
YSL Beauty’s Latest Collaboration Celebrates Black Expression

YSL Beauty


Yves Saint Laurent


Freedom is a means of expression, and YSL Beauty knows there’s no better way to express ourselves than through beauty and art. One year after the launch of Libre Eau de Parfum, the brand is celebrating with a special collaboration featuring four influential artists.

For the project, YSL Beauty enlisted singer and artist Mashonda Tifrere, who founded the advocacy platform ArtLeadHER in 2016 to empower female creators in the male-dominated art world. Tifrere selected three rising Black artists, Amani Lewis, Melissa Kolby, and Uzo Njoku, to reimagine the Libre Eau de Parfum with a commissioned artwork series.

ysl beauty

Mashonda Tifrere, Amani Lewis, Uzo Njoku, Melissa Koby

YSL Beauty

Based in Baltimore, Amani Lewis captures their city and its inhabitants. “[Lewis] has one goal for their works: to reimagine the mechanisms used by media, to deepen their subjects’ perspectives of themselves, their power, and the relationship to their surroundings,” a press release stated.

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Amani Lewis’s artwork for YSL Beauty.

YSL Beauty

Working out of Tampa, Melissa Koby addresses social justice and racism in her artwork.”[Koby’s] ability to create art is her way of expressing when there are no words to express,” the release adds.

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Melissa Koby’s artwork for YSL Beauty.

YSL Beauty

Lastly, Nigerian artist Uzo Njoku, known on Instagram as “UzoArt,” creates contemporary African art with Black women as its center. Njoku finds inspiration by viewing the world “through the lens of her culture.”

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Uzo Njoku’s artwork for YSL Beauty.

YSL Beauty

All three artists embody the spirit of Libre Eau de Parfum, which is rooted in freedom and individuality. “Libre is an important pillar for the brand, but moreover, it’s a representation of freedom,” says Ali Ivanoff, YSL Beauty’s Director of Social Media Strategy. “These four women openly and authentically share their individual messages of freedom and gender expression through their art. We hope that this empowers women from varying communities to see themselves through this collaboration, while highlighting the need for equality of women in the arts.”

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Libre Eau de Parfum and the commissioned artwork.

YSL Beauty

Featuring notes of orange blossom, lavender essence, and musk accord, Libre Eau de Parfum is undefinable, working the balance between masculine and feminine. The commissioned artwork will be showcased on YSL Beauty’s website and social media platforms, and featured in a perfume mailer to YSL Beauty loyalty customers.

With each purchase of Libre Eau de Parfum, consumers will be able to donate to the artists, as well as redirected to the ArtLeadHER website for more ways to support the BIPOC artist community.

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Women's Fashion

Jameela Jamil Just Can’t Filter Herself

“I don’t think I’ve ever done a refined thing in my life,” says Jameela Jamil. This is cool but also tricky, because she’s an ambassador for H&M Studio’s Refined Rebel collection, which is out now and jammed—much like Jameela—with bright and bold ideas. “Can I respectfully pass on being refined?” She laughs.

Sure, but thankfully, she didn’t pass up the rest of these questions, because dinosaurs, Kardashians, and video stores are always fun to talk about. Let’s do this!

west hollywood, california   september 23 enter caption here on september 23, 2020 in west hollywood, california photo by frazer harrisonwireimage

Frazer Harrison

Please tell us the exact whereabouts of your famous puppy right now.

He is sleeping on my lap as we speak. He’s an actual chicken nugget. I just love him so much.

H&M’s newest collection is called Refined Rebel. Will you tell us the last rebellious thing you did?

I’d say every day of my life is rebellious. Everything I say on the internet is rebellious, and I think just consistently standing against the lack of transparency in this industry is one of my favorite forms of rebellion. And being prepared to be unlikeable, brutally honest, and make mistakes but not disappear after them—to acknowledge them, face them, and come back. These are my moments of rebellion, because a woman is not supposed to make a mistake. A woman is not supposed to tell the truth. A woman is not supposed to ever risk being disapproved of. And I think the way I lean into those things is my form of daily rebellion.

What’s the first thing you ever bought at H&M?

It was a suit jacket, actually! I’d never owned a blazer before, and I couldn’t afford one anywhere else. I was 14, and I had a job interview for a video store in London. I know, a video store. So I put the blazer over my school uniform to look like a “serious business woman”—and I got the job, so it worked!

The red carpet is a bit different now. How are you styling yourself for events in 2020?

I think about looking like my-selves—plural. We have so many different facets to ourselves. All the different characters that live within me come out, day-to-day, in my clothes, so fashion really becomes about, “Who do you feel like being today?” Normally when I’m wearing a suit, I’m wearing it as armor. I often wear a baggy suit, and I’m deliberately wearing it to be released from my gender, and from anyone speculating at my body shape. It’s asexual and focused. I just want to look like a very chic brain, you know? I don’t need people looking at my body all the time, but I do want them to say, “She looks cool,” and I want to feel cool. But I’ll also wear a tight dress and allow my body a moment. Just a moment!

the good place    the ballad of donkey doug episode 306    pictured l r kristen bell as eleanor, jameela jamil as tahani    photo by colleen hayesnbcnbcu photo bank via getty images


You were a journalist before you were on The Good Place. Do you have questions you wish journalists would stop asking?

Ohhh yes!

Uh, please share.

No more questions about backlash! Everyone always asks me about it, because that’s what the tabloids report, I’ll tweet something, and then they’ll pull the three negative tweets, as opposed to the thousands of comments of support. It’s like, come on! And they do that on purpose to make people think being an outspoken woman is a terrible and painful way of life. And it’s not! It’s fucking brilliant! It’s rebellious and they don’t like it, so they make it look all bad. But it’s fantastic. So I’d ask, “Can we stop focusing on this fake online backlash? It’s not real; it’s fabricated.” My narrative, according to them, couldn’t be further from the truth.

Do you write drafts of your tweets before sending? Do you ever think about writing something, then say, “Nevermind?”

No, but I really should, huh? I tweet everything I think, much to my publicist’s dismay. I’m just not very good at filtering myself. Sometimes that goes really well; sometimes that goes less well. But generally, I think I’m a very fallible, relatable figure. I trip, I fall, I get back up, I dust myself off, and I move on.

Why is that important for young women to see?

Because we see men doing terrible things—violence, scams, whatever—then they come back and do some huge piece in GQ being like, “I was addicted to things. I was drinking too much. I had a difficult childhood.” And everyone’s like, “Oh, what a king! A hero! Come back! Here’s your throne!” And I’ll make much less of a mistake, and it’s like, “Go down to the cellar, witch! Stay there!” It’s really important for girls to see that you get back up. At the ELLE Women in Hollywood event last year, Natalie Portman said, “Fuck up and thrive sisters!” And I loved that so much. It was a real moment for me.

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You’re part of the new series Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous. Are you a fan of the series?

Of course! I wish I could go!

Do you think you would survive Jurassic Park?

A hundred percent! Dinosaurs are my people. I’m a T-Rex in real life! I would totally survive a trip to Jurassic Park. But I would never use the toilet because of that scene in the first movie, which scared me so badly as a kid! But yeah, I feel as though I’d have an easier time fitting in with the dinosaurs than I do in the real world, to be honest with you.

Plus, all the dinosaurs are female, and women are almost always the ones who save the rest of the island.

Exactly, I love that! It’s a feminist island, right? Let’s go.

I’m going to ask you a question that you might hate, which I hope is cool…

Is it about backlash? I’m kidding.

No! And it’s also not about how you’re moving in with your BFFs, Megan and Harry.

Oh, my best friend Meghan Markle?! My quarantine buddy, who I can’t live without! She is not my BFF, sadly, I am sorry to tell you. But I can’t stop laughing about that weird story!

Actually, it’s about the Kardashians. You have famously criticized their social media posts for glorifying thinness, among other things. Would you ever talk to them or work with them face-to-face? Or would you be against something like that?

No, not at all! Look, I don’t believe in canceling people who have the potential to do immense good. That’s incredibly stupid. Harvey Weinstein—cancel him. Cancel people who are a danger to society. The Kardashians, it would be madness not to call them in to help fix the thing they’ve been part of perpetuating. But seeing what Kim has done with prison reform?! That’s a sign of what happens when they utilize their power for good. These are powerful women, and I think they’ve already started changing. Have you noticed they don’t sell diet detox teas anymore! Have you noticed how much that’s reduced since I’ve started going off? Even if they don’t know who the fuck I am, someone over there is hearing me. There are no more shakes and lollipops. Progress is happening.

If Camp Cretaceous was a real place, would you invite them?

Well, the diet detox lollipops are not invited to Jurassic Park, or anywhere. They should be banned. I mean, there are already mounds of shit in Jurassic Park; didn’t you see Laura Dern up to her arms in it? Nobody needs laxatives there. But the Kardashian women? They’re brilliant. They’re warriors. Of course they’re invited—they would thrive!

los angeles, california   december 12 jameela jamil speaks onstage during billboard women in music 2019, presented by youtube music, on december 12, 2019 in los angeles, california photo by rich furygetty images for billboard

Rich Fury

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Women's Fashion

Texture Talk: 27 Curly Hairstyles We Love From the Autumn/Winter 2020 Runways

Photos courtesy of Imaxtree. Design by Kayleen Dicuangco.

This is Texture Talk, a weekly column that celebrates and deep dives into the dynamic world of curly hair, from crowns of curls that are free flowing to strands that are tucked away in a protective style.

