
Naomi Osaka Withdraws From French Open to Focus on Mental Health

On Monday, Naomi Osaka announced her decision to pull out of the French Open, citing her journey with depression and anxiety.

“Hey everyone, this isn’t a situation I ever imagined or intended when I posted a few days ago,” she said. “I think now the best thing for the tournament, the other players and my well-being is that I withdraw so that everyone can get back to focusing on the tennis going on in Paris. I never wanted to be a distraction and I accept that my timing was not ideal and my message could have been clearer. More importantly I would never trivialize mental health or use the term lightly.”

She continued: “The truth is that I have suffered long bouts of depression since the US Open in 2018 and I have had a really hard time coping with that. “Anyone that knows me knows I’m introverted, and anyone that has seen me at the tournaments will notice that I’m often wearing headphones as that helps dull my social anxiety. Though the tennis press has always been kind to me (and I wanna apologize especially to all the cool journalists who I may have hurt), I am not a natural public speaker and get huge waves of anxiety before I speak to the world’s media. I get really nervous and find it stressful to always try to engage and give you the best answers I can.”

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Last Wednesday, she shared her decision not to do any press during the tournament, saying the media’s handling of questions is harmful to mental health and that they have a habit of “kicking a person while they’re down.”

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Osaka was fined $15,000 after not appearing at a press conference.

“Naomi Osaka today chose not to honor her contractual media obligations. The Roland-Garros referee has therefore issued her a $15,000 fine, in keeping with article III H. of the Code of Conduct,” the four Grand Slam tournaments said Sunday in a joint statement, per CBS.

The 23-year-old reigning U.S. and Australian Open champion said in her statement last week that she hoped the “considerable amount she was forced to pay would go toward a mental health charity.”

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Brie Larson’s Reaction to Achieving Her 1-Arm Pull-Up Goal Fills Me With Joy

Image Source: Getty / VCG

Brie Larson deserves a round of applause after achieving one of her fitness goals, but given how much muscle it takes, she may not have the energy to raise her arms to clap. Well, I’ll certainly give Brie all the celebrations she deserves after watching her crush the one-arm pull-ups she worked so hard on. On Saturday, the actress shared a glimpse of her fitness routine as she prepares for Captain Marvel 2; clearly, Larson is pushing herself to do her best.

“Umm *hi* don’t mind me achieving my one-arm pull-up goal!” Larson wrote on her Instagram, along with a video showing off the new skill. Her trainer, Jason Walsh of Rise Movement, recognized her major achievement on his own social media account. “Midway through the training for CM2. @brielarson dedication and persistence paying off! She strong. Love seeing that smile.” Given how driven Larson was for her first Captain Marvel training, we can’t wait to see what she continues to achieve with the sequel. Watch her exciting accomplishment below.

Women's Fashion

Nike’s Naomi Osaka Collaboration Marries Swarovski With Sport

Imagery courtesy of Swarovski

Serve up glam on (and off) the court with the NikeCourt Air Zoom GP Turbo Naomi Osaka.

In the athletic shoe world, Swarovski crystals rarely have a purpose. But Nike’s latest collaboration with Japanese-Haitian tennis star Naomi Osaka proves that sport can serve up some glam moments, too. The NikeCourt Air Zoom GP Turbo Naomi Osaka sneaker is now available globally at — and it’s embellished with Swarovski Crystals.

The shoe, designed by Nike and Osaka herself, is a statement on and off the court. “I like mixing design details in ways that I haven’t seen before,” said the four-time Grand Slam singles champion in a press release. “Swarovski crystals on a tie-dye material is an unexpected take on luxury that anyone can wear.”

The luxury in question sees the famed Nike swoosh — designed in the early ’70s by Carolyn Davidson — adorned with a colossal amount of the aforementioned Swarovski Crystal Fine Rocks. We’re talking thousands of double-pointed “chatons” arranged in the shape of the check. And why stop there? Osaka’s namesake logo is similarly enhanced with the stones on the back of the heels, while the very end of each shoelace aglet is trimmed with amethyst crystal. It’s discernibly glam.

Waves of a purple and blue tie-dye motif exude over the reinforced toe box — a feature that is implemented to brace the shoe through the rigours of sport — and the shoe’s responsiveness makes it a practical option for any level of sport. This blend of athletics and aesthetics is a testimony to Swarovski’s place as a crystal lifestyle brand.

Osaka is no doubt one of the coolest moguls in tennis and a blazing force in fashion — she’s been tapped as a Louis Vuitton ambassador, was named a co-chair of this year’s Met Gala, graced the January 2021 cover of Vogue and launched a swimsuit collection with Frankies Bikinis at the beginning of May. And because she’s received a great deal of criticism from sports officials for choosing not to participate in press at this year’s Roland-Garros tennis tournament— as a means to protect her mental health — Osaka’s influence and prowess makes this shoe that much more important.


Will There Be a Mare of Easttown Season 2?

There are some stories that are simply meant to end, and it’s tough to argue that Mare of Easttown isn’t one of them. The series deftly packs an entire town’s worth of characters and a riveting murder mystery into seven episodes that feel neither rushed nor overstretched.

Still, it’s hard not to crave more of a series that spawned so many theories (plus an SNL sketch) and brought Kate Winslet’s inimitable talents back into Emmy consideration. So, is there a future for Mare of Easttown? We break down the chances below.

Mare of Easttown is billed as a limited series.

Like The Undoing before it, Mare of Easttown is billed as a one-season limited series, intended to tell the entirety of its tale in seven episodes. It would be a huge shift for the show to extend past the finale, though not an impossible one. If the reception to Mare is noteworthy enough, it’s possible HBO might push for another chapter (if only in the interest of riding the hype train). Other notable shows that started as limited series but came back for another crack at the bat include Big Little Lies, as well as Hulu’s The Great, which started as a one-season story but quickly grew in scale.

Neither director Craig Zobel nor writer Brad Inglesby have shown interest—at least so far—in continuing the story.

None of the Mare creators seem particularly keen on the idea of forcing the detective back into the spotlight.

The actors, too, believe the story is best left alone. But they’d be willing to come back for the right sequel.

Although Winslet has yet to voice any opinions on returning to Mare, asked Rice her thoughts in a recent interview. Would she be willing to come back?

“Someone asked me that yesterday, and my immediate response is, ‘Yeah!’” the actress said. “But then, the more I think about it, the more I think, actually, I’m so happy to leave those characters where they are. The more I think about it, the more I’m like, ‘No, no, no.’ I kind of love the power that this standalone story has.

“But, of course, if Brad wrote an incredible second season or an incredible spinoff, of course I’d be like, ‘Yeah!’ I don’t know how he feels about it. When it was pitched to me, it was always going to be just seven episodes.”

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I Gained 20 Pounds During the Pandemic, but I’m Still Going to Have the Best Summer of My Life

Photo taken in Taormina, Italy

Like many people during the pandemic, I spent the last year mostly inside with no gym access, my everyday routine turned upside down, and relying on emotional eating and drinking to get me through what was the most anxiety-inducing time of my life. So it was no surprise that I put on nearly 20 pounds over the last 14+ months.

As shocked as I was when I stepped on the scale a few months ago and saw the highest number I’ve ever weighed staring back at me, I vowed to be kind to myself. I have spent most of my life obsessing over my body and weight (going on your first formal diet at age 10 will do that to you). My weight fluctuates often — I currently weigh about 40 pounds more than I did at my lowest weight in college — and I have talked negatively to myself and beaten myself up at every size.

I have come to learn that the problem is with me and how I view myself, and not with my body. That being said, I tried to transform my mindset to be grateful for this strong and healthy body. I caught COVID in March 2020 (testing wasn’t available at that time, but losing taste and smell was a clear sign, and it was confirmed with a positive antibodies test a couple months later). I only had mild symptoms for a few days and was fortunate to make a full recovery.

So yes, most of my clothes no longer fit — going from wearing stretchy leggings to trying on dresses and pants with actual zippers was a real shift. I had to go up a dress size and donate some clothes to Goodwill. And I won’t lie and say it’s been easy: I still struggle with negative self-talk and periods of hating my body, and I am actively trying to lose my COVID weight gain with a PCOS meal plan and regular exercise.

I’m starting to realize that what your body looks like is the least interesting thing about you.

But in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy what I am manifesting as the best summer of my life. I’m fully vaxxed, waxed, and ready to have a hot girl summer two years after Megan Thee Stallion coined the phrase. I’m going to put on my favorite bathing suit and hit up the pool and beach. I am moving into a new building with a nice roof deck and fully plan to take advantage of the lounge chairs in minimal clothing (and high SPF, of course). I am going to wear shorts and short skirts and sleeveless dresses and tank tops. I’m going to have group hangouts with my friends again and won’t spend my time comparing my body to theirs. I’m going to take tons of photos and not obsess over every angle, or even worse, put them through a round of Facetune.

I’m starting to realize that what your body looks like is the least interesting thing about you. I’m sick of diet and weight-gain talk, and I would rather channel that energy into working through my summer reading list and seeking out outdoor restaurants in my new neighborhood and finding the best rooftop to watch the sunset over the Hudson.

