
12 Magnesium-Rich Foods That Can Help You Get Better Sleep

If you want to get quality sleep, keep your bones strong, and feel happier, then you better be sure you’re getting enough magnesium in your diet.

Among its many benefits, magnesium can help quiet the nervous system and regulate production of the hormone melatonin — two factors that help support good sleep. But even though Americans are notoriously sleep-deprived, and magnesium can naturally improve a person’s odds of catching more Z’s, it’s estimated that 75 percent of women consume less than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). For those ages 19 to 30, the goal is 310  milligrams of magnesium per day.

If you too aren’t getting your daily dose of magnesium, don’t sweat it. With a little effort, you can easily consume enough magnesium to hit that target number, and in turn, reap all of the benefits the mineral has to offer. Read on to find 12 foods that pack a nutritional punch and are delicious, too!


What Does Cozy Look Like in 2021? Take the Quiz.

soft moss knit blanket isolated on white background

Getty Images

As creatures of comfort, we’re resurrecting’s Cozy Week. In order to armor ourselves for 2021, we’re prepping you during the hazy days between Christmas and NYE, covering all things sweatpants, bath goods, and all the feel-good content we deserve to close out the year.

This year, nothing was as cozy as snuggling up to a space heater scrolling through TikTok, dismantling systemic racism in your favorite hoodie, or wearing a fuzzy beanie while standing in line to vote early, but overall, 2020 was a time we struggled with the term ‘cozy’ altogether. Living through a year plagued with a global pandemic, social unrest, and political turmoil has been a never-ending act of self-preservation that a face mask never soothed. The act of forced relaxation has, for many, induced an anxiety attack that makes you question, How can I be cozy while the world is burning?

The worldwide pandemic unsurprisingly created a rise in anxiety and depression amongst young adults, and quarantine eerily resembled that hazy week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, where days melt into one another and your parents’ general acts of kindness suffocate you. As our stay-at-home orders lengthen, we’re prepping ourselves for 2021 with the armor we need to make it through the end of the year: We’re resurrecting’s Cozy Week to get our feel-good needs met.

But first, let’s get figure this out: what is cozy in 2021? Do the old iconographies of hygge still hold true? Are fireplaces actually cozy, or just cozy in theory? We investigate and ask you, our fine readers, to weigh in. Remeber, this isn’t a matter of whether you like the following things—who doesn’t enjoy a toasty fire or roasted butternut squash blitzed into a creamy soup—but whether they are actual bring you the feeling of comfort and ease. Sound off on all the disputed symbols of coziness in our contentious quiz below.

String lights

string lights christmas cozy

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I once engaged in a lengthy discourse over our love of string lights, but has the romance faded? Now relegated to dorm rooms, string lights don’t twinkle quite like they used to. But can a cozy space even be established if tiny bulbs aren’t scotchtaped to the walls? Becasue if string lights can’t live through this year, what will light our path to the new beginnings of 2021?

Editor’s note: string lights in a backyard is totally different and forever OK.



Epic Luxe Leggings



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If quarantine taught us anything, it’s that sweatpants are the superior leisurewear bottom. Leggings, by contrast, are tight by definition. Unless you’re working out, how many of you actually love a restricted calf, suffocating in lycro?

Leather couches

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The cabincore aesthetic of a chesterfield couch or a well-worn brown leather sofa is cozy on paper, but what happens when skin-to-leather contact occurs? Velvet couches can also take a seat in this conversation because sweating is not cozy, and therefore a debatable.

Drinking a hot beverage in bed

girl in bed with coffee cup reading a book

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According to scientists and Instagram influencers, people sometimes drink tea atop plush duvet covers. Brazenly handling a mug filled to the brim of dark liquid really makes you appreciate side tables, but when your home has become your entire world through the pandemic, it only makes sense to sip a bev in bed. This activity should be reserved for Getty stock images and 2000s-era indie movies we can no longer stomach watching in full, but how many of you deem it cozy?

Heated blankets


Heated Blanket



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The benefits of a toasty throw blanket is undisputed, but heated blankets are a fire hazard. Maybe for some, the anxiety of baking a yeast infection is lower than others. Cozy, or not?


bonfire burning on beach

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Sitting at a bonfire is a schooching game of musical chairs. Loser gets smoke in your eyes.

Nap dresses

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The trend of nightgowns as day dresses spurred the nation this year, as lounging in one definitely helps cosplay as a Jane Austen heroine. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t find hiking up a dress to pee in the middle of the night to be a cozy pursuit.

Monochrome living rooms

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If you don’t spill red wine over your eggshell bouclé couch or your freakishly clean faux sheepskin rug, I just don’t think we’d get along on a spiritual level. Monochrome living rooms are becoming an aspiration interior design aesthetic, but how cozy are they? Does living in an all-white room make you feel safe and snug, or are you trapped in a sci-fi film?



Matisse Throw M-4



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We, as a society, have evolved past this inherently itchy fabric thanks to cashmere and faux fur throws. Sure, wool blankets look cozy across an armchair, but who wants to bundle themselves up in a scratchy textile to watch Bridgerton when your skin is suffering from seasonal eczema?

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I Stopped Sleeping With My Phone in My Bedroom, and It’s a Game Changer

Waking up is one of my least favorite things to do. It takes a herculean effort to get out of bed most days, no matter how many alarms I set or what time I go to bed at night. When I was a kid, my mom used to joke that a tornado could blow through our house and I would still be asleep. I’m a heavy sleeper — I once fell asleep before a flight took off and slept until the announcement came that we were descending — and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been late to class, work, doctor’s appointments, and more because I couldn’t seem to get up.

So, when I learned that experts recommend keeping your phone and other devices outside your bedroom at night, I was intrigued. Sluggishly scrolling through my phone had always been part of my morning routine. How would I ever get out of bed without having it there to help me wake up? What if I missed an important text from my mom or an email about work? My phone is also my alarm, so how would I make sure I woke up in time? Despite all that, I decided to give it a try. I wanted to see just what would happen when I went to sleep and woke up without my phone at arm’s length.

For seven nights, I slept with my phone charging in the living room, instead of next to my bed. I would look at it before bed — sometimes even checking it again after I brushed my teeth — but not again until the next morning. I turned off my notifications, so I wouldn’t hear any tempting pings coming from the other room. And, I decided that I would at least take my morning medicine, go to the bathroom, and take a shower before checking my phone each day. Here’s how it went down.

What Happened When I Took My Phone Out of My Bedroom

The first night was weird. Apparently, I check my phone repeatedly right before bed and as soon as I wake up, because I kept reaching for it as I was doing my nightly routine and in the morning. My brain knew it wasn’t in the room, but that didn’t stop my hand from physically trying to find it.