When if comes to curly hair, we’re firm believers that it’s all about embracing and celebrating your natural curves and kinks — whether you’re blessed with natural waves, springy corkscrews or afro-textured coils. The autumn/winter 2020 runways served up an assorted tightness of curly hairstyles at every length, texture and mood. From voluminous, loose curls and neatly-clipped afros adorned with stunning hair and fashion accessories, to tighter curl patterns amplified via finger coiling or pulled back in a winter-worthy protective hairstyle, backstage definitely saw models’ natural texture as the star of the show. What’s more, many standout makeup looks cemented the beauty of a curly ‘do even further.

Click through the gallery below for some of our favourite curly hairstyles that are worth bookmarking ASAP for the season ahead:


15 CBD Bath Bombs That Can Help You Relax, Unwind, and Get Better Sleep

With chilly autumn days ahead, nothing sounds better than a relaxing, warm bath. Bath bombs have been a popular addition to a good soak forever, but now there are options with an even more relaxing addition: CBD. Also known as cannabidiol, CBD has become a very popular addition to drinks and beauty routines alike, so it’s no surprise that it’s made its way into bath time, too. Some people swear by CBD as a tool to help manage anxiety, pain, muscle disorders, and many other conditions, and it is often praised for its relaxing properties. Ahead, there are 15 different CBD bath bombs (of all different prices) to add to your relaxing soak that will hopefully help you get the best sleep possible.


Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost’s Relationship Timeline

Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost are now officially married. The Meals on Wheels America Instagram account announced that the couple tied the knot in an intimate ceremony over the weekend. Prior to getting hitched, they ruled 2020 awards season red carpets from the Golden Globes to the Oscars. But how did their relationship begin? Thank Saturday Night Live, for which Jost is a head writer and host of “Weekend Update.” Below, relive their entire romantic history, from comedic meet-cute to A-list PDA.


Jost and Johansson have conflicting stories about when they first met. Jost recalled meeting Johansson when she hosted SNL in January 2006. “The first time she hosted was the first year I was a writer on the show,” he told Entertainment Tonight. “So, we’ve kind of known each other since then…she’s the best.” (Per People, Johansson split with Josh Hartnett in November of that year.)

Jost recounted his first meeting with Johansson in his memoir, A Very Punchable Face and described his first impression of her as “beautiful, smart, sweet and intimidatingly sophisticated.” He went on to write, per E! News, “She has just turned 20 and I was 23, but in terms of status and maturing she was here [holds hand above head] and I was here [ holds hand one inch off ground]. She claims that she remembers thinking I was ‘cute,’ but I know what I looked like and that’s not the word I would have used. (‘Shaggy’ would have been generous. ‘Slovenly,’ more accurate).”

A Very Punchable Face: A Memoir


He also praised Johansson for having “a grace and a smile that I’ve still never seen in any other human.” Jost even jokingly wrote about the dialogue he penned for his future wife-to-be in a My Sweet Sixteen sketch. “The only line I remember from the sketch is when Scarlett’s bratty character says, ‘This party is literally worse than the Holocaust.’ That was my Shakespearean sonnet for the woman I would one day fall in love with,” Jost recalled, per E!.

Johansson’s first impression of her future husband came in 2010 from that 16 and Pregnant-themed sketch during her hosting gig. “It was some dumb parody that he had written, and he was in there partly directing this segment we had to do,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. “That’s my first memory of him. He seemed very confident at the time. I don’t know if he felt that way, but in that environment, if you’re not confident as a writer, your stuff just never gets produced.”

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Between the two hosting gigs, Johansson married Ryan Reynolds. The pair divorced in December 2010 after more than two years of marriage.

64th Annual Tony Awards - Audience and Green Room

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March 2017

A few days before Johansson’s fifth hosting gig, she filed for divorce from French journalist Romain Dauriac, with whom she shares a 5-year-old daughter, Rose. People reported that the pair had been separated since the summer after about three years of marriage.

Singular Object Art Opening Cocktail Reception

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Jost was also single after dating Rashida Jones in 2013. But, according to an E! News source at the time, Johansson was not in a place to date anyone new. “Scarlett just got separated from Romain and is still dealing with the fact that now she’s had two failed serious relationships,” the source said. “She’s not trying to rush into anything and is just chilling.”

May 2017

About two months later, Johansson made an appearance during the SNL finale to play Ivanka Trump. Multiple sources confirmed to Page Six that Johansson and Jost were getting cozy at the show’s afterparty. One witness said, “Scarlett and Colin were making out at the bar at the SNL season finale party at 30 Rock. They would make out a bit, then go back to talking. They were at the bar in front of everyone … they made out at least twice … Then they went back to talking and hanging with other people.”

Saturday Night Live - Season 43

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A second source told E! News that the pair had been“hooking up” before the season finale party. “Saturday night wasn’t the first time,” the insider continued. “It’s been going on for a bit.” The source described the relationship as “fun and casual,” explaining, “They like each other, but it’s not exclusive—at least not at this point.”

June 2017

Us reported the new couple got cozy during dinner at The East Pole on NYC’s Upper East Side. A few weeks later, Page Six captured photos of Johansson holding hands and grabbing dinner in NYC with Kevin Yorn, whom the outlet identified as her attorney.

July 2017

The following month, Johansson was back to spending time with Jost. An Us source spotted Jost and Johansson spending Fourth of July weekend in Montauk, New York alongside his brother Casey and sister-in-law Lisa.

A source gave an update to E! on Johansson and Jost’s blossoming relationship.”They are still getting to know each other, but she is really into him and it’s getting more on the exclusive level,” the insider said, adding, “Scarlett says he is different than many of the men she has been with. She is pretty picky who she goes out with even if it’s just dating. They share many similarities together.”

September 2017

At the start of fall, Johansson finalized her divorce from Dauriac. Things with Jost seemed to become exclusive. On the Emmys red carpet, Jost confirmed their relationship to ET. “She’s wonderful,” he said when asked about Johansson. “She’s working, so otherwise, she’d be here.” He continued, “She’s pretty cool … it’s hard to have a lot of complaints, she’s pretty awesome. I’m very happy. I feel very lucky.”

October 2017

Us Weekly caught Jost and Johansson on a dinner date in Long Island. “They were holding hands as they sat across the table from each other when the server approached them,” an onlooker told the outlet. “They sat at a bar table close to the window and were smiling and talking to each other.”

November 2017

Things got serious, People reported, when Johansson and Jost met each other’s families. “They’re very much in love. It’s serious,” a friend of Jost’s told the outlet. “They’re both very respectful of each other’s careers and very supportive. They’re super cute together.”

A second source explained, “She would go dates with Colin and be very excited after. It took awhile for them to be exclusive, but they are now. Scarlett is very happy with Colin.”

The couple went public with their romance on November 30, attending a gala at the American Museum of Natural History.

The 2017 Museum Gala

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December 2017

Johansson returned to SNL to reprise her role of Ivanka Trump. During the show’s closing credits, Johansson and Jost were spotted with their arms around each other. The episode ended with the entire cast skating on the Rockefeller Center ice rink. Jost’s “Weekend Update” co-host Michael Che posted a video of the couple on the ice to his Instagram Story captioned, “murrrrr xmas!!,” per People.

Saturday Night Live - Season 43

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April 2018

The following April, the couple made their relationship red carpet official at the Avengers: Infinity War premiere. Johansson shared a kiss with Jost while wearing a silver strapless gown by Erdem. An Us onlooker said on the carpet, “Their eyes lit up when they looked at each other.”

Premiere Of Disney And Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War" - Arrivals

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World Premiere Of "Avengers: Infinity War"

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May 2018

A few weeks later, Jost referred to Johansson as his “girlfriend” during a segment on SNL’s “Weekend Update.” “Colin,” cast member Leslie Jones began, pretending that the pair had once dated. “He was so cute and sweet and kind, but it would never work because he’s gay,” she joked. “I’m not gay, I told you I have a girlfriend,” Jost replied, smiling.

Johansson and Jost sealed the deal even further by attending the Met Gala together. Johansson wore a romantic gown by Marchesa and posed with Jost on the high-profile red carpet.

Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & The Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala - Cocktails

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July 2018

While Jost was celebrating his 36th birthday alongside Johansson, his “Weekend Update” co-host Michael Che pulled a prank on the performer. Che shared a text exchange on Instagram, showing Jost wearing a balloon hat while posing next to Johansson. “I sent a party clown to Colin[‘]s very intimate birthday dinner,” Che wrote.

September 2018

That fall, Che and Jost hosted the 70th Emmys. Ahead of the telecast, they stopped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show to talk about the gig. Naturally, things shifted to how Jost has “changed” since dating Johansson. “I feel like, you’ve changed, you don’t invite me places,” Che jokingly told Jost during the appearance. “And when you do, you ditch me.” When Jost responded that Che never invites him either, Che responded, “Well, yeah, because if you’re with like Scarlett Johansson, I don’t want to tell you to come to this dive bar with me and watch a Yankee game.”

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Johansson was by Jost’s side for the awards show, walking the red carpet in a white Balmain gown.

NBC's "70th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards" - Red Carpet

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February 2019

Nearly two years after the pair was first linked, sources opened up to Us Weekly about Jost and Johansson’s relationship. “Colin is still head over heels for Scarlett,” a source close to him told the outlet. “He thinks she is incredible, kind, beautiful. He is beyond doting to her and loves showing her off when they’re out.”