If your body has changed at all over the last year, I hope you give yourself grace and don’t beat yourself up about it. As we emerge from a global pandemic, be thankful for all that your body has done for you. You don’t need to necessarily love what your body looks like if that’s too hard of a transition, but you shouldn’t let it stress you out. I hope you will enjoy your summer and sunshine: there’s plenty of fun to be had.


Mare of Easttown Writer Brad Ingelsby Walks Us Through That Shocking Finale

Warning: spoilers for the finale of Mare of Easttown ahead.

By the time Mare of Easttown’s season finale draws to its much-anticipated close, you’d be hard-pressed not to admit the saga needed to end this way. After spending the past six weeks debating the hundreds of theories that circulated after each episode of the HBO detective drama aired, we finally have an answer. We know Erin McMenamin’s murderer, and he’s not an abusive father, a disgraced deacon, a cruel ex-boyfriend, or even an alcoholic first cousin once removed. He’s a child.

There’s inherent shock value in making your killer a kid, à la Sharp Objects, but Mare of Easttown writer and creator Brad Inglesby says he was going for something less grimy when he landed on Ryan Ross as culprit. “It spoke to the show in a way that I felt was really organic,” he explained.

Prior to the finale airing, met with Inglesby to learn how and why he decided on this shocking turn of events. But first, we needed to walk through the events of the tumultuous episode 7, “Sacrament.” Let’s dive in.

Last week we watched Mare Sheehan (Kate Winslet) race to Billy (Robbie Tann) and John Ross’s (Joe Tippett) favorite fishing spot, after learning from Lori Ross (Julianne Nicholson), John’s wife, that Billy and Erin (Cailee Spaeny) were once in an incestuous relationship. According to Lor, their romance ignited at the Ross family reunion, during which Erin and her father were staying in Billy’s cabin. From that encounter, Erin became pregnant with Billy’s son, DJ, and Billy eventually murdered her to keep their affair a secret.

But as “Sacrament” opens and we watch Mare steel herself for a confrontation with the Ross brothers, the scene cuts to the police station, where Jess (Ruby Cruz), Erin’s best friend, has just given Chief Carter (John Douglas Thompson) a game-changing clue: a photograph pulled from one of Erin’s journals.

Mere seconds into the finale, the camera finally gives the audience a clear view of the photo. In it, Erin sits in bed beside not Billy, but John, the two of them clearly enjoying some post-coital cuddling.

Chief Carter asks Jess if Dylan (Jack Mulhern), Erin’s ex-boyfriend, knows that DJ is John’s son. Jess says no. She convinced Dylan to help her burn Erin’s journals, in part to keep John’s secret, Jess reveals, but also to keep DJ in the care of Dylan’s parents. She thought Erin would have wanted that.

But back by the river, Mare doesn’t have any of this context. She stumbles into the water, where John is holding a gun at Billy, convinced he must kill his brother to ensure the truth doesn’t come out. “Everyone thinks I killed her anyway,” Billy scoffs, demanding that John shoot him. “Who’s going to miss a fuck-up like me? You said you got a family, and I’ve got nobody.”

Mare arrives in the nick of time and aims her own gun at John, who, desperate, yanks it up to his temple. Billy wrestles him to the ground before he can pull the trigger, extracts the gun, and Mare swipes it away as Billy admits, “I didn’t do it, Mare.”

Cut to the station, where John unravels his tale with surprising ease: He and Erin began a “sexual relationship” at the Lake Harmony family reunion, yes. It’s pathetic reasoning for adultery and statutory rape, but John says the two of them shared a real bond. “We were both having a hard time,” he appeals to Mare and Chief Carter. “She was having problems at home; things between me and Lor weren’t great. We could confide in each other in ways that we couldn’t confide in other people. I mean, we had this connection.” At this, Chief Carter gives an appropriately skeptical deadpan, and John realizes he’s not going to earn any sympathy here. Go figure.

chief carter and mare sheehan in mare of easttown

Michele K. Short/HBO

You can guess the rest: Erin got pregnant, chose to have the baby despite John’s wishes, and let Dylan assume he was DJ’s dad.

But on the night of January 10th, John was over at Frank’s (David Denman) engagement party. After she was assaulted that same evening, Erin called John multiple times demanding they speak and threatening to tell Lori the truth if he didn’t agree to meet at Brandywine Park. So he went, and found her with a gun in her hand, furiously insisting he pay for DJ’s ear surgery. She threatened to shoot herself, and John tackled her, trying to seize the gun; instead it went off, blowing off her finger. Then, in the shock of the moment, John whirled around and shot her in the head.

Our first moment of pause should come when John says Erin wanted to shoot herself. We know that Erin had dreams, that she was deeply devoted to DJ, that she had shown no prior signs of suicidal ideation. And Inglesby agrees—he intentionally wanted the audience to know Erin well enough at this point to recognize holes in John’s story. Making Erin well-rounded and recognizable was an attempt to subvert the trope of the “dead teenage girl without a personality” that characterizes so many detective dramas.

“We can’t just open episode one, here’s the body of a girl, and that is the impetus, or that’s the catalyst that’s going to carry us through,” Ingelsby told ELLE. Instead, he decided: “‘Okay, let’s engage with Erin, and let’s get to know her as a human being, her anxieties, her fears, her hopes, her dreams, and let’s have an audience engage with her in a way that maybe other shows haven’t.’”

But, at this point in the finale, Mare and Chief Carter believe John’s statement: that, following the accidental murderer, he returned to Frank’s engagement party and drove Frank and his fiancée home. That he called Billy to help him move Erin’s body into the woods where she was assaulted, so the police would believe one of the kids who assaulted her also killed her. That he convinced Lori to lie to Mare on John’s behalf.

Sickened and numb, Mare visits Deacon Mark (James McArdle)—the charges against him have been dropped—and John goes to arraignment. On his way out of the courtroom, he gets a few moments with his wife, whom he asks to raise DJ. Reluctant, she agrees.

At this point, Mare is exhausted, but she seems to have done her job: The case is solved, and the culprit behind bars. But neither Mare herself nor any of us watching feel satisfied—and Ingelsby wanted it that way. “I was able to kind of carefully have an audience leaning one way and then another way and get them through the story,” he explains. “But then, obviously, knowing that there needs to be a big set piece somewhere that’s shocking that gets an audience’s adrenaline going. That was the most important part.”

mare sheehan in mare of easttown

Michele K. Short/HBO

That adrenaline shot doesn’t come, however, until much later in the episode, after Mare has done a little ruminating on the evidence: John describes the gun he supposedly used to kill Erin was a “regular ‘ole handgun,” which doesn’t match what the ballistics expert discovered—that it was a Colt Detective Special. And Sandra Elliot, the woman he was supposedly cheating on Lori with only a few weeks ago, tells Mare they haven’t been together in five years. Something’s off, and Mare knows it. But she lives with it until weeks later, when she gets a call from Glen Carroll (Patrick McDade).

He’s not doing so well since his wife died; the dishes are piling up in the kitchen, and he can’t seem to keep track of his possessions. That’d be normal for an aging man grieving his late wife, except that his gun went missing a few weeks ago, oddly enough. Slowly growing alarmed, Mare asks what kind of gun it was, and who has access to the shed where it’s kept. Why, it’s a Colt Detective Special, Mr. Carroll explains. And, uh, only the kid who cuts the grass: Ryan Ross, John and Lori’s son.

Horrified, Mare races into the house to check Mr. Carroll’s security camera footage, and there it is: Ryan Ross, biking into the backyard, opening the shed, and stealing the gun. Mare releases an anguished cry.

Eventually, she catches up to Ryan—during an especially heart-wrenching scene in which she must face Lori, who has obviously been covering for him, not John, this entire time—and takes him in for questioning. She, a mother who lost her son, must take a son from his mother. It’s poetic, in a searing, unbearable sort of way.

Inglesby says he didn’t know when he started writing Mare of Easttown that Ryan would end up as his killer. “I started putting the pieces [of this show] together,” he says, “but I refused to write it because I was like ‘I don’t have a good ending.’ And I know I’ve watched these crime shows—and I love them—but I know that a lot of it is, you have to kind of nail the ending. Because, otherwise, the audience goes, ‘Man, I wasted all these hours of my life… The key was knowing I had to know the ending, and it took me a long time to know the ending.”

But those pieces came together when Ingelsby realized that, as a child, Ryan was a face of innocence. Because one of the show’s major themes is mercy, Ryan’s crime would need to be an accident. And so it is: Ryan tells Mare that, when he learned about the incestuous affair between Erin and his dad, he confronted John. John said it was a mistake, and Ryan promised h’’d keep the secret so long as John ended the relationship. But the affair wasn’t quite over—at Frank’s engagement party, Ryan discovered Erin’s texts on John’s phone, and responded on behalf of John, agreeing to meet her at Brandywine Park. When he got home, he biked to Mr. Carroll’s house, stole the gun he’d discovered one day in the shed, and rode to Brandywine.