Also, because I normally use my phone as an alarm, I had to ask Alexa to wake me up. That didn’t exactly go according to plan. For some reason, instead of blaring an alarm, my Echo Dot simply turned off the white noise I have it play at night. This subtle change definitely didn’t wake me up, so my husband — who’s still sleeping with his phone by his side of the bed — had to do it. I’m a snoozer, so naturally, I woke up feeling grumpy. My normal routine is to snooze a few times, then scroll Twitter, Facebook, and my email before getting out of bed.

Sometimes, diving right into my phone leaves me feeling anxious and stressed. So, while it was initially hard for me to get out of bed that first morning, once I did get up, I felt happier than I had in weeks. I was able to focus on getting ready for the day instead of what I just saw on social media, and it was a huge mood booster.

The second night was a Friday, so I stayed up late reading in bed. I don’t know how late because I didn’t have my phone, but I just got lost relaxing and enjoying myself. My kids woke me up in the morning, smiling and crawling into bed with me, so it wasn’t hard to get up at all.

The next night was the most difficult. I kept reaching for my phone again and had dreams about checking it in bed or missing something important because my phone was in the other room. But after a fourth night phone-less, I had the easiest time getting out of bed on Monday morning. Alexa woke me up with Christmas music, and I felt so peaceful and happy transitioning from drowsiness to alertness. By the time I finally checked my phone that morning, it didn’t have the draw it normally did. I only looked at it for a few minutes before moving on to the next part of my day, instead of endlessly scrolling through it as I tried to get out of bed.

By the fifth night, I was used to sleeping without my phone. For some reason, the excitement of possibly having unread texts and social media notifications to check was enough to make me get out of bed and start my day. Why would I lie around listening to music when I might miss my friend finally announcing that she’s pregnant or my Christmas card pictures being delivered to my email? There was just too much eager anticipation about checking my phone to stay in bed.

The next several nights were a blur. That’s right — I kept up this routine long after my weeklong experiment had ended, because I enjoyed it so much.

What I Learned From This Experiment

Although at first my anxiety spiked without having a phone in my room, I realized that I don’t actually need it. My subconscious being cued into every vibration or ping from my device was causing me to get fragmented sleep, and being glued to my phone before bed was putting my brain into overdrive just before I laid down. And, not having my phone within reach in the morning means I’ve been getting out of bed only five to 15 minutes after my alarm goes off, instead of the 30 minutes to an hour that was happening before. That is a huge improvement for me, and one that means it’s definitely worth it to keep sleeping away from my phone.

The anxiety over not having my phone in my room has lessened over time, and I have no intention of bringing it back anytime soon. Waking up has just been so much easier without it! Going forward, I’m going to start charging it in the bathroom that connects to my room instead of the kitchen, and I won’t be as strict about taking a shower before I check it. Sometimes you just need to scroll TikTok while brushing your teeth, OK?

I also ordered the new Echo Dot 4th Gen ($40, originally $60) with a time display to serve as my permanent alarm clock (no more staying up half the night reading without knowing what time it is), and I’ve been encouraging my friends to do the same. It just feels so freeing knowing that nobody can reach me for a while, and that I won’t start my day thinking about work or politics before I’ve even gotten dressed. Waking up has always been hard for me, but with this small (yes, small!) change, it has actually gotten easier. Try it — you just might discover it’s your new favorite way to sleep, too!

Women's Fashion

How an MS Diagnosis Affected My Attitude Toward Fashion

Whenever I couldn’t sleep pre-COVID, I put together outfits in my mind. I thought about an event I had on the horizon – a trip to New York, an upcoming opera, dinner with friends – and mentally scanned my closet in search of the perfect tulle skirt, velvet blazer or knee-high boots that I could build the rest of my look around. Some people count sheep, but I am soothed with visions of all the pretty things in my wardrobe that are begging to be brought to life.

I’ve had multiple sclerosis (MS), an incurable chronic illness, for 19 years. For most of this time, I knew my life was going to be difficult, but I had faith in who I was and believed my diagnosis couldn’t change that. But as my disease progressed, slowly and insidiously, there came a day when MS was no longer just something I had (an illness); it was something I was (disabled).

The forces attempting to erode my sense of self went beyond what MS can do. Adding a cane and then a rollator, and sometimes a wheelchair, to my day-to-day look was not part of my insomniac dreams but an unexpected nightmare for my identity. I went from being able to pass as “normal,” where a stranger commenting on my appearance would likely be complimenting my red leather loafers or raw-silk turban, to feeling like I was wearing a sign inviting people to ask “What’s wrong with you?” or “Can I pray for you?”
For most of my life, my style was the first thing that spoke for me – a style I thought of as chic meets whimsical, never boring and always a little bit “look at me.”

When the effects of MS forced me to add mobility aids to my wardrobe, it suddenly didn’t matter how loud my statement necklace was; my disability was the first thing that spoke for me, and it had nothing good to say. I found myself shoving my rollator out of photos and surfing the walls and furniture at home rather than have my husband see me using a cane. I was convinced that looking fall-down drunk was still more appealing than looking disabled. Of course, my husband is no fool. I looked drunk and disabled – and probably a little stupid.

I wanted the world to keep seeing me the same way I saw myself. But even my vintage pink boa couldn’t detract from the pitying looks and inquiries that being attached to a rollator invites. People don’t believe you can be attractive, successful, sexual or even smart if you have a disability. I was freaking out and, for the first time in my life, unsure of who I was.

I wanted the world to keep seeing me the same way I saw myself.

It was during this self-indulgent existential crisis that I found myself strolling through my downtown Toronto neighbourhood when a guy about my age, wearing a natty fedora, walked toward me. Like me, he was using a cane. I noticed his drop foot, and I saw him notice mine. We gave each other knowing smirks as we headed in opposite directions. I ruminated over Fedora for days, thinking “That guy seemed cool; I could be friends with someone like that.”

And then it struck me. Like, duh, if that guy looks cool with a mobility aid, maybe I look cool, too. I realized that the key to accepting my new look – the mobility aid version of myself – was in seeing people who look like me looking better than me. So much of fashion is aspirational. How was I supposed to understand the potential beauty of someone with a disability without high-fashion examples to consider?

I turned to the internet in search of new role models. (Selma Blair’s red carpet moment at the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscar party, when the actress appeared in a flowing Ralph & Russo gown with a customized matching cane, hadn’t happened yet.) The absence of stylish images of visibly disabled young women in mainstream media validated the negative associations I assumed were being made about me. I felt like I’d been excommunicated from the world of designer clothes and It bags that I loved so much.

I decided that I would not only stop being ashamed of my mobility aids but also celebrate them.

Coming to terms with my inability to walk unaided is an ongoing negotiation, but my North American birthright to superficial vanity and materialistic self-obsession is no longer negotiable. My new disabled identity isn’t going to keep me from my “look at me” outfits. I decided that I would not only stop being ashamed of my mobility aids but also celebrate them.

I sourced the best-looking devices I could find – no small feat considering that just about every industry has yet to recognize that people with disabilities have the same fashion literacy as the average consumer. The idea that disability is the only identity we’re entitled to is reinforced when the tools we need to help us move look so medical, devoid of aesthetic or individuality.