The source added, “Scarlett loves Colin too, and they are in it for the long haul. They have talked about marriage and are fully committed to each other. Colin gets a starry-eyed look in his eyes when he talks about her.”

According to the insider, “Colin is also close to Scarlett’s daughter, and they have a lot of date nights in together as a family.” A second source told Us that the couple officially lived together.

American Museum Of Natural History's 2018 Museum Gala

Attending the American Museum Of Natural History’s 2018 Museum Gala in November 2018.

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April 2019

Jost was on hand to support Johansson at the premiere of Avengers: Endgame, her final appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ahead of 2020’s Black Widow. Johansson stunned in custom Atelier Versace while Jost wore a dark gray suit.

World Premiere Of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures "Avengers: Endgame" - Red Carpet

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May 2019

As one chapter closed for Johansson, another one began. Her publicist confirmed to the Associated Press on May 19 that the pair was engaged. A source told People at the time, “Scarlett likes Colin’s sarcasm and wit. They share a love for acerbic humor and outrage at social issues gone bad. They have much in common.”

Celebrity Sightings in New York City - May 4, 2019

The couple leaving an SNL after party on May 4, 2019.

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July 2019

Outside of Johansson’s rep, the newly-engaged couple kept quiet about their engagement. That is, until July, when Jost did a benefit show in the Hamptons. Per Page Six, he opened up about getting married during his set.“I’m getting married, and it’s such a crazy thing,” he told the audience. “I was so scared of marriage for so long because every time I talked to someone who just got married, or was about to get married, is like, ‘Oh my God, you got to do it … What could go wrong?’ Then you talk to someone who’s been married for five years, and they’re like, ‘Don’t rush into it … you have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t have kids. They’re the worst.’ ”

That same month, Johansson showed off her 11-carat, pear-shaped diamond during a Comic-Con panel for Black Widow. Per People, the rock rings up at around $450,000.

2019 Comic-Con International - Marvel Studios Panel

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October 2019

More than six months after getting engaged, Johansson began to open up about details of their future wedding for the first time. On The Ellen DeGeneres Show she said Jost proposed in a “James Bond” kind of way. “He killed it,” she told the host adding,”He’s very charming and very thoughtful and romantic. But yeah, I was surprised. Even if you kind of imagine what that moment’s gonna be like, it’s still beautiful moment.” She resisted saying more about the “personal” moment but explained, “I think, more than anything, when someone tells you they want to spend their life with you, that’s a lovely, special thing.”

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That same month, Johansson appeared on the cover of ELLE’s Women in Hollywood issue. When asked about playing a woman going through a divorce in Marriage Story while falling in love in real life, she said, “I’m certainly, obviously, very happy and fulfilled in my personal life, but I’m also a sum of many parts, and able to access different parts of my story and how I got here. It’s all valuable.”

The couple has yet to provide details about their upcoming nuptials. However, when asked by Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show whether Che would plan Jost’s bachelor party, Johansson had some thoughts. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she replied. “I feel like if he throws it, it’s going to be, like, by the Port Authority. And it’s gonna be very local. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Johansson later also said, “Michael’s not throwing it. He’s not. Michael, I know where you work, Michael.”

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December 2019

Johansson hosted Saturday Night Live for the sixth time and referenced their romance during her opening monologue. She joked, “The show is bad, what are they gonna do, fire my fiancé? Oh no, what will we do without his paycheck?” At the end of her opening remarks Johansson sweetly said, “I just want to say that this place means so much to me. I have so many friends here and I met the love of my life here. Merry Christmas,” before sharing a kiss with her fiancé.

Saturday Night Live - Season 45

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January 2020

Johansson garnered awards attention for her roles in both Marriage Story and Jojo Rabbit. Jost was by her side for the Golden Globes red carpet, where she wore a red Vera Wang gown. They even showed some PDA at the awards after party.

NBC's "77th Annual Golden Globe Awards" - Red Carpet Arrivals

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Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party

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A week later, he attended the SAG Awards alongside Johansson, who wore teal Armani Prive. They once again ruled the red carpet.

26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - Fan Bleachers

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February 2020

Ahead of the 2020 Oscars, for which Johansson has nominations in both the Best Actress (Marriage Story) and Supporting Actress (Jojo Rabbit) categories, her Marriage Story co-star Adam Driver hosted SNL. In his monologue, he joked about the fact that since he’d kissed Johansson he had inadvertently kissed Jost.

Their Oscars night red carpet appearance did not disappoint. She stunned in a golden Oscar de la Renta gown, while he wore a dark tux for the evening.

92nd annual academy awards   red carpet

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April 2020

Johnasson gave an update on her relationship with Jost in an interview with Parade. While she had no wedding updates to provide, she praised her husband-to-be. “What you see is what you get with him,” she told the outlet. “He’s very optimistic, easygoing, funny, nice, and those are the qualities that really drew me to him.” Johansson also reflected on what it was like to go from friends to something more with Jost. “It’s so funny to have a long-term shared experience with someone and then the relationship changes,” she recalled.

One area where the couple will always disagree: baseball. Johansson spoke about her allegiance to the New York Yankees, while Jost roots for the Mets. “It’s a sore subject,” she admitted. “He just told me that he’d rather see the [Boston] Red Sox win than the Yankees win. Like, what?! I said I was just going to ignore that.”

July 2020

July 14 brought the release of Jost’s debut memoir, A Very Punchable Face. He spoke in-depth about the project during a profile for the New York Times. As for why the 38-year-old chose this moment in his life to pen a memoir, Jost said his fiancé influenced his decision. “I’m about to get married. I now almost have a stepdaughter who I love and is a big part of my life now. I’m starting to do more and more outside of the show. It felt like the right time to look back,” Jost explained.

He also confirmed that he’s quarantining in Montauk, New York with Johansson. While Saturday Night Live taped at-home episodes, Jost appeared in one “Weekend Update” segment with an acoustic guitar displayed in the background. “Scarlett had that guitar forever and it was in the quarantine,” Jost said when asked about the instrument, which inspired a lot of social media chatter. “She was like, ‘Maybe I should learn to how to play,’ and just left it on the couch. It was so perfectly framed there and then everyone pointed it out and I was like, how can I be so dumb? I had no awareness of it at all.”

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As for divulging more details about his three-year romance, Jost said he prefers to keep things between himself and Johansson. “I’m a private person,” he told the Times. “I like preserving that part of my life as its own space. I like talking about anything, essentially, but that’s just one part of life that I like keeping for us.”

E! News reported excerpts from Jost’s book that reference Johansson. In one section, he talks about his excitement to welcome kids of his own with his bride-to-be. “I’ve met someone I love and who I feel more comfortable with than I ever have before,” Jost writes, per the outlet. “I feel more confident committing to what I’m working on and standing by whatever I create, regardless of whether people like it or not.”

The author says his attitudes about becoming a parent are in stark contrast to how he used to feel about having kids. Jost wrote, “I’ve even woken up on a Sunday after a show and thought, ‘I would love to be raising a baby right now!’ Which is a far cry from when I used to wake up on a Sunday and think, ‘Can I make it to the bathroom, or should I just puke on this plant?'”

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Johansson and Jost at the Vanity Fair Oscars after party in 2020.

John ShearerGetty Images

USA Today noted Jost’s shoutout to Johansson in the acknowledgements of his book, thanking her for being his “first reader and for always protecting me from my worst instincts.” During an interview with the outlet, he confirmed that Johansson was “incredibly supportive throughout [the writing process] and encouraging,” adding that she’s “very honest with me always.”

Jost also expanded on his initial impression of Johansson, which he details in the book. When asked if he felt “instantly taken with her” by USA Today, Jost said, “Yes, I was. Although, it’s like being taken with the moon. You don’t expect you’re ever gonna get there. But I guess a few astronauts have, so it does happen.”

Along his book press tour, Jost also stopped by SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show, where he was asked by his relationship. He admitted that losing his own identity by dating an A-list actress “was definitely a worry.” Jost explained, “I was always worried about anything that felt non-comedy…you have to keep your own identity and do your own thing.”

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Jost was also pressed about whether or not he feels jealous when Johansson films love scenes with other people. “I don’t think it’s really happened that I’ve experienced it yet since we’ve been dating,” he said, later joking, “I’m gonna try and push her into a lot more animated stuff. Just all voice work.”

As for wedding plans, they’re currently on-hold due to the coronavirus pandemic. When asked to provide an update on SiriusXM’s Andy Cohen Live, Jost said, “We don’t know what’s even legally allowed, right? This is also not the time to get all your elderly, at-risk relatives together in one big group,” per Entertainment Tonight.

October 2020

During the same weekend that Jost appeared on Adele’s episode of Saturday Night Live, he and Johansson reportedly tied the knot. The Meals on Wheels Instagram account announced the news, sharing a photo of a Staten Island Ferry with the phrase, “Jost Married,” written over it.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

The caption read:

We’re thrilled to break the news that Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost were married over the weekend in an intimate ceremony with their immediate family and love ones, following COVID-19 safety precautions as directed by the CDC. Their wedding wish is to help make a difference for vulnerable older adults during this difficult time by supporting @mealsonwheelsamerica. Please consider donating to celebrate the happy couple by clicking the link in our bio.”

This is Jost’s first marriage and Johansson’s third, following her unions with Ryan Reynolds (2008-2010) and Romain Dauriac (2014-2017).

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Being an OB-GYN Will Never Be the Same

I often joke that this year, I work in a field called called “gynechiatry”—a mix of gynecology and psychiatry. It’s normal for patients to share intimate, often anxiety-provoking parts of their lives with their OB-GYNs, including details they don’t even tell their closest friends and family members.

