
Meditation Could Help Support Your Gut Health — Here’s What You Need to Know

When my stress levels peak, that frazzled feeling of anxiety tends to come along with physical side effects. Headaches, insomnia, and breakouts are the three I’m most familiar with, but recently, I’ve felt like my worries have thrown my digestive system out of whack, too.

Looking for relief for my heartburn and nausea, I kept stumbling upon the idea of meditation, and wondering if practicing could support my overall gut health, whether I’m stressed or not. After all, I have taken plenty of meditation and yoga classes that have touched on the “rest and digest” concept of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Dr. Jaclyn Tolentino, DO, Senior Physician at Parsley Health, gave me more insight into why stress relief, like meditation, is commonly discussed with digestive health.

“The idea that meditation or other stress-management modalities can have an impact on our digestion comes from emerging research on something called the gut-brain axis. The gut-brain axis is basically the complex, bi-directional pathway between the brain and the GI tract,” Dr. Tolentino says.

“This pathway actually encompasses a range of systems including the central nervous system, the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric nervous systems, and the microbiota of the gut.”

The brain and the gut, Dr. Tolentino says, have the ability to send signals back and forth to one another — and this can impact the speed of the digestive process or even gut inflammation.

“Our gut also has its nervous system, the enteric nervous system, that can communicate with the brain and regulates certain digestive processes and functions.”

An example of this brain-gut connection is the physical digestive symptoms that are commonly experienced when you’re overwhelmed or super stressed out.

Dr. Tolentino adds that stress has been linked to issues like heartburn, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, cramping, and bloating, and could play a role in GI disorders like GERD, IBS, and IBD. It could also exacerbate symptoms of conditions like Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis.

“So this idea that meditation, mindfulness interventions, or breath work can have a positive impact on our digestive health really comes from this emerging understanding of the close relationship between our brain and our gut, and how stress can have a negative impact on GI function, as well as the gut microbiome,” Dr. Tolentino says.

“It’s definitely not quite as straightforward as ‘meditation is good for the digestive system because it helps us manage stress,’ but there is a growing interest in exploring the links between all of these things based on our emerging understanding of the way the brain and gut interact with each other.”

While meditation and mindfulness might not be the end-all, be-all answers to improving your digestive health, Dr. Tolentino explains they can be used in a comprehensive treatment strategy.

“What you eat, when you’re eating, the health of your GI tract, and your gut flora are all things that are playing a role in your digestion.”

It’s important to remember that controlling stress through meditation might not yield the same digestive results for everyone. Practicing every day for a week (while impressive!), doesn’t mean your symptoms of issues will disappear, either.

“There’s not going to be a magic number of sessions or minutes or days, after which someone is definitely going to see results. This is really about incorporating meditation into an overall strategy and your lifestyle for improving digestion and even resolving specific complaints or issues; which again, are going to vary among individuals, and most likely aren’t caused by stress alone. Many problems are multifactorial, which means they often require multifactorial solutions.”

If you do want to add meditation to your lifestyle routine to support your digestive health, there’s two different ways you can do so, Dr. Tolentino says.

One would be using meditation to help reduce your overall day-to-say stress levels. From Headspace to Calm, there are plenty of meditation apps that offer a vast variety of guided sessions for all levels, whether you’re experienced or just getting started. YouTube is another great option if you don’t want to spend money on a monthly subscription — this class by Yoga by Candace is actually curated specifically for digestive health.

The second way to utilize mindfulness for your digestive health is by practicing mindful eating, Dr. Tolentino says. This consists of “eating slowly, chewing our food thoroughly, being present, and really paying attention to the food we are eating and how we are experiencing it, and also being more aware of when we actually feel full.”

These practices could benefit digestion by preventing a person from eating too quickly or too much at once. But again, it’s important to remember that not all digestive symptoms are caused by stress — or eliminated by a reduction in stress — so if you have any concerns at all, reach out to your doctor for personalized advice.

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Image Source: Getty Images / Westend61

Life & Love

I Had an Abortion to Save My Son’s Life

On a Friday in May, I walked into the doctor’s office almost 20 weeks pregnant with identical twins. I came home that night pregnant with just one baby.

My son is now one. When I see his face, when I feel him reach for me, I think of his brother. I treasure my son; I would have treasured them both. But one morning in May, my husband and I were given an hour to agree to terminate one twin so that the other would have a chance to live.

Identical twins don’t run in families. They’re the result of an unlikely mutation where the embryo divides. We spent weeks in shock when the eight week ultrasound showed two fetuses, but once I felt the twins move, they were real to me. They were a pair. At our first anatomy scan, the ultrasound tech kept saying “not your hand!” to my belly, as the twins tangled up, the smaller one nestled into his brother, little spoon in big.

The smaller one. Identical twins are complicated, especially those that, like ours, share a placenta. For weeks, they were just different in size, and needed to be watched closely. It wasn’t dangerous, until suddenly, it was a crisis, and I needed medical care that can only be found in a handful of hospitals in this country.

“We had an hour to decide. There was no choice. I’m their mother; I wanted Twin A to have a chance to live.”

The twins had developed Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). They were sharing their blood supply, and one was getting too much of that supply, starving the other. Untreated, progressive Twin to Twin will result in fetal demise for both twins nearly 100% of the time. While the vast majority of cases don’t progress past the initial stage, when TTTS does progress, it happens suddenly and cataclysmically.

A two-and-a-half hour ultrasound on Friday morning with specialists showed us that the little twin, Twin B, had lost more than half of his minimal amniotic fluid in the hours since our last scan. He could barely move. At one point, I looked up at the screen to see twelve images of his brain; even I could tell something was wrong. When the scan was over, the doctors told us the situation had changed considerably. We now had stage three Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, and Twin B had bleeding in his brain. When they left the room, I turned to my husband and calmly said, “You know we’re talking about termination now.” Then, suddenly sobbing, I asked him if he thought they could save the bigger twin.

A kind and gentle doctor told us Twin B was going to die. He explained that when one twin’s heart stops in a shared placenta, the other twin’s body will send out all of its own blood to try to create a blood pressure in its sibling. That action will almost always ensure that both twins die. We couldn’t save Twin B, but if we terminated him through a procedure called Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), we could try to save Twin A. There would be no bleeding out for Twin A, one tiny body giving everything to save another. There would be a very good chance of the pregnancy surviving, but I would have to make the choice to stop B’s heart.

We had an hour to decide. There was no choice. I’m their mother; I wanted Twin A to have a chance to live. We agreed to the RFA.

“Unlike most life-saving procedures in this country, mine is on trial.”

When we got home from my abortion, I took my prenatal vitamins and cried myself to sleep. For the four months my pregnancy continued after the termination, I carried Twin B’s remains next to the wriggling, healthy body of his brother.

I had an abortion to save my baby’s life. Abortion opponents would tell you this is rare, that most second and third trimester abortions have nothing in common with mine. I will tell you differently, that I had a medical procedure in the midst of a devastating medical tragedy, and that every abortion is a medical procedure. I had a life-saving procedure, but unlike most life-saving procedures in this country, mine is on trial today in Supreme Court confirmation hearings, in rallies around the country, and in Congress. This procedure, an act that took place inside my body to end my child’s life and save my child’s life, is called immoral.

Abortion is often called selfish and lazy; termination for medical reasons thought of as eugenic. My abortion was none of these things. There is nothing more terrible an abortion opponent can say to me than I can say in the truth of what happened, which is that I consented to stop my baby’s heart and carry him dead in my body for four months so his brother would have a chance to live. Worse only would have been if America forced me to let both my babies die inside me.

Perhaps my abortion feels so extreme and unlikely as to be irrelevant to the debate. While advanced Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is rare, termination out of love is not, termination for medical reasons is not, and women and fetuses have the right to the medical care they need. The principle is the same. I may have stopped one baby’s heart but doing so allowed another to live; it was the medicine he needed to survive. Taking away that chance out of the belief that abortion isn’t medicine makes babies like my Twin A – a joyful, walking, giggling one-year old – collateral damage. How would letting him die have been pro-life?

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Emily Ratajkowski Is Pregnant With Her First Child

Emily Ratajkowski is expecting her first child with her husband Sebastian Bear-McClard, the model revealed in a special digital issue of Vogue. Ratajkowski penned an essay for the site, where she announced the news and explained why the couple is letting their child decide their gender.

This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

She wrote, “When my husband and I tell friends that I’m pregnant, their first question after ‘Congratulations’ is almost always, ‘Do you know what you want?’ We like to respond that we won’t know the gender until our child is 18 and that they’ll let us know then.”

She also touched on the experience of being pregnant and the way life for boys and girls differ in our country today. “My husband likes to say that ‘we’re pregnant,'” Ratajkowski writes. “I tell him that while the sentiment is sweet, it’s not entirely true. I resent that his entire family’s DNA is inside of me but that my DNA is not inside him. ‘It just seems unfair,’ I say, and we both laugh. It’s kind of a joke, but just like the remark we make about our child’s gender, there is truth behind it. Pregnancy is innately lonely; it’s something a woman does by herself, inside her body, no matter what her circumstances may be. Despite having a loving partner and many female friends ready to share the gritty details of their pregnancies, I am ultimately alone with my body in this experience. There is no one to feel it with me—the sharp muscular aches in my lower abdomen that come out of nowhere while I’m watching a movie or the painful heaviness of my breasts that now greets me first thing every morning. My husband has no physical symptoms in ‘our’ pregnancy, another reminder of how different a woman and man’s experience of life can be.”

You can read Ratajkowski’s full piece here. She did not indicate when she is due.

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3 Ways to Personalize Your Skincare Routine

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to skincare. Finding a regimen that works for you is like a puzzle, and all of the ingredients you use should fit together for the best results. That’s why it’s so important to personalize your skincare routine.