It is just another way to be human, and how can we not find beauty in that?

I found two companies in Europe (naturally!) that were making rollators that matched my vibe. Sleek and stream- lined, they had hidden cables, making them look more sporty than assistive, and they came in colours like Oyster White and Cloud Blue. I hired a fashion photographer to create the kind of images I had been looking for – for my own sake but also so I could litter them all over Instagram, knowing there had to be other people looking for the same kind of mirror I had been seeking.

Since my initial online searches in 2017, the virtual chronic illness community has expanded and social media has become a place where people with disabilities can see and be seen and are unapologetically taking up space. The landscape is changing, and the new fashion industry has started to take notice.
I used to be happy to pass as “normal,” but with 22 per cent of Canadians identifying as disabled, disability is normal. It is just another way to be human, and how can we not find beauty in that? In the end, MS didn’t make me change my style. It made me insist on my style, and my “look at me” attitude has never felt more powerful.


How Ariana Grande Decided Dalton Gomez Was the One: She Took ‘Her Chance’

When Ariana Grande started dating Los Angeles real estate agent Dalton Gomez in January, she tried a different approach with their romance: Keeping it private and off Instagram. In March, the singer made a bold choice secretly: To start quarantining with her boyfriend of three months, moving from New York City to Los Angeles to be with him. They’re engaged now, and People got details about how Grande realized Gomez was truly the man she wanted to marry.

Gomez and Grande had been spending time at Grande’s New York City home when the coronavirus pandemic first began getting serious, the outlet reported. She decided to go back with Gomez to Los Angeles, where he worked, because “she realized he is very special.” Grande even bought a home there several months into quarantining with Gomez.

“It was getting tricky for them to see each other, so she decided to take her chance,” the source continued. “She purchased a house in the Hollywood Hills in June and never looked back. They are incredibly happy.”

The insider added that “Dalton is a great guy. He is very focused on work and low-key. He likes keeping his relationship with Ari private. They have been able to get to know each other in peace.”

News of Gomez and Grande dating first broke in March, although the couple was first seen together in February. Indications that they were getting serious first surfaced in August when a source told Us Weekly that “Ariana sees something different in Dalton that she has never seen before in guys she has previously dated.” The source added that they have “fallen madly in love with each other.”

“He is the type of guy she has been looking for,” the source said. “He’s very protective of her, will go out of his way for her, and does little things that are chivalrous. Dalton will go above and beyond to meet her needs.”

Grande has since shared more glimpses of her life with Gomez on Instagram, including shots of their first Christmas together.

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She announced their engagement on December 20, writing, “forever n then some.”

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8 UA Athleisure Pieces to Help Inspire You Tackle New Fitness Goals

No matter what your New Year’s fitness goals may be, arming yourself with a little gear to help keep you motivated can never hurt. Although the pieces you wear for your workouts are important, some everyday active pieces are also important. Think the pieces made for your long walks, recovery days, and stretching sessions.

These eight pieces from Under Armour fit the bill. Shop these athleisure pieces to help keep you motivated to move and achieve your fitness goals for the new year.

Women's Fashion

21 Stylish Musicians We Want to See More of in 2021

Photography courtesy of Instagram/@lidopimienta.

Watch for major wardrobe inspo from these names next year.

No matter what musical genres you’re into, there’s a certain allure to the outfits musicians wear; they are a constant source of dress-up dreams. As we head into 2021, here are 21 stylish musicians (part of 15 musical acts in total) we hope will continue to capture our imaginations – and influence our closets – in the new year.

1. Lido Pimienta

Freshly nominated for a Grammy award and recently appearing on Barack Obama’s list of fave tunes for the year, Toronto-based music-maker Lido Pimienta has a vibrant outfit outlook that’s totally uplifting – and who doesn’t need a bit of that at this point? We also love how open she is about breastfeeding her baby, so fellow moms can take note of her nursing style hacks!

2. Steve Lacy

Fronting a Moncler campaign and being a favourite of brands like Loewe has solidified California R n’ B-pop savant Steve Lacy’s status as a style icon; in fact, we’re still not over their Comme Des Garçons kilt look from the Grammys earlier this year. Lacy also has a fashion-focused platform called FitVomit, which is set to launch soon.

3. Laura Lee of Khruangbin

Khruangbin vocalist and bassist Laura Lee isn’t afraid of a little – or a lot – of razzle dazzle. Sequins and beads, rainbow textures, pops of accessories and sky-high heels are all part of her signature style.

4. Jeremy Dutcher

Classically trained composer and operatic tenor Jeremy Dutcher has never shied away from a key fashion moment, like the glam, (literally) statement-making ensemble worn to last year’s Junos that featured pieces by Toronto-based label Zoffranieri and Edmonton’s Luxx; the lining of Dutcher’s cape featured Cree syllabics which said, “We will succeed”.

5. Nubya Garcia

London-based saxophonist, composer and band leader Nubya Garcia’s style boasts an irreverent mix of athleisure pieces, jumpsuits and eye-catching accessories including adornments to her ultra-long hair braid. Look to her for up-and-coming British brands to put on your radar.

6. Talvi Faustmann

Set to release her first solo album early next year, Toronto-based singer-songwriter Talvi Faustmann has caught the eye of many photographers and brands thanks to her makeup and sartorial choices, which are decidedly modern yet a little retro, and even a bit otherworldly.

7. Wendy Shay

Afropop singer Wendy Shay caused a major social sensation after recently sharing IG posts that appeared to show the Ghanian star tying the knot in tandem with the release of a new track, “Wedding Song”. What we can be sure of, authentic nuptials or not, is that Shay will continue to surprise with her style that seems largely based around mood – sometimes a tad sporty, other times super sensual.

8. Joshy Soul

The ever-dapper singer-songwriter Joshy Soul is a study in crafting your own personal style by fusing different aesthetics to form a whole new vibe. One day he’s a little bit country, the next, a little bit sleek and minimalist – and his jewellery game is always extremely on-point.

9. Beverly Glenn Copeland

Just as it’s difficult to define the music of Beverly Glenn Copeland – “soothing, soaring life affirmations” is close – so too is it hard to put your finger on what makes his style so captivating. Maybe it’s the dash of print you’ll see on a shirt or tie; maybe it’s the pocket scarves; maybe it’s the charm of the watch he wears carabiner-style at his waist. It’s a combination that’s as visually potent as his music is rich.

10. Luna Li

Multi-instrumentalist and singer Luna Li’s playful sense of style includes oversized earrings, juice-y hued hair, and a varied assortment of garments from disco-ball jumpsuits to the ethereal dress by Toronto brand, Local Woman, that she wore in the video for the song, “Afterglow”.