He only meant to frighten Erin into leaving his family alone, he says. And frighten her he did, enough that, when she got out of Deacon Mark’s car and discovered Ryan at the park, holding a gun to her head, she attempted to steal it away from him. Like in John’s not-quite-true testimony, the gun went off. Ryan panicked, and shot Erin in the head. Immediately after, panicked, he returned the gun to Mr. Carroll’s shed and called his father, who enlisted Billy to help move Erin’s body into the woods.

At the station, Lori tells Mare she only learned the truth recently. Early on, she’d assumed that Ryan was getting into fights at school because he’d caught his father with Sandra Elliot again. She didn’t know the real story until John admitted it to her weeks later, at the kitchen table, begging her to tell Mare the murderer was Billy. “I agreed to lie to protect my son,” she tells Mare. “And I would have taken that to my grave if you didn’t show up at the house today.” The tone is accusatory, perhaps unfairly so, but what other tone would a distraught mother take?

lori ross and ryan ross in mare of easttown

Michele K. Short/HBO

Later, Mare climbs into Lori’s car, where her friend is in the midst of a hysterical breakdown. Mare attempts to breach the unfathomable gap between them, but Lori rears back. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she says. “Why couldn’t you just leave it alone? It’s Ryan. It’s Ryan! It’s my Ryan! My Ryan! It was an accident. He doesn’t even know how to hold a gun. My whole family is gone now because of you. Get away from me. I don’t want to see you again.”

This is Mare’s closest and dearest friend. And now she’s lost that relationship, too.

The show had to come to this gut-wrenching pinnacle, Ingelsby explains. It simply made the most sense. Ryan, like Mare’s son, Kevin, was a child who—intentionally or unintentionally—made a tragic mistake. For Kevin, it was drugs, which eventually led to his death. For Ryan, it was murder. And yet both Mare and Lori love their children deeply, and must learn to live with that love in the wake of their child’s absence.

“One of the things I was really interested in the show was this study of mercy, the importance of mercy and compassion and humanity,” he says. “And I knew that the ending had to be, Mare has to confront the thing that’s haunting her by having mercy on herself. And so then it was like, Okay, if you look at the ending episode, what’s the ultimate act of mercy? Literally loving a child that has caused her own [downfall], basically. That’s the ultimate act of mercy, right? [Both Mare and Lori] going ‘I’m going to love the child that has ruined my family.’

“The most heartbreaking of all [the options] was having Ryan as the killer. It’s devastating, and so it just felt like it gave me the most conflict and emotion at the end of the show.”

Did Inglesby did worry that, given the numerous lengthy theories fueling Reddit boards and articles like mine, viewers might guess the killer was Ryan?

“Our tightrope walk all along was that you had to have enough of him so, when it came at the end, you knew him as a character and you had the seeds planted,” Inglesby says. “I think the greatest worry I had was that, we would get to episode 7 and go, ‘It’s Ryan,’ and the audience would think, ‘I don’t even know who that is. We haven’t even seen him.’ So it was a balancing act of having to have enough clues where an audience might suspect him, so when you got to the ending they wouldn’t go, ‘That was just out of nowhere. You tricked us the whole time.’”

Part of Ingelsby’s push to make the murderer a central figure in the Easttown community was grounded in his own love of that community. He grew up in Pennsylvania, “drinking Rolling Rock and drinking Yuengling beer, eating cheese steaks every Friday night at the local pizza shop,” he says. He had a friend who told him about the police station where he worked—a tiny unit with 11 other officers and one detective in charge of the whole community. That image stuck with him.

lori ross and mare sheehan in mare of easttown

Sarah Shatz/HBO

“A woman who has to uphold the duty of this job, but also has to deal with people that she has these personal relationships with and shared history with, which complicates things,” he says. “That was sort of the nugget of it.”

And making Ryan the murderer fit perfectly within that conflict. Ryan would be the son of Mare’s best friend, part of a family she cares about deeply. He would also have killed a young woman, and Mare would not be the kind of cop to give up on a case. The result would be a terrible but resonant fissure, one that would finally open the pathway for Mare to confront her own grief.

“I hope the audience will be surprised,” Inglesby says. “I think some people will be, some people won’t be, but I think more than that, I hope they’re moved emotionally by the ending. If we can hide the secret, great. But more importantly, I want the audience to remember the characters and the emotion and the relationships in the show.”

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Sweat It Out With Jake DuPree, Beth Alexander, and More in This Week’s Intense Live Workouts

In our totally objective opinion, there’s no better way to release stress and refresh your day than with a workout. Even better when it’s live, with a top trainer right there to work you through the tough parts. That’s why we’re excited for this week: we’re dropping four new Instagram and YouTube Live workouts, and, of course, you’re invited to sweat it out with us. Check the full schedule below and tune in to our Instagram page and YouTube channel this week, Tuesday through Thursday, to get moving! (PS: don’t forget to catch up with our previous live workouts for more fun and effective routines.)

  • 30-Minute Lower-Body Blast Workout With Beth Alexander (Instagram Live): Tuesday, June 1, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
  • 30-Minute Bodyweight Cardio and Toning Workout With Jake DuPree (YouTube Live): Wednesday, June 2, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
  • 30-Minute LIT Method Workout (Instagram Live): Thursday, June 3, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
  • 30-Minute Full-Body Strength Training Workout With Simone Loves Fitness (Instagram Live): Friday, June 4, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography


Demi Lovato Tells Jane Fonda the Patriarchy Was Holding Them Back From Coming Out as Non-Binary

Demi Lovato joined Jane Fonda for one of Fonda’s Fire Drill Friday talks, where they shared their May 2021 decision to come out as nonbinary. Fonda asked Lovato to share their thoughts about their gender journey and how they think “patriarchy affects society.” Fonda, a longtime activist, shared that gender issues (“you have to be popular, you have to be thin, you cant be too angry, all that destructive shit”) have always been a big hurdle for her, too.

Lovato got a smile on their face and answered:

“If I had listened to the patriarchy, my life would have never changed, my gender, my pronouns would have never changed. I would have probably been married to a man, with kids, doing the thing that I was raised to believe that I should do. Growing up in Dallas, Texas, in the South, being Christian, there was a lot of norms that were already pushed on to me when it came to sexuality and gender, and Im a very fluid person. Im a very free-spirited, open person, so when it comes to gender for me, I started realizing that if I look back at my life, theres been times when I felt more masculine, and then there’s been times that I felt more feminine. I’ve always been a lover towards everyone. I’ve been attracted to everyone for as long as I can remember. So theres been moments in my life that have been very confusing to me, you know being 10 years old, attracted to women and not knowing what that meant as a Christian and being raised in the South where that’s not very…you know, it’s harder there. I realized after years of living my life for other people, trying to make myself smaller for the patriarchy. Because the patriarchy, they run the industry. They are the center of everything, and so when I realized that I thought, What are the ways that the patriarchy has been holding me back?

And for me it was putting me in a box, telling me that you are a female, this is what you are supposed to like, this is what you are supposed to do, dont dream bigger and don’t speak louder.’

That didn’t vibe for me, because I am too outspoken for that. So, when I had a near-death experience in 2018 after a drug overdose, I realized I had to wake up and start living my life for me. No matter what man thought I should…no matter what choices men thought that I should make for myself, I just started listening to me, which I needed up finding out was equal parts masculine and feminine and so when I stripped myself of the norms that society has pushed on me, specifically by the patriarchy, I have become the most complete and authentic version of myself that I’ve ever been in my life, and I’ve never been happier.”

You can watch the full interview here:

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Lovato also shared with Fonda that they felt that since their career began 13 years ago, they have seen their young fans get more and more bold in their activism, especially around climate change and other issues that will and do greatly affect their generation.

On May 19, Lovato posted the following on their Instagram, alongside a video:

Every day we wake up, we are given another opportunity and chance to be who we want and wish to be. I’ve spent the majority of my life growing in front of all of you… you’ve seen the good, the bad, and everything in between. Not only has my life been a journey for myself, I was also living for those on the other side of the cameras. Today is a day I’m so happy to share more of my life with you all – I am proud to let you know that I identify as non-binary and will officially be changing my pronouns to they/them moving forward 💖 This has come after a lot of healing and self-reflective work. I’m still learning and coming into myself, and I don’t claim to be an expert or a spokesperson. Sharing this with you now opens another level of vulnerability for me. I’m doing this for those out there that haven’t been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones. Please keep living in your truths and know I am sending so much love your way xox

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This Is the 350-Calorie Breakfast I’ve Eaten For 2 Months That Helped Me Lose 8 Pounds

I’ve been loving eating veggies for breakfast. I’m serious! Ever since I learned about calorie density and started following the Starch Solution, my tastebuds have changed and I crave them in the morning. They’re low in calories and high in fiber so they’re perfect for weight loss. For the past two months I’ve been adding shredded carrots to my oatmeal as an easy way to get more veggies into my breakfast. It tastes like carrot cake and helped me drop eight pounds!