But where do you even start? To get a better idea of how to create a regimen that suits your skin’s needs, we spoke to New York City-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Morgan Rabach, MD. She recommends considering these three factors before going on your next skincare shopping spree.

Know Your Skin Type

Our skin falls under specific categories, and knowing your skin type is critical to understanding how to take care of it properly. “Pick ingredients in your skincare that maximize the health and beauty of your skin,” Dr. Rabach says.

Here’s Dr. Rabach’s cheat sheet on the four core skin types:

  • Acne-prone/oily skin: Avoid oil-based products and turn to polyhydroxy acids (PHAs) to slough away dirt, excess oil, and gently exfoliate. Retinols can also help to deeply exfoliate, but talk to your derm before throwing one into your routine.
  • Sensitive skin: Look for products that are free of sulfates, parabens, soap, phthalates, alcohol, and dyes.
  • Dry skin: Avoid drying alcohols and astringents and focus on moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides to help pull hydration into the skin and keep it there.
  • Combination skin: If you have a combination of the skin concerns above, target those areas separately. It takes a little more time, but it’s worth it!

    To make shopping for your skin type even easier, Neutrogena has come out with three new cleansers with unique formulas designed just for dry/sensitive, oily, and combination skin. Take note of the 2 percent polyhydroxy acid on all three ingredient lists: PHA is a gentler alternative to the commonly used alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that are often packed into skincare to help slough away dead skin cells. It’s really next-level skincare, from the ingredient list to the formulation—all you have to do is grab the one that best matches your skin and start cleansing.

    Evaluate Your Lifestyle

    Are you staring at a computer screen all day for work? Do you run every morning? Do you like to go out every weekend? Your lifestyle plays a significant role in what products you should be using in your routine.

    The first thing Dr. Robach says to think about is how much sleep you get. While everyone should be aiming to get anywhere between seven to eight hours of sleep, we know it can be hard to do on a consistent basis. “There are products that are like [boosters] for the skin, helping the skin repair itself better even with little sleep,” she says. You’ll want to do some research on products that are packed with antioxidants and growth factors—they’re what help support collagen production, the stuff that makes your skin look plump and healthy.

    Another thing to consider is how much exposure you’re getting to blue light. Also known as high-energy visible (HEV) light, blue light is emitted through phones, tablets, and computers and can penetrate skin deeper than UVB or UVA rays. Studies show that blue light can accelerate the appearance of fine lines and hyperpigmentation.

    “Blue light causes stress in the skin cells leading to oxidative stress, a process that creates free radicals in the skin and damages collagen and elastin,” Dr. Rabach says. “Products with antioxidants work by targeting and neutralizing free radicals.”

    To get ahead of HEV exposure, try limiting your screen time when possible, keep your phone on night mode, and pop a mineral-based SPF onto the most exposed areas, like your face and neck—yes, even indoors in front of your computer!

    And, no matter what type of day you’ve had, never go to bed with your makeup on. You will regret this move 100 percent of the time. Trust us when we say it’s well worth it to take the extra 30 seconds to grab your cleanser and wash up. Your skin will thank you.

    See a Dermatologist

    When it comes to skin health, your best resource is going to be your dermatologist. “[Dermatologists] can help you mix and match ingredients to maximize skin health and minimize interactions or side effects,” says Dr. Rabach. They can give you a rec for anything from prescription acne treatments to drugstore cleansers, so don’t be shy about asking.

    Make sure to share anything and everything that can help them develop a routine best suited for your skin. Think: a family history of skin cancer, your current hectic lifestyle, or present medical conditions. They’ll take all of these important factors into consideration when helping you develop a regimen. And once you have one, it’s up to you to use it consistently in order to see your best results.

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    Women's Fashion

    10 Fall Denim Trends To Try Now

    Quarantine has made us all creatures of comfort. Under stay-at-home orders we’ve retreated to a steady rotation of sweatpants and leggings (read: elastic waistbands only). But despite claims that hard pants are over, there’s one tough textile that we’ll never abandon: denim. If you haven’t come near a pair of jeans in months, allow us to reintroduce you to basic baby blues in not-so-basic ways.


    Top, jeans, Gucci. Boots, Giuseppe Zanotti.

    Allie Holloway

    Baggy jeans were a major hit on the runways of Gucci and Saint Laurent. Now they’re finally hitting the stockroom. These new styles aren’t the wide-legs we’ve seen in the past, but rather a hip-slung variation reminiscent of ’90s slacker culture. Cue that Clueless quote—”It looks like they just fell out of bed and put on some baggy pants and take their greasy hair–ew–and cover it up with a backwards cap”—but do swoon over this season’s biggest trend.


    Coat, Marc Jacobs. Jacket, jeans, Gap. Boots, Eytys. Earrings, Aureum. Necklace, Lady Grey.

    Allie Holloway

    They say you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day, but we never quite understood why. Consider white denim a palate cleanser for a look that feels so fresh and so clean. The blank slate lends itself well for wearing statement coats and transitions well between seasons.

    denim trends accessories

    Hat, A Bit of Denim. Shirt, Salvatore Ferragamo. Custom dog collar, Bernard James.


    If you happen to be one of those people who just doesn’t like wearing jeans, give a denim accessory a try. From headwear to footwear, we’re seeing designers utilize the fabric in every imaginable style.


    Sweater, GCDS. Skirt, Koche. Earrings, Bagatiba.


    Looking to elevate the typically casual textile? Ditch distressed and opt for Indigo blues this season. Its modern finish will instantly make you look like you’re not just wearing a pair of beat-up jeans.


    Jacket, coat, Moschino. Dress, Christopher Kane. Boots, Labucq.

    Allie Holloway

    When you can’t decide between which denim jacket to wear, why not wear both? This layered look is a great way to update the classic jean trucker cut. Just make sure to vary your fabric weights–we suggest a thinner chambray on the inside and an oversized cut on top.


    Jacket, Y/Project. Top, Louis Vuitton. Skirt, Alexander Wang. Boots, Celine. Earrings, Mounser.

    Allie Holloway

    Life is not in balance these days, nor is this burgeoning trend. The off-kilter denim look is for more adventurous dressers, those who aren’t afraid of a thigh-high slash. Style thrill seekers should make note of designer Ksenia Schnaider’s Frankenstein mash-ups, for instance, this combination of a wide-leg and and skinny jean in a single pair of pants.


    Top, shorts, Khaite.

    Allie Holloway

    Who wears short shorts? We all do this fall, especially when you style them with tailored pieces to steer them away from any Laguna Beach associations. Off set the look’s beachy vibes with heavier accessories like a structured bag or heavy, lugged-sole loafers.


    Coat, R13. Jumpsuit, AGOLDE. Bodysuit, Eckhaus Latta.

    Allie Holloway

    Who needs yet another puffer jacket when a denim coat is a rare treat? Designers are testing out winter-ready jean outerwear this season, replacing wool and shearling.


    Jacket, Levi’s. Shirt, Koche. Skirt, Gap. Bracelet, Tom Wood Projects. Earrings, Bagatiba. Belt, Chanel.

    Allie Holloway

    The Texas tux is tripling down this season. To wear head-to-toe denim, break up the look with gold jewelry.


    Jacket, Celine. Jeans, Tom Ford. Skirt, Chanel. Boots, Giuseppe Zanotti.

    Allie Holloway

    Patchwork has a counterculture reputation typically assigned to the boho set. But thanks to Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs, the quilted look feels more 2020 than 1969. Make it work for today by steering clear of hippie fringe and style your outfit with luxe velvet instead.

    : Allie Holloway Stylist: Tchesmeni Leonard Makeup: Cyler Says Hair: Amy Farid Production: Dani Parker Digital Tech: Timothy Mulcare Photo Assistants: Angela Cholmondeley, Dondre Stuetley Video Team: The Cortizos Models: Molly Constable and Imani at JAG, Ajong at Muse, Dominique Babineaux at Heros, and Yên Nguyen at Vie

    Women's Fashion

    Smash + Tess is Launching Another Collab with The Birds Papaya

    Photograph courtesy of Smash + Tess

    Here’s when you can get your hands on it.

    As winter settles in and we revert to our OG pandemic wardrobe of sweats and loungewear for the foreseeable, news of the upcoming collab between Vacnouver-based fashion brand Smash + Tess and influencer Sarah Landry of The Birds Papaya is music to our ears.

    The collaboration marks the second time the brand has worked with Landry, having previously launched a collab back in May of this year which sold out within 10 minutes. This time around, Landry has designed two new styles with the brand – the Papaya Power Set (the top and pants are $73 each) and the Jemma Autumn Romper ($129).

    The Papaya Power Set is set to be the MVP of your WFH wardrobe – the vibrant two-piece is ideal for Netflix binges and Zoom calls, with the fall-ready print providing the perfect pop of colour. Wear them together, or treat them as separates and team them with your favourite sweater or jeans.

    smah tess birds papaya
    Photograph courtesy of Smash + Tess

    The Jemma Autumn Romper builds on the success of the Summer Romper from the first collection. The new design features a waist tie that has enough length to be tied at the front or the back, a hidden elasticated waistband and a keyhole opening at the back for added ease when getting dressed.

    Photograph courtesy of Smash + Tess

    The new Smash + Tess x The Birds Papaya collection launches online on Thursday October 28 at 11am ET.

    It’s been a busy month for Landry, who also teamed up with intimates brand Knix on a curated box of essentials earlier this month, which included the brand’s first-ever pair of leggings. The box amassed a waitlist of 30,000 people ahead of its launch, and it sold out within 27 minutes, amassing sales of over $1 million.