11. Rico Nasty

Dagger-sharp nails, extreme accessorization and a willingness to experiment are the hallmarks of rapper Rico Nasty’s take-charge ensembles. Like the musical style icons of past eras, she’s cementing her own legacy by keeping us guessing about what she’ll wear next.

12. Ruth Patterson of Holy Moly and the Crackers

As the lead singer of the British indie rock band, Ruth Patterson commands attention with her voice and her penchant for strong looks that incorporate bold accessories and romantic details. Showing a definite ’90s influence, berets and boots are particularly key to her wardrobe.

13. Tygapaw

New York-based DJ and producer Tygapaw told FASHION that, “Personal style for me is all about expression and where I’m at in terms of my comfort in denouncing what society deems as conventional [and] expressing myself, especially when it comes to my gender—or non-gender. There’s an evolution that’s in progress.” And with the release of their new album last month, we’ll continue to watch this evolution as it happens.

14. Everglow

Like the iconic group acts before them, the five members of K-Pop sensation Everglow – E:U, Sihyeon, Mia, Onda, Aisha and Yiren – define their personal style through slight variations in their stage wear. Following their social channels, though, you’ll get more of a glimpse of how each singer approaches their individual aesthetic.

15. Crown Lands

Kevin Comeau and Cody Bowles of Crown Lands might first catch your attention thanks to their fabulous hair; but then you’ll quickly take notice of their ability to keep a ’70s style vibe fresh, especially when they mix psychedelic accents with more modern silhouettes.


73 Questions With Olivia Colman | Vogue

High tea with the Queen? Well, if you insist! Olivia Colman invites Vogue into her royal quarters and answers 73 questions. Olivia gives her best relationship advice, creates her own acting dream team, and teaches everyone how to properly pronounce Yorgos Lanthimos.

Shot on location at William Kent House, The Ritz, London

Still haven’t subscribed to Vogue on YouTube? ►►

Vogue is the authority on fashion news, culture trends, beauty coverage, videos, celebrity style, and fashion week updates.

73 Questions With Olivia Colman | Vogue

Interviewed and directed by Joe Sabia
Producer: Marina Cukeric
DP: Jess Dunlap
PM: Josh Young
Edit and Color: Ryan Powell
Post Sound: Nick Cipriano at BANG Audio Post
Styling: Mary Fellowes


All About Dalton Gomez, Ariana Grande’s Fiancé

TMZ reported in late March that the man Ariana Grande was seen making out with around Valentine’s Day is actually Los Angeles real estate agent Dalton Gomez, and he has been her new boyfriend for “several months,” according to the outlet’s Grande sources. People and E! independently reported the same news hours later: that Grande is off the market but has been keeping her new relationship private.

Grande and Gomez are quarantining together, and he has appeared on her Instagram Story, TMZ pointed out.

The singer confirmed their relationship in her “Stuck With U” music video on May 8. On May 26, Grande gave Gomez his first proper Instagram shoutout.

Gomez made his Instagram private right as news broke of their dating, but Grande does follow him.

Text, Font, Screenshot, Sky, Design, Technology, Icon,


Several of her friends, including Alfredo Flores, Scott Nicholson, and Courtney Chipolone, do too. So who is Gomez? Here, all you need to know about him and his relationship with Grande, including their recent birthday shoutouts.

Gomez works for Aaron Kirman Group as a luxury home realtor.

According to his bio on the site, Gomez was raised in southern California and has been working in the luxury real estate market for five years. He works with A-list buyers and has sold multi-million dollar homes.

TMZ points out he has other celebrity friends. He shared an Instagram Story of himself hanging out with Miley Cyrus in July 2017:

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Gomez and Grande are quarantining together and secretly dated for months.

Gomez has appeared on Grande’s social media, hanging on her couch and petting her dog. TMZ’s Grande sources told the outlet that the two have “been seeing each other for several months now.”

People‘s source confirmed that: Grande “has been with the same group of people for days,” the outlet’s source said on March 25. “One of the people she is with right now is Dalton—they have been hanging out for a couple of months. Ariana doesn’t want to do another public relationship so she is trying to keep this one quiet, but she seems very happy with Dalton.”

Another source updated Entertainment Tonight on the couple’s quarantine at the end of May. The insider said Grande is “in a really good place” but is in no rush to share her private life with him on social media. “Ariana has had some hesitation being so public about her relationship with Dalton as she’s seen how that has worn on her past relationships [like with Pete Davidson and Mac Miller],” the source told ET, adding, “Dalton and Ariana are in Los Angeles together during quarantine, and it has been a great opportunity for them to spend quality time together.”

Grande has shared public tributes to Gomez on both his and her birthdays.

While Grande hasn’t shared extensive details about her relationship on social media, she has offered a little glimpse of it during her and Gomez’s birthdays. In late June, Grande went ‘gram official with Gomez in honor of her 27th birthday. She posted a series of photos, one of which was a cuddled up selfie of the couple. “almost 27 :)” she captioned the post.

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ariana grande and dalton gomez


After celebrating her 27th birthday with a Midsommar-themed birthday affair, Grande shared a few more snaps of herself and Gomez kissing.

ariana grande kiss

Ariana GrandeInstagram

ariana grande kiss

Ariana GrandeInstagram

For Gomez’s birthday, Grande gave the biggest glimpse into their relationship yet on Instagram. She shared several photos and videos of the pair, writing, “hbd to my baby my best friend my fav part of all the days 🙂 i love u.” He wasn’t tagged in the post, but she also hasn’t disabled the comments—a difference from her last post featuring Gomez.

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Grande shared the first footage of her and Gomez together in her and Justin Bieber’s “Stuck With U” music video.

Grande confirmed her and Gomez’s relationship during the final minute of “Stuck With U.” The two appear dancing and showing PDA together. This is Grande’s first public acknowledgement of their relationship.

ariana grande with dalton gomez


ariana grande with dalton gomez


Grande gave Gomez his first Instagram shoutout in late May.

Grande featured a clear shot and footage of Gomez on her Instagram Story on May 26. Gomez had helped her with her and Lady Gaga’s Chromatica Weather Girls short. She captioned a shot of him creating “rain” for the video with “🥰😭” emojis. It was one of the first unobscured shots she has shared of him. Gomez was hooded in her “Stuck With U” music video, which was the first glimpse she gave the public of their relationship.

ariana grande and dalton gomez


ariana grande and dalton gomez


Gomez and Grande were first seen together in mid-February.

In February, footage came out of Grande making out with him at Bar Louie in Northridge, California. She arrived with him and her friends at 1 AM and stayed for about 30 minutes. Grande just had water there, TMZ reported at the time, while her friends drank. The guy she kissed “wasn’t instantly recognizable.”

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This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

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Grande was last linked romantically to Social House’s Mikey Foster. But multiple sources confirmed to ELLE in September that actually, Grande had been single. Grande and Gomez’s relationship is her first remotely public one since her engagement to Pete Davidson ended in October 2018.

Grande and Gomez have many mutual friends.