Yet I’ve never had as many patients cry to me in routine visits as I have these past eight months. The confluence of COVID-19, the Black Lives Matter movement, and one of the worst fire seasons on the West Coast has had an immeasurable toll on our mental, emotional, and physical health, and the exam room is a safe space to release.

As painful and unfair as 2020 has been for so many of us, it’s also forced an inflection point where we’re reexamining the systems that make the U.S. especially vulnerable.

What doctors and patients are dealing with

When COVID-19 cases first surged, healthcare providers came to work and accepted the potential risks without understanding their full implications. We showed up for our patients despite our own fears because there was no alternative, and it’s what we’re trained to do: take care of people, no matter the circumstances.

In those early days, I was using one N95 mask that I had fortunately stored in my office desk the year prior. I was asked to make it last for the foreseeable future. I left my house every day, kissing my kids goodbye (while also struggling to find childcare, like so many millions of parents all over the country), worked all day in the clinic and hospital, and then, once home, started the intricate routine of decontaminating myself in the garage, hoping not to have brought something home that could kill me or my family.

At first, we didn’t know anything about COVID-19 and pregnancy, other than pregnant people were considered immunocompromised and needed to be protected. When a mother-to-be looked at me with heightened anxiety, pushing for answers, it was stressful to not have them. What information we did have came out of tiny observational studies from China and New York, where not nearly enough data was available to analyze. With this rapidly spreading and deadly virus, the go-to response quickly became, “We just aren’t sure yet,” which is always unsettling to hear.

In this unique storm of stressors, no one medical specialty is working alone—this is a team sport.

As if COVID-19 wasn’t enough, almost all of my Black patients (and especially those planning for sons) expressed a palpable fear about bringing children into this world. What does it mean to celebrate the joy of your baby boy and simultaneously know that he too could one day be calling out your name under the weight of a police officer’s knee? I am not Black, and there is no way I could come close to giving adequate weight or words to this issue, and knowing that, I continue trying to educate myself and advocate for equity in patient care every single day. It’s my role as my patients’ doctor to rise up to this need, plain and simple.

In this unique storm of stressors, no one medical specialty is working alone—this is a team sport. Psychiatrists are inundated with patients and OB-GYNs are helping to bridge the gap by providing more temporizing mental healthcare than ever before. Given our role as combined specialist/primary care providers, and our training in prescribing medications for issues like perinatal depression, we’re often the ones patients first go to when they need psychiatric prescriptions, especially if they don’t have a primary care provider or mental health specialist. While OB-GYNs will never take the place of our much-needed psychiatry colleagues, we can be a stepping stone to that specialized care and help shine light on the dire need for improved access to mental healthcare in this country.

The other elephant in the room

With Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing and the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as her replacement, the very existence of the Affordable Care Act is under fire. My patients know this, and they’re scared. This law has drastically increased the number of U.S. women who can obtain and keep health insurance and absolutely improves the quality of care for millions of Americans. It was only about 10 years ago that pregnancy was a “pre-existing condition” that precluded people from getting health insurance.

Due to rapidly evolving health policies and changes in the Supreme Court, there’s a very real possibility that many women’s health services—like breastfeeding support and counseling, contraception, prenatal vitamins, screening for sexually transmitted infections, breast cancer and cervical cancer screening—will no longer be covered as they are now.

A patient recently asked me to change out her IUD several months earlier than planned because she was nervous that once it was actually due for replacement, she would not be able to afford the $800-$1,000 that it could (and very recently did) cost to insert. She is not alone in her concern. There are millions of Americans for whom essential hormonal treatment like this would not be economically possible.

The future of women’s healthcare as we know it

2020 has been a nightmare stress test with hit after hit, but I do see some opportunity. I see patients better equipped to advocate for their care—many of them have no choice. I see the healthcare system and patients alike rapidly adjusting to virtual care and telehealth as opportunities for increased access. This gives me hope that we’ll be able to build more infrastructure and more solutions in the years to come. And I see an abundance of high-quality healthcare products that are making access to care easier than ever before. Through my work as a medical advisor at Modern Fertility to increased employer support for family planning and Walmart’s recent investment in women’s healthcare—there is positive change happening despite the cluster that is 2020.

As I tell my patients with a smirk when they ask how I’m doing, “I’m 2020-good,” but more than that, I have faith that we’re on the right track to the radical changes we’ve all been waiting for. Because we’ve reached a tipping point, and the only way forward is up.

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Women's Fashion

To No One’s Surprise, BeyoncĂ© Looks Incredible in Her New Ivy Park x Adidas Campaign

The latest, sure-to-be-sold-out collection from Beyoncé and sportswear giant Adidas is officially on the way.

Yesterday, the official Ivy Park social media channels shared first-look images of Beyoncé modeling the newest gear, and in traditional Bey fashion, she looked absolutely stunning in the series of campaign photos. Keeping her makeup fresh and neutral and her honey-highlighted hair long and flowing, she showed off the Ivy Park x Adidas designs, which include flared track pants, cycling shorts, cropped hoodies, sweat suits, bodysuits, and even structured blazers.

The icon paired the sporty looks with different variations of her branded Adidas sneakers, including her leather Superstar platforms and the forthcoming neon-hued version of the Ultraboost; she also modeled a pair of clear PVC stilettos that are not part of the collection.

beyonce ivy park adidas


beyonce ivy park x adidas


“DRIP 2 October 30 #ThisIsMyPark,” read the caption alongside the photos, confirming the new collection’s release date.

The first iteration of the sportswear collab, which debuted back in January, featured a mostly monochromatic theme of maroon-colored merch, but with the second go-round, Beyoncé is featuring a more vibrant and diverse spectrum of colors, like neon yellow, emerald green, and minty blue.

beyonce ivy park adidas


beyonce ivy park adidas


Beyoncé first teased the release of the new drop on her personal Instagram, where she shared a digital mood board hinting at the look and aesthetic of the upcoming collection. In the vibrant clip, images of an open field, a forest, ivory statues, and zoomed-in shots of Bey herself rocking lime-green eyeliner flash on-screen behind the phrase “This is my park.”

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Shop the new collection here.

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Women's Fashion

Gucci is Back on Top as The World’s Hottest Brand

Photo by Streetstyleshooters/Getty Images

According to the Q3 Lyst Index.

Gucci is officially the world’s hottest brand again, taking out the top spot in the Lyst Index Q3 report, up two spots since last quarter.

The Alessandro Michele-led brand was last on top in Q2 of 2019 (though it has remained in the top three), dethroned by Off-White and then Nike most recently in Q2 of 2020 (this was the first time a non-luxury brand topped the ranking). Gucci nabbed the crown thanks to the livestream of its Epilogue collection which amassed a whopping 35 million views globally, its F/W20 campaign which featured self portraits of models in their own homes and the launch of a genderless section on its website. According to the report, page views for the brand were up 52 per cent year on year, too.

Off-White came in second, Nike in third, Prada in fourth and Balenciaga in fifth place. Fendi, Versace, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta and Valentino rounded out the top 10 in that order. Marine Serre made its first appearance on the list this quarter at number 20 – and its crescent moon-printed top was also the second hottest product of the season for women. Telfar’s shopping bag was the number one product for women this quarter. “Starting from the relatively accessible price of $150, Telfar’s motto ‘Not for you, for everyone’ sums up the new mood that has swept fashion – and the world,” the report notes. “As a Black-owned brand that stood for inclusivity long before the BLM movement, Telfar has been well placed to capture the increase in purpose-driven shopping, with demand for the bag spiking 270 per cent.”

In menswear, the Dior x Nike Air Jordan 1 sneaker came in at number one, followed by a lot of casualwear items, including Birkenstocks, Nike joggers, UGG slippers, Balenciaga socks, Patagonina shorts and an Off-White hoodie. Prada’s lug sole boots took the seventh spot, whilst an Adidas face mask came in ninth.

Interestingly, the report noted that although Q2 saw more of a lean towards athleisure items and the menswear category certainly skewing towards a more casual aesthetic this quarter, the desire for fashion pieces remains strong. “Despite gloomy predictions in recent months, and some commentators asking if people will ever dress up again, there are clear signals that consumers still love fashion — and not just sweatpants or hoodies. Shoppers are willing to spend on brands that spark excitement and joy, while categories associated with life B.C. such as bags and high heels are rising again, global uncertainty notwithstanding.”

To see the full report, click here.


Jessica Alba Gets Breakouts, Too

Jessica Alba has lived at least three different lives: Teen TV star turned blockbuster action heroine; modern domestic goddess and mom of three; and clean beauty pioneer. The founder of Honest Beauty, the clean beauty brand now available in Canada exclusively at Shoppers Drug Mart—is using these Unprecedented COVID Times to focus on the nucleus of her life that matters to her most: her family. Here, Alba shares her top quarantine skincare products, how she’s mastering TikTok dances with her daughters and why she’s urging her fellow Americans to vote on November 3.