    Life & Love

    What To Know About the #EndSARS Protest Movement In Nigeria

    For more than two weeks, tens of thousands of people have been protesting in the streets of Nigeria, with people picking up signs and raising their voices in solidarity around the world. Their goal? To #EndSARS. If you’ve been online in recent weeks, chances are you’ve seen the now-viral hashtag trending. And everyone needs to be paying attention to what’s happening.

    Here is everything you need to know about SARS, the #EndSARS movement and what is happening in Nigeria now.

    What is SARS?

    The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was established in 1992 under the dictatorship of Ibrahim Babangida, according to Carl LeVan, Professor at American University in Washington, DC. (There is some disagreement around when SARS was actually established, with some saying it’s as far back as 1984.) “SARS itself is explicitly a product of the dictatorship in 1992,” LeVan, who specializes in comparative political institutions, democratization and African security and has published books on the subject, says. When Babangida took power in 1992 (by overthrowing Muhammadu Buhari, who has since come back into power as the current elected President of Nigeria), “he took power with the goal of dealing with more serious crime,” LeVan says. At the time, the country was facing rising levels of crime, especially pertaining to armed robbery and kidnappings. (Nigeria has one of the world’s highest kidnap-for-ransom rates, where wealthy citizens or groups—who are assumed to be able to afford to pay a fee—are typically targeted.)

    “They were doing a good job dealing with reducing the level of armed robbery in Nigeria,” Isa Sanusi, media manager at Amnesty International in Nigeria tells FLARE of the early days of SARS. But, somewhere along the way they started to derail from their initial goal, he says. Since at least 2014, the human rights organization has logged widespread human rights allegations against SARS, including extrajudicial executions, torture, rape and extortion by officers, documenting 82 cases between January 2017 and May 2020. On top of this, SARS officers have also been accused of taking bribes. Per a 2020 report, “detainees in SARS custody have been subjected to a variety of methods of torture including hanging, mock execution, beating, punching and kicking, burning with cigarettes, waterboarding, near-asphyxiation with plastic bags, forcing detainees to assume stressful bodily positions and sexual violence. Findings from our research indicate that few cases are investigated and hardly any officers are brought to justice on account of torture and other ill-treatment.”

    “They’re increasingly become lawless,” Sanusi says of SARS’s actions. “They’ve turned their job into an opportunity to make money instead of protecting Nigerians.”

    What is the #EndSARS protest movement?

    Since the beginning of October, Nigerians have taken to the streets to protest police brutality in their country. Young people in particular are mobilizing in major Nigerian cities, calling for the abolition of the SARS special police task force that has been operating for more than two decades. The task force, which is under government jurisdiction, has been accused of inflicting severe human rights violations on its citizens. And people have had enough.

    The #EndSARS hashtag dates back to at least 2017, when people began using it online share their experiences of violence and assault at the hands of SARS. This most recent protest was launched by an October 8 viral video which allegedly showed SARS officers killing a young man in one of the country’s southern states. While authorities have denied that the video is real, according to Al Jazeera, the man who filmed it has been arrested, leading to more outrage from citizens. And this recent round of mass protests has led to further violence against the protestors themselves, including 25 people who were shot in Lagos, Nigeria while demonstrating on October 21 , with an unnamed witness telling BBC News that soldiers “pulled up… and they started firing directly” at protestors. An investigation by Amnesty International also found that Nigerian army and police killed at least 12 peaceful protesters on October 20.

    In addition to protesting police brutality, demonstrators are also speaking out against Nigeria’s bad governance, citing grievances such as poor educational opportunities for citizens.

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    Tell me about the history of SARS

    Why would members of SARS, who are meant to protect the Nigerian people, exploit and harm them? It’s a little more complicated than just a group of bad people doing bad things. As Sanusi points out, this move from legitimacy towards lawlessness has been in part spurred on by poverty in the country. “I think it has to do with the declining standard of living in Nigeria,” he says. While Nigeria experienced a drop in the poverty rate between 1999 and 2007, impacted in part by the return of the country to civilian governance in 1999 (meaning that the people of the country could elect a president, as opposed to the previous dictatorship), a 2019 study in the Journal of Poverty found that “the majority of Nigerians have low living standards,” and that, despite this decrease in poverty between 1999 and 2007, more recently there has been an increase in poverty in almost every region of the country, both urban and rural. As of 2019, according to data from the Washington-based Brookings Institutions, around 87 million Nigerians live in dire poverty.

    And those who work within SARS are not exempt from that poverty—or the cycle of corruption themselves, Sanusi says. “Increased corruption, mismanagement of resources, even corruption within the police force” all may impact an individual or organization, according to Sanusi. “Nigeria is [in a] situation where someone superior or in a leadership role within the Nigerian police may corruptly steal money meant for equipment or for salaries of policemen,” he continues.

    Which is something that has actually happened. Despite the fact that there are about 350,000 police officers in the country, according to LeVan, it was disclosed several years ago that about 50,000 to 60,000 people on the police payroll didn’t actually exist. “They were ghost employees,” LeVan says. “So not only are individual police officers engaged in corruption, but there’s corruption—where people want police and they want security—and someone in the middle level management is just taking those invisible salaries.”

    So, Sanusi says, when policemen are sent to the streets in the name of protecting people, they’re also looking for money to care of themselves; and they use their position as SARS officers to that end. “Gradually they become more brutal, they become more cruel.”

    Another reason SARS has been able to wield their authority with impunity for so long? The remnants of centuries of dictatorship. Over the years, leading up to 1999, dictatorships established different subgroups that held different functions within the security services. SARS was one of them. “In some ways, this is another example of something that was created by a dictatorship and then the government never really got rid of it,” LeVan says. Working in the legislature during the time after the government’s transition away from a dictatorial regime, LeVan witnessed conversations around overhauling the laws and giving the country a clean slate. “But people became so focused on the daily economics that I think some of these rule of law questions really got pushed into the background,” he says.

    Further, in understanding Nigeria as it stands now, it’s important to know that current president Muhammadu Buhari is a former dictator himself who staged a military coup at the end of 1983. In 2015, Buhari was elected as president after running four times, which was in itself monumental, as LeVan, who explored Buhari’s election win in his book Contemporary Nigerian Politics: Competition In a Time of Transition and Terror, says a ruling party hadn’t lost an election since Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960. “There was something that was compelling about Buhari’s message,” LeVan says. “And his coup, when it happened in 1983, was actually fairly popular; people thought that somebody like Buhari at that time could really get a handle on things and calm down a difficult security situation.” While Buhari’s campaign message in 2015 was one of anti-corruption, LeVan says that what we’re seeing now with SARS and the continuing corruption under Buhari’s government is that, as he says, “the old habits die hard.”

    “There are still these ghosts of the dictatorship that haunt the habits of governance,” LeVan says. “[Buhari] has surrounded himself with some people who believe that a strong hand of the state is what is needed to really stabilize things.” Meaning, in many ways, that the government benefits from this corruption.

    This complacency from the federal government means that SARS can continue to do what it’s been doing, with little institutional accountability on the part of the police.

    Is SARS’s behaviour a human rights issue?

    100%. “This is a serious human rights issue,” Susani states. “We consider torture a human rights violation and they do torture people. They also confiscate property from suspects, we also consider that as an egregious human rights issue. And the fact that SARS is supposed to be dealing with armed robbery and other high crimes like kidnapping, but instead of doing that they have concentrated their attention on arresting young people; these are all violations of human rights.” In fact, over the past 10 years, Amnesty International has issued four separate reports on SARS and their tactics.

    In addition, SARS’s response to the protests is also an issue. “Nigerian citizens protesting police brutality in the past few weeks have reportedly been shot and killed, or tortured, by the disbanded SARS,” says Sukanya Pillay, an international human rights expert and member of Canadian Lawyers For International Human Rights (CLAIHR). (On October 11, President Muhammadu Buhari announced that he had dismantled SARS, re-deploying former SARS officers to other unites. There’s more on this below.) “If true, such actions by SARS raise serious questions about violations of international human rights law, particularly the right to life, right to peaceful protest and freedom of assembly, and serious questions about extrajudicial executions and torture.” These rights, Pillay says, are protected in several international human rights laws, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in the African Charter on Human Rights, both of which are legally binding upon Nigeria. “The use of excessive force and violence against protestors contravenes international standards on policing and use of force.”

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    What has the response been to the #EndSARS protests?

    The global response to the #EndSARS movement has been overwhelming, with people across the world calling for change. Celebrities like Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kanye West and John Boyega, not to mention politicians like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have called for the end of SARS on social media.

    I thought SARS was dismantled. Isn’t that enough?

    The #EndSARS protests and high-profile calls to action have worked, to a certain extent. On October 11, President Muhammadu Buhari announced that he had dismantled SARS, replacing it with the newly-formed Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) task force. Former SARS officers have been deployed to other policing units. But protestors and academics say that isn’t enough, because it feels like more of a reallocation than dismantling. “I’ve been chatting with activists in Nigeria a lot the last couple of days, and no one is satisfied with the creation of the new police unit at all,” LeVan says. “It just seems like putting a new name on the same group of offenders.”

    “I don’t think it is the end [of SARS],” Susani agrees. “Even though SARS has been dismantled, Nigerians believe that something concrete has to be done to prove that the atrocities [they’re] committing will stop.” Susani refers back to the numerous offences SARS has committed over the past four years, and the immediate uproar and then inaction from the government. “When SARS has either killed a young man or tortured Nigerians, people will be angry. They will come out and protest maybe for half a day or one day, and the government says, ‘we are going to report this. We are going to look into your complaint.’ So four times within the last four years, they have promised to end the atrocities of SARS, but nothing changed in power. They just become [worse]. That is why Nigerians don’t trust the government when they say we are going to protect you from SARS and make it better.”

