out the Curly Girl Method for yourself, shop the below products that are all curly girl-approved.

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    Tiffany Young’s Tour Bus Travel Routine | On the Go | Vogue

    Who knew Oregon didn’t have sales tax? As Tiffany Young heads out on her “Magnetic Moon” tour, she walks us through her entire routine while on the road. Between signing 100 tour posters before rehearsal and taking late-night shopping trips, see what life is like on the road for the American K-pop superstar.

    Director: Max Bartick
    DP: Octave Zangs
    Audio: Johnny Buell
    Producer: Jamie Tobias
    Editor: Jeff Bernier
    Camera PA: Nick Grill

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    Tiffany Young’s Tour Bus Travel Routine | On the Go | Vogue


    Fashion Show – Givenchy: Spring 2013 Ready-to-Wear

    Runway, backstage, and front-row footage from the Paris show. Watch the Givenchy Spring 2013 ready-to-wear fashion show footage from Want more? Visit for more runway shows, fashion trends, shopping guides, and news about models and designers.

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    Fashion Show – Givenchy: Spring 2013 Ready-to-Wear

    Starring: Riccardo Tisci

    Women's Fashion

    The Best Celebrity Street Style of 2021

    Photography by Marc Piasecki/GC Images via Getty Images

    A look back at FASHION’s favourite celebrity street style moments of the past year.

    2021 has proven itself to be an explosive year for street style.

    A taste of normalcy (whatever that means now) has driven us to dress more freely and unapologetically than ever — if only for brief moments here and there.

    Could it have been an ardent longing to express ourselves through style in the wake of the turbulent year we left behind, and the equally uncertain future that lay ahead? Or perhaps, the nostalgic desire to participate in the return of trends gone by, from monogram mania to kitschy Y2K fashion?

    Whatever the reason, we’ve embraced the opportunity to step up our street style in 2021 — and so have our favourite fashion icons. With eye-catching looks from runway models to major pop stars, each season of this past year was full of fashion to be remembered. Below, find FASHION’s top celebrity street style picks of 2021.


    Bella Hadid, January

    street style 2021
    Photography by Pierre Suu/GC Images via Getty Images

    Spotted in Paris during haute couture week back in January, Bella Hadid kicked off the year layered up in this 70s-esque cotton-corduroy suit. The model was the very embodiment of business casual in her matching jacket and trouser ensemble by The Row. Hadid stacked a barely-buttoned white blouse and a khaki corduroy jacket (yes, more corduroy) by Brixton beneath the suit. Simple black sunglasses, square-shaped gold earrings and a black shoulder bag accessorised this look while keeping corduroy the main attraction.

    Hunter Schaefer, January

    Can you ever go wrong with all-black in the winter? If you’re Hunter Schafer, the answer is no. The Euphoria star was seen in SoHo early this year sporting a classic cropped leather jacket and cuffed jeans with an edgy pair of Maison Margiela x Reebok Tabi Instapump Fury Hi boots on display. Schafer brightened up her fit with a neon green mask — because why not turn this necessity into an accessory? Arguably though, the trendiest part of Schafer’s look is her wired Apple headphones, which have recently been revived as both a street style accessory and the aesthetic alternative to bluetooth successors.


    Rihanna, March

    In March, Rihanna demonstrated how running errands can double as a fashion event — especially in a year like 2021. On a grocery trip in Beverly Hills, Riri channelled her island roots with a tropical-print shirt from Celine loosely held together by a single button and baby pink shorts peeking out beneath a denim miniskirt. For footwear, she opted for a strappy pair of white Amina Muaddi heels that complemented her chunky gold jewellery and checkered sunnies.

    Kendall Jenner, April

    This spring, Kendall Jenner was papped in NYC wearing a minimalist’s dream. Effortlessly chic in cream-coloured wide-leg trousers, a plain white tee, an open button-down and slingback heeled sandals, Jenner absolutely nailed the model-off-duty look. Self-described in an Instagram post as “head to toe pt. 2” (referencing a previous post from 2020 captioned “The Row head to toe”), Jenner dressed entirely in Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s celebrity-favoured label, The Row.