Relatable: Jessica Alba had to hit reset on wellness this fall after “like four months of nonstop treats”

Alba tells me that after a summer of road trips with the family and endless “fun breakfasts,” she’s refocusing on her and her brood’s health. “I definitely put my health and wellness on the back burner and I just got into this mode of like ‘is it summer? Is it vacation? I don’t know,’” she tells me. “It was sort of a way to combat the monotony [of quarantine]. And then school was starting and I felt like getting into that routine was such a battle that I didn’t really take the health and wellness side into account the way that I should have. And now, I’m like, You know what? I’m ready to create those new, good, healthy habits. We’ve only got this one life and who knows how long we get to be here? I’m going to make the most of it.”

jessica alba 2020

Honest Beauty 3-in-1 Detox Mud Mask, $29.99,

Yes, Jessica Alba gets maskne, too

“2020,” Alba tells me with a laugh and an “of course I do” when I ask if she’s had to deal with another hallmark of this pandemic year: maskne. She says for her, the key to fighting face mask-related breakouts is with masking. “What’s nice about our Honest Beauty Detox Mud Mask is that it pulls out all the things you want with the activated charcoal and white bentonite but it also has shea butter and Manuka honey that keep you hydrated. I find there’s so much overkill with products that dry your skin out and don’t think about the nourishing aspect. So when I was formulating the mask with the team, my big ask was making sure it didn’t overly dry the skin.” She calls the deep cleansing mask a fan favourite.

Alba uses the purifying mask on the obvious areas affected by non-medical face mask wearing like the chin and jawline but says it does a great job on regular old breakouts as well. (Yes, she gets those, too.) “I also use it on my forehead. I have this really amazing spot, right between my eyebrows on my forehead, that really loves to break out,” she shares with a laugh.

Read this next: How to Deal with “Maskne”

The family that does their skincare together together, stays together

On the topic of face masks, Alba shares that doing a regular home facial has become a bit of a family affair. “I usually do a cleansing facial with Honor (12) and Haven (9). Haven doesn’t really need it, but she feels left out, and even my husband Cash [joins us] and we all use the Detox Mask.” 

The fam gets in on mom’s cleansing routine, too. “I use the Gentle Gel Cleanser, which doesn’t overly dry the skin. It’s great for everyone—Honor uses it, I use it, Cash uses it. Haven even uses it,” the clean beauty entrepreneur says with a laugh.

jessica alba 2020

Honest Beauty Beauty Facial Oil, $49.99,

Face oil is the GOAT

Alba typically follows a three-step skincare routine consisting of her brand’s gel cleanser, vitamin C serum and Hydrogel Cream. She layers on an indulgent facial oil, like Honest Beauty’s Beauty Facial Oil with avocado oil, apricot kernel, rose, ylang ylang and clove oils, for added hydrating when the California weather transitions from summer to “fall.” 

“For the fall in particular when it’s more windy—that’s kind of the difference between summer and fall [here], it goes from like 100 to 75 and then it’s more windy—I’ll incorporate our organic facial oil,” she told me with a chuckle, noting that those weather conditions are likely very different from Canada’s fall where we “actually get a real season.” We sure do *grimaces at the prospect of patio season ending.* She adds of her autumn skincare regimen: “I’ll give myself a quick little massage on the face and then I use the Hydrogel Cream which I leave on in a layer on my face, almost like icing on a cake, at night and it slowly penetrates as I’m sleeping.” 

Read this next: How to Use Facial Oils

She’s relishing this time at home

“[Quarantine] has really allowed me to spend quality time with my son. I remember I was back to work with Honor and Haven pretty full-time by the time they were three, four months old. And I didn’t get to really spend the toddler time with them,” she tells me of the silver lining of lockdown: time with her youngest, Hayes, who was born in 2017. “I’m not in the office every day, my husband’s not at his office every day, I’m usually on a plane travelling when I’m not shooting as well. So just being able to hunker down with the kids and be with them so much, especially Hayes, because he’s at the tail end of his baby stage, getting into this little boy phase—it’s just so special.” 

Alba says that being together 24/7, through all of life’s daily mundanities, has allowed the family of five to get to know each other even better—for better or for worse. “We’ve all gone through phases of being sick of each other, and it being too much, and then we went through phases of watching movies until midnight every night, and just learned so much about each other.” 

Alba, like most of us, says she’s a bad dancer

If you follow the mom of three on social media, you’ve likely seen her nailing TikTok dances with her daughters, something she started doing with them while filming the show L.A.’s Finest. “I would shoot for six months and the hours were so long that I just didn’t get the time to spend with the kids. I was seeing they were really into TikTok and so I wanted to do something that was out of my comfort zone, that I’m not good at, and they were going to teach me,” she says. “I thought it would build their confidence, so that they can be in charge and be the one to show me what to do. And it did. They’re so confident. They had to learn how to be patient with me because I’m not a quick learner.” We’ve seen Honey so we’re betting those moves came back quickly. 

Read this next: PSA: You’re Probably Overusing These Skincare Ingredients

jessica alba 2020

Honest Beauty Extreme Length Mascara + Primer, $22.99,

PSA: Honest Beauty Mascara is *honestly* amazing

“I love big, fat, fluffy lashes—I have pretty decent full lashes, but I want them to be even bigger,” she told me and honestly, absolutely same. But it wasn’t easy to develop a clean formula that met Alba’s standards. “It was really difficult to create a clean-formula mascara that gave me the volume and the length that I wanted,” Alba says. “When you’re formulating clean, you can’t just take a formula right off the shelf,” she explains. But develop a wildly effective formula, she did; a two-in-one wand that has both a lash primer and clean mascara that’s gentle on sensitive eyes. I, Jennifer Berry, Known Mascara Fanatic, decided upon first application this this mascara was truly one of the best I’d ever tried. After two months of use, it’s now a staple in my makeup bag. 

And Alba’s got a very good application tip to share: “The trick is to have the primer dry for 30 seconds before you apply the mascara. It’s basically hair extensions but for your lashes.” 

But Alba’s best tip? Get engaged in politics

You know that little U.S. presidential election happening November 3? Alba feels pretty strongly about the power of voting. “I’m cynical. I’m jaded. But the only thing you can do to even have a chance at having a seat at the table or to create change is to vote,” Alba tells me. “That’s the power that we have. You can complain about things and you can take a stand if you’re actually doing something about it. The only way that you’re going to change the course of your life and your future is by taking action, not by being passive.”

Alba says that while she’s verging on cynical, it’s not “in a way that’s doomsday.” She just considers herself realistic about the facts. “And still, I have hope that if we can, in some way, shape or form, get it together and vote, then we’ll be able to live at least in a version of the world that feels closer to our values, versus what’s happening right now.” 


Not Sure How to Train? Follow Along to This Trainer’s Strengthening Bodyweight Workout Plan

Having a workout plan to follow along to makes life so much easier, because you don’t have to worry about coming up with a last-minute workout, your days are already planned out, and all you have to do is show up and get to work. If you’re new to resistance training or you’ve taken some time off, it’s advised to start with bodyweight movements to get your body acclimated to bearing weight, to learn proper movement patterns, and to prevent overtraining and injury.

To help you get back into your groove, we tapped Kelsey Wells, a NASM-certified trainer and creator of the PWR programs on the SWEAT app, to create this one-week bodyweight workout plan. It was inspired by her 10-week PWR Zero Equipment program, and we have a feeling you’re going to love it.

It’s great for all levels, every workout takes under 30 minutes to do, and the variety of workouts will keep you mentally invested. You’ll be targeting all your major muscle groups with these workouts, and you’ll be improving your overall fitness levels while building strength (don’t be surprised if you notice lean muscle developing if you consistently follow this plan!).

If you want to get stronger, try a new style of training, or simply commit to moving weekly, give this workout plan a shot. PS: it can be repeated for four to six weeks!


Holidate 2: Everything We Know

Spoilers for Netflix’s Holidate ahead.

With the first two R-rated words of Holidate (“fucking holidays”), Netflix’s festive programming has officially begun. Their first film of the season debuted on October 28 and stars Emma Roberts as Sloane and Luke Bracey as Jackson—two holiday-weary singletons looking for platonic plus ones. They meet in a department store, both in line to return gifts after enduring Christmases they’d rather forget.

Sloane is sick of questions about her single status and sipping cocktails at the kids’ table. Jackson can’t face another holiday where he’s forced to meet the parents three dates in. Thus, the Holidate concept is born—no romance, just being each other’s date for every holiday in a calendar year. Surprise, surprise: The two end up falling for one another somewhere between St. Patrick’s Day and Fourth of July. But will Sloane and Jackson’s new relationship last another 365 days? And is Netflix planning on giving its latest holiday film a sequel?

Ahead, everything we know about plans for Holidate 2.

A Holidate sequel hasn’t been announced.

holidate 2020kristin chenoweth as aunt susan cr steve dietlnetflix

Kristin Chenoweth in Holidate.

Steve Dietl/NETFLIX

The movie, directed by John Whitesell and written by Tiffany Paulsen, was released just in time for everyone to complain that it’s too soon for a Christmas movie. As such, a follow-up film hasn’t been confirmed. If there were to be a sequel, perhaps it would focus on a different couple in Holidate. Sloane’s Aunt Susan (Kristin Chenoweth) and mother (Frances Fisher) both find love before the final credits. There’s also her older sister (Jessica Capshaw) and younger brother (Jake Manley), who face their own respective romantic foibles.

Netflix does love a romantic comedy franchise.

If there’s one thing Netflix likes doing, it’s taking a romantic comedy you enjoyed watching on a rainy afternoon and making four more. That was the case with A Christmas Prince and The Princess Switch, two popular offerings that have or will become trilogies. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and The Kissing Booth also spawned three movies each in as many years. The question may be less about when Holidate will get a second movie than when it will become a three-peat.

It would likely premiere in 2022 or later.

holidate 2020emma roberts as sloane reed and luke bracey as jackson cr steve dietlnetflix

Emma Roberts and Luke Bracey in Holidate.