    So, what happens next with SARS?

    For one, real police reform. “[This needs to be] where individuals can be held accountable and that isn’t seen as punitive to the police as a whole, but something that encourages better behaviour and builds trust with the people that they need to protect and work with,” LeVan says. As well, there needs to be better training and pay for law enforcement. (As Susani notes, some torture tactics by SARS has been attributed to a lack of modern policing and investigating skills, though it’s important to emphasize that that isn’t a blanket statement and in no way excuses torture.) “There should be a mechanism of accountability when it comes to policing so that if a policeman tortures someone, the person has the right to and can get justice,” he continues. “But a situation where people cannot get justice, that’s not good.”

    “It’s a hard conversation, but I think there is some political space in the country to do that sort of thing now,” LeVan says of reform.

    Read this next: Canada Asked for a Report on MMIW. Now It’s Ignoring It

    What can Canadians do to help the#EndSARS movement?

    For people who are outside Nigeria, Susani says the key to helping is to put pressure on the Nigerian government and politicians to end corruption and make the government work for the people. “The governance should not be about providing luxury for people in politics, it should be in service to the people,” he says.

    And also, as LeVan emphasizes, don’t let the current news cycle about Nigeria be the only thing you read about the country. “It’s really important to learn about African countries when things are also good,” he emphasizes. “We wouldn’t want this bad news about police violence to reinforce negative stereotypes.” Especially because Nigeria is modern, resourceful country in so many ways. LeVan points to the country’s low number of COVID-19 infections as an example of this. The country—which has 200 million citizens—had, as of July, only counted a total of 33,000 cases since the start of the pandemic. This, despite the fact that many would assume they have a weak health capacity. (It’s important to note that these numbers could in part be due to limited testing.) In contrast: the United States. “I’m living in the richest country in the world and there are 70,000 new infections every day,” LeVan says. “So Nigerians find great resourcefulness and ways to do things right. This is a moment where all eyes are focused on police and public safety and the dignity of the individual, and that’s a wonderful thing to observe.”


    PSA: You’re Probably Overusing These Skincare Ingredients

    When was the last time you took a thorough look at the labels on the products in your skincare routine? Are you using too much of any one ingredient? You might be surprised to find out that you probably are. With the rise of individual ingredient serums that allow users to create a cocktail that targets their unique issues and concerns, many beauty consumers are adopting the role of chemist in their bathrooms each morning and evening. But that may not always be a good thing, especially when it comes to three beloved “hero” ingredients that are popping up everywhere: niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. 

    Yes, these ingredients can work wonders—but they can also irritate your skin if you overdo it. And considering their rise in popularity, they are probably already in some of your other products—like your cleaner and moisturizer—so you probably don’t need to be adding additional concentrates.

    Here’s what to know about these three popular skincare ingredients—and when to limit your use.


    According to a report by Spate, a consumer data organization that analyzes trends in the food and beauty industries, searches for niacinamide serums have spiked a staggering 193% since the end of July. What gives? “Given the pandemic, consumers spend more time looking for ways to take care of their skin, hence the significant increase in searches for ingredients that are known to improve skin [function],” says cosmetic chemist Ron Robinson of

    What does niacinamide do?

    Niacinamide is a water-soluble form of vitamin B3 that boasts a wide array of skin benefits. Loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can increase natural lipids that are found on the skin’s surface, strengthening skin’s protective barrier (and thus reducing moisture loss) and reduce both unwanted pigmentation as well as redness caused by inflammation. 

    Read this next: Let’s Get to the Bottom of the “Right” Way to Apply Your Skincare

    Is niacinamide safe?

    As far as active ingredients go, niacinamide is generally very safe (and calming, actually). But according to this thread on the AsianBeauty subreddit, niacinamide sensitivities—while rare—do exist. More commonly, though, if you think you’re experiencing a reaction to niacinamide, you may just be using too high of a percentage for your skin type, so start by looking at the ingredient’s percentage in the formulation you’re using. 

    What percentage of niacinamide should you be using?


    Most dermatologists and cosmetic chemists recommend staying within the 2–5% range. Neostrata’s Illuminating Serum, for instance, features 4% niacinamide, which will be well-tolerated by most skin types. 

    Using a product with, say, 10% niacinamide won’t cause any major issues, but you may experience some irritation and redness, especially because niacinamide is quite easily absorbed into skin. In fact, a 2013 study found that “high levels of niacinamide can increase serum histamine levels, which may cause an allergic reaction for people prone to skin allergies.” 

    In a post on her site Lab Muffin, science educator Michelle Wong looked into a recently launched powder version of niacinamide that is formulated with 100% (!!!) niacinamide. To date, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review’s Safety Assessment of niacinamide has only tested the ingredient at up to 20% for irritancy potential. So at best, using a niacinamide product that’s that potent may just not be necessary or useful. At worst, it might really cause your skin to freak out. The takeaway here: “There’s no reliable evidence that higher percentages work better,” writes Wong. 

    Hyaluronic acid

    Talk of hyaluronic acid is everywhere. And while its popularity is justified (it is, after all, a highly effective ingredient that does what it promises to do), many people misunderstand how to best use it. For example, hyaluronic acid is often referred to as a hydrator, but that’s not exactly correct. It’s more of a plumper. In this piece for Harper’s Bazaar, beauty reporter Jessica DeFino writes that this misunderstanding is causing people to misuse hyaluronic acid—i.e. they are using too much of it, causing the ingredient (which is famous for its ability to pull in water) to “[slurp] up the moisture that sits within your skin.”

    Read this next: PSA: Stop Using Coconut Oil As a Moisturizer! Plus 4 Other Skincare Myths, Busted

    What does hyaluronic acid do?

    Hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in our skin and is also the star ingredient in injectable fillers, is loved for its ability to instantly plump skin, fill fine lines and, of course, hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water. 

    When it’s pulling in water from your external environment, that’s a (very) good thing. But as DeFino warns, using it on its own (and in too high of a concentration) will only “temporarily make the skin appear hydrated and smooth.” Once that moisture—which it took from your own skin—evaporates? Well, the plumping effect disappears with it. 

    Is hyaluronic acid safe?

    Generally, yes. But as Dr. Shereene Idriss, a board-certified dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology explains in this article on The Cut, “Studies are correlating topical application of low-molecular-weight HA (the type needed to penetrate the surface of your skin barrier) with inflammatory reactions.” Chilling, right?  

    A close look at the ingredient lists on your products may reveal hyaluronic acid’s presence throughout your regimen—in your cleanser, your moisturizer, your eye cream, your night cream and your masks. And if you also use a separate, concentrated hyaluronic acid serum on top of (or technically, it’d be underneath) all of that? You could be setting yourself up for some pretty unhappy skin.

    What percentage of hyaluronic acid should you be using?

    Anywhere from 1–2% is effective, so there’s no need to be using formulas that boast higher. “Some HA formulations have high percentages that can potentially dehydrate the skin unless combined with a more emollient ingredient to lock in hydration,” says celebrity dermatologist Dr. Dendy Engelman. So if you’re experiencing irritation, dryness or redness, a good first step would be to stop cocktailing individual ingredients. Irritation is more likely to occur when it comes to pure HA serums that aren’t formulated with other ingredients to lock in moisture. 

    Elizabeth Arden

    Enter: Elizabeth Arden’s new Hyaluronic Acid Ceramide Capsules Hydra-Plumping Serum. Because of the addition of ceramides, you’re also getting barrier protection that seals moisture in. So when the water that the HA is hanging on to tries to evaporate, it can’t escape. 

    Read this next: Should You Switch Up Your Skincare Routine When You’re on Your Period?

    Vitamin C

    This brings us to vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid (the chemically active—and most researched—form of vitamin C that’s usually found in skincare ingredients). This one is particularly tricky, because it can be pretty unstable. In a post on Lab Muffin, Wong writes that “Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid oxidizes easily to dehydroascorbic acid, which has an orange-brown colour. It does this when it’s stored in water, as well as on your skin. Oxygen and light exposure will speed up the oxidation reaction.” Using a product that’s oxidized is still safe (though it may actually stain your skin a bit), but it won’t be as effective at evening your skin tone, brightening your complexion, and all of the other stuff you want a vitamin C serum to do. 

    What does vitamin C do?

    The antioxidant ingredient boasts plenty of benefits, from brightening to boosting collagen production to evening out skin tone and treating discolouration. Unfortunately, it can also be kind of irritating for ultra-sensitive skin types. 

    Is vitamin C safe?

    The best way to determine if your skin can tolerate vitamin C is to patch test. Apply a small amount of your vitamin C product to your arm (or leg or stomach—just not your face) and wait 24 hours. If you don’t notice an allergic reaction, you’re ready to incorporate it into your routine.

    What percentage of vitamin C should you be using?

    Vitamin C is another step of your skincare regimen where percentages are key. The optimal percentage for L-ascorbic acid in a formulation is 10–20%. Less than that and you’re probably not getting the benefits of the ingredient, and more than 20% is, well, a waste. Our skin can’t really absorb any more than that (as this study notes, “the efficacy of Vitamin C serum is proportional to the concentration, but only up to 20%”), so even if you don’t suffer any redness or irritation, you’ll be irritating your wallet—especially considering that vitamin C serums tend to be on the pricier side. 


    This study on vitamin C notes that “the half-life [of L-ascorbic acid] in the skin after achieving maximum concentration is four days.” In other words, your skin essentially has a reservoir of L-ascorbic acid that remains active even days after application, so there’s no need to load up on multiple products that contain vitamin C. There really is only so much your skin can absorb, and if you’ve opted for a stable, clinically tested L-ascorbic acid at an appropriate concentration (like BeautyStat’s beloved Vitamin C Skin Refiner), that’s all you really need. 