No outlet has reported specifically on how the two met, but E! was told by a source at the end of March that the two share a lot of friends. “[They] run in the same circle,” the source said. “He used to be a dancer, and they have many mutual friends. She’s gotten to know him quickly with the quarantine. They’ve been spending a lot of one on one time at home.”

Grande admitted she’s purposely keeping her love life more private now.

Grande hasn’t posted on social media about Gomez. She explained why days after news broke that they’re dating. Grande wrote on a since-deleted Instagram Story that the internet’s criticism of her personal life led her to choose to share less of it on social media.

Grande shared the video Florence Pugh posted defending her boyfriend Zach Braff after he was bullied by fans on Pugh’s IG because of his and Pugh’s 21-year age gap. “I am 24 years old,” Pugh told those fans in her video. “I do not need you to tell me who I should and should not love. And I would never in my life ever, ever tell anyone who they can and cannot love. It is not your place. And really, it has nothing to do with you. So if those rules are something that you do not like, then please unfollow me because the abuse that you throw at him is abuse that you’re throwing at me.”

Grande praised Pugh for her statement and wrote that it resonated deeply with her because of her own experience sharing her life online. “Sharing special, personal life things that make u happy on the internet can be truly traumatic,” Grande said. “I know I’ve taken a step back from doing so to protect my loved ones and myself but I just wanted to share this and let u know how perfectly u expressed this and how appreciated u are for doing so @florencepugh.”

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Gomez helped Grande find her current house in Los Angeles.

Sleuth fans noticed Grande follows both Gomez and his tattoo artist brother Dakota. One pointed out that Gomez and Aaron Kirman had the listing for the property she purchased. He also commented “This gurl cute” on her Instagram Live in March, the fan pointed out, to which Grande responded “I feel blessed.”

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A source confirmed this account to Us Weekly. “Ariana was looking for a home outside of Los Angeles to be her getaway house, and her team found Dalton to help,” the insider explained. “When she saw him, she immediately thought he was cute and very good-looking, and she asked her team to set up an in-person meeting with him. Ariana fell very hard for Dalton shortly after they met.”

Gomez is trying to keep private at this point, as news broke that he and Grande are dating.

The real estate agent and his family have gone private on Instagram. And while Grande has posted a little about Gomez, she keeps most of their relationship off of social media. Time will tell whether they eventually become more public or whether this is a relationship Grande truly tries to keep out of the limelight.

Six-plus months in, a source says Gomez is who Grande “has been looking for,” and things are serious.

The fact that Grande and Gomez are keeping their dating low-key isn’t the only difference between him and her exes. A source told Us Weekly in late August that Gomez really takes care of her. Grande’s previous boyfriends never “met her needs in the same way Dalton does. Her exes acted as though she was demanding and had crazy standards,” the source said.

That source added that Gomez “is the type of guy she has been looking for. He’s very protective of her, will go out of his way for her and does little things that are chivalrous. Dalton will go above and beyond to meet her needs.”

Given that things have really escalated. Us‘s source said that “their relationship is serious. They’ve fallen madly in love with each other.”

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A Running Coach’s Tips For Cold-Weather Motivation


If there’s one thing I am not, it’s a fair-weather runner. In fact, some of my favorite runs have happened during the winter, and my ideal training months are typically when most people are looking to begin hibernation.

But I’m aware not everyone shares my sentiment. (In fact, my friends are quick to let me know where they stand on the running-in-snow question.) For all those who may be feeling a little less than enthusiastic about cool-weather running, I tapped Corinne Fitzgerald, NSCA-CPT, RRCA Level 1, and running coach at Mile High Run Club.

This running coach shared four of her best tips for keeping spirits high and embracing all-weather workouts.

Invest in Gear

One of the main reasons for hesitation for running outside is obviously the weather. But, as Fitzgerald pointed out, having the correct gear for running in the cold can all but eliminate a lot of the discomfort. “Putting time, money, and effort into these choices will make you feel empowered and accountable,” she said.

I turn to layers to keep me guarded against the elements. Lately, I’ve found that tossing on a wind-resistant option like the UA Run Insulate Hybrid Jacket ($100) is just what I need to keep wind, snow, and that brisk winter air from chilling me to the bone.

Start Your Runs Slow

“The body can take a little longer to warm up in freezing temperatures, so don’t force it,” Fitzgerald explained. “Slow it down and really listen to your body, allowing your muscles and lungs to adjust to the cold.” Instead, she suggested giving yourself a little extra wiggle room when allocating time for your run. Rather than squeezing a 60-minute run into, well, 60 minutes, try shortening the run to 55 minutes to allow yourself to truly warm up, she suggested,

Get Moving Inside

“If you’re cold before you even go out, you can imagine the body will take quite a bit of time to really heat up,” Fitzgerald explained. To combat this uphill battle to warm up, Fitzgerald said to try dynamic stretches, squats, jumping jacks, and hip circles to get your blood moving before you go outside. “Extra points for breaking a sweat before you even get out the door,” she said.

Treat Yourself

And there’s no shame in planning a little reward. “If you’re determined to run outside, at least have something to look forward to once you get indoors,” she said. “A nice hot bath, a warm latte, a stretch in the shower can make the postrun endorphins flow a little easier.”

Put It in Perspective

Of course, it’s all about perspective with running. As Fitzgerald explained, running in harsh weather can make the good weather all the sweeter. “In running, and life, we have to take the good with the bad,” she said. “Looking back on a consistent training log over the hard winter days can give you a sense of accomplishment and really make you feel like a badass. You are tough; you can do this. Be prepared, have a goal, stay focused, and enjoy the process!”


Here’s What You Need to Know About Wonder Woman 3

Premiere Of TNT's "I Am The Night" - Red Carpet

Alberto E. RodriguezGetty Images

Via the WarnerMedia streaming service, Warner Bros. released Wonder Woman 1984 on Christmas Day, and it mostly got panned on Twitter. People weren’t nearly as thrilled with the sequel as they were with the first movie in 2017.

This is Patty Jenkins’s second take on the Diana Prince story, but it sounds like she’s not done. And neither is the on-screen Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot. Per Variety, Warner Bros. is already set to fast-track another WW installment in the DC franchise.

“As fans around the world continue to embrace Diana Prince, driving the strong opening weekend performance of Wonder Woman 1984, we are excited to be able to continue her story with our real life Wonder Women—Gal and Patty—who will return to conclude the long-planned theatrical trilogy,” Warner Bros. chief Toby Emmerich told Variety.

Although the sequel didn’t seem to thrill fans, it did have record-breaking viewers once it finally released. It made $85 million worldwide.

Wonder Woman 1984 broke records and exceeded our expectations across all of our key viewing and subscriber metrics in its first 24 hours on the service, and the interest and momentum we’re seeing indicates this will likely continue well beyond the weekend,” said Andy Forssell, head of WarnerMedia’s direct-to-consumer business, via Variety. “During these very difficult times, it was nice to give families the option of enjoying this uplifting film at home, where theater viewing wasn’t an option.” Nearly half of HBO Max’s subscribers reportedly watched the film on that platform on Friday.