Pairing my oatmeal with extra veggies helps fill me up and keeps me energized and satiated for at least three hours. Steamed broccoli or cauliflower are my go-tos, adding about 100 calories, 15 grams of fiber, and 10 grams of protein to the meal. This carrot cake steel-cut oatmeal is sweetened naturally with banana, with generous amounts of cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice added to really intensify the carrot-cake flavor. It’s so easy to meal prep a big six-serving batch on Sunday. To keep them fresh, I like to store them in individual glass containers, putting three in the fridge and three in the freezer. If you give this a try, you can top your oatmeal with raisins, pecans, flax meal, extra fruit, or plant-based yogurt. I like to enjoy mine without toppings!

Vegan Sugar-Free Carrot Cake Steel-Cut Oatmeal Meal Prep


  1. 1 1/2 cups steel cut oats
    3 1/2 cups water
    10-ounce bag of shredded carrots
    3 bananas (fresh or frozen)
    2 teaspoons cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


  1. Add all the ingredients to a pot and cover. Cook on high until it starts to boil.
  2. Reduce to a simmer, and cook for 20 to 30 minutes, or until desired texture.
  3. Remove from heat and use a fork to mash the bananas up.
  4. Pour mixture into a six-cup glass container, and once it’s cool, cover and place in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. The next day, cut into six servings. I like to put all six in separate containers, and place three in the fridge and three in the freezer.
  6. When you’re ready to eat, microwave for 90 seconds if it was in the fridge and three minutes if it was in the freezer. Add desired toppings and enjoy!

Here’a the nutritional info for one serving from


Calories per serving


Selena Gomez and Britney Spears Had a Sweet Instagram Exchange on Childhood Video

Selena Gomez is a child of the ’90s and early aughts. This means she, like the rest of us who spent any time alone in our rooms singing along to our boom boxes, was a fan of Britney Spears.

This week, she shared a video of her as a child, complete with a Windows Media Player background and blue-tinted sunglasses, singing along to Britney Spears’s “Don’t Go Knockin’ on My Door.” She captioned it “the hustle was real.”

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Here’s something that happens when one child of the ’90s posts a very relatable video or photo: we all come flocking to say “I see you.” That’s exactly what happened in Gomez’s Instagram comments. Actually, in this case, one ’80s child in particular left a comment on Gomez’s Instagram: the pop queen herself, Britney Spears.

“This is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen 😱❤️💃🏼 !!!!!,” she wrote.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

If this interaction is making you want a real Gomez/Spears collab, they have technically done one. In 2016, they both took part in recording the song “Hands” to support the victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando. The charity single was from Interscope Records with support from GLAAD and featured 24 artists including Spears, Gomez, Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, Jason Derulo, Meghan Trainor, Juanes, Pink, and Mary J. Blige.

Around the time of that song’s release, Gomez tweeted that she and Spears had kind of/sort of done a collab. Spears retweeted her and called for a real collaboration in the future.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Ummm…can we actually make this happen? We’ve been through a lot this past 15 months. We all deserve some new Selena/Britney content, as a treat.

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I Was Shocked How “Primary Foods” Helped Me Lose COVID Weight Gain

When COVID began in spring 2020, I had been trying to lose the last five pounds my body had been holding on to since my son was born eight years earlier. I was hitting 5:45 a.m. CrossFit classes five days a week, doing intermittent fasting to control my daily calorie intake, and I had been trying for more than a year without success. It was incredibly frustrating! Then the pandemic hit, and I ended up gaining another 10 pounds on top of that. But I’ve lost 13 pounds in the past three months by using the concept of calorie density in conjunction with primary foods.

What Are Primary Foods?

I first learned about primary foods when I joined the Slim on Starch program in April. I got to work with therapist Kiki Attonito, MA, CAP, RYT, who has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and specializes in addiction. She told POPSUGAR that primary foods are “the enriching aspects of life that nourish us on a soul level.” They’re the relationships, hobbies, places, and things that feed our happiness and enrich our lives and give it meaning.

Food Used to Be My Primary Food

“I lost sight of the reasons I was trying to eat and be healthy in the first place — to be able to spend time with my family and do the things that I love.”

“When we connect with people, plug into engaging pastimes, and dive into our primary foods, we rewire our bodies and brains to recall the true hits of joy that come from connection with life, as opposed to with food,” Antonio explained. This was so key for me to learn. Through my decades of dieting and struggles with body image and trying to lose weight, thinking about food and how I looked had become my main purpose in life. I was so focused on what I was eating, when I was eating, how much, and what I weighed, it was pulling me away from the true joys of life. I lost sight of the reasons I was trying to eat and be healthy in the first place — to be able to spend time with my family and do the things that I love.

All the things I used to love doing before trying to lose weight, like painting, drawing, knitting, learning to play banjo, singing with my husband, and sewing, were all pushed aside, and food became my obsession: my primary food. With food taking center stage over my thoughts and my life, I didn’t feel inspired to do those other things. And because I was eating whenever I wanted to feed that need for joy (most of the time I wasn’t even hungry), I ended up gaining weight, and then food took over even more of my attention. I felt so stuck because I truly didn’t feel happy.

How I Used Primary Foods to Lose Weight

I didn’t realize how much emotional eating was contributing to my weight gain until I heard the creator of the Slim on Starch program, Emmie Keefe, say, “If hunger is not the problem, then food is not the solution.” I was feeding all my emotions with food, and although it may have worked initially, it never really satisfied what I was seeking. I ended up overeating every single day.

When I intentionally focused on not turning to food for happiness and instead to discovering my primary foods, my happiness skyrocketed and my obsession with food and weight loss started to fade. It wasn’t easy in the beginning. I had to really connect with my emotions and not automatically turn to food whenever I felt happy, sad, annoyed, bored, or stressed. I found that talking to myself and saying the statement, “I’m feeling ______, so I need _______,” helped tremendously.

Most of the time I was turning to food for joy, excitement, and creativity; I was constantly cooking and baking because I loved how the delicious foods I ate would give my brain an instant dopamine rush. But baking a batch of brownies and eating half the pan never fulfilled those desires — that happy feeling only lasted a few minutes, and I was always left feeling let down (and with a stomachache from overeating). I realized that if I turned to my primary foods instead, I felt more emotionally satisfied. I felt more joy, more excitement, and was bursting with more creativity. I now know that primary foods are more effective in feeding my soul’s needs more than food, and I’m able to let food do its job, which is to nourish my body. It also made me feel proud that I was creating new habits to cope with big or uncomfortable emotions without food.

How to Use Primary Foods in Social Situations Where Food Is Involved

One of the most helpful ways primary foods helped me lose weight was in social situations. Food always seemed to be the focus when I was spending time with my family or friends. What restaurant were we getting takeout from? What do you want me to pick up from the vegan cafe? What should we bake together this weekend? I was really nervous about how to turn the attention away from food without feeling sad about it.

Attonito reminds her clients that the number one reason they are with people is for the primary food of socialization, not just for the actual food. She told me that by plugging into the connections around me, the importance of food falls into the backdrop as life itself comes center stage.

I took her advice, and when we had friends over for homemade pizza or got treats from the vegan bakery, I focused on the conversations, and the food really did fall to the back of my mind. Of course, I also combined this with honoring my hunger and fullness cues, making sure I was eating until I felt satisfied. But when I had the urge to eat past that point because I was seeking out the happiness and excitement food can bring me, I satisfied my emotional needs by engaging with the people around me. Attonito calls this “bookending a meal,” which means “choosing a primary food from life to use as the proper ‘dessert’ after that meal.” And it was so much more fulfilling than food!

How to Discover Your Primary Foods

Primary foods are unique to you. Attonito said that we draw primary foods from various aspects of life, including from our relationships, social life, career, spirituality, home environment, movement, hobbies, and creativity — anything that brings you happiness and sparks joy in your life. Here’s a list of some primary foods to get you started. Use them to feed your soul:

  • People and socializing: spend time with family, join a hiking group or book club, call a friend
  • Hobbies: draw, knit, paint, travel, play an instrument, do a puzzle, take photos, garden
  • Exercise: go for a run, hop on an exercise machine, take a group fitness class, take a walk
  • Stress-relieving activities: yoga, meditation, listen to music or a podcast
  • Nature: get outside and enjoy the sights and smells around you
  • Pets: spend time with your furry loved ones
  • Screens: watch a show or a movie, or play an online game
  • Learn: engage in something new to keep life exciting, explore new cultures

Keep reading to see what primary foods I used to help me lose weight. The best thing about primary foods is that the journey of discovering primary foods is never done! These are my main primary foods right now, but who knows what new passions I’ll stumble on now that my mind is no longer consumed by food and weight loss. Attonito said, “We get to enjoy discovering and uncovering soul nourishment every day. I tell my clients to enjoy this incredible process, approach themselves and their lives with awe and excitement, and to remember that the process of finding new primary foods is itself a primary food!”

Women's Fashion

24 Resort-Worthy Pieces To Inspire Future Travels — Both Real and Imagined

Johanna Ortiz SS21. Photography courtesy of IMAXTREE

A vacation, without the flight.

After 15 months (and counting) of having our feet planted firmly on the ground — for good reason, of course — awaiting the moment this pandemic stops pandemic-ing, even the most airplane-averse are anticipating their next odyssey above the clouds. How do we cope with our unrequited wanderlust? Daily journaling, hobby-hopping, dreaming about travel — and lining our virtual shopping carts with travel- and beach-themed clothes to fill our suitcases with the moment we can jet off safely.