    Hailey Bieber, June

    Hailey Bieber started the summer off in Paris, pictured in a trendy purple monochrome ensemble. The model paired a lilac knitted top by Raf Simmons with a stretch-wool mini skirt by The Attico and timeless loafers by Chanel. Ahead of the curve with Pantone naming Very Peri as 2022’s colour of the year, Bieber carried a periwinkle staple of hers — and current handbag holy grail —The Pouch Clutch by Bottega Veneta, courtesy of ex Creative Director Daniel Lee.

    Zoë Kravitz, August

    What would a street style roundup be without mention of Zoë Kravitz? This year’s summer of the slip dress (backed by Rihanna) saw The Batman actress in an awe-inspiring midi-length gown by Araks in bright blue. Understated gold jewellery, rectangular sunnies, mustard coloured block-heel pumps and an oversized tote completed the look in classically minimal Kravitz fashion.


    Dua Lipa, September

    In September, Dua Lipa stepped out in the ultimate Y2K (but make it Y2K ‘21) fall fit. The pop star’s chocolate coat and micro bag came fresh off the Luar Spring ‘22 RTW runway, while her croc-effect knee-high boots were Jimmy Choo. The highlight? Her plaid miniskirt by The Attico, which was right on trend with this year’s miniskirt reprisal — as seen on Miu Miu’s SS22 runway the following month.

    Kim Kardashian West, October

    It was indeed a year full of Kim Kardashian-Balenciaga moments, so our list simply wouldn’t be complete without this duo. After wearing the high-fashion brand to the Met Gala, KKW was seen wearing a series of Balenciaga street style looks while prepping to host SNL in October 2021. Our personal favourite was this tinsel coat and blacked out Balenciaga bodysuit combo. Go big or go home, right?

    Be it on the red carpet or the sidewalks of NYC, celebrities gave us some much-needed wardrobe inspiration as we trudged (however stylishly) through another pandemic year.

    Before curtains close on 2021, let’s toast to a year of enviable street style — and hope there’s more to come in 2022.


    Ring In the New Year With These Health and Fitness Resolutions Based on Your Zodiac Sign

    While taking control of your health and wellness has never required a special occasion, making that ceremonial commitment at the beginning of the year is a good way to help your goals stick. However, sometimes the pressure to even choose a New Year’s resolution can feel like too much. If that’s the case for you, we recommend looking to the stars for guidance. Ahead, you’ll find health and fitness resolutions tailored to each of the zodiac signs, so you can stop stressing about what to do and get started building the habits that will serve you best. Here’s to a happier, healthier 2022!


    People Are Noticing This Editing Mistake In Netflix’s Don’t Look Up

    A TikToker went viral after discovering a few frames from the new Adam McKay Disaster comedy Don’t Look Up on Netflix that definitely seem like an editing mistake. The film was released on December 24 and stars Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, and follows two scientist trying to get world leaders to take action against a massive asteroid on a path to Earth.

    The TikTok user Ben Köhler (@sightpicture) shared the clip from the movie on December 26, saying in a voice over, “So, hey guys, I was just watching Don’t Look Up. And at one hour, 28 minutes and 10 seconds, it looks like you can see the whole film crew standing here, for like three or four frames.”

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    Köhler insinuates the creators probably knew they’d accidentally included the mask-covered crew, but it was maybe too late or too much trouble to remove it by the time they noticed themselves.

    “They’re like, ‘Oh, they probably won’t notice that,’” he jokes.

    Don’t Look Up has already earned four 2022 Golden Globe nominations, according to Entertainment Tonight, including Best Picture—Musical or Comedy. The movie has been a big topic of conversation on social media and marks the return to acting for Jennifer Lawrence. The actress is currently pregnant with her first child with her husband Cooke Maroney. The pair were recently spotted looking for a new property in Manhattan, checking out apartments with a real estate agent.

    Lawrence sold her penthouse in Manhattan for $9.9 million last summer, though it was originally listed for $15.45 million. From there, she moved to a property in the West Village in a brand new townhouse that sold for $22 million. The potential new property could be an addition to her real estate portfolio, or intended as a new space for a growing family.

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    Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s Ab Workout Is So in Sync, It’s Satisfying Just to Watch

    WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 03: (L-R) Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel pose for portrait at the Premiere of USA Network's

    Image Source: Getty / Rodin Eckenroth

    Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel certainly make ab work look easy, but we know how challenging a plank series can be. Ahead of the new year on Wednesday, the duo shared quite the impressive core workout on Instagram, and yep, my abs are sore from just watching. In the video, the two demonstrated a series of plank reaches, hip dips, shoulder taps, and side plank exercises, all while holding solid planks.