    The bottom line

    While there certainly can be benefits taking a DIY approach to cocktailing the ingredients in your skincare routine (Customization! Affordability! Accessibility!), it’s not the best idea for beginners or for the faint of heart (and skin), because of the many risks involved.

    Remember, cosmetic chemists and formulators work to make products you can trust to be safe and effective, and their knowledge and vast expertise can’t—and shouldn’t—be pushed aside for the sake of a personalized skin experiment. This is especially true if you’re new to the world of active ingredients or have sensitive skin. 

    “It’s about quality, over quantity,” explains Dr. Engelman. “There are a few things that can go wrong when using too many skincare products. Some ingredients cancel out the effects of others, or can be irritating to the skin, causing dryness or sensitivity. This, of course, is the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve with your regimen. Many patients have really leaned into active ingredients, buying individual actives and applying them all at once,” says Dr. Engelman. “I don’t advise this approach. Patients will come to me red and irritated because they’ve stripped their skin playing home alchemist.”

    In fact, Dr. Engelman says that we’re probably using way too many products in general: “I like multi-purpose products. There is no need to have 15 steps in your skincare routine when many products exist to target various skin concerns at once.”

    Read this next: The Best Face Cleansers for Every Skin Type

    The best thing to do? Pick one or two areas to target and limit your products to those that will address them. “Make a skincare goal so you can put together a defined plan,” says Neostrata Canada National Trainer Patricia Clare. “It’s like having a fitness goal. If a trainer asks you what you want to do and you say ‘get fit,’ that’s a very broad term. Is it endurance you want? Is it a [more toned] body? Don’t be vague. When you get more precise with a skincare plan, it helps you to pick ingredients.”

    Once you’ve determined a goal or two for the time being (say, improving hydration and getting rid of some dark spots, rather than trying to address 10 different issues with 10 different serums), your best bet is to opt for products that have been clinically tested and proven to work, and are formulated with ingredients that enhance their efficacy and your usage experience—rather than trying single-ingredient serums. “This is the safest and most effective way for the average consumer to incorporate new products into their daily skincare routine,” says Dr. Engelman. “These products are already calculated with the right active ingredient ratio.” So, leave the skincare math to the pros.


    How Effective Are Blue Light Glasses in Combatting Headaches? Experts Weigh In


    Screens are pretty much unavoidable these days. We rely on them to work, read the news, watch TV, stay in touch with friends and family, and even order food. But with their added convenience also comes some drawbacks, such as screen-related eye strain and headaches. Blue light glasses have emerged as a possible solution to help with both, but are they actually effective in reducing headaches? According to experts, they may be helpful, but probably not in the way you think.

    What Are Blue Light Glasses?

    “‘Blue light glasses’ are better termed ‘blue light-blocking glasses,’ which accurately describes the intent and action of the glasses,” Howard R. Krauss, MD, a surgical neuro-ophthalmologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, told POPSUGAR.

    Visible light is made up of different colored light rays that have varying wavelengths and energy. Blue light is one of the shortest, highest-energy wavelengths. While it’s usually associated with phones and other devices, blue light is also found in sunlight, as well as fluorescent and LED lights.

    Blue light can be beneficial during the day, because it boosts attention and mood. However, it also has downsides, and blue light glasses are designed to help combat them, by blocking blue light emitted from screens. “There is a special filter on the top of the glasses, and when the specific wavelength of blue light hits it, it bounces back,” Yuna Rapoport, MD, MPH, a board-certified ophthalmologist in New York City, told POPSUGAR.

    Do Blue Light Glasses Help With Headaches?

    For anyone looking to use blue light glasses as a quick fix for eye strain-related headaches, we’re sorry to report that the science isn’t quite there. In fact, blue light isn’t linked with eye strain.

    Eye strain is caused by a number of different factors, Dr. Krauss explained. “During times of visual concentration, especially with reading, we have a subconscious reduction in blink rate, as the blink momentarily interferes with that which we are concentrating on,” he said. When you have a hard time prying your eyes away from something, the subsequent lack of blinking reduces the tear film over your eye’s surface, which causes dry eye.

    To combat it, there is a “reflexive tightness in the orbicularis muscle (the muscle which closes the eye), especially as we fight it and struggle to keep our eyes open,” Dr. Krauss told POPSUGAR. This is a common cause of eye strain and may lead to headaches. “All of the eye strain is from how we use the screens,” Dr. Rapoport added. In other words, the blue light itself isn’t the problem. The American Academy of Ophthalmology says it’s unnecessary to buy eyewear for computer use.

    Unlike with ultraviolet light, there is insufficient evidence that blue light is physically harmful to the structures, cells, or physiology of the eye, Dr. Krauss explained. However, there is evidence that light exposure can impact your circadian rhythm and sleep patterns. Our circadian clocks, which regulate sleep and wake times, are most sensitive to light from about two hours before bedtime until an hour after we typically wake up — so, scrolling through your phone in bed could be disrupting your sleep.

    In particular, the blue wavelength of light is more potent than other wavelengths in suppressing the secretion of melatonin, an important hormone for sleep regulation. “Those who have difficulty falling and remaining restfully asleep may wish to try blue light blocking glasses, particularly during evening hours,” Dr. Krauss said. Dr. Rapoport agreed, adding that, while blue light glasses won’t necessarily prevent headaches directly, they can help improve your sleep — and better sleep can make headaches less frequent.

    Other Ways to Combat Screen Headaches

    The good news is there are simple solutions to help reduce eye strain and headaches while spending time on your devices. Dr. Rapoport recommends the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You should also take breaks from continuous screen time, and you might consider keeping lubricating drops close to your workspace to refresh your eyes when they get dry.

    You can also make tweaks to your environment. Optimize the air and lighting in your room, as a very dry space or one where the A/C or heater is blowing in your face can increase evaporative moisture loss in your eye, leading to dryness and eye strain, Dr. Krauss said. “Working in bright light, especially fluorescent, or in a glare-y environment with reflected light in or around the workspace will increase eye strain, especially amongst those people who may have a predisposition to migraine,” he added.

    And don’t worry — you don’t have to throw out any blue light glasses you’re already using. There’s no proven harm in wearing them part-time, but you should also know they’re probably not a miracle cure for screen use. “If one is already utilizing and enjoying blue blockers, there is not yet any need to discourage it, but the evidence for its proposed health benefit is still lacking,” Dr. Krauss said.


    Brad Pitt Endorses Joe Biden As ‘a President for all Americans’

    abc's coverage of the 92nd annual academy awards   show

    Arturo HolmesGetty Images

    During the World Series game on Saturday night, Americans—especially those who watch baseball—heard Brad Pitt’s voice endorse Joe Biden for president in a new campaign ad for the Democratic candidate.

    Over footage of Biden meeting, hugging, and laughing with people of varying ages and identities, Pitt says: “America is a place for everyone—those who chose this county, those who fought for it—some Republicans, some Democrats, and most, just somewhere in between, all looking for the same thing: Someone who understands their hopes, their dreams, their pain, to listen, to bring people together. To get up every day and work to make life better for families like yours. To look you in the eye, treat you with respect, and tell you the truth. To work just as hard for the people who voted for him as those who didn’t. To be a president for all Americans.”

    You can watch the full ad, which is only 55 seconds long, here:

    This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Pitt has always seemed to choose his political moments carefully, but he’s not one to shy away from discussing his beliefs. At the top of his acceptance speech for best supporting actor at the 2020 Oscars earlier this year (can you believe that was actually this year?), Pitt made a quick but pointed political comment.

    “They told me I only had 45 seconds up here, which is 45 seconds more than the Senate gave John Bolton this week,” Pitt said, in a reference to President Trump’s former national security adviser, who offered to testify during Trump’s impeachment trial. The Senate voted against subpoenas and witnesses during the trial, thus inspiring this Oscar-stage comment.

    He also appeared as Dr. Anthony Fauci on Saturday Night Live this spring, bringing us all a little joy during a dark time. He clearly continues to do that.

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    These Instagram and YouTube Live Workouts Will Have You Moving and Sweating in 30 Minutes

    We’re not picky — we’ll take our workouts through whatever medium we can get them. Written? Definitely. One-on-one with a trainer? Of course. YouTube? . . . Duh. Instagram and YouTube Live? Sign us up. In fact, we’re continuing our series of live workouts this week over on @popsugarfitness and our YouTube channel, and you’re more than welcome to join! Check below to see all three fresh workouts on deck, and add the full schedule to your Google Calendar to stay up to date. You can also catch up with our previous Instagram Live workouts on the free Active by POPSUGAR app. With all that said, let’s get ready to sweat!

    • 30-Minute BPM, Balance of Power and Mobility Workout With Kellie Williams (Instagram Live): Monday, Oct. 26, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
    • 30-Minute Full-Body Workout With M/Body Founder Marnie Alton (YouTube Live): Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET
    • 30-Minute LIT Method Workout (Instagram Live): Thursday, Oct. 29, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET (equipment recommended: mini band)
    • 30-Minute No-Equipment Lower-Body Tabata With Kristina Earnest (Instagram Live): Friday, Oct. 30, at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET

    Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios


    What Is ‘The Lung’? Everything To Know About the Mysterious Disease From Haunting of Bly Manor

    Episode 8 of The Haunting of Bly Manor delves into the origin story of the haunted English estate where the series takes place, focusing on the human life of the ghostly, murderous Lady in the Lake, aka Viola Willoughby.

    Viola is the older of two orphaned sisters who compete for the affections of a man in 17th-century Hampshire. The suitor in question, Arthur, chooses Viola over her younger sister, Perdita, creating a resentment which never quite goes away. But a few years into her marriage, Viola contracts a deadly illness which has her coughing up blood and ultimately leaves her bedridden.