Steve Dietl/NETFLIX

A Holidate sequel is purely hypothetical at this point, so there’s no release date. However, filming on a new movie would likely be delayed as Roberts is expecting her first child with boyfriend Garrett Hedlund. That means late 2022 is the very earliest one could expect Holidate 2: Election Day Should Be A Holiday. (My working title.)

Watch Holidate

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    Waking Up With Queen Naija

    The to-do list? Long. Organization game? Strong. But, Queen Naija gets things done. On today’s Waking Up With, the “Medicine” singer takes us through her jam-packed morning. It starts with daily devotionals and a quick skincare routine. Her product lineup comes from Black-owned businesses including Ancient Cosmetics, The Glow Collection, and Fenty Beauty. From there, she’s getting her kids ready for breakfast and prepping her vocals for an upcoming album release. “The life of trying to be a singer, a mom, a teacher, all of that at the same time? Trust me, it’s not easy,” she says, “But we get it done.”

    Pre-save her upcoming album MissUnderstood

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    Women's Fashion

    Canadian Costume Designer Avery Plewes on Dressing The Craft: Legacy

    Photography courtesy of Sony Pictures.

    See all the witchy wardrobe magic now on-demand.

    “I definitely dressed a little Craft-influenced in high school and into my early twenties,” costume designer Avery Plewes says when asked about what the movie’s memorable wardrobing meant to her. Plewes­ – who won a CAFTCAD award earlier this year for her work on Ready or Not – was part of the crew who contributed to The Craft: Legacy, a new take on the 1996 cult classic film that centered around the story of four young witches who weren’t just dealing with the perils involved in making magic, but also the trials and tribulations that teenagers endure from bullying and alienation to unrequited love.

    The new Zoe Lister-Jones-directed 2020 iteration isn’t a remake, but rather a re-envisioning for contemporary times. And for that reason, Plewes resolved not to simply fall back on the ‘90s styles worn by the original cast. “Something I wanted to do with this movie was to not re-create what had already been done” Plewes notes.  “I didn’t think that was a good idea. I wanted each girl to feel like an individual, so I grew on that based on the elements that they represent.”

    the craft legacy
    Photography courtesy of Sony Pictures.

    Plewes began by selecting crystals for each of the four main cast members – ones that connect to the ‘elements of ritual’ each girl symbolizes (earth, fire, air, water); then she built a current, Wiccan-worthy wardrobe around them. Lily, the central character played by Cailee Spaeny, is ‘water’ in the film, so Plewes selected aquamarine as her crystal and assembled a wardrobe featuring blue tones, tie-dye pieces and pearly accessories (fun fact: a pair of earrings Lily wears consistently throughout the movie were procured from landmark Toronto vintage destination, Courage My Love).

    Lourdes, played by trans actress Zoey Luna, embodies ‘earth’ and her malachite-influenced looks are composed of many pieces done in plaid and velvet (with the colour green featuring heavily, naturally). The fiery, sunstone-inspired wardrobe for Tabby, played by Lovie Simone, boasts lots of colour-blocking, orange camo and flame-detailed accessories. And Frankie, played by Gideon Adlon, has an eclectic sense of style that Plewes says represents the kind of “chaos” that comes during the impressionable years when we’re finding ourselves. “You might try a bunch of different styles that seem inconsistent,” Plewes says of teenage style–and this flux pairs perfectly with Frankie’s element of air (which was matched with amethyst).

    Plewes says she found additional insight for the costume design in one of her “all-time favourite” books by Sam Knee called Untypical Girls: Styles and Sounds of the Transatlantic Indie Revolution. “I brought the book to my interview for getting the job,” she says. “[It’s] just a real way of looking at how ‘outcast’ girls dress.” The allure of the outsider is perhaps why the pull of ‘90s fashion still lingers, even though Plewes resisted mimicking outfits and instead looked to the decade as a fount of inspiration.

    “I think it was the era of subcultures,” she says of why we’re still drawn to that era of supermodels, sportswear and neon crop tops. There were all of these subcultures that came to the forefront of society, and it was a time of mixing a lot of eras; it’s when vintage became something that was really cool. Historically, wearing things that were old was never really en vogue until you hit the ’90s. Then there was a permission to mix and match things in a way that wasn’t ever allowed before.” (Speaking to the potency of designs from eras past, Plewes referenced the work of Paco Rabanne when developing a dress entirely made of safety pins for Lourdes to wear during a house party scene).

    the craft legacy
    Photography courtesy of Sony Pictures.

    Just as Plewes felt a calling to navigate each character’s sense of style in a way that exemplified their element, she also wanted to explore something that she felt was lacking in a lot of teen movies from the past. “Something that was important to me, and what I think has historically been lacking in teen movies with female leads, is an exploration of gender through style,” she says, adding that when she and three friends – her “little coven”, as she calls them – were dressing throughout adolescence, “there were days I wore really short skirts and fitted clothing, and others where I’d wear baggy, oversized t-shirts and baggy pants. When you’re a teenager, you’re really figuring out who you are, and [discovering] your sexuality and gender identity to a certain extent. I wanted young people to see that exploration visually, through the clothes. When you have young women on camera who wear only one sort of style of clothing or only adhere to one certain style, what we end up with is seeing women as very one-dimensional [figures] within society.”

    Given this, The Craft: Legacy is sure to have the same kind of impact on the teens of today as it did for the generation before – but no only because of its sensitive and nuanced take on style. The 2020 film also amplifies the same powerful messaging as its predecessor. “The way the girls were empowered in the original movie resonated more with me than some of the other teen movies I grew up watching,” Plewes recalls. “[These] young girls were given permission to be empowered, but also to be weird. I’ve always felt like a bit of an outcast, so I think that’s why it resonated with me.”

    Plewes was also able to keep another connection to her youth close during the movie’s filming in Toronto, as her long-time friend, Aerin Fogel – an astrologist, tarot reader and the founder of the music-centric Venus Fest – was hired as an on-set witch consultant. “There’s often a divide with work and personal life and friends, especially in film because you have no personal life,” Plewes says with a laugh. “To do this project that was so special to both of us, and to have her be witness to what I do and vice versa, was really special and kind of a testament to the movie as well, in terms of that idea of women supporting women.”

    This notion is definitely a timely concept, and Plewes also highlights how of-the-moment another theme in the film is given the context of 2020. “You see four young women who’ve had to overcome things, and they found each and they thrive,” she says. “Everyone is trying to find ways to thrive right now. We’re at a point in society where people are very divided, and the coven represents people finding camaraderie and support.”


    Emily Ratajkowski’s Pregnancy Reveal Video | Vogue

    In this exclusive cover video, Emily Ratajkowski reveals her pregnancy. Director Lena Dunham describes the short film as “the opposite of a People magazine baby announcement.”

    “Chrome Country” performed by Oneohtrix Point Never, courtesy of Warp Records:

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    Vogue is the authority on fashion news, culture trends, beauty coverage, videos, celebrity style, and fashion week updates.

    Emily Ratajkowski’s Pregnancy Reveal Video | Vogue


    Michael Kors’ All-American Cowboy Collection – #TBT With Tim Blanks –

    Classic silhouettes and luxurious staples have long been Michael Kors’ M.O. The enduring designer gets the Throwback Thursday treatment in this episode, with Tim Blanks reminiscing about Kors’ cowboy-inspired Fall 1999 show, which paid homage to his red-white-and-blue roots. Kors himself summed it up best: “I’m a real American boy.”

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    The Scene:

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    Michael Kors’ All-American Cowboy Collection – #TBT With Tim Blanks –

    Starring: Tim Blanks
    Featuring: Michael Kors


    8 Pretty Yoga Mats That’ll Inspire Your Morning Flow

    Since many of us are relying on at-home workouts to get our exercise in right now, a yoga mat is a practical item to invest in. However, just because it’s a functional piece of fitness gear, doesn’t mean it can’t also be a beautiful addition to your home decor.

    With the variety of patterns and colors available online, you can find a pretty yoga mat that suits any style – if you know where to look.

    Luckily, we did the work for you. Keep reading to check out our picks for the most Instagram-worthy yoga mat options out there. From collaborations with world renowned art studios to celestial-inspired prints, these mats are almost too pretty to use.


    Here Are All the Theories About the Lips on The Masked Singer

    Okay, The Masked Singer fans. The Los Angeles Dodgers took home the World Series on Tuesday night, in case your L.A. friends didn’t already obnoxiously share this news on social media (it’s fine, I’m from a Cardinals family and we’re just as bad). This means Fox can give the night back to the reality competition show that’s so ridiculous, it’s helping us make it through the dark and terrible year that is 2020.

    Tonight, we’ll meet Group C: Broccoli, Jellyfish, Lips, Mushroom, and Squiggly Monster.

    Yes, all of these costumes are absolutely ridiculous, but let’s focus on just one. At the beginning of the season, we got a preview of the Lips, who, like the rest of the characters in Group C, has not yet performed. The costume is, quite literally, a pair of glittery lips with long, black, sequin-adorned gloves.

    This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Here’s what the Lips said in the first round of clues last month: “If you want a hint about me, I own who I am. I know that my voice can go high, but my dishes go deep.” In an effort to refrain from making one million COVID-related face-mask jokes that can only apply to this character, let’s go through all the best fan theories so far.


    oprah's 2020 vision your life in focus tour opening remarks   san francisco, ca

    Steve JenningsGetty Images

    The clue “I OWN who I am” seemed to tip people off to Oprah’s OWN network, though Oprah is not exactly known for her singing voice, so this still seems like a long shot.