    As they moved through each rep, the pair were perfectly in sync with not only each other but also the inspiring — yet admittedly intimidating — training music. Watch the two power through their workout with ease ahead.


    Cara Delevingne and Selena Gomez Got Matching Tattoos

    On Tuesday, celebrity tattoo artist Bang Bang shared Selena Gomez’s new watercolor tattoo across her back, showing off a pink rose dripping with black and red after first teasing it in black and white in earlier posts. On Wednesday, he shared a clip of model and actress Cara Delevingne with her shirt off and ribs exposed, showing she had the same tattoo along her torso. The close friends were matching.

    “I had so much fun making these tattoos— thanks for always trusting me Cara,” the tattoo artist captioned the post. “Fyi I didn’t tell them til the end that these were my first watercolor tattoos ever.”

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    In his Tuesday post of Gomez, he wrote, “Thank you for always being wonderful,” tagging Gomez.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Delevingne and Gomez are both 29-years-old and have long been friends. The model was recently cast on Gomez’s Hulu series Only Murders in the Building for the second season. It’s not clear yet what the meaning of the tattoo is, but Gomez has matching tattoos with a few of her friends as does Delevingne, who has matching ink with her ex-girlfriend Ashley Benson and friends Paris Jackson and Kaia Gerber.

    Gomez has 16 tattoos, including a musical note, the Arabic words for “love yourself first,” the roman numerals LXXVI, a small cross, and the word “Rare,” referencing her last album. Each tattoo is intended to commemorate an important moment in her life, and in this case seems to be marking an important relationship.

    In mid-November Gomez and Delevingne were spotted out at a New York Knicks game together and shared a sweet kiss for the Madison Square Garden Kiss Cam. Once on screen, Gomez leaned over to give Delevingne a peck on the cheek as her friend giggled.

    This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    It definitely seems like a friendship worth commemorating.

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    Women's Fashion

    The TikTok Style Creators We Followed in 2021

    Denise Mercedes (photography via INSTAGRAM.COM/@DENISEMMERCEDES), Lexson Millington (photography by LEXSON MILLINGTON) and mathieu simoneau (photography courtesy of Imaxtree).

    And why you should, too.

    Another pandemic year has come to pass, and before we step (perhaps a little hesitantly) into 2022, we’d like to give credit to some of the creators that sent our screen time averages through the roof in 2021. These TikTok style accounts will inspire you to find new ways to bring life into your wardrobe this coming year. From body positivty to thrifted style and eco-friendly design, we present our roundup of the creators we couldn’t get enough of this past year.

    For those in search of size-inclusive style accounts, this New Jersey-based body-positivity advocate will bop her way onto your list of TikTok influences in no time. Denise Mercedes counts over 3.5 million followers who keenly watch for her side-by-side outfit posts in which she and her #stylenotsize co-founder, Maria Castellanos, model the same outfits to show how they pop on different body types; she also offers styling tips, like what to wear with a leather skirt, and even recreated one of her mom’s retro looks.

    From FASHION’s March 2021 issue.

    @denisemmercedesMe and @mariacastellanos_ri were tired of transitions so we danced it out 🖤 Looks from @abercrombie ##stylenotsize♬ Own Brand Freestyle – FelixThe1st & Dreya Mac

    Styling tips and vintage inspo abound on Toronto-based @lexsonator’s feed. Lexson Millington’s muses vary from André 3000 to SpongeBob SquarePants (so you know he’s making a space for fun and fearlessness in fashion), and you’ll be totally juiced up from the joyful colour combos he rocks. You’ll also get a lesson in embracing the versatility of different pieces, as Millington is rarely seen without one of his trusty Telfar bags or his mini Louis Vuitton Pochette (from the Takashi Murakami collab, of course).

    From FASHION’s April 2021 issue.