So, when is this third movie coming?

The easy answer is we don’t know. But, as Deadline notes, WarnerMedia has already announced that, pandemic or no pandemic, it’s going to simultaneously release its entire 2021 slate in theaters and on HBO Max at the same time. It’s not clear whether that will be the plan for Wonder Woman 3, especially as the COVID-19 vaccine continues to roll out.

Stay tuned for more news on Diana Prince, continued!

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Box and Barre It Out With These 30-Minute Workouts on Instagram and YouTube Live

Another week, another round of fresh new workouts going live on our Instagram and YouTube pages. This time around, we have three workouts designed to get you feeling strong and sweating, including boxing, barre, and low-impact, high-intensity cardio. It’s gonna be a good week for working out, so make sure to check out the full schedule below and catch up with our previous live workouts to see what you’ve been missing. We’ll see you there!

  • 30-Minute Strength and Boxing Workout With Monica Jones (Instagram Live): Monday, Dec. 28, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
  • 30-Minute Barre Sculpt With M/Body Founder Marnie Alton (Instagram Live): Wednesday, Dec. 30, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
  • 30-Minute LIT Method Workout (YouTube Live): Thursday, Dec. 31, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography


Rihanna and A$AP Rocky Spent Christmas in Barbados Together

A$AP Rocky was “very into Rihanna for years” before they finally got together, a source told Us Weekly earlier this month. Now that they’re finally an item, things seem to be going pretty well for both of them. They spent the holidays in Barbados, which both Rihanna and A$AP’s father call home.

“Rihanna has been in Barbados since [last] Thursday,” a source told People. “A$AP joined her and they are spending Christmas together with Rihanna’s family.”

They reportedly arrived at Rih’s home this past Wednesday and spent Christmas Eve on a Catamaran sunset cruise.

Since they started dating this year, they’ve been spending much of their time together, another source told the publication.

“They’ve been inseparable the past few week,” the source said. “It’s a new relationship, but they both seem very into it. They’ve always seemed to have a great time together. They have a lot in common. They both are very much about helping out in the communities where they grew up A$AP is generous, and so is Rihanna. A$AP is known for being a great guy. Rihanna seems very happy dating A$AP.”

Although it’s not super clear how long these two have been dating, it seems that things have really only picked up in recent weeks. On December 1, Entertainment Tonight had the first report on the relationship.

“They have always had amazing chemistry and Rihanna relates to A$AP and it feels natural, easy and fun,” a source told ET. “She feels very comfortable around him since they’ve known each other for such a long time and also feels a connection to him because his dad is from Barbados.”

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Miley Cyrus on Taking Liam Hemsworth to His First Met Gala | Met Gala 2019 With Liza Koshy | Vogue

Miley Cyrus talks with Liza Koshy about taking her husband Liam Hemsworth to his first Met Gala and what she’s hiding in her dress’s pocket.

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Miley Cyrus on Taking Liam Hemsworth to His First Met Gala | Met Gala 2019 With Liza Koshy | Vogue


Paul McCartney & Kate Moss at Stella McCartney’s First Chloé Collection-#TBT w/Tim Blanks

With a show that starred Naomi and Kate, and a front row that included half of The Beatles, it’s no surprise that Stella McCartney, then only 25 years old, made a big splash at her debut collection for Chloé. Tim Blanks looks back on the moment that transformed Stella from Paul McCartney’s daughter to a talented designer in her own right.

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Paul McCartney & Kate Moss at Stella McCartney’s First Chloé Collection-#TBT w/Tim Blanks

Starring: Tim Blanks
Featuring: Paul McCartney, Naomi Campbell , Kate Moss, and Stella McCartney


30-Minute Dance-Grooves Workout With Deja Riley Inspired by FOX’s THE MASKED DANCER!

Join Dance FitSugar host Deja Riley for this session that will have you unmasking your inner dancer! This routine, which is perfect for all levels, will have you grooving to the beat and smiling as you shimmy it out to fun hip-hop-, jazz-, and ballroom-inspired combos. Put on your favorite dancing shoes, and let’s get ready to move! THE MASKED DANCER, premieres Sunday, Dec. 27 after NFL on FOX. The premiere continues Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 8/7c on FOX.


Here’s Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes Kissing in a Hot Tub This Holiday

2019 american music awards   roaming show and backstage

Jeff Kravitz/AMA2019Getty Images

Camila Cabello and posted the most Camila and Shawn Mendes photo ever on her Instagram: a shot of the two of them kissing in a hot tub.

“I’m not good at taking a lot of pictures lately but here’s one good one ❤️ merry Christmas! Thank u Santa for my tall sweet funny boy,” she wrote on Christmas, alongside this steamy photo of her and Mendes smooching.

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The two are spending the holiday season in Mendes’s hometown in Canada.

“I’m back home in five days, and the time can’t pass quickly enough,” he said a the December 7 eTalk interview. “In five days I’ll be back in Pickering with my puppy and Camila, and I’m dying. I mean, this is the most excited I’ve ever been to come back to Canada. I can’t wait. I might never leave this time.”

They also brought their dog, Tarzan, with them for the trip. A week ago, Cabello posted a video of her and Tarzan snuggling, and wrote, “we both needed some tenderness today. this vid is your reminder to be tender with yourself today.”

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Earlier this month, Cabello and Mendes released their duet cover of The Christmas Song, complete with a music video.

“Merry christmas to you and yours 🖤 #TheChristmasSong video out now. Shot by us, directed by Tarzan from our lil bubble,” she wrote. “Every stream supports those in need through @feedingamerica! They have sectors all over the country, find out where you can donate to help out your community aka little corner of the world! We can’t change the world but we can make our corner of it a little better.

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This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

These two are never shy about their love for each other. When his album Wonder came out this year, Mendes was open about the fact that all of his music is about his girlfriend—and always has.

“My song comes on the radio or something and I’m like, ‘Everything’s about you,” Mendes said. “They’re all, they have always been about you.’ She goes, ‘What do you mean?’ Like, they’re all about you. Like every song I’ve ever wrote.”

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A Cycling Instructor’s Tips For Crafting Your Own Indoor Bike Workout


I’m no newbie to an indoor bike. I’ve been a regular at a local boutique studio, and as of this year, I’m a proud owner of an indoor bike myself. And although there are a number of online videos or streaming services available, there have been times when nothing feels quite right for my mood or workout.

But as much as I want to just do my own thing, tossing on my UA Meridian Bike Shorts ($60), hopping on the bike, and spinning endlessly without any real plan doesn’t work for me. So I decided I wanted to take matters into my own hands and learn the key elements of a good indoor cycling workout, straight from a pro.