    At first, Viola and her relatives are terrified that she has the plague, which was still running rampant in England during the 17th century. But when a doctor comes to examine Viola, he confirms that she doesn’t have the plague—she has “the lung.” We’re breaking down what that all means.

    How does Viola die?

    When Viola’s doctor emerges from her bedroom, clad in a plague mask, he warns Perdita and Arthur that although Viola is plague-free, her prognosis is still grim. “She has the lung,” he says. Perdita is confused, trying to ask what that means (same, Perdita), but Arthur cuts her off, asking simply, “How long, doctor?” The doctor responds that Viola has “months, at the most” and says he doesn’t believe he can cure her.

    The doctor also recommends that Viola be quarantined from the rest of her family, since her illness is so contagious. This devastates her—not only is she taken away from her beloved marriage bed, but more painfully, she’s separated from her young daughter Isobel. Viola’s resentment over being quarantined sparks deep rage that will define the rest of her existence, and ultimately turn her into a vengeful spirit haunting the grounds of Bly forever. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

    The doctor’s “months at most” predictions turns out to be way off, because Viola stubbornly refuses to die, or even to acknowledge that she could. She refuses to accept the last rites from the vicar, telling him: “Tell your God that I do not go.” This isn’t the victory it appears to be, because Viola ends up existing for five years in a hellish limbo state between life and death. She’s consumed by rage and resentment at her sister and husband during this time, and finally, Perdita murders her because she’s so exhausted by her abuse.

    What is “the Lung”?

    We don’t get any confirmation of exactly what the doctor means by “the lung,” but based on the time period and Viola’s symptoms, the disease is probably tuberculosis, aka TB. This lung disease was common in the 17th century, and wasn’t easily treatable, so the doctor’s bleak prognosis makes sense. TB crops up a lot in pop culture under different names—it’s the same thing as consumption, the disease that killed Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge.

    TB peaked as an epidemic in the U.K. in the 17th century, the same time this episode takes place. By the middle of the century, one in five deaths in the city of London was due to the disease. But there were cases of people surviving, so Viola living for as long as she did isn’t implausible.

    While being quarantined because of a contagious and deadly lung disease may feel just a little too real in 2020, the good news is that the history of TB is a reminder of the power of modern medicine. The disease is still around today—in fact, it’s the leading infectious cause of death worldwide—but thanks to a combination of vaccinations and effective treatments, it’s now widely controlled and curable. Just another reason to love science!

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    Are Your Hands Always Cold? Experts Explain Why (It Could Be Stress!) and How to Get Relief

    The weather isn’t the only thing getting colder in the fall and winter — some people suffer from cold hands. This can be a normal response to cold temperatures, explained general practitioner Chun Tang, MD, from Pall Mall Medical. He added, “We automatically constrict blood vessels to save loss of heat and focus heat to central areas.” But cold hands could also signify a deeper issue.

    Poor Circulation Can Cause Cold Hands

    One common cause of cold hands is poor circulation, said Nicholas Pantaleo, MD, an internist and family medicine practitioner at Westmed Medical Group, said. This can stem from underlying medical conditions or simply genetics. He explained that poor circulation can be concerning since it may be a sign of other diseases, including diabetes or obesity. “In certain scenarios, the body will also decrease blood flow to the extremities, like your hands, to allow more blood flow to the more important organs like your brain, heart, and lungs,” he said, to maintain your body’s essential functions.

    Stress Can Cause Cold Hands

    “Cold hand surges are common when someone is experiencing a great deal of stress or anxiety,” added Dr. Tang. Stress and anxiety can manifest in physical ways throughout the body when they cause hormones like epinephrine or adrenaline to be released, explained Dr. Pantaleo. Stress can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (your flight-or-fight response), which causes blood vessels to constrict in order to increase blood flow to the brain and vital organs, explained Leann Poston, MD, a licensed physician with Invigor Medical. Stress is seen as a threat to your body, and your body constricting the blood vessels is a defense mechanism to ensure you’ll stay alive.

    Smoking and Drinking Can Cause Cold Hands

    Smoking can also be a cause of cold hands, as it also constricts blood vessels. “Constricting blood vessels decreases blood flow to the hands and fingers, which can cause them to feel cold,” said Dr. Poston. Drinking alcohol can also cause cold hands, because it dilates blood vessels which slows circulation. “An initial warm feeling from dilated blood vessels changes to cold as blood moves more slowly through the body, and therefore doesn’t carry heat from muscles to other parts of the body,” she said.

    High Cholesterol Can Cause Cold Hands

    Having high cholesterol can also affect blood flow. If you have a buildup of cholesterol in your arteries caused by your diet or genetics, it affects the lumen inside (think of the space within a hollow body part, like a blood vessel). Eating an excess of foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol, including meat, eggs, dairy products, and even coconut oil, can raise your cholesterol levels, which can lead to coronary heart disease — and one symptom is numbness and coldness in the extremities.

    Vitamin Deficiencies Can Cause Cold Hands

    Dr. Pantaleo added that vitamin deficiencies can also cause cold hands. “A vitamin B12 deficiency can give you neurological symptoms, including the feeling of cold hands and feet, numbness, or tingling,” added physician Nancy Bono, DO, and chair of family medicine at New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine. Anemia, or low iron, can also be a culprit, so Dr. Pantaleo advises talking to your doctor about taking vitamin supplements such as B12 or iron to help improve this issue.

    Raynaud’s Syndrome Can Cause Cold Hands

    Another common health condition called Raynaud’s syndrome causes cold hands, said Dr. Poston. It’s a condition in which the blood vessels constrict too much, and the symptoms can vary from mild to severe. People will notice that their fingers turn white and then purple or blue, and eventually, the fingers turn red as blood flow is restored. Severe Raynaud’s can lead to tissue damage and breakdown if the fingers are not getting enough blood.

    Underlying Health Conditions Can Cause Cold Hands

    Dr. Tang said cold hands could also be a symptom of an underactive or slow thyroid, as well as diseases including Buerger’s disease, lupus, and scleroderma. Blood clots can also cause cold hands, and if you experience sudden, painful, cold white fingers or hands, he advised seeking immediate medical attention as it can lead to necrosis (death of cells) or gangrene (when substantial areas of tissue become necrotic).

    How to Prevent Cold Hands

    Maintaining a healthy weight, controlling your blood pressure, managing stress, eating a healthy diet, stopping cigarette and alcohol use, and protecting your hands when it’s cold outside are all good strategies to keep your hands warm, said Dr. Poston. If anemia or B12 deficiency is the issue, talk to your doctor about adjusting your diet or taking supplements.

    If you’re stressed, find healthy ways to feel calmer, like doing relaxing yoga, reading, writing in a journal, talking to a therapist or friend, or doing something creative.

    Exercising is great for maintaining a normal blood pressure and decreasing the risk of high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, which will reduce the risk for blood-vessel damage, said Dr. Poston. Exercising regularly can also improve circulation.

    How to Relieve Cold Hands

    An obvious solution is to warm your hands up, either by putting on mittens, wrapping them in a blanket, or running them under warm water. If you experience cold hands because of poor circulation, Dr. Pantaleo said you can try swinging your arms in big circles to help recirculate blood to your extremities. Another option is to run up and down your stairs swinging your arms or to go for a brisk walk, as exercise can help get your blood flowing. “A person can also try to massage their hands or repeatedly clench and unclench their fists to increase blood flow to the hands,” said Dr. Pantaleo.

    When to See Your Doctor About Cold Hands

    Causes for concern may be one hand that is cold while the other is normal, or neurologic symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the hands, said Dr. Poston. If you’re experiencing other symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, or extreme fatigue, that could point to more serious issues and you should consult your doctor. No matter what the cause, you don’t have to live with cold hands. It’s best to talk to your doctor so they can help you determine the cause so you can live more comfortably in a world of warmth!


    Gigi Hadid Shares a Voting Selfie, Her First New Photo of Herself Since Becoming a Mom

    On Saturday, Gigi Hadid posted a selfie in a multicolored “vote” T-shirt. It’s the first photo she’s posted of herself since she became a mom last month, and she had a very important message:

    “I voted absentee last week with my daughter next to me, for an America I want her to see; but not just for us — for fellow Americans that are less privileged, with hope for a nation that is unified, that is empathetic, & for a leader that is compassionate.
    IF YOU MAILED IN YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT I’M PROUD OF YOU. (&& if you dropped it off at your County’s Board of Elections Office or at an Early Polling Site I’m proud of you!!)
    Whatever your PLAN, I’m proud of you; make sure you have one !!! Let me know below 👇👇👇”

    Although we still don’t know the name of little Hadid-Malik, it’s clear that she’s already gettin an education in what it means to exercise her right as an American citizen. In her post, Hadid also included maps across the U.S. with early voting dates for each state. If you’re still confused about when to vote, click into her post or look here.

    This is the first time Hadid has posted on her Instagram grid about her daughter since her birth, which she announced on September 23 with this picture. Let it be known that this is a very civically engaged baby—and a lucky one at that.

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    This 30-Minute Stress-Relieving Video Combines Breathwork and Low-to-the-Ground Stretches

    Stress can build up in your mind and in your body — and RYT 500 yoga teacher Koya Webb shared a half-hour session incorporating breathwork and yoga in order to help you alleviate that tension. At the top of the video, she walks you through what she calls “eye yoga,” a stress-relieving technique that she used to do growing up. This, she said, is especially useful if you’ve been staring at your phone and computer screen a lot lately.

    As the video continues, Webb demonstrates a breathing sequence through the mouth that goes like this: inhale, inhale, exhale. You’ll also do seated stretches, and go up onto all fours about 14 minutes in. Yoga poses include Cat Cow, Child’s Pose, a series of lunges to really get into your hamstrings, and the hip-opening Pigeon.