    @lexsonatorSCARFT OOTD💞##fyp ##grwm ##fashion ##outfit ##tiktokfashion ##toronto♬ original sound – Lexson Millington

    This L.A.-based thrifting fanatic describes herself as a “digital hype woman,” and what she’s most enthused about is wearing second-hand pieces — the more budget conscious and on-trend the better — found at not only bricks-and-mortar stores but also estate sales and sites like Depop. From her lively reveals of purchases from particularly successful “hauls” to her DIY tips for customizing previously owned pieces, Macy Eleni makes a spirited case for not buying new — especially for those who are unfamiliar with shopping vintage.

    From FASHION’s May 2021 issue.

    @blazedandglazedWINTER THRIFT HAUL!!! who’s SO ready for the ohio thrifting…😍👏🏼😭 ##thrift ##thrifthaul ##thrifttryon♬ original sound – BlazedAndGlazed

    Photographer Johnny Cirillo one of the few TikTok accounts to satisfy our appetite for intriguing street style with his candid shots of people going about their day on the sidewalks of the Big Apple. He has captured a chilled-out roller skater wearing an iridescent fanny pack and Hello Kitty face mask and a flamboyant musician who adorned their guitar with an over-sized multi-hued scarf — just average New Yorkers who look anything but ordinary. And the authenticity of their ensembles—something that’s often missing in hyper-polished fashion week images, in which those posing are paid to wear certain pieces — is endlessly endearing.

    From FASHION’s Summer 2021 issue.

    @watchingnewyork“Everything I’m wearing is thrifted today.” – Morgan ##fyp ##foryoupage ##foryou ##fashion ##nyc ##style ##streetstyle ##vintage ##thrifted ##thriftedfashion♬ original sound – Johnny Cirillo

    Prepare to be entranced by this French magazine editor’s elegant but adventurous ensembles, whether she’s wearing Chanel flats and a boldly printed head scarf to tidy up around the house or flaunting an array of vacation-worthy looks that make us wish caftan season was all year long. Karina Vigier’s fearless approach to dressing — one that marries all manner of aesthetics — is so enticing; she favours brightly coloured chunky chains for eyeglasses and confesses to being a wax-print addict. Indeed, you’ll see plenty of these punchy wardrobe pops on her feed. Her styling hacks also give cause to pause. Who better to show us how to asymmetrically button a blouse than a woman who exudes that elusive French-girl cool?

    From FASHION’s September 2021 issue.

    @karinavigierRépondre à @camiiilllaaaaa677777100 Style 0 😱 Mais moi je m’aime bien ❤️ ##karinavigier ##over50withstyle ##mystyle ##clash ##reponsecommentaire♬ son original – Karina Vigier Officiel

    Austin Ottone is a Vancouver-based fashion designer whose work embodies the eco-friendly ethos we’ve come to associate with the West Coast. His creative approach focuses on the reuse of materials (catch a glimpse of how he produces his pieces via his social platform), and he provides instructional guidance on DIY projects, like how to sew a patch onto a piece of clothing. Unique among other Tiktok style accounts, Ottone also shares tips for restoring items like old leather boots and how he goes about accomplishing artistic upgrades with garment dyeing. If you have the inclination to get crafty with your own closet, this news feed abounds with ideas.

    From FASHION’s October 2021 issue.

    @austinottoneKimono Samples for my POP-UP on DEC 11TH-12TH ##austinottone ##1of1 ##vancouver ##customade ##breakdown ##streetwear ##fashiondesigner ##fashiondesign♬ I Can’t Stop (Ekali Tribute) – Flux Pavilion

    One-liners and classic zingers are plentiful on male model Mathieu Simoneau’s TikTok. The antithesis of Ben Stiller’s obliviously-un-self-aware Derek Zoolander, the Korean-Canadian serves up a heavy dose of charm, wit and intelligence as he shares behind-the-scenes clips and roasts himself in the process. Iconic quotes from Simoneau’s “What I Think About on the Runway” series include “I can’t see at all God please guide me,” “You’re walking behind Bella Hadid do NOT f*ck up please” and “Don’t laugh” (just to name a few).

    From FASHION’s November 2021 issue.

    @mathieusimoneauThe voice makes the end so funny lol♬ U RIGHT X LUXURIOUS – Baby Q💖

    Montreal expat Carla Rockmore is changing the face of TikTok, one eclectic outfit at a time. At 54 years young, the jewellery designer is helming the platform’s 50s+ style movement with a mix of flair and funny and has been christened by her followers as “the real-life Carrie Bradshaw,” prompted by her kindred aesthetic and shoe fetish. Not a fashion snob, Rockmore gets just as excited about a flea market bauble or Zara staple as she does about a Dries Van Noten piece, pulling them all together in a hi-lo styling merry-go-round.

