10 No-Slip Bottoms Perfect For Indoor Spinning


With much of the year moved to distanced outdoor activities or solo ones inside, many of us have had to rethink our favorite workouts. Although a group Spin class may not be a reality for those of us who are itching to clip-in, at-home bikes are. Whether you’re like this editor who recently ditched her budget for an armchair for her new apartment in favor of an at-home Spin bike, or you’ve been a longtime at-home biker, there’s plenty of gear to make your workout as comfortable as can be.

These 10 bottoms from Under Armour boast a snug — but not too tight — fit that won’t slip once you start pedaling. Keep browsing to see 10 shorts and leggings that make perfect companions for anyone who doesn’t want to worry about the comfort of their gear once their Spinning starts.

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