    Throughout, Webb challenges you to channel the emotions you’ve been bottling up. “I want you to think about what you want to let go of. What is something that has been on your mind, that’s been in your space, absorbing your energy?” she asks, welcoming you to get rid of it. While in Downward Dog she’ll have you repeat “I am enough,” telling you to release frustration with each breath. You’ll end with poses on your back (one is the ever-relaxing Savasana, of course).

    If you want more from Webb, check out her half-hour restorative yoga and meditation session with Class FitSugar. It, like the video above, won’t disappoint.


    Blake Lively Expertly Trolls Ryan Reynolds With This Birthday Post

    Ryan Reynolds turned 44 years old on Friday, and his wife honored their sweet, romantic tradition of…trolling each other on the internet.

    She wrote: “1) Who is the lost soul that selects birthday PIE. 2) What ANIMAL eats their cake (pie) without first blowing out the candles. @vancityreynolds that’s who. Happy Birthday. I honestly can’t believe we’re still married.”

    That last little quip is…so Blake and Ryan. These two love to poke fun at each other on social media. In September, Reynolds posted on Instagram to celebrate the birthday of their family dog, Bax.

    “Happy Birthday, Bax,” he wrote. “I’d bake you a cake, but it would kill you. Not because you’re a dog. Everything I bake is poison. If I had to go to war, I’d just bring a toaster oven.”

    Lively responded with a dig of her own: This is almost as sweet as the birthday post you did for me this year.” Reynolds did not make a birthday post for Lively’s 33rd birthday in August.

    But she knows how to dish it out, clearly. On Reynolds’s birthday last year, she posted these images from her camera roll: “It’s like my iPhone captured everything you need to know about my relationship in 2 simple images…,” she wrote.

    blake lively ryan reynolds

    Blake Lively Instagram

    Lively and Reynolds take the time to have some fun with each other online, but they also have a big handful of responsibilities going on outside of Instagram. They now have three daughters, James, Inez, and Betty. Betty’s name was revealed on Taylor Swift’s latest album, Folklore, on a song called…Betty.

    “We haven’t yet!,” Reynolds said in December of last year when Today hosts asked about the baby’s name. “We’re gonna be original, and all the letters in her name are silent. I want to give her something to push against in life.”

    This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Always the joker.

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    Women's Fashion

    These Two Canadian-owned Hotels Have Launched Artful Tees for COVID-19 Relief

    Photography courtesy of Matachica Resort.

    The cheerful wares were produced in collaboration with Kotn and feature illustrations by Cécile Gariépy.

    Canadian-owned sister hotels Matachica Resort and GAÏA Riverlodge just released a trio of tees, illustrated by renowned Montréal-based creative Cécile Gariépy, in the name of COVID-19 relief. Proceeds from sales of the Egyptian cotton shirts – which are manufactured by Kotn – will go to supporting food sourcing, housing and education for local resort staff and their kin who have been greatly affected by closures of the resorts (both of which will reopen on November 21).

    COVID-19 Relief
    Photography courtesy of Matachica Resort.

    “Over the last 13 years of owning my hotels in Belize, our dedicated staff have become like family to me,” said Daniel Lighter, owner of Matachica Resort and GAÏA Riverlodge, in a statement about the launch of the optimistically-named collection, The World Can. “The COVID-19 pandemic has hit them hard and most lack the financial means to afford basic needs that many of us take for granted, like food, housing and education. With this launch, we’re not only offering a unique and high-quality product, but also an important opportunity to lend a hand to those who desperately need it now.”

    Keeping with this team spirit, the tees are named after staff members at the two resorts – Charlie, Sam and Abi – and the visuals represent the culture surrounding Matachica and GAÏA’s gold standard-certified locations.

    Get yours here.


    Dance, Groove, and Burn Calories With These 30-Minute Dance Workouts on YouTube

    From ballet classes to Dance Dance Revolution to busting out moves with friends at clubs, dancing has always been a part of my life. But it’s not just a fun way to release tension and stress — dancing is also a fantastic calorie burner, too! On your next cardio day, press pause on the HIIT workouts or sprints, and do a little dancing instead! You can find fun 30-minute dance workouts on YouTube for beginners and experts alike that highlight a variety of dance styles, including Latin, hip-hop, and even Tabata-style workouts. All of these videos are set to heart-pumping music, which will definitely keep you motivated to finish. Find 14 of our favorite 30-minute dance videos ahead!


    Timothée Chalamet and Selena Gomez Made Waiting in Line to Vote Fun With This Livestream Conversation

    Early voting began in New York City on Saturday, resulting in long lines across the city. Timothée Chalamet was one of thousands who rolled out of bed and into an hours-long line to wait to cast their vote. Thankfully Chalamet, who stood in line at Madison Square Garden, had some company as he waited: He chatted on a livestream with his friend Selena Gomez.

    Gomez told Chalamet that she had voted in person, to which he responded, “All that mail voting, they de-legitimize it, or they tried to legitimize it, so that’s why I wanted to go in person. I just want to, like, see it done.” He added: “Everyone’s telling young people to vote, but it feels kind of condescending, ‘Duh, we’re gonna vote. Duh.'”

    Then came a moment that pretty much defines the playful friendship these two share. As they were talking about the importance of young people voting, Chalamet said: “You’re 29.” Gomez sat her with her mouth wide open (she’s 28). “Oh. My. Gosh!,” she finally said, feigning anger.

    “I just Googled it, I just Googled it!,” Chalamet said, apologizing and laughing. “That better not be the most significant thing in this livestream. I just aged you, I just aged you…Keep digging in a hole.”

    Another highlight from the call: “Oh, man. I really hope this guy loses,” Chalamet said as he looked around, afraid he couldn’t get partisan at a polling facility. “I know,” Gomez said, laughing nervously.

    Never fear; it looks like Timmy finally made it to the voting booth:

    timothée chalamet voting

    Timothée ChalametInstagram

    This livestream with her pal is hardly the first thing Gomez is doing to get out the vote this election. On Friday, Stacey Abrams and Selena Gomez joined in a conversation hosted by She Se Puede, a Latina activist organization formed during the 2018 midterms. Because not much is happening in-person these days, Abrams and Gomez spoke over a Zoom call about the power that Latina voters and Black women voters have in the 2020 election.

    When they kicked off the call, Gomez admitted she was a bit starstruck to be talking to the Georgia activist and politician. But it was Abrams who paused before answering a question to let Gomez know that this conversation was going to win her big points with her teen niece.

    This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    “You’re amazing, and I’m a huge fan,” she said. “I also have much more street cred with my 14-year-old niece because I know you. It means a lot, because I have very little street cred with her.”

    A note to Abrams’s niece: Your aunt is very cool.

    Gomez asked Abrams what Latinas should keep in mind if they are thinking of running for office. Here was her answer, in part:

    “As a young Black girl, I did not know of a Black politician. When I moved to Atlanta, I started to see Black politicians in everyday spaces. I got to work for a Black woman who became mayor. And when I became Democratic leader, I hired a team that looked like what I was used to. I hired a Black person and a white person…I took myself to task. I was sitting in my office, and I was like, ‘you just replicated exactly what you castigate others for doing.’ So I picked up the phone and I called the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials [GALEO], and said, ‘I want to hire someone Latino. I want to make certain that my office actually looks like Georgia…I say all that to say this: When I ran for office the first time, it was because I wanted to speak on behalf of communities that wanted to be included. And what I learned was that my job wasn’t to speak for them; my job was to create a platform and a space for them to speak for themselves….No matter who you are, when you stand for office, you’re not standing for yourself…you are creating a space so that someone that looks like you, someone that had your experience suddenly has a belief that they can do it.”

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    Women's Fashion

    Exclusive: Sephora Canada Launches First Diwali Campaign

    Photograph courtesy of Sephora

    Starring Canadian influencers Ankita Bhardwaj and Thanuska Subramaniam.

    Every year in November, Diwali, the five-day Hindu religious festival, also known as the Festival of Lights, takes place – and this year, Sephora Canada is celebrating the event with its first dedicated Diwali campaign.

    The Diwali campaign is the latest in Sephora Canada’s ‘We Belong To Something Beautiful’ campaign series, first launched in 2019 to honour “the inclusion of all communities shaping Canada.” Through the series, Sephora Canada says it “strives to create a space where diversity is celebrated, self-expression is honoured and all Canadians feel a sense of belonging.” For this campaign, the brand has tapped Canadian influencers Ankita Bhardwaj and Thanuska Subramaniam.

    On how beauty and Diwali go hand-in-hand, Bhardwaj told FASHION, “Before officially being allowed to wear makeup, Diwali was one of those rare times that I would get a chance to test out my skills. The beginning of my makeup journey consisted of gold eyeshadows and red lips which quickly became a Diwali tradition, reflecting the dazzling display of bright lights and colours.” She adds, “To be able to share and celebrate our communities’ beautiful tradition through the SEPHORA Canada Diwali campaign is an opportunity I am extremely grateful and proud of.”

    Ankita Bhardwaj. Photograph courtesy of Sephora Canada

    For Subramaniam, the campaign signals more than just an image. “As a South Asian dark-skinned woman who grew up not seeing many faces that looked like mine in this industry, it makes me really proud that SEPHORA Canada is celebrating Diwali and sharing creators’ stories of our culture and traditions,” she tells FASHION.

    Thankuska Subramaniam. Photograph courtesy of Sephora Canada.

    The campaign will also include ‘Get The Look’ imagery to help others recreate the stunning looks at home. There will also be an additional ‘Get The Look’ visual featuring Neru Yasokumar, a beauty advisor at Sephora’s Bramalea location.