    From FASHION’s Winter 2022 issue.

    @carlarockmoreA good hat hides a bad hair day, elevates your style, and gives a glamorous incognito effect. ##styleinspo ##fashiontiktok ##fashioninspo ##transition♬ original sound – Carla Rockmore


    11 Pieces of Under-Desk Exercise Equipment to Add to Your Office

    As POPSUGAR editors, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you’ll like too. If you buy a product we have recommended, we may receive affiliate commission, which in turn supports our work.

    Now that many of us are working from home, we are all looking for ways to maximize the productivity we gain from being at home. For some, this is being able to run a load of laundry between meetings. For others, this is being able to work out while they work hard at their desk. Home gyms are certainly trendy and you don’t need a massive elliptical to get the job done! There are plenty of machines that are compact and powerful. These can fit under your desk and offer you a chance to burn calories during the workday! Here are 11 pieces of under-desk workout equipment worth investing in if you want to make fitness gains while you make career gains.


    A Wholly Scientific Analysis of Celebrity Couples’ Joint Breakup Notes

    Back in November, desperate to fill my brain with anything unrelated to the pandemic or the crumbling of our reproductive rights, I noticed something peculiar. Throughout the month, two very public couples—musicians Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes, and newly-minted reality show stars Batsheva Haart and Ben Weinstein—broke up after years of being together, and both decided to tell their fans in the same way: through a joint breakup statement that each person posted to their Instagram Stories. “We so appreciate your support from the beginning and moving forward,” Cabello and Mendes wrote, while Haart and Weinstein nearly echoed them: “We so appreciate your continuous support as we embark upon this new chapter of our lives, separately.”

    Celebrities have long given statements about themselves, but something about these felt different. For one, they were directly from the source to the fans, with no third-party media publication involved. We were also meant to believe they were written by the couple together, a slick strategy presumably meant to ward off any he-said, she-said rumors about the breakup—even though both notes used fairly predictable language, and I rarely meet a couple that wants to sign any sort of note together after separating. But I digress.

    a screenshot of an instagram story that reads hey guys, we have decided to end our romantic relationship but our love for one another as humans is stronger than ever, emoji heart, we started our relationship as best friends and will continue to be best friends we so appreciate your support from the beginning and moving forward, several emoji hearts, camila and shawn

    The joint note that Cabello and Mendes posted in Nov. 2021.


    In order to keep that small part of my brain that still makes room for frivolity alive, I decided to go deep on these notes, speaking to several experts who could help provide a wholly scientific analysis into What Exactly Is Going On Here. If this is the new trend in celeb splits, what’s the strategy behind it? And could a joint note really affect how the public viewed the breakup? Let’s find out:

    The narrative

    The first question in this analysis is, of course, why? Why announce your break up at all, and why do so together, when you are in fact, not together? The urge to put out a statement might seem obvious; in our celebrity-obsessed culture, it’s difficult to keep news a secret, and it’s better to control the narrative yourself than let a tabloid do it for you. But according to Michelle Janning, a professor of sociology at Whitman College and the author of Love Letters: Saving Romance in the Digital Age, it goes even deeper than that. “One of the cultural values we attach to romance in our society is that we get to control the presentation of our love story to others,” she says. “For the celebrity stories, the same thing is happening. It’s making sure people see these individuals as adhering to cultural values and norms about romance, about how you treat a partner, about how to be mature and what to disclose in terms of secrets.” And for celebrities, she explains, that perception is key, as it’s often connected to the success or failure of their career. “The celebrity instances are happening in a marketplace where their image as people who abide by romantic values is a lot more scrutinized, and therefore probably a lot more controlled because their livelihoods depend on it.”

    The timing

    In terms of how quickly a couple might announce, Laura Wasser, a family law attorney who’s represented celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Angelina Jolie in their divorces, says to keep in mind that, particularly in California, once you file for divorce, it’s public. “So if you don’t put out a joint statement, or any statement, then the media’s going to do whatever they do and speculate and say this was filed,” she says. Also, often a celebrity’s publicist wants to get ahead of the news. “This comes from them, and they’re usually the ones that craft the statement and everything else,” Wasser says of publicists. “Sometimes they send it to the divorce lawyer for approval.”