I talked to Maddy Ciccone, master instructor at SoulCycle, to get her best tips for bikers like me looking to mix things up and create their own at-home workout.

The first two things to think about for your workout, Ciccone explained, are the music and varying tempos. This will help you play with different paces and tracking your heart rate.

“If you’re brand new to any at-home bike, I highly suggest just trying to work on different rhythms and paces with your favorite songs,” she explained. “Music to me is the key component.” There’s a reason instructors spend so much time selecting the right tunes for class. Ciccone suggested a great place to start is to pick music you like to dance to.

“Personally, when I ride my own bike at home (and this is a very rare thing because I teach a boatload of classes), I like to stream my favorite DJ sets on my TV and just free ride,” she added. “It’s a fun game to play with paces and beat matching because you don’t necessarily know what they’re going to drop, and it keeps things interesting. It makes it kind of a guessing game!”

Now, when it comes to actually planning out your workout, think about the “meat” of your ride as well as the warmup and cooldown. Depending on how long you want to cycle for, aim for between 35-50 minutes of riding if you’re looking to program a class that’s 45-60 minutes long.

She also suggested leaving anywhere from three to five minutes of warming up and cooling down to bookend your workout. Ciccone herself said you can never take too long to cool down, recover, stretch, or foam roll. “I’m a big advocate for recovery and really don’t think you can ever overdo it.”

And of course, don’t forget the resistance. According to Ciccone, a common mistake she sees is riders who think in order to go fast, you need little to no resistance on the wheel. “That is a far cry from the truth,” she said. “In fact, I would argue the more you have on, the better. It’s like insurance in a fast car — better to have more than less.”

Ciccone explained that putting on resistance gives you something to actually stand on that will help you hit the faster paces and propel you up out of the saddle so you can do any runs, jumps, or choreography you may feel like.

With these tips in mind, I’ve taken a few playlists and made rides based around my favorite songs. I sprint during the bridge, am up out of the saddle during the chorus, and increase my resistance anytime my favorite lyric comes on. The point is: creating your own cycling workout can be easy and fun if you know where to start.


Kendall Jenner Dressed Like a Sexy Gold Present for Christmas Eve

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kardashian family did not have their annual Christmas Eve bash for the first time in decades. But the family still gathered at Kourtney Kardashian’s home for a glamorous celebration; everyone dressed to the nines for the special night.

Kim Kardashian went with a Grinch look, Kylie Jenner opted for a Santa-red dress, and Kourtney showed off a gingerbread look. But Kendall Jenner might have won the night with this outfit that really resembles a gold present.

” lil present,” she wrote alongside photos of her crouching down in her shiny gold dress.

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kendall jenner christmas 2020

Kendall JennerInstagram

Today, she posted another of her holiday looks, cheetah-print pants, a yellow top with silver fringe and a tie in the back, and long black and clear nails. “🐣,” she captioned the image.

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“Who is this perfect?????? I don’t get it,” her sister Khloé commented on the photo.

Earlier in the holiday season, Kendall posted photo of her holiday decor in her home. She has stockings hanging over the fireplace next to a big tree with white lights. “Holidays at Kenny’s,” she captioned the photo and video of her home.

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This fall, Kendall turned 25 and celebrated with a Halloween birthday bash, where her guests took rapid COVID tests before entering the party. Twitter users noted that the guests were not wearing masks, but the servers working the event were masked up.

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She also owned the night with her birthday costume, Pamela Anderson in Barb Wire.

“Barb voted… your turn!!!,” she posted on November 2, the day before the presidential election.

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The final season of the Kardashian family’s reality show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, will air in 2021.

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Feel Like Your Gut Is Out of Whack? Here’s How an RD Finds Quick Relief

My gut always lets me know when it needs a reset — but I’m never sure what exactly it is I need. Do I need to cut out sweets or gluten for a while, or eat earlier in the evening?

“Your gut works hard to help keep you nourished — and when it’s not working at its best, you feel it. Most often, digestive issues will show up as excess gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation,” Desiree Nielsen, RD, and the author of Eat More Plants Cookbook said.

If you’re experiencing chronic gut symptoms, you should always check with your doctor first to make sure you’re not dealing with underlying infections or conditions, she added.

Aside from the possibility of a pre-existing condition, stress, lack of fiber in your diet, and an unbalanced microbiome often cause these digestive symptoms, Nielsen mentioned.

One possible solution to start feeling better (with your doctor’s approval) is working up to a diet rich in whole plant foods and lots of water, she added — but that takes time.

“To help ease symptoms, there are some ‘quick fixes’ that can help give you a bit of relief as you are changing your diet.”

Just know that these “quick fixes” aren’t a long-term solution — yes, Nielsen said you’d feel better for a bit, but if you don’t change your eating habits for good, your gut issues will come back.

“My favorite intention behind a reset is to inspire more long-term change. When you dive into really gut-friendly eating for a couple of weeks and see how good you can feel, it is easier to find the motivation to make real change!”

Everyone is different — so you might feel better after two days or a few weeks, Nielsen explained.

“The gut microbiota (bacteria) start to shift in as little as 24 hours with dietary change but maintaining that change means creating new habits that stick,” Nielsen said.

On top of making doctor-approved dietary changes, Nielsen suggested choosing 2-3 of the habits below that you think you could do forever. These will help soothe uncomfortable side effects and support your overall gut health.


According to Nielsen, ginger is anti-inflammatory and prokinetic, which means it helps facilitate the gut’s movement.

“Adding ginger to smoothies is great for helping encourage movement and relieving that overfull or nauseous feeling in the stomach.”


“Fennel seeds are traditionally used to alleviate digestive discomfort and ease gas. Try making fennel tea, or even chewing on a few fennel seeds after a meal,” Nielsen said.


Peppermint (which is an antispasmodic) can soothe the smooth muscle around the gut, Nielsen explained.

“That’s not a good thing if you have reflux, but if you have gas and bloating or abdominal pain, brewing strong peppermint tea might help.”

Psyllium Husk

“If you really need to fix diarrhea or constipation, working up to 1-2 tablespoons of psyllium husk a day can be life-changing.”

Since psyllium husk is a double fiber, it can help form good bowel movements while not causing too much gas, Nielsen added.

Whole Plants

“An eating plan filled with plants is the best way to give your gut what it needs while avoiding the things that can compromise its function like too much saturated fat.”

According to Nielsen, whole foods like broccoli, lentils, brown rice, and nuts offer a spectrum of plant fibers that can clear the gut while feeding it beneficial bacteria.

“I highly recommend starting the day with a smoothie because it’s convenient, easy to digest, and you can get a lot of nourishing plants in there. Then opt for lunch and dinner plates that are half vegetables, a quarter intact whole grains (like brown rice or barley, not crackers or bread) and one-quarter plant-based proteins like legumes and tofu.”

For those new to high-fiber diets, Nielsen suggested prioritizing cooked foods since they’re often easier to digest, or making dips and soups in a blender.