Our longing for global escapades and conversations with locals — in a town where we aren’t also locals — calls for some serious fashion moments. Perhaps a Johanna Ortiz frock adorned with palm trees, coconuts and waves swirled together in a geometric print will do the trick, or a crochet robe perfect for lounging poolside? Loewe’s Paula’s Ibiza 2021 collection has your hypothetical vacation needs covered, while a more subtle nod to world travels comes in the form of Charlotte Chesnais’s abstract “round trip” gold ring — its looping design summons thoughts of sculptures from around the globe.

Browse the gallery below for some much-needed travel inspo that will turn the next jaunt through your own neighbourhood into a tropical moment.

Looking for more travel-inspired wares? Dive into new Toronto-based loungewear line Anushka for resortwear fantasies.


Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Reportedly Hung Out Together in Miami

Jennifer Lopez and her ex-husband Marc Anthony were seen getting coffee together in Miami on Thursday, a source told People.

“A lot of hotel guests recognized her and she was super nice and upbeat with anyone who approached,” the source said. “They ordered coffee.”

Anthony and Lopez got married in 2004, split in 2011, and finalized their divorce in 2014. They continue to co-parent their twins, Max and Emme, 13, and another source told People that Anthony helped her after her split from Alex Rodriguez.

“Jennifer is doing well. She is still filming in the Dominican Republic. The kids have visited her and they make her the happiest,” the source said at the time. “Jennifer and Marc Anthony have a great relationship. Having Marc around while she has had to work abroad has been very comforting for Jennifer.”

While Lopez and Anthony continue to co-parent Max and Emme, Lopez has been seen spending a lot of time with her ex-fiancé, Ben Affleck. A source told Us Weekly this week that the two “are full-on dating and very happy together.”

Ben and Jen feel so close to each other very quickly,” the source said. “The old flame is absolutely rekindled. They picked up where they left off in terms of affection for each other.”

E! and Page Six have both reported that things are going well for the rekindled couple as they make a long-distance relationship work. Lopez has been in Miami while Affleck has been in Los Angeles.

Affleck visited Lopez last weekend in Miami and “is happy to be a part of her life in Miami, where they spent a lot of time at home being low-key and relaxing together. They have had a great few days that feels effortless and easy.”

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Which Is Better For Weight Loss: Running or Jumping Rope? We Asked the Experts

When it comes to losing weight, consistency is key — and often, that means finding the simplest, most convenient, and most affordable workout possible, so you have no trouble sticking to the plan. Two options that frequently come to mind? Running, which only requires some sneakers and the open road, and jumping rope, which you can do anywhere while investing only in a super small (and inexpensive) piece of equipment. But is one more effective than the other for weight loss?

Running may seem like the gold standard for cardio — and it’s true that getting in those miles will strengthen your heart and lungs, boosting your endurance, which can help you feel more energized throughout the day. But in order for running to be effective for weight loss, “it also needs to be supplemented with some form of strength training,” Sierra Carter, an NASM-certified personal trainer and the founder of Sweat With Sierra, told POPSUGAR. Strength training helps build muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat, even between workouts.

Of course, the same is true for any cardio workout, including jumping rope — but jumping rope may have one advantage running doesn’t. Jump-rope workouts more naturally fall into the category of high-intensity interval training (or HIIT), which is incredibly effective for burning fat. Why, you ask? Unlike running, which typically involves working out for longer periods at an elevated (but steady) heart rate, jumping rope requires you to push yourself harder in quick bursts of activity — which allows you to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, explained Gabby Barreto, MS, RD, a sports dietitian and certified functional strength coach. Burning calories is the name of the game when you want to lose weight. Add a weighted jump rope, and you’ll reap even more benefits.

Ultimately, though, weight loss comes down to simple math, regardless of which workout you choose. “The most important thing for people to understand for weight loss is nutrition,” Carter said. “If you’re not eating in a calorie deficit, no weight loss is going to occur.” You need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose a pound of fat. This means that, if you want to lose one pound per week — which is generally considered safe by experts — you’ll need to eliminate 500 calories per day by reducing the number of calories you eat and increasing the number you burn through exercise.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re running or jumping rope or doing some other type of cardio — “Just like anything, it really depends on a number of other factors, like your sleep, stress, and mainly whether you’re eating in a calorie deficit,” Carter explained. So, choose the workout you like most, and focus on maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as you can in order to reach your goals.

Women's Fashion

The Nicole Richie Creator Collab for Etsy Has Canadian Connections + More Fashion News To Know

Photography by Ren Fuller

Including all the notable local fashion events happening next week.

Happily, this week’s fashion news is bursting with #shoplocal love. House of Harlow 1960, the label founded by Nicole Richie, partnered with Etsy on a collection that features two Toronto-based brands. Plus, Fashion Art Toronto is back — as is the design collaboration between Sasha Exeter and Ela Aldorsson. Read on to find out more…

Toronto jewellery brand Omi Woods is part of Nicole Richie’s exclusive House of Harlow 1960 Etsy Edit

nicole richie etsy
Photographed by Ren Fuller

A limited-edition collection of home décor and accessories co-created by Nicole Richie in collaboration with Etsy sellers hit the web this week; included in the mix are two Toronto-based brands – jewellery line Omi Woods, helmed by Ashley Alexis McFarlane, and Kyung-Soon Chun’s body care and décor label Sooworks. They and the other entrepreneurs involved in the edit designed the items with Richie in order to infuse them with her preferred Cali-chic sensibility.

“I’m thrilled to finally be putting the ‘House’ in ‘House of Harlow 1960′ in such a meaningful way through this dream interiors collection,” Richie said in a statement about the goods. “My home has always been an extension of my personal style and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such a talented, diverse group of artisans on the Etsy platform — several of whom are from my home state of California.” Indeed, west coast whimsy pervades the assortment on offer, from the breezy caftans and headscarves by DandEDiscovered to Zziee Ceramics’ artful pieces, which are hand-made in Joshua Tree.

A fundraiser for U For Change includes some big names in the local fashion and beauty landscape

Toronto-based non-profit organization U for Change has introduced a new philanthropy incentive with a fashionable twist this year. Aiming to raise awareness and funds for the org — which offers a range of creative programming for underprivileged youth — the virtual event, called Fashion Runs Deep, features an inspirational panelist roster that’s part of a chat moderated by TikTok’s Victoria Di Placido. Participants include Cheekbone Beauty founder Jennifer Harper; Abiola Akinsiku of Precious Threads by Abiola; image-maker Justin Wu; and By The Namesake designer Rosa Halpern. Also speaking at the virtual event is Isabella Baboury, director of Canada for Christian Louboutin. Talk about helping the next generation put their best foot forward.

Canadian designer Andrew Coimbra is one of 10 finalists in SwatchOn’s Future of Fabric competition

andrew coimbra swatchon
Imagery courtesy of SwatchOn

Seoul-based fabric sourcing platform SwatchOn launched an initiative last year to support emerging global fashion talent called Future of Fabric. COVID-19 forced the company to change direction with the contest, of course, and it was recently announced that Montreal-based designer Andrew Coimbra ­is included in the final ten names to be awarded a cash prize and have their competing looks unveiled as part of an influencer campaign. Coimbra’s outfit — which boasts an original print splashed on several separates, topped off with an on-trend bucket hat — is seen on Anthony Deluca, a creative director and media mogul from Toronto. You can find out more about Coimbra’s design practice and process, as well as that of the other competitors, here.

Frank and Oak has introduced women’s swimwear

frank and oak swimwear
Photography courtesy of Frank and Oak

Tis the season for poolside lounging and beach trips, and Montreal’s Frank And Oak has a new range of women’s swimwear to suit such occasions. Each of the six styles — three reversible one-pieces, two reversible tops and one reversible bottom — is made from post-industrial and post-consumer waste recycled nylon. Colours vary from neutrals to bright pops, so you can make a statement or keep it subtle.

Fashion Art Toronto returns from June 2 to 17

FAT has found its virtual stride and is back with more livestreamed fashion events next month. Starting Wednesday, June 2, check out the work of over 30 Canadian designers and artists who will showcase their creativity in a variety of Toronto’s most novel venues from the Scarborough Bluffs and Ontario Place to Union Station. Brands set to be featured include L’Uomo Strano, Kyle Gervacy, Yung Alexander and Shaghayegh Tafreshi, whose collection presentation will take place at Ripley’s Aquarium. Prepare to take in natural, architectural and fashionable sights via FAT’s Instagram Live or post-presentation on its YouTube channel.

The 2.0 handbag collection collaboration between Sasha Exeter and Ela Aldorsson is here

sasha exeter ela
Photography by David Pike

You asked, they answered. After witnessing the popularity of their first round of limited-run pieces last year, content creator Sasha Exeter and accessory design Ela Aldorsson have released a new batch of bags to address every need. From an outsized tote with a removable laptop sleeve to a convertible saddle style, plus the belt bag from the first line that sold out within minutes, each item is made with vegan materials and 100 percent recycled plastic bottle lining. (Bonus: the packaging is biodegradable.) And you’ve got to give the duo bonus points for tapping Kitchener, Ont.-based artist Trisha Abe to create the collection’s dust bags.