    The timing can also affect the language used in the notes. Dr. Khatchig Mouradian, PhD, a lecturer at Columbia University, who teaches a course on “Apologies and Non-Apologies,” points out that when these notes come weeks after the split, partners write that they are “still ‘processing’ what happened” and the notes are issued “to set the record straight as reports and rumors circulate.” He says, “Typically, these statements constitute a balancing act between maintaining privacy and not letting fans down.”

    a photo of a rose in the foreground, with a shadow of it wilting in the backgroumd

    Getty + Leah Romero

    The placement

    So, does it matter where they choose to publish said statement? Elaine Swann, a lifestyle and etiquette expert, says yes, even if only for their own ego. “Their goal, of course, is to get ahead of the story and cement their position in time using social media,” she explains. “So they’ll use the platform where their audience resides. In addition, as we know, on social media, there’s the gratification we get from well-wishers or people giving us virtual high-fives. So if you go to the platform where most of your fanbase lies, you’ll get that reassurance.”

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    The word choice

    Perhaps the most fascinating element of this whole charade is what exactly you say when you’re trying to express the ending of a relationship, all within a limited character count. The result is often sanitized and predictable, though not necessarily inaccurate.

    Are there kids involved? You’ll probably see something about co-parenting, according to Wasser, and more generally, buzzwords like “amicable,” “respect,” or “best friends” are likely to appear.

    a screenshot of an instagram story that reads after time and consideration we have made the decision to separate we have so much love and respect for each other but have realized that it is time to take some space to ensure that each of us live the most joyous, fulfilling lives possible there are no secrets not salacious events to blame we are just two best friends who met at a very young age and have grown over the past nine years each in our own way we so appreciate your continuous support as we embark upon this new chapter of our lives, separately emoji heart batsheva and ben emoji heart

    The note Haart and Weinstein posted in Nov. 2021.


    Mouradian says that after examining about 15 joint breakup statements from recent years, he found a number of terms appear again and again. “The breakups, we are told, are a difficult decision that came after ‘much thought,’ ‘careful consideration,’ working on the relationship, counseling, and sometimes, prayer,” he says. “The parting is often with ‘mutual love and respect.’ The couple, we are promised, will remain friends as they embark on ‘different paths.’ The adjective ‘best’ is mentioned often: The couple is doing ‘what’s best,’ they ‘wish the best’ to their ex, and may even be ‘best friends.’ Another word we often encounter is ‘forward’: moving or looking in that direction. The couple typically thanks the fans for their support and requests privacy, often near the end of the statement.”

    He explains that some of the statements can almost come off as implicit apologies to fans “for shattering fantasies about ideal relationships, all the while creating a fantasy of neat, amicable endings.” Joint statements, which are also negotiated documents, are by virtue amicable, he says. “When there is fault assigned, it is often to life’s circumstances—COVID-19 being one of the more recent ones.”

    But still, if we know exactly what these celebrities are going to say, is their word choice even significant? Janning suggests maybe not. “I think the words matter less than the fact that people are using words that everyone accepts as normal,” she says. “To me, it’s a script. The scripts we have in our lives show people that we broke up in the right way or the wrong way. So every time you violate a script, you’re pushing up against cultural values and therefore lending yourself to being scrutinized negatively in the eyes of others.”

    Selecting phrases about having “love” and “respect” for an ex-partner is all about setting a tone, Swann adds, “no matter how rotten the relationship might have been.” “Whatever you say, your words are creating history,” she says. “And there’s nothing that you can do to bring them back once you have said it.”

    a shadow of a rose in black and white

    Getty + Leah Romero

    The effects

    And as calculated and as flimsy as they might seem, Wasser points out that statements like these can have real affects in the couple’s personal lives, especially when it comes to divorce. “If that’s the statement you’ve put out there, either in a public statement through your publicist or in social media, it’s kind of difficult the next day to come to your divorce attorney’s office and say, ‘I want you to file a pleading that talks about how he drinks too much or she’s a slut,’ or whatever else, because you just put this statement out,” she says.