“Also, add in some of my favorite gut-boosters, such as fermented foods like sauerkraut, ginger, and turmeric daily.”

Keeping a Routine

“Your gut is actually a creature of habit. It would love it if you ate at the same times each day, as well as sleeping at the same times each day.”

And while that isn’t always easy, Nielsen said to try waking up roughly at the same time every day and having a big glass of water as soon as you do to stimulate the gastrocolic reflex, which is strongest in the morning. This should help get your bowels moving, which can lessen gas and bloat and make you feel more energetic, she added.

Avoid a Few Things

While trying to reevaluate and prioritize your gut health, Nielsen says it’s best to take a break from alcohol, coffee (unless you’re constipated), added sugars, and red meat, if possible.

“Alcohol is a gut irritant and can increase the ‘leakiness’ of the gut barrier temporarily. Coffee can further stimulate the gut, which can be great if you’re constipated but not so great if you’ve got loose BMs.”

She added that sugar could encourage inflammation, and saturated fat and haem iron in red meat can irritate the gut and negatively impact the gut microbiota.

Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.


Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik Posted New Photos of Their Baby Girl on Her First Christmas

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik are experiencing all kinds of milestones with their baby girl these days, and yesterday, they marked one more off the list. Their daughter, whose name they have yet to share, had her first Christmas, and her proud mom shared photos from the day.

On her story, Hadid showed a picture of her baby girl in her “Christmas Jordan’s” from her best friend, Olivia Perez. She also showed off her Gucci onesie from designer Devon Windsor and her husband, Johnny Barbara.

gigi hadid baby christmas

Gigi HadidInstagram

She also shared this photo of Malik’s tattooed arm holding his baby, who is still showing off her Jordan’s in the shot.

gigi hadid christmas baby

Gigi HadidInstagram

According to the rest of Hadid’s story, she and her family had a low-key Christmas, complete with delicious food. She posted this photo of her Christmas breakfast, courtesy of her father, Mohamed Hadid.

gigi hadid christmas

Gigi HadidInstagram

She also shared this throwback photo from a fan account, of her with Santa Claus when she was a toddler.

gigi hadid christmas

Gigi HadidINSTARimages

Lately, Hadid has been sharing more photos from this year, when she was pregnant with her daughter. On November 20, she posted a black-and-white photo taken before their daughter was born. In the second image, Malik rests his chin on his girlfriend’s stomach and looks up at her smiling face. “August, waiting for our girl,” she wrote.

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Earier this month, Hadid and baby were in the city, where the model shared a photo of her pushing the baby through the stroller in the show.

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“A whole new kind of busy & tired 😅❤️ ,” she wrote on Instagram in November, describing her early days of motherhood. Hopefully this Christmas she and her new family got some rest—and snuggles.

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Women's Fashion

8 Things To Know Before Buying a Watch

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in a he iconic 1962 Cartier Tank watch. (Photo: Getty)

Nathalie Atkinson discovers how to move forward with starting a watch collection.

Are you thinking about buying a watch? As a beautiful object and as a metaphor, the wristwatch may be the ultimate heirloom. It witnesses both the mundane moments and the milestones in our daily lives, and its design is an intimate expression of taste. Collecting watches is like embarking on a lifelong adventure; both vintage and new models, either of which can be rare, appreciate with changing trends – as do historically important timepieces or those with a celebrity pedigree. For example, the iconic 1962 Cartier Tank watch that belonged to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was sold for over $500,000 to Kim Kardashian West at a Christie’s auction in 2017.

Here are eight things watch collectors Dan Tanenbaum, Jeremy Ong, Pedro Mendes and Kat Shoulders and Katlen Schmid say you need to know before buying a watch.

1. Do your research

To talk shop about watch specs, learn the lingo pertaining to shape, finishing and balance as well as engineering: Think case size, thickness and crown, and know a tourbillon from a minute repeater. And bone up on a piece’s background. “Know the history behind it, get it checked out and don’t hesitate to pay a premium with a dealer,” says Dan Tanenbaum. “It’ll give you peace of mind and give the watch credibility.”

2. Know your size

Familiarize yourself with dimensions that work best for you. Kat shoulders, of the horology podcast Tenn & Two, advises that most vintage men’s watches from the ’30s and ’40s are particularly suited to women’s wrist proportions. Know thicknesses and dimensions, because brands like Rolex list case sizes (for example, 34 mm, 36 mm and 41 mm) as opposed to “women’s” or “men’s” on the label.

3. Get a few tools, and store watches properly for protection

A loupe and watchmaking repair tools like fine screwdrivers, a spring bar tool (for changing the strap without scratching the case) and a case opener are essential; try precision-made Swiss brand Bergeon’s wares. Make sure to budget for the fact that in order to maintain their mechanical movements, higher-end and vintage watches should be professionally serviced about every five years. Toronto podcast producer and writer Pedro Mendes stores his watches in display boxes so he can appreciate them while keeping them clean, free of dust and away from the sun’s damaging rays.

4. Buying a watch is best done in person

Unless you’re dealing with a reputable auction house or an horology dealer, vet significant vintage purchases (anything in the five figures) in person – especially with harder-to-find grails. Collector Jeremy Ong once flew to Manila to inspect a private seller’s Universal Genève Tri-Compax 222102 from the ’60s (a rare variant model nicknamed “the Evil Clapton”) before buying it.

5. Combine your interests

“If they include water or outdoor activities, there’s a whole genre of dive and field watches,” says Mendes. “And if they’re art deco or jazz, there are whole streams of watches that come out of that design aesthetic. For me, it’s satisfying to make those connections.”

6. Join a community to satisfy your curiosity

“I’ve met collectors from all walks of life, all bonded together by a common hobby,” Ong says of joining Instagram to share collection photos. “It gets your name out there, and I’ve made a bunch of new watch friends and also attained some pretty amazing pieces.” While gatherings like RedBar Group have gone virtual for now, Mendes suggests seeking them out once COVID restrictions let up. In pre-pandemic times, podcast Tenn & Two’s Katlen Schmidt loved these personal connections. “More than the watches, the neat thing about this and any hobby is the people,” she says. “You make so many friendships.”

7. Know when to let go

Trial and error is part of collecting. As you grow more confident, you can swap and sell watches you’re less interested in to fund other pieces and trade up. “I think it’s always changing,” says Schmidt. “You can never say it’s your watch collection until the end of time.” Adds Shoulders: “I went through a major flipping phase – watches coming in and going out. I don’t regret it. I think I learned a lot about myself.”

8. Be patient

“You should never be in a rush, like ‘I have to get this tomorrow’ or ‘It’s my husband’s 50th birthday in a week,’” advises Tanenbaum, especially with hard- to-find models. “If you’re not in a hurry for it, you’ll get a great example – that’s true with the collecting of anything.”

A version of this article originally appeared in the Winter issue of FASHION magazine. 


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