    Lisa Rinna

    celebrity sightings in new york city   february 11, 2020

    Pierre SuuGetty Images

    Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Rinna is known for putting on a pouty expression, Men’s Health notes. “Own it” is also Rinna’s catchphrase on the show… This seems like a better guess than Oprah.

    Fans are weighing in on Youtube:

    the masked singer lisa rinna


    Wendy Williams

    wendy williams honored with star on the hollywood walk of fame

    Leon BennettGetty Images

    This is actually a very popular theory, maybe second to the one about Rinna. In fact, in some of the the comments on YouTube, folks are convinced the talk-show host is the Lips. Here’s one pretty well-formed theory:




    the tonight show starring jimmy fallon   season 7

    NBCGetty Images

    The Drag Race host seems to be in the running for the Lips, simply because fans love to connect him to The Masked Singer and really want him to be behind one of the costumes. One Youtube comment went so far as to associate him with the clues line about a “lip-sync.”

    Martha Stewart

    seth rogen  martha stewart in conversation with dr heather berlin

    Roy RochlinGetty Images

    The reference to “my dishes” could point to Stewart or a Food Network star, but the cooking reference is really all people are going with here.

    Maybe we’ll find out the answer tonight. After all, this is one pair of lips we’re allowed to unmask in 2020. Sorry, I almost made it through without a COVID joke. Just let me have this one.

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    Nina Garcia Speaks About Her Own Experiences As Breast Cancer Awareness Month Ambassador

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and ELLE Editor-in-Chief Nina Garcia has partnered with AiRS (Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery) Foundation to speak about her own experience. Garcia, who underwent a preventative double mastectomy last year, serves as an ambassador for the non-profit. Founded by Janet Denlinger, Morgan Hare, and Dr. Rod Rohrich, the organization financially supports women who have had mastectomies in getting breast reconstruction. AiRS also offers education, resources, and grants for patients as they weigh their surgical options.

    “I was drawn into supporting the Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery Foundation because of my own experience,” Garcia says in an interview for the organization. “In 2015, I discovered that I had a gene mutation that put me at high risk for breast cancer. After years of closely monitoring my condition under the care of excellent doctors, I made one of the most important decisions I’ve ever had to make—to undergo a preventative double mastectomy. I decided to have reconstructive surgery on the same day.” A difficult recovery process was made bearable by dedicated doctors and Garcia’s support system, she explains. “Unfortunately, not every woman has the same access that I did. Hopefully, with the help of the AiRS Foundation, this can begin to change.”

    Garcia disclosed her BRCA gene mutation diagnosis and decision to undergo surgery in an ELLE essay shortly before the operation. She wrote about how finding an “incredible community of strong women” who also had mastectomies helped her feel confident about the process. “For the first time in years, a dark cloud lifted, and I felt a sense of relief and clarity about my choice,” Garcia continued, a feeling which inspired the telling of her own story. “So when I went into that operating room I felt, ‘I can do this,'” she says in the AiRS video.

    This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Breast reconstruction played a large role in Garcia’s healing process and is healthcare all women should have access to, she explains. “The AiRS Foundation’s mission speaks to me as an immigrant from Colombia, knowing all too well there are so many women in Colombia and around the world who have no access to mammograms and they’re unnecessarily dying from breast cancer,” she says. AiRS is one of the non-profits working to close the gap and has “done an amazing job educating (women) on surgical options, assisting them with understanding health insurance—what kind of coverage they have or not, and ultimately assisting them with the cost of reconstructive surgery,” Garcia says.

    In a month dedicated to educating women about breast cancer and searching for a cure, Garcia says she’s grateful for her own experience: “I know how important options are when it comes to breast cancer, the BRCA gene, and undergoing surgery because I had those options.”

    Read more about breast cancer risk and prevention here.

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    Women's Fashion

    Rebag Launches Designer Watches and Fine Jewelry

    rebag watches bulgari

    Courtesy of Rebag / PAUL DE LUNA

    Since Rebag’s founding in 2014, the reseller site has built a small empire of gently-used designer used bags, everything from vintage Fendi to one-of-a-kind Hermès Birkins. Earlier this year, they launched a selection of accessories, and now the company is expanding even further by venturing into watches and fine jewelry.

    rebag watch

    Van Cleef & Arpels diamonds, anyone?

    Courtesy of Rebag / PAUL DE LUNA

    Starting today, not only can shoppers select from Rebag’s edit of timepieces and jewels, they can also sell their own heirlooms for an instant online payment or Rebag credit. This new product category further’s the retailer’s mission of encouraging customers to create a sustainable, revolving door wardrobe. Buy, wear, sell, repeat.

    All of the heavy hitters are represented: Rolex Datejusts are curated alongside Tiffany &. Co., Bvlgari, and more, so you can drop a new timepiece into your shopping bag while picking up this fall’s hottest carry-all. Entry-level prices start at around $180, but skyrocket to almost six figures for rarer pieces like a diamond-encrusted Patek Philippe. Casual.

    You’ve been telling yourself to stop staring at your phone in quarantine. What better way to start keeping track of time than with a brand “new” Rolex?

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    Women's Fashion

    Emily Ratajkowski’s Pregnancy Style File

    Photo by Raymond Hall/GC Images

    We chart the model’s best maternity looks.

    Yesterday, model Emily Ratajkowski announced she is expecting her first child via a special digital edition Vogue cover and hours later, the mom-to-be was already putting her stellar pregnancy style on display.

    Stepping out in New York mere hours after the news broke, Ratajkowski looked thrilled to show off her changing figure (she’s currently 20 weeks along). The model wore the black bodycon “Gigi” midi dress by Aya Muse with cut-out panels at the side which highlighted her growing bump, paired with dark sunglasses, red knee-high boots, chunky gold bracelets and a sizeable black clutch.

    Photo by Gotham/GC Images

    To coincide with the announcement, Ratajkowski shared a powerful essay on pregnancy and motherhood with the website. In the piece, she touched on gender stereotypes (“I like the idea of forcing as few gender stereotypes on my child as possible,” she wrote), the pressure of pregnancy reveals, her fears of raising a son (though she doesn’t yet know the gender of her child) in this world and the myriad opinions that you’re bombarded with when carrying a child. She is, however, looking forward to what is to come. “I’m too humbled to have any false notions of control. I’m completely and undeniably helpless when it comes to almost everything surrounding my pregnancy: how my body will change, who my child will be. But I’m surprisingly unbothered. Instead of feeling afraid, I feel a new sense of peace. I’m already learning from this person inside my body. I’m full of wonder.”

    We suspect the above is just the start of an epic maternity wardrobe. Stay tuned for more looks.


    I Tried This Sugar-Free Simple Syrup, and It’s Now a Staple in My Coffee and Cocktails

    One of the many downfalls of being diagnosed with PCOS is that I am more prone to insulin resistance. This means I need to be mindful of my sugar and simple carb intake, and eat a primarily low-carb and low-sugar diet. Luckily, I’ve gotten creative with how I can enjoy my favorite foods (hello, chickpea rice and pizza crusts!), and when Swoon Zero Sugar Simple Syrup ($12) came across my desk, I couldn’t wait to try it.

    Simple syrup may seem like a pretty niche product, but my husband and I always have a homemade batch of it in our fridge. We boil one part white table sugar with one part water and have it on hand for cocktails, coffee, or anything else that might need a touch of sweetness. The problem is one ounce of regular simple syrup is 70 calories and 17 grams of sugar. By comparison, Swoon has zero calories and zero grams of sugar per ounce, and doesn’t have any sugar alcohols. It’s sweetened with monk fruit, a calorie-free and sugar-free sweetener that’s derived from a small fruit native to southern China. Other ingredients in Swoon include water, natural flavors, gum acacia, xanthan gum, and lactic acid.

    You can use Swoon just like simple syrup, and substitute it in the same ratio in recipes. One ounce of Swoon has zero calories and zero grams of sugar. I’ve been using it to make my coffee a little sweeter and to sweeten my homemade cocktails. To me, it tastes just like regular simple syrup and I don’t notice a weird aftertaste like some sugar-free sweeteners have. Instead of a jar of simple syrup, I now keep my fridge stocked with Swoon. One bottle has a pretty long shelf life — it just doesn’t last that long in my fridge.

    Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Christina Stiehl

    Swoon Zero Sugar Simple Syrup

    Swoon Zero Sugar Simple Syrup

    Buy Now


    Lady Gaga Voted in Sky-High Pink Platform Boots, a Chromatica Sweatshirt, and No Pants

    Lady Gaga dressed like Lady Gaga to go drop off her absentee ballot in California—and yes, she posted footage of her strut to the ballot box. The pop star dressed in one of her go-to styles this summer in quarantine: an oversized sweatshirt (this one is Chromatica merch), a complementary mask (a Chromatica one too), and statement shoes. Pants were absent from the ensemble.

    But sky-high heels weren’t: Gaga opted to wear seven-inch, $130 metallic pink platform boots, according to Page Six. They’re available on if anyone wants to copy the look:

    Demonia SLAY-301 Women’s Mid-Calf & Knee High Boots, Pink, 10



    Gaga dramatically put her ballot in the box and then struck a pose. It may be one of the most extra celeb voting videos out there, but you have to love the spirit. “Category: Ballot Drop Off Realness,” Gaga captioned the IG.