CDLP expands its Mobilité performance line to include activewear

cdlp activewear
Photography courtesy of CDLP

A year since launching its Mobilité range of underwear, which boasts “enhanced” design features for wear during sports activities, Swedish brand CDLP has added a line of elevated activewear into the fold. Comprised of a selection of shorts, sweatpants, t-shirts and hoodies made from terry or jersey (both fabrications are composed of a recycled organic cotton blend), they walk the line between lounge and luxe, with a hint of nostalgia for good measure.

Looking for more fashion news?

H&M has partnered with Brock for a collection that drops June 24

We’ve got the goods on Ariana Grande’s wedding dress

Supermodel Fernanda Ly on #StopAsianHate


Camila Cabello Gushes Over Shawn Mendes ‘in a Cap’ in New PDA Instagram Post

Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes are not the kind of couple who hold back when it comes to PDA on social media. They have spent much of the past year (and pandemic) gushing about each other on Instagram and in interviews, and this latest post is no different.

Shawn Mendes posted a slide of several new photos, including this black-and-white one:

camila cabello shawn mendes

Camila CabelloInstagram

Cabello had her own comment about it:

shawn mendes camila cabello

Shawn MendesInstagram

“My mans in a cap,” she wrote.

For Cabello’s birthday this year, Mendes posted in admiration of his girlfriend of two years.

“Happy birthday to the kindest, bravest and most beautiful person I’ve ever known. I love you more every day mi vida ❤️,” he wrote.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

There was also this:

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

And this:

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

In an interview with SiriusXM Hits 1’s Celebrity Session late last year, Mendes spoke about what it’s like to be in a relationship with Cabello.

“She is completely all in or nothing,” he told SiriusXM Hits 1’s Celebrity Session. “And I think that’s something that I wasn’t at the beginning of our relationship. And I think that a lot of people maybe are afraid to be all in, because if you’re all in, then you kind of, it hurts it. The blow hurts that much more if it ends, you know? But she really teaches me that if we have one life and we don’t have much time here, it might as well be all in if you’re in love with someone and you’re there. And I kind of learned that every day. She’s so absolutely patient with me, especially when I’m stressed or anything is kind of getting to me. She’ll text me. And if I ever am kind of just being bite-y with her and she’d be like, ‘It’s okay. I love you. No matter what I love you, no matter what.’ And it’s like, that’s real strength and patience and love. But it’s amazing. It’s like a movie.”

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This Founder Created a Period-Product Vending Machine to Combat Period Poverty

#HappyPeriod Founder Chelsea VonChaz

Chelsea VonChaz was on her period when she had an encounter that would one day lead her to dedicate her life to menstrual equity. At the time, VonChaz was working as a wardrobe stylist in Los Angeles for shows like Issa Rae’s Insecure. She was traveling from one gig to the next in West Hollywood when she witnessed a woman experiencing homelessness free bleeding. It struck a chord.

“I just felt like nobody was taking her seriously, and then I was kind of having thoughts about how we don’t really look at folks that we deem as unfavorable or unpleasant,” VonChaz told POPSUGAR. “With her being so exposed, it just made me really mad.”

After working in Hollywood for a few years, VonChaz was seeking greater purpose for her life. Naturally, this was the spark that led her to start reaching out to shelters. She soon learned that shelters aren’t required to allocate any part of their budget to menstrual hygiene products, and they often run low on these essential items. That developed into monthly period-product distributions, which VonChaz organized with her mother, family, and friends, focusing on neighborhoods with high homeless populations and therefore high period poverty, like LA’s Skid Row.

She soon learned that shelters aren’t required to allocate any part of their budget to menstrual hygiene products, and they often run low on these essential items.

Eventually, almost a year after her initial aha moment — and many nights spent tossing and turning — VonChaz left styling and decided to make the nonprofit official. #HappyPeriod has grown exponentially over the past six years, partnering with corporations like Cora, The Honey Pot Company, and Thinx to get products to schools and shelters. However, during the pandemic, VonChaz had to pivot away from coordinating physical distribution, volunteering, and any educational programming, which forced her to think outside the box. She pioneered the first period protection equipment (PPE) machine, a digital kiosk dispensing boxes of pads, tampons, and even period underwear to replace often-defunct public restroom machines. Unlike most vending machines, the PPE machine is cashless. The products are free, and the machine is sustained by donations from people who stop by and give in order to keep it running.

After some fundraising, #HappyPeriod installed the first PPE machine at a Shields For Families community center in Compton, CA, in partnership with the city of Compton and Mayor Aja Brown. Mayor Brown’s office recommended this particular location, as it’s an area in great need of free products — but VonChaz stressed that she wants to branch out beyond community centers and shelters as well. She’s hoping to expand the PPE machine program by gaining more corporate and individual sponsors, in order to put kiosks in places like LAX or middle school restrooms. “It’s not just about serving houseless folks, but people who might not have access to a tampon in that moment,” VonChaz said.

#HappyPeriod vending machines

Just as important as getting the right products in people’s hands is helping people learn about what products are best for their bodies, VonChaz explained. This past year, she focused further on developing the educational component of #HappyPeriod. Instead of visiting schools for programs about menstrual education, she’s making those educational materials virtual, including a free, downloadable period-care and self-care ebook and workbook, which is available on the #HappyPeriod website. One long-term goal includes developing a menstrual health curriculum that school districts can adopt, which would involve students of all gender identities learning about periods, because everyone can benefit from comprehensive, culturally sensitive sexual health education.

“If [it were] mandatory for the schools to teach this, Black women would not be so far behind in our menstrual health,” VonChaz said. Her theory is that increased knowledge around reproductive health could potentially help Black people who menstruate and give birth to better advocate for themselves in healthcare settings, where their concerns are repeatedly dismissed. She noted that Black women are three times more likely to suffer from uterine fibroids than white women, and the maternal mortality rate is more than three times higher for Black women giving birth.

Around the world, Black people and people of color are also the ones struggling most with period poverty, VonChaz explained — which is why #HappyPeriod’s mission is to “reshape the discussion surrounding menstruation, while bridging access to education and safe products for Black people with periods.” With that, she’s working to disrupt the “white savior” narrative that exists in some areas of the nonprofit and menstrual-equity space, where organizations are often positioned to serve Black or marginalized people but are led by white people.

[#HappyPeriod’s] work positively impacts one million periods across the country each year.

“You can’t serve Black people without including them. No Black girl will be completely impacted by a white woman telling them to switch over to a menstrual cup,” VonChaz said. For her, it’s about giving Black people who menstruate the necessary period products, along with the tools and knowledge they need to better understand their menstrual cycle and the product options available to them — and that can’t be fully accomplished without Black leadership within menstrual-equity organizations.

Several years after #HappyPeriod was founded, the nonprofit’s work positively impacts one million periods across the country each year. One tampon, vending machine, or school program at a time, VonChaz is making periods a regular, integral part of conversation, and equipping people with whatever they need while they bleed. And she’s just getting started.

Women's Fashion

The Latest Member of the Glow Recipe Watermelon Family + More Beauty News

Photography via

Including a new addition to a cult fave watermelon skincare line and a reformulated classic moisturizer.

Local brand butter.Silk is available at Hudson’s Bay

Earlier this year, Toronto-based hairstylist and salon owner Ceilidh Costello launched butter.Silk, a line of silk beauty essentials like pillowcases, scrunchies and face masks. (A wet brush will be added to the brand’s list of product offerings on June 1.) The full assortment of products, which come in chic, classic shades like pink, white, black and grey, will be available at Hudson’s Bay in the coming weeks, but for now, the brand’s best-selling pillowcases are available to shop at the Canadian retailer.

The latest addition to Glow Recipe’s watermelon lineup is here

Ready for the latest addition to the Glow Recipe watermelon skincare family? Meet Watermelon Glow Hyaluronic Clay Pore-Tight Facial, launching May 29 on The first-ever whipped hyaluronic-infused clay facial product is a truly gentle exfoliator that’s formulated with PHA and BHA, as well as watermelon enzymes (of course) that leaves skin feeling comfortably clean, but still hydrated.

Lawless Beauty just launched a mega-volumizing clean mascara

In the market for a new mascara? May we suggest giving Lawless Beauty’s The One & Done Mascara a whirl? The clean, volumizing lash-booster is formulated with lightweight lacquer tree and rice bran waxes (rather than beeswax) to keep eyelashes lifted, plus castor and Argan oils to promote lash length.

Fresh Beauty’s best-selling moisturizer got a major upgrade

Fresh Beauty‘s best-selling Rose Moisturizer has gotten a makeover. Introducing the new Rose Deep Hydration Face Cream, which has been reformulated to deliver deep hydration for three times longer than before, with a lighter texture and the addition of a new ingredient: skin barrier-strengthening damask rose extract.


Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers Took a Romantic Couples’ Trip to Hawaii

keleigh teller miles teller shailene woodley aaron rodgers

Keleigh Sperry TellerInstagram

Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers are certainly on the same wavelength as many of us vaxxed, waxed, and ready for this summer of travel. They joined Woodley’s friend and former co-star Miles Teller and his wife, Keleigh Sperry Teller, on a couples vacation in Hawaii.

The photos will make anyone want to book a tropical getaway right now:

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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Here’s Rodgers and Keleigh being “Swifties” and jamming out to “the 1” from folklore. Woodley, who appears to be behind the camera, lets out a little giggle as she watches her friend pretend to play the piano on a countertop.

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Waterfall fun:

shailene woodley keleigh sperry teller

Keleigh Sperry TellerInstagram

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These four seem to be what anyone in a longterm relationship will fondly know and refer to as Couple Friends. Earlier this month, they attended the Kentucky Derby together alongside other friends:

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Hawaii holds special significance for the Tellers, who got married on Maui in 2019.

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Rodgers and Woodley’s relationship timeline is a bit shorter; they began dating last year after Rodgers split from racing driver Danica Patrick. Rodgers announced his engagement to Woodley in February of this year, during the 10th annual CBS “NFL Honors.”

“2020 was definitely a crazy year, filled with lots of change, growth, some amazing memorable moments, 180 straight days of having my nose hairs scraped, playing for very little fans,” Rodgers said. “I got engaged, and I played some of the best football of my career.”

NFL and movie/TV fans alike were stunned at the news that the football player and Big Little Lies star were engaged; the news came only shortly after rumors that the two were even together.

Speaking of football, apparently the NFL world noticed that Rodgers skipped the Green Bay Packers’ pre-season voluntary organized team activities (OTAs), to go to Hawaii with his fiancée and their friends.

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This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

I’m not even going to attempt to explain why this is a big deal; I cover celebrities, movies, and TV. NFL Twitter seems to know a lot about this, though.

Anyway, enjoy the pics!

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Remember Your Strength, Foster Connections, and 10 Other Therapist Tips to Manage Grief

You don’t always have to lose a loved one to grieve, proven by all types of loss experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Maybe you’ve lost your job, sense of identity, or purpose. Maybe you no longer have hold of motivation, a solid routine, or connections. Perhaps all of the loss has been compounded for you by increasingly prevalent racism in this country, and you feel grief for your community at large. It’s a long list of situational and systemic-rooted causes, and three mental health experts we spoke to agreed that tending to mental health, especially now, is crucial.

Gina Moffa, LCSW, a therapist with specialties in grief and trauma counseling, told POPSUGAR that grief can certainly be traumatic. The fact that it might not be directed toward a death results in a lack of clarity, and that makes it extremely hard to move forward, she said. Jenny Wang, PhD, a psychologist in private practice and founder of the Asians for Mental Health Directory, added that people could also be mourning the life they might have lived if the pandemic had not occurred.

Ahead, you’ll find tips from Moffa, Dr. Wang, and Alexmi Polanco, LMHC, of Poder Healing on how to manage grief brought about by the pandemic and events thereafter. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, but hopefully there’s something here that helps as restrictions — but not necessarily hardships — ease up across the country.

Women's Fashion

A Sensory Guide to Wellness

Life in lockdown means our worlds are confined to a mere few rooms—that can make it difficult to set boundaries between our professional and personal lives. Where we stress about deadlines is the same place where we eat, sleep and lounge. Once the emails and notifications sneak into our personal time, that’s the start of a slippery, unhealthy slope. 

“It means we are always on high alert. We call that chronic or toxic stress,” says Natalie Brunswick, a Toronto-based occupational therapist, adding that we are not meant to be in this state, which is known as “hyperarousal.” It’s the sweaty, racing thoughts, increased heart rate feeling that many of us experience all the time. How do we conquer that? Start with calming your senses using these tips: 

Schedule soul-nourishing time

Whether you enjoy morning meditation, burning scented candles, running by the river or turning off your tech to read in bed—schedule it into your day. “When you make yourself a priority, you’re supporting your immune system, your desires and your health and wellness,” says Julie Cass, founder of The Positive Change Group. Make it non-negotiable. 

Recognize the power of breathwork

“There’s so much overactivity in our minds which induces fear and stress,” says Cass. Breathwork is one of the best antidotes. It seems almost too simple but both Cass and Brunswick stress the importance of slowing down your breath. Your exhale actually signals to your nervous system that it’s okay to calm down, relax and hit pause on racing thoughts. So when your yoga teacher or meditation guide says breathe in for four seconds and out for eight, there’s science behind that.  

Crank those peaceful tunes

Who doesn’t have a favourite Spotify playlist for a chill, lazy Sunday? Play it in the background as a way to keep stress and anxiety at bay. “Sound is hardwired to be soothing,” says Brunswick. That’s why, as she explains, a baby or young child will calm down while hearing a lullaby regardless of what language it’s in. 

Sprinkle small self-care rituals throughout your day

Learning to calm your senses in this cluttered, noisy world doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking. Finding mini pockets of peace throughout the day can look like drinking a glass of lemon water before your morning coffee, keeping your favourite hand lotion on your desk or leaving the phone in another room for an hour. “It’s simple but such a game-changer,” says Cass. “It’s the little changes that give us energy throughout the day.” 

Remember that taking a minute to pause is a decision. Try stopping for a snack or your favourite beverage without interruptions during your workday. One refreshing option is Quatreau’s cannabis-infused sparkling waters which are available in a variety of fresh fruity flavours including Ginger and Lime, Cucumber and Mint, Passionfruit and Guava, and Blueberry and Acçai. A simple way to reset before your next task. This unique beverage brand is available in Canada from Canopy Growth.


Load up on essentials oils

Our sense of smell is more powerful than we think—certain scents have the power of instantly triggering memories and emotions at lightning speed. “Smell is actually the quickest [sense] to get processed by our brain,  so we notice its effects the fastest,” says Brunswick. How, you ask? When you breathe in a scent, smell receptors in your nose analyze the smell and then send messages through the nervous system to your limbic system (the part of your brain that controls your mood and emotions). This messaging system is why scientists believe aromatherapy through essential oils is capable of soothing stress and anxiety. When shopping for essential oils, Cass suggests stocking up on lavender for calming effects, citrus oils to uplift, and sage or balsam fir to ground. Be sure to consult your doctor or trained aromatherapist for insight on proper use. 

Get outside

Spending some time outdoors, whether it’s a walk, run or enjoying a view, is a great way to calm overstimulated senses. According to a study conducted by the University of Minnesota, it’s been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote an overall positive and tranquil mood. “Being in nature is very healing because it’s multi-sensory,” says Brunswick, meaning that all our senses are engaged when we spend time outdoors. Through the whistling wind or chirping birds, or the smell of fresh-cut grass or blooming flowers, it’s a therapeutic experience. Plus, Cass adds that “you never go for a walk in nature and wish you didn’t.” So if you need a quick boost, this is the one.  

Engage your deep touch sense

Any kind of deep touch (think a hug, cuddling or massage) releases oxytocin, known as the “bonding hormone.” That, in turn, decreases your stress hormone cortisol. To engage this sense, hug your arms close to your chest or place your hand over your heart and press down. This is also your cue to jump into the weighted blanket craze!  

This communication is intended for adults only and should not be shared with minors. There are risks associated with cannabis use. For information, search online “Health Canada – cannabis health effects. 

*This product contains minimal amounts of THC.


A Complete Timeline of Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley’s Relationship

In February, Aaron Rodgers announced—seemingly out of nowhere—his engagement to actress Shailene Woodley. During the 10th annual CBS “NFL Honors” show on February 6, the Green Bay Packers quarterback didn’t even mention his “fiancée” by name.

He simply said:”2020 was definitely a crazy year, filled with lots of change, growth, some amazing memorable moments, 180 straight days of having my nose hairs scraped, playing for very little fans,” Rodgers said. “I got engaged and I played some of the best football of my career.”

By then, fans already knew that Rodgers and Woodley were romantically linked, but their relationship had only been public for about a week.

“They have kept things private and low key,” a source told E!. “They have seen each other and been in touch. They continue to talk and see each other when they can. They are both focused on their careers, but they also make time for each other.”

Later that month, Woodley confirmed the engagement in an interview with Jimmy Fallon.

“Yes, we are engaged,” Woodley told Jimmy Fallon. “But for us, it’s not new news, you know? So it’s kind of funny. Everybody right now is freaking out over it and we’re like, ‘Yeah, we’ve been engaged for a while.'”

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OK, so if they had been engaged for “a while” at the point of that Fallon interview, how long have they been together? We’ve all been in quarantine too long! When did this happen?!

Here are the details.

April 2020

Woodley did an interview with Bustle, where she spoke candidly about her love life and her breakup with rugby player Ben Volavola.

“I was in a relationship with someone and we were very much on the road to marriage and children,” she said. “I realized I was still at an age where I wasn’t able to fully commit. I couldn’t be available to him in the way that I wanted to be. I didn’t fully love myself.”