    The joint notes, echoing themes of civility and kindness, can also have more far-flung affects, influencing how the culture at large responds to separations. “I think the trend, and I’m very happy about it, is that people are coming to divorce in a different way, with more love and mutual respect and looking at it as a next chapter for their family instead of looking at it as burning down the house, literally and figuratively,” Wasser says. “We call it the ‘evolution of dissolution.’” Celebrities, to their credit, play a big role in that. “When celebrities do something, the general public follows,” she adds. “Some people will roll their eyes and go, oh here’s another one of these joint statements, but because it sets the narrative, and because I so strongly believe after doing this for 20-plus years that it’s important we change the way people approach divorce, I think it’s all good.”

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    Some of Lululemon’s Best Deals of the Year Are Happening Right Now

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    Kylie Jenner’s Second Baby: Everything We Know From Her Pregnancy Due Date to the Gender

    Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott are expecting their second child together—and this time they aren’t hiding the news. The couple and sources close to them have shared some details about Stormi’s future little sister or brother, but there’s still some things the family is purposely keeping private. Here, everything we know so far.

    Kylie and Travis haven’t revealed their due date publicly, but Kylie said in August she was “a few months along.”

    Kylie and Travis have opted to keep baby #2’s due date a secret, so it’s unknown whether Kylie will come their new addition late this year or early 2022.

    But there are some hints out there: On Aug. 20, a source told People that Kylie is a few months along. She has a cute bump. She is beyond excited. She has been wanting to give Stormi a sibling for a while. She loves being a mom. She is thrilled that she and Travis are pregnant again. She has been enjoying her pregnancy in private. She has only spent time with close friends and family.”

    Kylie has shared glimpses of her pregnancy on her Instagram here and there, noting how the baby is growing in her captions.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Kylie and Travis are keeping the baby’s gender surprise, so they don’t have a name chosen yet.

    Kylie revealed in her Vogue 73 Questions video that she and Travis are keeping the gender a surprise, even for themselves. “Well, we need to find out the gender first [before we choose a name], and we decided to wait,” she said.

    Stormi is “very excited” to get a younger sibling.

    Kylie also said in the Vogue video that her three-year-old daughter, Stormi, is very excited to be a big sister.”

    A source echoed the sentiment to Entertainment Tonight in early September.Kylie is most excited about giving Stormi a sibling, and Stormi is over the moon ecstatic,” the source said. “Travis and Kylie are trying to include Stormi bit by bit and doing things like involving her in what the nursery will look like. They are making sure she knows how loved she is and preparing her to be a big sister by keeping her very engaged.”

    Kylie’s pregnancy cravings are both sweet and salty.

    In Kylie’s Vogue video, she named two big pregnancy cravings she’s been having: Frozen yogurt and In-N-Out, always.” She’s also been craving snacks in general, saying, “I have been really into candy, actually.”

    Kylie and Travis are back together as they prepare to become parents again.

    After being off for over a year (Kylie announced they were just friends in October 2019), Kylie and Travis are fully back on as a couple as they prepare to expand their family. In September, E! reported the couple was back together and spend most nights together. “[They] have a lot of love between them,” a source said. “Kylie really loves Travis and she does see a future with him….They realized they want to be together instead of apart… The pregnancy is only bringing them closer together.”

    Kylie announced her pregnancy on Sept. 7 on her Instagram—but initially planned to reveal the news at the Met Gala.

    Kylie shared a video documenting the moment she found out:

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    A source told E! that Kylie had initially planned a red carpet pregnancy reveal at the September 2021 Met Gala. “[It] didn’t work out the way she had hoped,” the source said. Kylie didn’t attend the gala after all, but her sisters Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner did. But Kylie was in town for New York Fashion Week, where she showcased her maternity style at multiple events.

    Kylie first spoke about wanting to give Stormi a sibling in a Harper’s Bazaar March 2020 interview.

    “My friends all pressure me about it,” she said at the time. “They love Stormi. I definitely feel pressure to give her a sibling, but there’s no plan.” She and Travis were broken up at the time but she described him as her “best friend.”

    “We have such a great relationship,” Kylie said of Travis. “We’re like best friends. We both love Stormi and want what’s best for her. We stay connected and coordinated. I think about [my parents] in situations with Stormi, what they would do. They were very hands-on with me, and I want the same for Stormi.”

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