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    This is Gaga’s second post encouraging people to vote in the 2020 election in the last week. On October 24, she posed with her absentee ballot. “Ballot’s here! And it’s #VoteEarlyDay!” she wrote. “Today’s the perfect day to join the 46 million people who have already cast their ballots in the 2020 election. Check out to make your plan to vote early now!”

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Gaga has not endorsed any candidate officially, but in 2017, she released a sexual assault PSA with Democratic nominee Joe Biden for the It’s On Us campaign that Biden and Former President Barack Obama launched in 2014.

    She also publicly condemned President Donald Trump for fueling racism in May 2020. She wrote in a statement on the Black Lives Matter movement, posted to her Twitter, that “we have known for a long time that President Trump has failed. He holds the most powerful office in the world, yet offers nothing but ignorance and prejudice while Black lives continue to be taken. We have known he is a fool, and a racist, since he took office. He is fueling a system that is already rooted in racism, and racist activity, and we can all see what is happening. It’s time for a change.”

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    Black Cancer Patients Don’t Have Wigs That Represent Them. One Cancer Survivor Is Changing That.

    Black hair is complex. It’s tied to our identity and our history, and is often the first thing that’s noticed, admired, and judged about us. For Black women battling cancer, losing their hair can take on more layers than our white counterparts. And for Dianne Austin, a cancer survivor and women of color, the process of losing her hair and not finding a wig that matched her 3b to 4c coily texture added yet another layer of difficulty.

    “When I went to the hospital, I was being treated at to get a wig, I realized they didn’t have any coily or curly wig styles,” she tells “I went to some other major hospitals in the Boston area and found that those hospitals and boutiques didn’t carry wigs that looked like my hair at all. It was all just straight wigs or wavy wigs.”

    Instead of getting frustrated or settling for a straight wig, Austin went to work. Alongside natural hair blogger Pamela Shaddock, the duo started Coils To Locs, a medical wig resource for women of color looking for our hair patterns represented—kinky, coily, braided, and locs.

    Below, Austin opens up about how the business came about, the healthcare disparities for women of color, and how the wig is more than just a wig for cancer patients.

    What inspired you to come up with Coils To Locs?

    The business is actually based on my experience as a cancer patient. I’m a breast cancer survivor in remission. During the process of learning that I was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, I learned that I would be losing all of my hair and be given a wig subscription. My oncologist told me that I could go to any cancer center boutique with my wig prescription and get a wig. My health insurance would cover the cost of wig prescriptions.

    When I went to the hospital I was being treated at to get a wig, I realized they didn’t have any coily or curly wig styles. I went to some other major hospitals in the Boston area and found that those hospitals and boutiques didn’t carry wigs that looked like my hair at all. It was all just straight wigs or wavy wigs.

    The hospital store told me that I could buy a straight wig and have it taken to a medical salon for styling. For me, this was very frustrating because I remember thinking, “Ok, so I paid for a wig that doesn’t look like my hair and then take it and have to spend more money out of my pocket to kink up the wig?” That just didn’t make sense to me. That’s when the light bulb went off in my head that this isn’t right.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    Do you see the lack of wigs for women of color as a healthcare disparity?

    It’s a healthcare disparity for a number of reasons. One, if you are fortunate enough, as I am, to have really good health insurance that covers the cost of these medical wigs and then to not be able to use your wig, just because these hospitals are not meeting your needs as a patient—that’s a disparity. You have a population of patients who cannot get products that you are technically making available for all patients. I was denied the opportunity to use my health insurance.

    I think you touched on something common with Black individuals navigating the healthcare industry. There is care available, but we can’t benefit from the care in the same way. Were other women having that same problem?

    It was during that idea stage when we started doing the market validation piece that we came across other women who validated that problem. We had conversations and we kept hearing that this is a problem. They recognized it as a problem. Physicians did, nurses in the oncology space, and those who are on the administrative side who were helping to find resources for women all agreed. And then the cancer center retailers themselves.

    There was a lack of understanding that one size doesn’t fit all, that not every woman wants a wig with straight hair. And quite frankly, not every woman wants to wear a wig when they lose their hair. But for those women who do want to wear a wig, they should have options.

    Also, with the shift of black women going natural, we know that this shift has been happening.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    As a Black women, I know that there are a multitude of things that we’d like to do with our natural hair. How did you decide on the styles of Black hair you feature?

    We really are trying to stay on top of the trends in a number of ways. We ask for opinions around the styles and feedback from clients. And then we just watch what’s going on in the social media sphere. We’re constantly watching videos and on Pinterest and all the places where there is a really strong natural hair care movement to see what the trends are right now.

    We’re still trying to find a really quality rated wig that doesn’t require glue. We have a few samples and we’re testing them right now. We do have some braided wigs that we could roll out that we’re still working on, but we do have a couple of loc styles that we want to roll out soon.

    One of the messages on your site says, “We are more than just wig.” What inspired that thinking?

    We want people to understand that a wig isn’t a vanity purchase for many women. Losing your hair for medical reasons or for any reason affects people. You have traction alopecia or whatever it is, which can be very traumatic, and a wig allows you to maintain your sense of dignity, your sense of self when you’re going through a very difficult process like chemotherapy. It allows you to look in the mirror and have a feeling of control over your life, because the disease and the treatment takes away so much from you. It’s so debilitating to go through chemo. It’s so archaic to me.

    “We want people to understand that a wig isn’t a vanity purchase for many women.”

    I often say to people, I’m hoping 25 years from now, people will look back and say, that process is so barbaric. Putting chemicals in and killing all the cells, good cells and bad cells, in order to save someone’s life. But when you go through that process, there were times when I couldn’t walk two feet without having to sit down. In one case, I laid down on the floor because I just couldn’t take another step.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    I mentioned all the hair loss—you lose your lashes, your brows—but your nails can also blacken and fall off. In my case, not all the nails. But when I say blacken, I mean black nails. The soles of hands and feet turn really, really dark, like gray. My skin started graying, it doesn’t look like it does now. There’s so many things happening with this chemotherapy process. And to be able to have some control over the way you look and maintain your dignity and sense of self is what makes these wigs more than just a wig. It’s not just because someone wants to cover up their bald scalp. It’s not important. And so this brings me to the investor process, where I’ve been at many networking events and I’ve done pitches and things like that where people have actually said, “Well, it’s just a wig, what’s the big deal?” or “Can’t they just go and get a wig somewhere?” No.

    How can we support the brand?

    We recently partnered with a hospital, Memorial Hermann in Texas, that purchased wigs for donation. The hospital purchased the wigs at a wholesale cost and donated them. The same is true with a medical salon that we partnered with earlier. We’ve also been trying to get into a conversation with the American Cancer Society for quite a while. We’ve had some difficulty in making connections. To be quite honest, I’m hoping that interviews like this may help open those doors.

    In regards to giveback, one of the things that Pamela and I have talked about is, it’s really hard oftentimes if you’re going through cancer and going through treatments to meet life’s other demands. You may need help with transportation. You may need help with daycare. You may need food delivered. We are wondering if there are ways that we can give back when we get to the point where we’re able to do that, which quite frankly, we’re hoping it will be in the next 12 months because that’s important.

    What do you think is next for Coils To Locs?

    We want to control the production of wigs as opposed to sourcing overseas, which is what we’re doing now. We want to bring jobs to the U.S. We want to control the manufacturing because women, Black women in particular, we are spending billions of dollars in the Black hair care industry, but we don’t own most of the businesses that are making these billions of dollars and we want to change that dynamic. We would love to be able to explore. For example, technology. Are there wigs that are currently made by hand with a sewing machine?

    We also want to produce Black mannequin heads because the mannequin heads that exist now have Caucasian features and are painted brown. We would also like to do some research around creating wigs for children and men, because there’s a definite gap in that market as well. And the other important thing that we love to be able to do in the next 12 months is add augmented reality to our websites so that people can try the wigs on virtually. Those are all on our list of things that we really want to accomplish.

    black women with wig company


    This interview was edited for clarity and length.

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    Women's Fashion

    How to Watch Kimberly Jenkins’ Virtual Talk on Racism in the Fashion Industry Tomorrow

    Photography courtesy of Ryerson University. Design by Kayleen Dicuangco.

    The Fashion and Race Database founder will be joined by Robin Givhan and Sherri McMullen.

    At 4:30pm EST tomorrowyou can virtually join a conversation led by the founder of The Fashion and Race Database, Kimberly Jenkins, featuring renowned fashion journalist Robin Givhan and luxury retail entrepreneur Sherri McMullen. The conversation is the third and final instalment of a series Jenkins created in partnership with Holt Renfrew’s H Project (which focuses on spotlighting international artisanal practices). 

    Jenkins, who is also a professor at Toronto’s Ryerson University, introduced the ‘Retail as a Portal’ discussion series in order to examine, uncover and understand the systemic racism within the fashion industry which has caused issues from brand’s releasing racist designs to a profound lack of diversity behind the scenes.

    “As an educator teaching fashion history and theory, I was disenchanted with the lack of diverse resources in my field to work with and was troubled by the insidious influence of ‘race’ when it comes to beauty and power in fashion,” Jenkins said in a press release sent out in advance of the upcoming event. “The goal for the database is to centre and amplify BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of colour) fashion scholarship, illuminate under-examined histories, and address racism throughout the fashion system. What’s more, this platform will provide hands-on research and publishing opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students and showcase exciting work from established BIPOC writers and allies.”

    Want to tune in? Register for the free event here.