    Neru Yasokumar. Photograph courtesy of Sephora Canada.

    “We are humbled to launch our first-ever Diwali campaign as it marks another step we are taking to deliver on our commitment to diversity and inclusion,” Deborah Neff, the vice president of marketing, said in a release. “We’re proud to continue to work with local Canadian collaborators and champion representation of the many demographics that make up our diverse country and Canadian clientele. We hope this campaign inspires our clients to celebrate new beginnings.”


    Lindsey Vonn Pens a Powerful Message Dismissing “Haters” Who Criticize Her Swimsuit Photos

    Lindsey Vonn is an Olympic medalist with an incredible professional skiing career, and still, she deals with social media trolls who criticize her body and impact her self-confidence. On Friday, Vonn shared a message Instagram to address the hurtful and “ruthless comments” that “tear apart” her physique after she posts swimsuit photos: It’s “scarier than it seems.”

    “I’m a normal person and sometimes I slouch, my stomach folds over, my cellulite shows on my butt, or I don’t fill out my swimsuit top just right,” Vonne wrote, alongside her own pictures. “But, I always remember how my body has helped me achieve amazing things in my life and I am proud of how strong I am.” Some of those amazing things include the gold medal in downhill skiing at the 2010 Winter Olympics, four World Cup overall championships, and eight World Cup season titles — just to name a few.

    “I’m not a size zero and that’s perfectly fine with me,” she continued. Vonn also revealed she’s proud of herself for never using Photoshop or undergoing plastic surgery of any kind. “I am 100% natural and 100% Lindsey,” she wrote. “So to anyone who is feeling self conscious or down about their appearance; stay strong, stay healthy and love yourself no matter what the haters say.”


    Hilary Duff and Her Husband, Matthew Koma, Are Expecting Their Second Child Together

    5th adopt together baby ball gala

    Michael KovacGetty Images

    On Saturday morning, Hilary Duff made a special announcement on her Instagram: Along with a video of her husband, Matthew Koma, rubbing her stomach, she wrote, “We are growing!!! Mostly me…” They are expecting baby No. 2.

    Duff and Koma already have a daughter, Banks Violet, who was born in 2018 and turns 2 years old tomorrow. Duff also has an 8-year-old son, Luca Cruz, whom she shares with ex-husband, Mike Comrie.

    “lol quarantine was fun. Baby #3 – 2021,” Koma wrote alongside the same video on his Instagram account.

    Koma and Duff have been married since December of last year, when they tied the knot at an intimate wedding at their house with family and close friends.

    “The ceremony started at sunset and they got married inside the house,” a source told People. “When the ceremony was over, guests cheered. The reception was in a white tent in the backyard. Her sister Haylie was very involved in the wedding prep too.”

    Duff wore a custom Jenny Packham dress to the wedding; the dress featured her, Koma’s, and their children’s initials, which were embroidered into the fabric.

    “Matthew is very simple, and I really wanted to honor that,” she told Vogue. “I really want to feel like myself, but also how I envisioned he would see me. The end result of what we came up with, with Jenny, is exactly how I wanted him to see me. I think it’s how he would envision what I would look like as a bride. It’s really special.”

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    Women's Fashion

    Here’s the Fashion News You Need To Know This Week

    Photography courtesy of Canada Goose

    Vancouver Fashion Week is going virtual this weekend, a Y/Project x Canada Goose collab and more.

    From a Canada Goose x Y/Project collab to a virtual Vancouver Fashion Week showcase, here’s everything making headlines this week.

    The Y/Project x Canada Goose collaboration is here

    If you’re in the market to up your outerwear game, the new six-piece collection from avant-garde Paris-based brand Y/Project and Canada Goose might have what you’re looking for–and more. There are plenty of versatile looks in the capsule–which sees an official release on October 28th–such as Le Parka Sans Nom, which can be worn two ways (and comes in two colours). The toque on offer is reversible, and the Hybridge pullover comes with detachable panels. In other words, vive le choix!

    BOSS is collaborating with sportswear brand Russell Athletic

    fashion news
    Imagery courtesy of BOSS.

    Earlier this week, BOSS piqued the interest of athleisure fans (and literally everyone else getting through lockdown in the comfiest attire) by announcing that it’s joining forces with sportswear brand Russell Athletic for a collection that will come out next March. “Casualization is an important element in our BOSS collections, so it’s the perfect time to partner with a pioneer in this field,” Hugo Boss’ Chief Brand Officer, Ingo Wilts, said in a press release. “Russell Athletic invented the sweatshirt almost 100 years ago, and it has been a great experience to work with a brand that has such a heritage and expertise in sportswear.” Adding a touch of cultural cache to the collaboration, publisher and creative agency Highsnobiety has been tapped to produce its campaign.

    You have one week left to order your Holiday BlingBox by Lofttan

    fashion news
    Photography by EZH Photos.

    For those planning their local-focused gift list for the year, accessory brand Lofttan is taking orders of its unique offering, the Holiday BlingBox, until Sunday, November 1st. The set boasts a handmade necklace and pair of earrings created with interchangeable options; for example, the earrings can be taken apart to become a smaller style.

    A purchase of the BlingBox–which sees a portion of proceeds go to the Lydia Ruth Fund founded by Lofttan’s owner and lead designer, April Mitchell-Boudreau, in honour of her great-grandmother–also features the opportunity to have a one-hour Zoom call with Mitchell-Boudreau to learn about her craft and the multiple ways that the pieces can be worn. “With my Indigenous roots and experience being a mother, wife, friend and human on this beautiful planet–I know it is important not only to allow our customers the opportunity to express themselves creatively, through playing with the jewelry, but also create a product that has a conscious,” said Mitchell-Boudreau in a statement. “Less waste, focused on slow fashion and convertible–the BlingBOX is something that will never go out of style. And, with every purchase we will donate part of the proceeds to a Fund that focuses on providing scholarships in the Arts for Indigenous students–as we truly believe in the healing powers of the Arts.”

    Vancouver Fashion Week is happening virtually today and tomorrow

    fashion news
    Photography courtesy of Imaxtree.

    As the latest fashion week to go virtual, Vancouver Fashion Week–which also boasts a children’s wear schedule–will host fashion presentations and films over the course of this weekend starting at 12pm PST. Speaking to the potential of inclusivity through digital programming, brands featured in the Spring 2021 run of show include Calgary’s Faun Studio, Portland-based designer Jordan Kendrick, and unisex Japanese label Libere. Tomorrow, the VFW site will stream fashion films from around the world.

    Tiffany & Co. has gone wild with a new set of glam brooches

    fashion news
    Photography courtesy of Tiffany & Co.

    Since launching the Save the Wild collection in 2017, Tiffany & Co. has raised over $8 million USD for the Wildlife Conservation Network in support of its Elephant Crisis Fund, Lion Recovery Fund and Rhino Recovery Fund. Just in time for the holidays, the philanthropy-focused menagerie of 3D pieces recently welcomed a selection of brooches done in a range of precious metals, with additional adornments like diamonds and tsavorites.

    Want more fashion news?

    Triarchy now offers jeans made with the world’s first plastic-free stretch denim

    Virgil Abloh’s website now offers free mentorship content

    Mejuri just launched a new jewellery collab with a cult favourite denim brand

    Montréal-based creative Cécile Gariépy lends illustrations to a new COVID-19 relief t-shirt collection


    Prep a Week of Creamy Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats That Offer 18 Grams of Protein

    Wake up to the seasonal flavors of pumpkin pie with this exceptionally creamy and perfectly spiced overnight oats recipe. The best part is that you’ll enjoy this breakfast for a week because this recipe makes five jars at once, saving you time and ensuring you have a healthy breakfast waiting for you every morning.

    This recipe uses an entire can of pumpkin, so you won’t have to worry about part of a can being forgotten about and going bad in the back of your fridge. This recipe also contains chia and pumpkin seeds for healthy fats and fiber, as well as protein powder to increase the satiety factor. But it’s the decadent flavor of these overnight oats that will really wow you!

    I’ve made this recipe using canned pumpkin, but sweet potato also works. Mashed banana and the vanilla protein powder adds just enough sweetness, but you can also add a little maple syrup for a sweeter bowl. These jars stay fresh for five days in your fridge, so grab a spoon and enjoy!

    How to Prep a Week of Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats


    1. 3 bananas, divided (each jar gets 1/2 a banana, then split the last half in five pieces)
      1 can pumpkin, divided (each jar gets about three tablespoons)
      2 1/2 cup rolled oats, divided
      1 serving vanilla plant-based protein powder (I used Orgain), divided (each jar gets just under one tablespoon)
      5 teaspoons chia seeds, divided
      3 3/4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice, divided (each jar gets 3/4 teaspoon)
      1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon, divided (each jar gets 1/4 teaspoon)
      2 1/2 cups unsweetened dairy-free milk, divided, plus 5 tablespoons, divided (I used Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almond & Cashew Milk)
      5 teaspoons maple syrup, divided (omit if avoiding sugar)
      5 tablespoons raisins, divided (save for topping)
      5 teaspoons raw pumpkin seeds, divided (save for topping)


    1. Add half a banana to each jar. Split the remaining half into five pieces and add those to each of the five jars. Use a fork to mash it up inside each jar.
    2. Divide the pumpkin evenly between the five jars.
    3. Add the rest of the ingredients (except for the raisins and raw pumpkin seeds) in the order listed, and mix until creamy. Top with raisins and raw pumpkin seeds, seal the jars, and store in the fridge.
    4. Enjoy cold or warmed up in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds.

    Here’s the nutritional information from for one jar without maple syrup:

    Here’s the nutritional information from for one jar with maple syrup:


    Calories per serving