Bustle wrote that, at the time, Woodley was quarantining alone in a cabin in the woods, while “trying to shed her codependent tendencies. Sometimes, she lays on the floor and cries, and she’s OK with that.”

July 2020

A rep confirmed with Us Weekly that Rodgers and racing driver Danica Patrick had broken up. The two, who met in 2012 at the ESPYS and started dating in 2018.

“We’ve just been sort of friends the whole time, kept in vague touch and seen each other at the ESPYs almost every year, and other places,” Patrick said in a 2018 interview with For The Win. “So one thing led to another, and we realized how similar we were, and yeah, that got the ball rolling.”
In July, rumors of Woodley and Rodgers’s involvement began circulating. Sports gossip blogger Terez Owens wrote that Woodley and Rodgers had been seen together in Tahoe.

September 2020

While on The Pat McAfee show , Rodgers referenced some changes in his life. He didn’t exactly say that he was in a new relationship, but he said a lot of things that a person who’s happy in a new relationship might say.

“I have just a new and increased love of life and I have made decisions and changes and habits that put me in a lot better head space,” he said. “There’s just a lot of things that have come together in my life over the last few months that have really been enjoyable and reminded me, given me perspective in life and in football to view things through the most positive lens I possibly can.”

February 2021

At the 10th annual CBS “NFL Honors” show in early February, Rodgers dropped the news that he got engaged. Then, Woodley confirmed the news with Fallon.

April 2021

Rodgers, whose ex Olivia Munn has spoken about his past rift with his family, is reportedly still trying to decide which of his family members to invite to his wedding with Woodley.

“Aaron is still thinking about which family members to invite. It’s something that’s weighing heavily on him,” a source told Us Weekly. “It’ll for sure be a special day and it would be wrong of him to not invite his family, but everyone is aware of their strained relationship and knows that [those] problems aren’t going to get fixed in one day. Whether they decide to come [is] up to them.”

The source also revealed that Woodley and Rodgers plan to get married in California, because “that’s where the majority of their friends and family live.”

May 2021

On May 1, the couple was seen out with their friends, including Miles Teller and his wife, Keliegh Sperry Teller, at the Kentucky Derby.

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In late May, Woodley and Rodgers went on vacation with the Tellers to Hawaii, where they seemed to be having a blast. Teller also revealed on her Instagram that Rodgers is a Taylor Swift fan…

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The more you know.

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Why It’s Important For Vaginal Health to Wipe From Front to Back When Using the Bathroom

If you have a vagina, you may have heard that wiping from front-to-back is the best technique when cleaning up after using the bathroom. It might even be something you’ve practiced for as long as you’ve been sitting on the toilet. Wiping from front-to-back helps keep you and your vagina healthy.

According to Tamika K. Cross, MD, FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn based in Houston, it has to do with preventing the transfer of bacteria living in the urinary tract, vagina, and around the anus.

“I think it’s important to know that we all have bacteria in our body,” Dr. Cross explained. “There’s good bacteria and bad bacteria. The bacteria that lives in the vagina is not the same bacteria that’s in your bladder or urinary tract, and it’s not the same bacteria that is in your rectum or around the anus.”

When you wipe back to front (a method that is not recommended), you could possibly move bacteria situated around the anus to the vagina or urethra, which the Mayo Clinic explains could contribute toward vaginal infections and urinary infections, like UTIs.

This is why front-to-back wiping is so commonly stressed.

Of course, there are many other hygienic rules to follow when it comes to maintaining good vaginal health, including wearing breathable underwear. It’s also important to remember the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, so there’s generally nothing you need to do to clean that internal area. As for bathing and cleansing the vulva, some experts note that you generally only need warm water or warm water and fragrance-free, hypoallergenic soap.

If you have any questions about wiping — or vaginal hygiene in general — never hesitate to reach out to your doctor for clarifications and advice.

Women's Fashion

Family Matters: Meet the Co-founders Behind Accessory Brand ai Toronto Seoul

Photography courtesy of ai Toronto Seoul.

“We never put out a product unless we absolutely love it.”

For Hannah Kim, Joanna Lee and Rebekah Ma, staying connected during COVID-19 wasn’t just crucial for typical familial reasons like catching up and sending good vibes. The three siblings also helm ai Toronto Seoul, a sustainably-minded vegan handbag and accessory brand that’s based in Toronto and produces its wares on a small scale in Seoul, South Korea. Kim and Lee are located in Canada, while Ma has lived in Seoul for the last two years and lends a hands-on approach to how their products are made.

The trio collaborates on the brand’s designs with their mother, Hun Young Lee, who in addition to being an award-winning fine artist, helped her daughters to develop their passion for fashion. “Our mom, who was an immigrant in Toronto in the 1970s when she was in her early twenties, felt fashion was something she could connect with when she came to Canada because it’s a universal language,” says Kim. “Growing up, we always had the latest Vogue and InStyle and Chatelaine on our coffee table. And watching Fashion Television every Sunday night was our ritual.”

It’s through another family connection that the sisters came to learn about sustainable and conscious manufacturing, as their aunt owns a facility in South Korea that makes vegan leather bags. The country, Lee notes, was a pioneer in terms of developing and producing such materials. “We grew up wearing our aunt’s bags,” says Kim when reflecting on how their awareness of mindful design developed. “It’s something that’s been part of our lives without really thinking of it.”

ai toronto seoul
Photography courtesy of ai Toronto Seoul.

Of course, growing up in Canada, the three honed an understanding of taking care of the environment in various ways. “We were always educated about respecting the earth in school, like recycling,” recalls Lee, adding that these elements all contributed to how they formed a model for ai Toronto Seoul’s own production. Its bags and other accessories — including hair clips and sunglasses for kids — are made in limited quantities; if a style doesn’t sell, they don’t make it again. “Going that route was very natural for us,” Lee continues. “Our philosophy is that sustainability is based on a collection of choices — the little decisions that you make [contribute to] how we’re affecting the planet.”

The three also came to an appreciation for such decision-making when Kim was diagnosed with a tumour several years ago; her chemotherapy treatment lead the family to reconsider how they ate, turning them to a more plant-based diet. “It shifted our thinking in terms of health,” Lee notes.

The diagnoses proved pivotal in the career direction the sisters would take, too. “We were at a point in our lives when we were all in the education field,” says Kim. “When I was diagnosed with the tumour, I had to stop working. It was a wake-up call for our family, and my mom felt like we needed to do something together. We had always wanted to, [but] that felt like it was the right moment. I was doing chemo, and she wanted to get my mind off it.”

ai toronto seoul
Photography courtesy of ai Toronto Seoul

Beginning by importing their aunt’s bags to Canada and then “ghost labelling” for a Toronto-based designer for two years, their confidence grew with the success of each project and eventually, they branched out into creating a brand of their own. The effort is a team one — “Everyone has to be on board with a decision,” Ma says — with the matriarch Hun Young acting as head designer.

“She has a good visionary sense,” Lee says of what inspires ai Toronto Seoul’s pieces. “We never put out a product unless we absolutely love it.” In addition to their mother’s forward-thinking sense of style, Ma says that being based in South Korea has given her insight into the fast-pace of trend adoption there. “The fashion here is beyond compare,” she says. “Living my whole life in Canada, there was a bit of a culture shock — but the fashion is so fun.”

One can sense the admiration for this unique attitude towards dressing in ai Toronto Seoul’s offerings, like the Esse bag style, which was launched last year to address the desire to have a hands-free bag that carries only the essentials. The cross-body comes in a variety of colourways from tonal to two-way blue and yellow, for those a little more adventurous in their accessory choices.

ai toronto seoul
Photography courtesy of ai Toronto Seoul

When the brand launched reusable masks close to the start of the pandemic — Ma saw the great need for them in South Korea and urged her sisters that it was an item worthy of creating for their customer base — they not only fashioned them in eye-catching colours. They chose to craft them out of fabric made with an antibacterial yarn called Aerosilver, which has been granted an Eco-Mark award from the Japan Environmental Association. The sisters, who have family who are healthcare workers, incorporated a donation component into sales as well.

“It was a no-brainer for us,” Kim says about giving one mask to a frontline worker for every mask sold. The introduction of the masks also inspired the sisters to offer chains made of recycled acrylic; speaking to the notion of sustainability through versatility, an additional hook included in several styles means you can also affix your eyewear or AirPods for close-keeping.

Multi-purpose functionality was also a key component in another product launch for ai Toronto Seoul during the pandemic — a convertible bag and dog leash set that was created in collaboration with television personality Tanya Kim. “When we were young, there weren’t really many Asian, let alone Korean, women on television that we could relate to,” recalls Hannah Kim. “Tanya was the only person we could relate to. We’ve always looked up to her, and she’s always been a strong supporter of our business. There’s a mutual respect.”

That concept is equally important to the brand’s founders when it comes to the treatment of the makers who craft ai Toronto Seoul’s pieces. And they do what they can to tout the technique of the team, and the conditions under which they work. Highlighting the protections mandated by South Korean government to ensure equitable and safe environments for workers, Kim says that now more than ever, these points are of keen interest to consumers. “We try to tell this story to our customers [because] we know how important that is.”